2022 APP ワールドツアー SUPの世界大会がグランカナリアで開催されました


現地時間11月19日~11月27日 SUP(スタンドアップパドル)のプロアマ世界大会が開催されました

APP (Association of Paddlesurf Professionals) SUP GRAN CANARIA PRO-AM











Cran Canaria Pro Am 2022 | Welcome to Gran Canaria Pro Am 2022 | By APP World Tour | probaste algo nuevo. ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. O cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. Oh y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué, sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. Buenos días. welcome to Gran Canaria . We are here en Las Palmas for the EPP world to Gran Canaria and Pro on Oliver Soucont and Join Boy Burningsen? Yeah Super excited to be here Ollie. What a great day. We have. The sun’s starting to come out. We’ve seen the competitors heading down for the first heat. So, a great day action ahead. It’s going to be awesome. We’ve got the the juniors who are going to be in the water first and yeah, sun’s out. Swell’s looking good. It’s it’s going to be building throughout throughout the day. Hopefully, and yeah, it’s going to be some amazing conditions on on on offer and it’s going to be fun to see everyone ripping out there. That’s right. Yeah, few lefts coming through. Uh the break here at Lassiser and we’ve we’ll see yeah we’ve seen some great action over the last couple of days. It’s been a little bit windy but today the wind has dropped. We have some, yeah, really nice waves out there coming through. Like we said, the juniors are going to be hitting the water. Uh the junior boys first off and we’ve actually been taking a little walk around the athletes tent and just checking out the boards have been running. Yeah, there’s some there’s some interesting boards out there. So, we got some different some different size some different shapes. Uh there’s a few, yeah, like surprisingly short, short boards for for what’s up but yeah, this what what we’re going to see is going to be, yeah, I’m guessing like a variety of of of different different sizes and graphs out there, bud. That’s right. Yeah. Couple of years since actually surf events on APP Tour have have been running. So, first event back, hopefully the level’s going to be through the roof. We’ll see a lot of progression, a lot of innovation out there today. Bit more of a beach break kind of style wave. We’ll be looking at kind of a left point as well. So, yeah, lots on offer, lots of opportunities for the riders out there today and I hope that, I hope that we see some great action. Yeah, that like, as you were saying, it’s been three years. So, two, 2019 was the last what’s up surf event we had out and that was here in Las Panamas at where we, where we finish off the final, and yeah, it’s, it’s amazing to be back here for twenty twenty-two, and it’s, who, who, who, who are we going to, who, who you excited to see and. Oh, so many people. I mean, just in the junior division, there’s there’s so many names. Couple of juniors from Denmark. I’ve been speaking with over the last couple of days is they’re going to have some really tough competition against guys like Capona Fukuda from Japan and also Pedro Vega from Brazil. Yeah, who’s only 11 years old? Exactly. So, yeah, lots of tough competition. And Zane Sands as well from Hawaii top seed going into this event. Nice and then after after the boys were going to be running, running the girls juniors as well. That’s right. Yeah. So excited to see some of the women from there. We have Annabelle Page from the UK. Uh exciting to see her competing in this event. And also some women who were competing in the Euro Sup. Uh the European Championship. So it’d be exciting to to see those girls competing. And it’s it’s Monday morning over here in Las Potamus. Few people going to work. Few few surfers out already. There’s a lot of a lot of people walking, jogging, kind of doing their morning exercise. Yeah we could see Tucker in a way and Beno heading out for a surf session. Looks like they’re on the long boards practicing for the long board division at this event which is again amazing to see that they have embraced Sup Longboarding. It’s like I just putting on his leash there. I can’t wait to see that. The last time the APP had that was over in New York. That’s right. Yeah, so that was in in in twenty nineteen. It’s going to it’s going to be good to see what kind of maneuvers, what they’re up to, see to see the level of progression as well in in a longboard stuff and. Yeah definitely. Just watching a few of the guys yesterday even though the conditions were lumpy, bumpy. Kinda big out there as well. The long waters are just hanging five, hanging ten through some crazy sections. So, yeah, super exciting to see that. As we get the first glimpse at our surf break. So, you can see it’s a bit of a left point setup. Ben White just punching out through the white water. Have you surfed out here? Before Ollie? Yes, sir. Had a fun session out here yesterday. We we like kind of, on, on the right of, of where the left is now, and there’s, there’s a few different sections to the, to, to this wave, isn’t there, buddy? Yeah, there definitely is. I had a paddle out there on the left yesterday and it’s pretty sketchy out there. There’s actually a boils and there’s a couple of rocks on low tide that stick out of the water and you gotta position yourself right next to that because just to the side of that, it’s deep water. So, you really have to be on the spot to catch your waves. As we see some of our competitors, think that is the inner way. One of the sisters paddling out. Our top seed, Zane heading down. Here is Shaka to the camera. He’s ready. He’s been out here practicing. He has. Yeah. Ripping as always. is an exciting Grom to watch. I saw a video of him surfing backdoor on a what’s up in Hawaii and he was getting some mean barrels and he he’s 17 years old. So, this is this is insane. And and he’s from Oahu. So, this is sort of that’s kind of like his his normal playground, right? Like. Sure. Growing up there over there and. Yeah, that’s true. For us, normal surfers. It’s just, it seems the next level. and yeah, there’s a few, there’s a different sections. I mean, there is, there’s an insight on offer as well. We we do have a right hander and but I guess the the main part of La Sisa or what what we’re going to be seeing later on is that left coming through and then it’s just gives that option for having like long, workable sections. That’s right. Yeah. It was interesting watching this morning that it seemed like the smaller ones were holding up a little bit more, a bit more face to work with. It’s deeper section while the big ones kind of just went into that deeper water into that that kind of mushy section. So, it’d be interesting to see what the competitors are going to do, where they’re going to sit, which waves are going to select. Yeah. And on screen, just on screen there, you can see there was that little right hander that we surfed. Yesterday, as we see our first heat competitors heading out. We’re going to go to a short commercial break and we’ll be joining the action with round one of the junior boys. es nuestra flor autóctona. que hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar mar mar y a campo campo. más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ah welcome de Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Gran Canaria s here parnection excieted to be wow opening the event. It’s Monday morning here in Grand Canaria. Little bit cloudy. Sun’s going to be popping through soon. We’re in the north of the island. Las Parmas, the capital, Grand Canaria. Yeah. Bo, how you feeling about the conditions today? Good. I mean, yeah, like I was saying before the condition looked really fun. You can see here, this is Lasisare, one of the surf breaks in Grand Canaria. We got a few of the free down the beach there. That is a bit of a right hander. Bit of a left as well. Pretty punchy beach break actually. But the main main contest area is going to be straight out in front of where we are sitting and the event site which is a left-hand point break and here it is. So you can see some of our competitors there getting some practice in before the event kicks off this morning. and some fairly long rides coming through on offer at the back, right? There are. Predominantly the left but there are some, you know, you get the occasional right as well off here. That’s true. Yeah, the right kind of goes into the rock wall which sticks out and the competitors paddle out through there. Bit of deep water. Make it easy for them. Yeah, we’ll see if length of ride comes into it and if they get the sections on offer but ideally, I think the competitors are looking for those big outside turns to be able to get the scores but we do see a further longboard sub-surfers catching a few waves. As we hear the beach announcer clearing the area for the free surfers. This is going to be the junior boys. Heat number one, round number one. 25-minute heat. 25-minute heats, that’s correct. And here we go. The lineup for round one. Heat one. Junior boys under 18. Zane Zanes will be in the red. Pedro Viga from Brazil. Andrew Noel. From France. And Vince Dushno. Now he is actually a local surfer. But from from Fuer Ventura. Uh based over in Coraleto. Over there in the in the capital of Fuerte. So yeah hopefully he makes a few trips over here. Maybe a bit of local knowledge for the break. That’s the off range. And he’s bit of an all-rounder. Kind of depending on the conditions over in Fuerdo Ventura. I mean there’s a lot of options in the Canaries Gets a bit of wind. So, it’s it’s great for windsurfing, for kiting, foiling, what’s up, surf, bodyboarding, you name it. We’re we’re in the water sports paradise over here. That’s amazing. You’ll see a lot of these athletes doing all of those sports as well. And almost cross training would you say? Like depending on on those conditions and sort of what the day is offering. Definitely. Whatever the conditions throw at you just have to have a a board or some equipment for those conditions. So be it windy, downwinder, foiling, winging, however you want to play it and then when there’s waves you hit the waves. Yeah. Go surf. That’s the world championship. So we see. Looks like we’ve made a start. Looks like competitors are getting into position. Zane. He’s taking the right out here today. First turn off the top. You can see this little bit slow out there. Competitors I think just finding their feet for this first heat. There is a repercharge round so there’s no elimination in this first round. First place will go straight through to the semi-finals. Just good to get, you know, one or two off the board early. Gonna shake off the cobwebs and get him. Totally agree. The first wave back, three years. There we go for the APP World Tour. Sup surfing. It’s good to be back. I mean, unfortunately, due to the situation with COVID. Did have to, you know, cancel his. Is Zain up again? Yeah, he’s staying busy. The start of this heat. Nice little turn under the lip there. Close that section. It’s going to get rounded. No. But committing himself to those outside turns. See, that was a big, that was a bigger set there. It’s closing out across the day. but by you thinking that kind of like the smaller ones, some rolling off a little bit more off that. Definitely. So, on screen here, just on the left side there, those smaller ones hug the reef a little bit better and they kind of stand up a bit more but obviously, judges do look for bigger waves and bigger sections, more critical sections. So, if you can get a big one and get one nice turn, they may be scoring quite well. As Vincent, what’s he seen? Yeah, so taking a paddle in here. This will be Vince’s first wave. Nice little turn. Using that paddle to get some speed. Switching over now. Lovely cut back. See Vince with quite a nice wide stance. Really great for stability. Probably using the paddle. That was, that was one thing that, you know, it’s just such an advantage out there. Propelling through those flat sections and really kind of engaging the pedal into the water to pro you forward, huh? Yeah, well, speaking with the head judge David yesterday and he was saying how much you competitors do need to use the paddle. Uh like you said, getting that speed with speed, you can pretty much do anything on a wave. So, no matter what turn but using that paddle during a turn is going to be critical for the athlete to be judged highly. So, I’ve seen Zane and Vince catch some waves to begin with. Just waiting for Andrew and Pedro to catch their first waves. As we see Andrew here. Andre is up. Nice turn. Back into the pocket. Little snap again. It’s a great first wave there. Um I mean, these are junior boys, Ollie. Um what I’m seeing here is just such high level already from these guys and a lot of these, I think all of these competitors are actually going to be in the men’s trials event. So, we could see them ending up in the pro event for the men. And really? Maybe even have a bit of running with the with the top pros. Which should be great. Great experience for these guys. We do have a few days during the waiting period. So, we’re just depending on what the conditions are going to be like. We’ll see when we’re going to be running, running the trials, running the men’s, pro and the and the women’s. And it would be pretty good to see some of the juniors. Getting through the trials and getting into the main event. Yeah there are a couple of big names in the trials of Venezuela. Leonica, Italian surfer, living in Portugal now. Great Great drone shot here. Of La Sisa right in front, you got the Plata the la Musica where they have have like opera and various kind of music festivals right in front here on the the groin is where we’re hopefully on the other side is El Loret. The right point. Uh up and running now. It’s Pedro. That’s right. Pedro, his first wave. Just coming unstuck on the top turn there. About 11 years old. Wow. I mean, it’s so good to see the young kids getting into subsurfing. It was always a thing that was when it first began subsurfing. It was always the, you know, the older generation coming from longboarding, getting into it that way. The surfers were always kind of a bit hesitant to start. But it’s it’s so good the last few years has just been a really big influx of junior kids. and it’s great that the APP is giving him the opportunity to perform on the world stage. And definitely in in Brazil, there’s a bit of a scene like where by year where where Pedro’s from, huh? Yeah, definitely. as we see This is Andrew. Oh just not making around that section. But you could see there was steep sections. There’s some slow sections. So just timing those turns correctly. As we see that one just breaking a little bit wide for the competitors. Does look like Pedro’s taking a look. and Las Palmas. the capital here Some amazing spots on offer along than this North Coast. Yeah, my first time here. Uh all I’ve heard about is these waves, these elusive waves that hopefully when this world does hit later this week, we’ll be able to get a glimpse of but yeah, what a from what I’ve heard is some incredible surf spots around here. Not far to travel either from Europe if you if you do live in Europe. Yeah. So, coming from, coming from the continent from Portugal. Two hours only. Coming from the UK. What’s three? Yeah, just over three-hour flight and you’re in warm weather. It’s not bad at all. Yeah. pretty good for the for a winter sun destination. 22 ° out here in the morning. Monday morning in Las Parmas. Yeah, you can see the athletes wearing wet suits, some wearing board shorts. Bit of a mix of what people wearing out there. I was in board shorts yesterday. You were in board shorts as well. I was just in boardies and there was a bit, it was a bit windier yesterday. I kind of felt it but it was okay. I was just stoked to be out. Warmer water to be honest. Exactly. As you see, Zane paddling here for a wave. Taking off the left, switching the paddle for his bottom turn. Nice top turn there. So Zane riding for Blue Planet. They’re based on Oahu. In Hawaii. Is that wave just flattening out a bit but you can see he’s just linking it up with his inside. Again, nice paddle switch off the top on the inside. If he finishes off, probably one of the better ways of seeing. That was a great looking wave. Are you guys all ready? So the guy is just warming up out there. Yeah, get a few waves under the belt. Let’s say it’s definitely looking a bit cleaner than it has been and competitor in the next heat. He’s stoked. Very stoked. Looking forward to getting out here. Fleheti. I think that is Capono Fakuda from Japan. he is definitely one to watch out for. Been seeing him surfing out here the last couple of days. One of the only guys that have been out there in the gnarly conditions that we had. Windy kind of really bumpy and big waves as well. So he was he was ripping. So it’d be great to see him out here and some more cleaner waves. As the guys just finding their way around the lineup. We could see them moving a lot at the start here and I think they’re just trying to figure out their position. For the start of this event. How is it out there Beau yesterday when you were out on the left? It was tricky. Um I paddled out there with Capono from Japan. He was already out there. He was getting so many wall waves that I was. But like I said it’s just to the left of screen there is a really kind of shallow rock shelf. And it sucks up. You can kind of see all the sand in the water there just being churned up from the waves. And there’s these boils and on the low tide the rocks are sticking out of the water. You gotta position yourself right next to that rock to be able to get onto these waves or else it’s just a really slow and mushy And what are we likely to see with that tide changing during the day? It’s kind of filling in a bit more and Yeah, I think what we’ll see is the waves maybe moving toward the inside a bit more. Bit of a smaller swell today. So, those waves on the outside on especially on the high tide probably aren’t going to be as good as the ones that running on the inside on that shallower reef. We’ll definitely see competitors. Hopefully, they’ve been out here practicing and watching the conditions because it does really come down to, it’s a wave catching contest. These guys are at a high level. All of them surf really well. If you’re on the right going to get through. And what sort of tactics would then position themselves out there in the lineup? I mean, they would have been scoping it out. Obviously, yesterday, before we started this morning. Yeah, they would have been looking at where the waves are breaking. Obviously, today is a bit small as well. So, it’s a bit different to the last couple of days. Maybe their positioning’s changed a bit. So, competitors getting down here early. We carry 30 seconds. As we see Pedro here. Getting a little wave. and we had a little a little look around the competitor area, checking out his board. What what’s he riding? I love that. I thought it was a shortboard sitting in the corner. It’s a 511 what’s up and that is just crazy. Under 6 foot. But I guess he’s 11 years old. He’s a tiny little kid. Uh. And here we are. This is the competitors. zone. Getting ready. That’s right. There we go. A few of our Japanese competitors. Giving us a wave. Yeah. There we go. Showing us a T-shirt. Let’s get a 20 22 APP sub surfing. Ew. Very cool. So there’s the Inaway family. Tucker, Katie, and Sakuro. Looking forward to seeing the girls competing in the junior event later today. Uh Danish contingent. Tobias, Noah. As we pan across, you can see all the competitors boards laid out. So you could probably just hear that we are making a start for the round one heat one junior boys. APP World Tour event. Here in Las Palmers Canaria. Ollie. Great to be here for the start of this event. How you feeling? It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we haven’t been here. 2019 was the last time that we’re in Grand Canaria for the Priam. And it’s pretty pretty fitting to be back here in Las Paramas. The capital of Grant area. We got some pretty good waves on offer. It’s going to be, it’s a building during the week and today, we are, well, we’ve got the the round one, heat one of the boys, under 18, sub and then, we’re going to have the the girls come after that. Yeah, the junior girls will be up after that. In this heat in red is Zane. Zanes from Hawaii. In white, Pedro from Brazil. In blue we have Andrew Noel from France. And in the yellow Vince Dushneau from Spain. So, they’re, they’re all sitting out there, Bo. Can you kind of, yeah, explain to us a bit about that with the, yeah, I mean, definitely rules have been changing, different rules for different organizations as well, but we were speaking with APP World Tour, CEO Tristan Boxford about the rules in this event. Competitors are allowed to sit on their board if they are waiting for a wave. However, they’re not allowed to move while they are sitting down. So, they can’t use their paddle to position themselves. They can’t use their hands. They have to just be sitting on the board and then, when they do want to catch away, we want to move around, they have to be up and standing and you have to be up and standing as you’re paddling out to the break as we see Pedro on his stomach at the moment. So, there is a five paddle rule as well if you are in your stomach so you are allowed to do five paddles with your hands before standing up. And that’s mostly just for when you are in the impact zone. but you see competitors now standing up positioning themselves as Pedro jumps over away there. They’re seeing something coming up here. Looks like it looks like they’re just out of position for this one. You see a bit of a left, bit of a right here. Just nice. So, a bit of opportunity for the competitors. and it’s going to be a four in in in the heat for the first two rounds and then rounds after that. That’s right. Yup. So, first place will go straight through to the semi-finals for the juniors. and second, third, and fourth will go to a repercharge round. So, no elimination to start with. So, competitors just feeling it out out there today. We’ll see how far through we get the event today and and if we do run those rapid charge rounds. and the competitors again just waiting for waves to come through. Pedro’s just making his way out. Hasn’t missed anything yet. He did catch a wave just before the the heat started. So we saw him paddling out. Looks like he’s not missing out on anything which is always a good thing but it does increase the heart rate a little bit. Just to think, oh, not position. As we are down to 21 minutes, 30 seconds remaining in this first heat. Some competitors making a move. Positioning a little bit. You can see these wider ones coming through Ollie. You know what direction the swell is? Yeah, it’s sort of coming in. It’s like slightly northeast. Kinda hit hitting the northern part of where we are in Las Palmas and in the north of the island. And with that building swell during the week, we’re going to see things light up On all the spots out here. All the spots. Pedro. First wave of the heat. big to get a start. Just fizzled out on him a little bit. Yeah, it did fizzle out a bit but you can see Pedro looks like he was sitting on the inside a little bit. So, again, a bit of strategy playing into where the competitors are positioning themselves. On the outside that is Vince paddling. It’s for a right hander. Oh, went up for a big reentry there but just got caught as he was coming down. Bit tricky. Getting hung up on the lip there a little bit. Yeah, it’s really, you gotta time your turn really, really well out there today. Zane is paddling for a wave and Zane looks like he’s looking for those inside ones that do run a little bit better. We saw just in that pre-heat warm up there that he was getting a few of the ones that had a bit more of a a steeper face. Able to offer up some bigger turns. So, we do have some points in. So, Vince with one. 5, Pedro, 1. 17. Feel good to get off the mark there. It does. Yeah, definitely. Shake the nerves. And it always defensively. But yeah, just really emotional scores to start with. They’ll be definitely looking to improve on that. As we come down to 19 minutes left in the heat. 25 minutes is a good amount of time to be able to get a few waves out there. Maybe wait for some sets. The Zane’s going to take off late on this one. Just gets caught by the white water. He’s kind of looking for the reform there. Yeah, it’s a smart move too because there are some great waves coming through on the inside. But then again, we’ve seen some great waves do on the outside. So, competitors just figuring out where they’re going to sit. they would have been thinking about their strategy before where they’re going to sit. Oh, they’re going to be looking for that inside bank or they’re going to be going outside and the outside of the moment is kind of seems seems to have more on offer. Definitely. Definitely does. It’s hard when competitors are making these strategies. What? You gotta think about what the other competitors are going to do as well. And you can always get sucked into their game and their strategy. Yeah. Paddle along with them. Bit of positioning as well. You can see Las Palmas in the distance there and the Far away from there, you’ve got behind the mountains over there. So, where actually are we, Ollie? In on a mountain. See, the Canary Islands. Is a technically, we’re in Europe but geographically, I would say, you know, it’s more, it’s more Africa. It’s it’s close to like, you can get to Morocco from Fuer Ventura in four hours on a boat. So, we’re Couple of hundred miles away from from the African coast. and it’s super close flying distance to like continental Europe. You can go from the mainland, from the from the UK. Two or three hours to get here. Get out of the cold. Get get to Las Palmas. Damn. Watch all the sub surfing action. As we see Vince. Vets is up. Taking one of the left here. Switching the paddle nicely. That first cut back. This is just slowing down a little bit. Is he going to be able to get a reform? He’s looking for it. That’s definitely going to be one of the highest scoring waves of the heat so far. See Vince riding an Indiana paddleboards. They’re a Swiss brand. Okay. They make a lot of inflatable boards, foil boards, and obviously sub surfboards as well. We have Pedro. the nice, clean. Unfortunately, just coming off there at the top. like I said there are a really clean cutback that start. It’s really on rail. Slicing through the water but just caught a rail as you turn back. Looks like he’s on his bigger board. I noticed that that 5eleven with Westberg speaking about earlier wasn’t was quite colourful. So it looks like he’s taking his bigger board out. Maybe that’s to do with the conditions. Maybe. And that’s what the judges are going to be looking for. They’re going to be looking for more rail to rail surfing out here. Yeah, definitely to apply some power, speed, flow. Definitely the main components of the judging criteria and use of that paddle as we spoke about earlier, Ollie. are not necessarily having to use it on every single turn or every maneuver but just using it to their advantage. Yeah. As as the head judge David said, amplifying their turns using the paddle. So, making their turns look bigger, more powerful. Three point three B. As we do see, Vince, Vince’s last wave. A Three point. Three point three three. Three point three. And then Vince with a four. 8three. Alright, your second wave, one point 47. As you just see Zane there waiting. Patiently for a wave. and Andrew as well. Starts to get on the board. Hm. But we got some time. We got fourteen, 40 minutes, 30 seconds remaining. In this first heat. Yeah, plenty of time. Really short paddle out for these competitors as well when they do catch a wave. Really nice, deep channel next to them. So, catch a wave, get into the channel, paddle back out nice and easy. As These competitors are just seems a bit of a lull out there at the moment. Making their way back in. Maybe the wind pushing them out a little bit further. There was a there’s a bit of current as well out there. So, yeah, yesterday, I was just, you just getting sucked back out. So, they’re going to be. They’re going to be wary of that. Making sure that they’re, they’re keeping their position. Yeah, lot of water moving out there. Especially across those kind of reefs at the back there. There’s quite a few reefs that stick out and wherever they occur, he gets a lot of water movement. So, these competitors sitting next to one of those reefs as we see Vince looking like a nice wave shaping up here. taking off. Can he get up? He’s right. Yeah. See, he looks like his front foot was just little far forward on that turn. There we go. Nice. Nice recovery for that second turn and again, sliding the tail on the inside. So, Vince really starting to have a couple of scores now that come through that are going to put him out into the leader. He still he is in the lead at the moment. but increasing that scoreline for sure with that wave. He’s going to be happy with that. Zane just found a little wave. Didn’t really eventuate into anything. Now, we need to wait So Zainab Trying to get about. Trying to look for this opening account. So this is one of those inside waves that stand up a little bit. Just a little turn off the top. Nice little foam climb there. That’s good. Another one as well. that. Yeah, definitely his competitor in the next heat. That is two to one. Here we go. Andrew. Good size wave at the back there. Just can’t get around that section though. And this is what we’ll see is that is that swell comes in. We’ve got some sets that come through that break a bit wider and if you can’t get around that first section they’re not getting caught on that inside there. So, just over 10 minutes on the clock remaining in this heat. As you see one of the ferries out in the horizon there. So, that goes inter island between the canary. It’s an inter island ferry. Not sure if that one’s heading to Morocco. Good beef. We are going to But yeah, the ferries are leaving, leaving every day from the islands, interconnecting ferry. been on the ferry over from Fuerte Ventura to Lanzaroi. takes about an hour to get over there and Lot of waves on offer. Yeah. That’s it. Yeah. Puerte. And Grand Canaria. Las Parmas. The capital. The the joint capital with Santa Cruz Tenerife of of the Canary Islands. I’d like to thank our sponsors and partners for the Grand Canaria Prime Cabido, the Grand Canaria. Turismo, the Grand Canaria, Instituto in Solarte deportes, Go Bierno the Canaria s, Maspalomas, Costa Canaria, Ayu Emento, Delas Palmas, the Grand Canaria, Instituto, Municipal, the deportes. Holly, I’m so glad you speak Spanish. It’s a little bit rusty. That was pretty amazing pronunciations there but. but roughly translated, that is we got the government of Grand Canaria, really helping support this event. You need council. And we’re on the the city sightseeing bus. The fun bus, the Wawa bus right in front. And we got the judges here with us, Bo. Yeah. Judges up on top. It’s our it’s our hope. It is our hope. For the week. Open top bus. Warm weather. And last palmers. Not too bad. But you called it the Wawa? The Wawa? What’s the Wawa all about? Chihuahua. As you see Zane taking off. He kind of faded right to to get the left. Nice turn off the top on that first one and then the second little bounce. We’ll see Zane coming through the inside as it stands up again on the inside section. Nice in the pocket. Just can’t hold onto it though. The judges he was a bit frustrated that one. He knows finishing off the wave is definitely what the judges looking for as well. So the Walla. The Wawa yeah. Canarian slang for bus. Ortobus in Spanish. Wawa. Andre. For all the locals here. Wow. I love it. I had no idea what that was when I first heard it and someone said they’re going to jump on the Wawa. Didn’t know what they were talking about. Had to ask them. You definitely. It was confusing. Yes, very confusing. Now, when I say it with mainland Spain, they don’t know what I’m talking about. But over here at the Canaries. That’s what it’s all about. And it’s easy to easy to get around the island as well on the bus. Yeah, so we got a replay here of Vince. First turn then. Switching the panel on there. For his second little turn. So good use of the paddle there. As we see live action here. This is Andrew in the blue. Oh, nice carve. Coming back around, Vince. Andrew looking left, looking right. What’s his wave going to do? It doesn’t offer anything else up for him but nice first turn. For one of the more committed turns we’ve seen. As we do have scores dropping for competitors last waves. Zane in red. He had a 4. 33 to start with. So starting off with the highest wave score of the heat. It’s a good looking wave. We know he was a bit disappointed with the last turn but six six point five. It’s alright score. Nonetheless for for first ride. Still got time. This is 6 minutes. 15 seconds remaining. So, as we hit that five-minute mark, you’ll see the next heat paddling out. So, five-minute paddle out for competitors. you are a thermosis. Obviously to steer clear of competitors in the water. As all competitors had a wave then. So paddling back out. Pedro a bit further over to the left there. Remember Mexican. To a Japanese competitor in white. Capono Fukuda. Riding a Sonofa board. Probably the same size as my shortboard Ollie. I wouldn’t mind taking it for a surf. It’s a shoreboard. But strong Japanese contingent in this event. Great to see a lot of surfers coming out of Japan. So they did well at the ISA World Stand Up and Paddleboard Games just recently. That took home one of the top spots in the country medals as Pedro Vega from Brazil. Just getting some speed through this flat section. See what he can do on the inside. Thank you. As you see Zane has taken the lead. Yeah, with this third ride, 4. 17, So, he’s like pushing him above Vince. Is Vince up now? Yeah, Vince holding onto that second spot currently. So, he wants to improve these situations to make it harder for the other competitors to to get him but as we said before, for only first place does go through to the semi-finals. But Vincent nice turns. really staying busy on that wave and Zane here finishing off a ride. Hopefully get a replay on that one because it looked like quite a nice wave. He had. three point 7 3 point seven seven two two So we’re coming down to 3 minutes 45 seconds. As we do have a replay here from Zane. Holly take it away. So on the last kind of walling up. To take that back into the pocket. Dodging Pedro. Just Dodge Pedro. It’s close. Yeah, very close. Oh, live action. That was a nice turn from Andrew. Laying on the paddle. Using that paddle. Look at that. Power. Just putting into that turn as well. 3 minutes, 3 minutes. That was a nice way, Ollie. I’m going to say that. That’s going to be probably one of the best surf waves of this event so far. Really shifting on the hill. Kind of going back a bit on the on the tail pad there. ripping it around. Yeah. So, these competitors, although these competitors are on smaller boards, they’re kind of, it’s the same ratio that we’d probably use or the competitors would be using. So, tiny boards but still, they need to apply that power to it to really get it moving. You could see Andrew there really leading on the paddle. So, we’ll see how that situation does change. You need 5. 17 to move first. So, Vince is staying busy out there. replay. So how’s this replay? Bo? Yeah you can see leaning on that paddle all the way back to the white water. Critical section. But these last two turns were really controlled. throwing a bit of spray. I’d say. Right to the end, Hurts. Right to the end looking. I’d say. But what it has an offer. Spending a bit of time with Benoit Carpenter, one of the best French sub surfers we have and as we do see the leaderboard change. Andrew has moved up into first place. His last score was a 5point67. Seven to one second. And the third position of your fellow So, nine point four. Yeah, so that’s pushed Zane down to second. So the moment with one minute thirty-one on the clock. Andrew’s going to progress through the semi-finals at the moment. But we’ll see. Zane and Vince sitting at the back. It’s not over until that horn goes. It’s exactly right. Exactly right. You can’t get ahead of yourself. the position for yellow events Seeing what’s which competitors going to try and take this wave. Pedro wants to try. They know the time is ticking down. Coming off there. Little bit bumpy. Oh, Andrew again. So, this is these inside waves. He’s finding them. It’s playing a smart game. 25 seconds. So from the start of the heat, Andrew didn’t really catch away for quite a long time. Just biting his time, huh? Yeah. Just waiting for the good ones. That’s right. So, sussing out the lineup. Exactly. Replay here. Andrew’s last wave. Nice little turn at the start. Just a single turn on that wave. We’re going to be Counting down now. 7 seconds Is there anything left? Vince is paddling for a little one but I don’t think it’s going to eventuate into anything. Five, four, three. As we count down. Three, two, one. And that’s it. Andre Nor taking the win. Zane in second. In third and Pedro Welga coming in fourth. As we go to a short commercial break we’re back with heat number two. Round number one of the junior under 18 boys. nuestra flor autóctona. que hay más y mucho más Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. Buenos días, good morning. Welcome to Las Palmas Gran Canaria . We are the Gran Canaria Pro Am and in the water we have reall one heat to. With God. Noah Stender. In red. Capono Fucaido. From Japan. In 2. in white and we got in blue and Tobeas. Ernest in yellow. Had a great first heat though. Really good first heat. We saw Andrew Noel. Taking the win. For the first heat in the junior boys. So he’s heading straight through to the semi-finals. The other competitors be in the repercharge round. But if you guys want to follow along at home with the scores jump onto Live Heats. Search for APP World Tour. and you’ll be able to follow along with all the scores You can also join us on Facebook Live on the APP World Tour Facebook page. get your comments in. Be great to hear from people at home where you’re watching from. Yeah, any fun. Who you rooting for? Yeah, exactly. So this here we see two Danish competitors. We have from France, Capono from Japan. Zane coming in From his first heat. He took second place. In that heat. So we’ll see him again in the repercharge round. But showing some promise. Just getting his yeah his feet in the wax or the deck rip as we’d say on a what’s up. Yeah. and pretty much Dex top to bottom on the subwards. Yeah. Yeah. Some of them are a lot of people do use wax. Just depends. You get a custom, it’s hard to get a pad on if you you may as well just put some wax on. As you see, Capono, Paguda. Now, Capona’s been surfing out here the last couple of days. He looks like he’s got a bit more of a knowledge of these waves on the first one. Nice roundhouse. Oh, that front foot just slipped. Up ah yeah Taking off on a right. That’s primarily a left out here that we’ve seen the last few days with the biggest swell but obviously with that smallest swell today the waves reforming for a right hander on the inside. So natural foot is in beautiful footers. They get their pick of left and rights which is great. I think it’s good to have a peak on tour and take a pick. A lot of the waves such as the one around the corner. Elarette is going to be a right hand point break. We may see the competition moving there later in the event period. The Tituong In blue up and riding. That’s off the top condition. Still a little bumpy out there. You can see the texture on the water. Bit of wind around. Not too much wind. A lot less than the last few days. So Capono. It’s first score coming in. The four point five. That’s a nice high score for just that one turn Ollie. At the back. One big roundhouse cut back and then slipping off on that second turn. So judges really liking that commitment. It’s just showing that commitment, huh? Yeah, exactly. Just putting it all on rail on that first turn. It’s really the the section that has the most commitment because if you do fall off, you’re going to lose the rest of the scoring potential for the waves. So, put a big turn in there and you’re on your way to a good score. So, Noah looking at this one. Kinda backing off a bit. 20 minutes on the clock. Capono up again. Surfing with a lot of speed. See, he’s getting down nice and low during his turns. Great to see if you got a another turn on the outside on that wave. Bouncing that board. Golly made through that. Getting through that flat section, huh? vertically in the white water. Using the paddle for all it’s worth. Pump tipping through. What’s he got here? Little tap off the top. Right to the beach. You little claim. Love it. Caperna’s happy with that one. Capone was one of the athletes to watch out for at this event and it’s just proved that then and there. These competitors standing up to paddle out. As Tobias has had a wave. So just falling off there. Didn’t look like he got the wave he really wanted. From that one. And La Sisa where we are. I mean this Couple of options here. So they do have the left. They’ve got the right as well. Got the inside section. They got the outside. Yeah, it’s great opportunity for everyone. Certainly different to when when we go around the corner. Later on during the event for El Loret. Exactly. We got the advantage of being mobile here. In the in the fun bus. We can just get up and go. Couple of hundred meters around the point. Just left to the screen Ollie, it’s a Capona. Capono. He’s just dropped an 8. 17 for that last ride. So, that’s the first excellent score we’ve seen of this event so far. as Noah Stender. First wave. Opening his account. Lovely cut back. Noah showing a lot of control. Nice. Cutting back in. He’s trying to use the paddle. See what the left has to offer. See, he could’ve reformed on the inside but noone, of our Danish surfers He won the under 18 Danish Sup Surf National Championship. Let’s see the replay. So nice cut back. Back to the white water. using that paddle. That was definitely been in the racing scene a bit more recently and then he’s starting to switch up back to the surfing. So good to see him here for this event. As we do see competitor that did look like. Noah. Noah again. On the inside. He’s coming off the pad there. So, Noah’s last wave there. 3. 83 just dropping. From the judges. Paddling out the impact zone. They are allowed to do that like get time to get on their feet. The five paddle roll. As we see a replay from Noah. A couple A couple of cut backs. Nice. Yeah. Oh he lost it on that second one. You are in the fourth position. As we do see couple of competitors looking to catch some waves there but Compono with a 12. 67. leading the charge here. Yeah, one end. Massive second score. In that excellent range. It’s going to be interesting right position for it. Nice off the top. So often to go on the right just fading out a little bit but he is trying to get onto that. That’s the amazing thing about the paddle Ollies. You can get through these sections. Which you could never do. I don’t Yeah exactly right. Exactly. Even with the old classic Huntington Hawpool. The shuffle to try and get into that in little inside section. It’s it’s pretty tricky out there. That was one big thing I was noticing yesterday. Being out in the lineup. The speed that you can generate with the paddle. Across those flat sections even getting out to the back, paddling. I was getting pretty jealous. I was just floating around, sitting on my board. Watching the stand up surfers out there. Practicing for today. And for the for the upcoming heats. Getting ready. Capona. Looking at this right. It’s a nice little section here. What’s he going to do? Champs it off the top. little. Oh good cockroach at the end there. Late back load up floater Loving it. I think that turn before that last one. You can see it just has that reform on the inside. That’s right on the shoreline there. So, this a good, you know, 150 yards paddle back out. So, this is it. This is a replay. Component to go left. And then he just reforms. It just kind of almost this woolly inside section. Seem to offer a bit more, a little bit more vertical. And then just slamming it off the top there. Lovely. Not sure if he’s going to get extra points for the The laid out. So that way from Caperna was a six point zero seven. So that it really extends his lead. All competitors are in a combination situation. So taking Capono to a fourteen point two four. Nor stand there in second. Red with a seven point 6. With a 4. 63 and Tobias with a one point five. 14 points. It’s a junior girls are preparing for their first round heat. Exciting to see the women getting out there today. as Tobias from Denmark Just got a little bit too tall there on the inside. You can see you really gotta bend those knees when the conditions are a bit bumpy like this. If you straighten those legs, you will be falling off. Noah. Noah. Big cut back there. sort of looking to see if that right was going to do anything for him. Decided to pull off. As we’ve seen the waves from Capono, it just looks like he’s found those waves that do reform on the inside. So, maybe other competitors are are thinking maybe they could try and see if their waves are going to reform. one of our pro competitors that is Wellington Race from Brazil. A favourite for this event. 2019 champ out here. For the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Being crowned around the corner in El Loren. Here we have Noah. It’s looking for a bit of a foam climb there and it’s like he just got to a little bit late. So Tituan and Capono. Seeing something here. Yeah, Tituan making a little line toward the peak of this wave. See what this one has to offer. He’s going to stand up for him. Off the top. It’s a nice bottom turn there. They really drew that bottom turnout. is not too impressed that wave didn’t reform. The conditions today, Bo, 4 to 5 foot. 132nd period. fairly light winds. Still pretty early here in Los Panamas. I got just under 10 minutes to go. Round one, heat two Noah up and out. It’s not really up to much that way. He was kind of Really coming in with the the junior girls. Next up. That is Marina. Luisa. I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing that right. We’ll get proper pronunciation from that. As we see Capono. Really working this left. Two beautiful turns there by Capona. And another one. Just coming back into the pocket. Really using that whole wave. Come coming out. Faded back into it. So, inside walling up again. We got the situation. I lost count how many turns he did on that wave but the solid five turns there from Cavona. Kept very busy. With a smile on his face right at the end of a dismount. He’s definitely happy with that one. We’re going to replay already. Perfect. Bow, take it away from the rip. Great turn at the start with. Bit of a flat section but you can see him really compressing there for that cut back. He’s really just waiting for this wave to stand up as it did on the inside. So, just getting some work done with cut backs on the outside. He just to go left this time to stick with it for the reform. He knows he’s going to stand up for him. This is where it gets a bit steeper. He’s able to open up. And the versatility with the paddle. In noticing that when they’re like position themselves, different turns. Yeah, switching it over from side to side. When you do switch the paddle over, it just allows for that rotation in the chest. So, coming from that surfing. Background. Wanna point your chest where you want to go. So, crossing it over to to sub surfing. As we see one of our Japanese competitors. Just Just keeping an eye out. Yeah. That is Taka in a way. He’ll be cheering on his sisters competing in the junior girls coming up. The siblings from Japan. Yeah. All round. What are men and women, huh? Yeah, incredible. Long board, short boards, what’s up. Aerials, three sixties. Yeah. They could do it all. Noah. What’s he got here? just mistiming his turns at the moment. Yeah. It is tricky out there. I found it really hard yesterday out there Ollie. Just timing turns and getting it right. These competitors need to spend a bit of time in the water here. Yeah. take on Capone taking his lead to 15. said I told second position with seven point eight six. Tituan. up and riding. This is Wright going to have an offer. Little top turn. Here we go. Standing up. Nice turn from Tituwan. Some good waves coming in now and Noah behind him. He’s taken off there. Set a maximum but we we We didn’t set a maximum. Two to one still going on this one but just can’t stick that last turn. I think it’s okay. Three, three I think his legs were burning on that one. That was a long ride. But yeah, Capone Fakuda stretching out his lead there. That last wave score coming in. It’s a six point eight three. 5 minutes, 27 seconds left. Second heat. It’s bias here. Just fizzling out on in that wave. Be keeping an eye out. try and improve on a two point four. Oh. just Just slash it up. Casually throw and spray there. and here we go back into that inside section. are going to the water. Which is where it jams off the top there. Just such a nice a nice wave that he caught there. Showcasing some great surfing already. And what we’ve got to look forward to. As the event progresses. We’ll get a replay of that wave from Capono here. Just setting it up. Did you see that vertical snap. He’s just taken this one through. Fading back in not knowing that it’s going to wall up on that inside right. This is section here. Beautiful tag at the top. And then the finishing off section. Boom. Lovely control. Really nice. Like you said just him knowing that. Just that intuition of of a kid that’s under eighteen. Who knows which waves are going to be good. That is just such a good sign of a of a great competitive surfer. has really reading the waves. precisely knowing where it’s going to almost where it’s going to wall up Looking down the line. Luckhead said he’s spent a lot of time out here the last couple of days. Every time I look out he seems like. He’s in the water getting the water. You can’t get him out of the water. There’s Noah there just hitting the eject button on the top turn. Little bit of a closeout wave. But still those big one turn waves. They can score well if it’s done in the critical section. With a lot of power. The judges be looking for aggression in the turns. Yeah making sure they use that paddle to maximize that turn. 3 minutes. Is it 3 minutes remaining. Capernaum in the lead with fifteen. Eight point four. Noah with a 7. 86 and Tobias, the two point four. This one just on a bit of a breakout there. Fun fact. Ollie, Noah, Stender, and Tobias Ernst. Both from Denmark. Both live in the same town. Both go to the same school and are in the same class together. In the same class. How cool is that? The banter between those two going on in school. Yeah. They just be talking about, you know, what they’re going to get up to. Oh, where are you guys? What are you doing? On the weekend. Oh, I’m going off to Grand Canaria. There’s Noah. Just coming on glued there. Yeah, those two boys travelling together for this event. Here with Noah’s dad, Thomas, who I met yesterday. they’re really excited to be here. The first time to Grand Canaria. If you see Toby is here taking the left. Just trying to make something work to the inside but getting all of that work done on the outside sections. Noah here. Trying to use that paddle but the wave just not cooperating there. A nice back end and just backed off a little bit that way at the end. And Caperno’s extended his lead again. Ollie. With another excellent scoring wave and 8. 23 for that inside right that we saw. Couple of vertical turns. Finished it off. First thing in the morning. 16. 4 on the board. He’s definitely a morning person. Yeah. Up Up and straight into it. Caprino again. Just a bit of a victory lap here as we counting down from down to 30 seconds left remaining. As he finds finds another inside. Loves that section. A little aerial there. Little air drop. Floater. He’s very happy with his performance today. It’s going to be coming in now. 18 seconds left on the clock. if the second Yeah, happy with his performance there. Getting this one out. Two, one. And that’s it. For round one, heat two. Yeah. Yeah, Junior Boys showcasing what they’ve got at that today. As we’ll head to another commercial break and we’ll be back with the junior girls, under 18. Liar? See? es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. Buenos días. Welcome to Gran Canaria . . We are here for the Gran Canaria Pro am where in the wow the fundas. I’m mo Joined by Beau Nixon. Former Sup athlete. Yeah. Great to be back. For action. How good is it to you afterwards? It’s amazing to be back. Seem. Some of the best junior surfers in the water in the so super excited. We do have the junior girls under eighteen. Round one heat one heading out. We’ve got Marina Lorenzo. Kaida And Tefan Mariat. Yeah so girls in the first heat. They’re out there ready for a start. just take an easy. Look pretty chilled out there. Just waiting. It’s a bit of tactics there, hon, with the, the stand up. Are allowed to sit down as long as you’re not moving, right Bo? That’s right, yeah. Again, contradicting what we’re saying on screen at the moment. But I guess the the heat has not started yet. So we are waiting for a start for this heat. And some great scores coming in from the previous, previous heat. Round one, heat two of the, of the juniors with. Couple Excellent scoring range. Yeah. He comboed the whole field with those scores. So that’s not too sore as in here. This one It’s going to be awesome to see what the girls are going to be doing. In this heat. They would have been watching the boys. Taking some notes. having a look at what’s on offer on those waves. Looking at that left and the outside section. But also the scorability of that inside right that Capono was just It is just dominating. Those those last hits that he was Completely dominating. Finding those inside rides. Getting the highest scores. Yep. On the inside section. Just because of that speed, power, flow, commitment to the wave. It shows some pretty progressive turns out there. On the insides, Throwing some spray. letting that tail loose. We only have to change. Here we got the last Panamas. The capital of Grand Canaria. The joint capital of the Canaries which shares with Santa Cruz and Tenerife. Biggest box. Yeah, the the bridge the majority of the population of Grand Canaria live in Laspartomas. It’s the biggest city in the Canary Islands. And it’s got some cracking waves on offer. Over on the north of the island. There’s spots to the to the west, to the east. We’re at last year? Right in front of us. We got the mobile bus, the Wawa. giving us the opportunity to pop around to the corner to the right, El Loret. You can see in the distance. I did have a little look when we first arrived to see what waves were on offer down there. Some great spots. and up and up and riding. Arena. Okay, this right So yeah, kind of maybe following the footsteps of Capono there. Just looking for those sneaky rights that do reform. Picking the right ones there. It’s not, they’re not all walling up. Some of them are fizzling out a little bit. Yeah, they do fizzle out. Some just hit the deep water and it’s a bigger wave to run a bit further. That’s no extender there from the heat previous. He’s a big junior. Six three. He popped in to the athlete’s zone. I felt tiny. Me too. One of the great Danes. Yeah no on the racing scene as well. You can see with that build, he must have some power behind him. Marina, in first place. So, Marina with the first wave. Two point 3 three. Getting a start. This is the junior girls heat one, round one. We’ll see another heat after this. with a couple of girls. She has some had a good result I say. Uh from Puerto Rico. Yeah. Really good result. Yeah a lot of these together with their brothers. Really close family unit. And like we saw yesterday, always in the water. Yeah, Katie got it the second At the ISA. World Paddleboard and Sup Games. She would have been stoked with that. Absolutely stoked. I just built and wanted to build on that momentum here in Las Parmas. For sure. She was up up against some big names and again she’s just a junior as well. 17 years old. You can see with these boards. Little bit submerged in the water. You know what that can actually offer a bit more stability when the boards are just under the water. On top of the water, it can feel all the bumps. If you do have a high-volume board. but sitting just underneath, you can get that sweet spot of stability. Water wraps around the rails and doesn’t allow the board to move too much. But you do see red, that was Marino, just on a right hander there. It’s a fine. Going left. That wave just hitting that deep water. As she looks to get back out the back. Position herself again for a another wave. in your faces, in this category, on subsidy with the junior Am I here? On the scoreboard with a 2. 3 three. getting a campaign up up and running. Kaida. Yet to score here. DeFain DeFain with a one. 43. That last ride. should be happy too. Just to kind of feel it out. 20 minutes remaining. Plenty of time. to to faint actually the European champion for the under 18 women’s. So good to see European champ over here Competing on the world stage for a world title in the junior division. All these competitors having prior experience. Marina actually placed fourth in the Pan Am Games. Pan American Games for sub surfing. He should be used to competing with Kaida. Yes, exactly. as we say. There’s a there’s a friendly vibe though. On land. Yeah. Everything’s pretty chill out in the water. Yeah it’s competitive but the sub surfing has never, never super agro as you might get from say competitive shortboarders where like, on land, it’s kind of a right and then, when you get in the water, it’s game on. Tiffany. Having a little look at that one but just deciding against it. See her positioning in the lineup too, Ollie. She’s sitting inside a little bit. Maybe looking for the inside. Whereas Mariano and Gaither outside on the left. Now here we go. Off the bottom. The top. What’s this wave going to do? Looks like it’s going to yeah. Is she going to keep going on this one? Can’t quite hold that before has the right idea positioning yourself really well out there. Some nice couple of turns there. great to see that you. Competing out here. So the competitors just waiting. Bit of a lull in the action. and the scores have just come through for second ride. That was a 4. 67. So, she’s out in the lead. with a four point six seven and a one point four three. Definitely looking to improve on that one point four three. As we do see a Japanese surfer. Katie. Big turn for opening. For Katie. Wave. And will she get another one? No but that was great commitment. to that first section. Oh, as we see, Marina just coming unstuck on that on that wave. That was a great glimpse into what Katie has to to bring to the this event. I’ve recently spent some time in Portugal. With the APP World Tour Media. great waves and where did they head? Where did they go to? I mean, so many waves. just to find some ways. I know that definitely the the base for APP World Tour is in As we do see a late take off there from Marina in the Whitewater. Just that wave didn’t offer anything. close to my adopted home. Of Qashqaish. That’s right. Ollie’s moved to Portugal. Three years? 3 years there currently. Yeah. You enjoying it? I’ve been loving it. What’s there to love? Very very consistent surf. pretty much guaranteed waves around the region. Qashqash in the North, Centra, Ginshaw. Don’t give too much away. I won’t say too much. But the focus on where we are, that’s part of us. I mean, the waves here. And the warm, the warm water, and just being out. mean few different like decisions whether people are in, they’re in shorties, they’re in board shorts, some just in thermal kind of vests. Yeah, you can see Marida here just opting for the the swimsuit. with a nice turn. Oh she just lost it there on that second one. It’s on the end. Looks like she’s taking a second to reset. Get her head back in the game. These competitors are paddling back out. Is it authentic in the lead. The 6. 1. Kay there in the way in second with and White with a three point five. Marina with a 3. 33. Still plenty of time though, Bo. 14 minutes left. yeah plenty of time for these competitors to get a ton more waves as we saw in that last heat. Competitors taking a lot of waves. But we do see Red jumping into the lead. With her last wave. We came in at a 3. eight 3. Alongside a 2. 33 puts her in just into the lead. Head of Tiffany. She’s been keeping busy out there. As we bring you some great drone footage. of the competitors and also of the city of Las Palmas. just getting caught on the inside there. It’s really tricky to position yourself in the right spot out there. Yeah, I mean, it was, it’s kind of shifty a little bit. There’s some currents out there. Yeah, a lot of water moving. Kinda getting sucked into that like the middle section of it. It’ll La Sisa. Moyetos. Off the wall here. but plenty of waves on offer. And plenty more waves coming too. From the forecast Ollie. I’m excited both. What’s to come? I think. Things are going to happen. They’re going to heat up The period is kind of, it’s just growing. I mean, it’s like thirteen-second period at the moment. It’s going to be getting getting almost gets up to like seventeen, 18 seconds. Jumps up to about six foot. But today, Monday, Monday morning at Las Palmas. Lot of people out and about as well. There’s the whole kind of seafront along here. Lot of people that running walking, doing some exercise on the beach. Lots of surf lessons happening. Surfers out there. It’s a yeah it’s a definitely a happening city. The competitors just just finding it a bit tricky to get out the back through that set. I think a paddle out here in the channel. kind of dodge the wide ones coming through. Exactly. But looks like we have missed a wave there from Katie and White. Hopefully we get a replay of that because she is just jump straight up into the lead. With 11. 5 with that. Yeah, she locked in at 8. 0 for her previous ride. So, we’ll we’ll get to that. Into the excellent range. Stefain is just finding the edge of this left. Bringing it back into the reform which is going to stand up again for her. Nice little turn back into the pocket there. He’s using the paddle to get in. To generate a bit of speed to get through this flat section. Is it all the way into the shore? opting for that paddle. Just to just get through the impact zone. Get past the white water. Yeah, competitors allowed a few paddles before they need to stand up but they do need to be standing as they do paddle out through to the lineup. As we are going to get a replay. Here we go. It’s here what she got. Oh. Nice little lay back top turn there. This was their first wave she caught which was a three point five. So we’re just trying to look for the replay of Katie’s wave. Hopefully I had to bring that to you shortly. Big shout out to our our partners and sponsors for the event. The Canaria s. The Portes. Rismo the Grand Canaria. Caballino the Grand Canaria. It’s Tuto municipal deportes. And of course the Wawa, the city sightseeing, tour bus which we’re on reporting from. We’re here with the judges. Seven Island Film. Domingo Alonso Comortiales and Poema Del Mar. big community kind of feel here. the city of Las Panamas getting fully behind the event and APP and just a proper showcase of the amazing waves on offer here in Las Parmas. And what a place to have it right in the city. Right in the city. On the doorstep. Lots of assistant. Perfect. Yeah lots of foot traffic coming through. But right next to the biggest shopping centre in the Canary Islands. Is that correct? It is. Yep. Yeah so it’s the it definitely the biggest in Las Parmas. Here we go. So, Marino trying to find the reform. Is she going to get there? Oh, she’s can’t get over that. That little bit of a bump but catching lots of waves. and yeah, the situation of this sport, La Sisa and El El Loret. Right in front of Arenas. A little walk around there. When we had a lay day, just to check it out, see what was going on. It’s massive. Almost got myself lost in there though. That sounds huge. giant carry for shops, the surf shops, so many like cool little boutique surf shops around here in Las Paramas. Um the surf schools all across the promenade and Caretas, some cafes, bars, restaurants. cool little nightlife scene here as well. and the perfect place to get away from coals and rainy parts of the continent. Yeah, namely the UK right now. Yeah. And now, as the sun pops onto the hour, beaming through the two buildings between us at this moment. And onto the riders, you can see it’s just sort of illuminating, bouncing off that white water there. And hopefully the sun’s going to be sticking around. Yes, fingers crossed. Those look like the forecast is saying for more sunshine. So, competitors getting a nice getaway. Yeah, sunshine, warm water. Good waves. What’s not to like about this event? And the the variety of waves, all kinds of craft. Whether you’re out there, whether you’re surfing, you stand up, paddle. Few local bodyboarding Rippers is out as well and few slabs around. His guide on the left. Nice little turn. Back into the pocket. Just searching for that right kind of looking down the line high. Yeah, those turns that she could do. Just on rail. Lots of speed. As we see a set coming through here. This is a late take off for Blue. Oh. Just under the lip. Unfortunately, can’t hold that one. taken both of them out. Another one coming. Just opted to kind of just tuck under the white water there. There’s a bit of power in this world with that with that period as well. I definitely noticed that yesterday. I was get worked a little bit on the inside though. It was heavy there. We we opted for the low tide session in the afternoon, didn’t we? And it was proper. It was just a dredge drenching off the inside. We’re going to be expecting to see that later on as well. As that hydroxy into the afternoon. Sun’s out. Marina up on a nice looking right here. Great little cut back. Nice top turn. Can she link this one up? She does. She does get that little push. And she’s going to finish it off with a lay back on the inside but just can’t hold it. beyond border? So, we take a replay of Marina’s last wave. Lovely cut back there. Switching the paddle up. Nice bottom turn into that top turn. So, staying really close to the pocket for that speed. Getting nice and low there on the on the inside right. Oh, just getting taken back there. I had a few of those yesterday. That was, that was that little slam in section I was talking. Yeah, definitely. I feel that one. So Kaida outback. This is definitely the advantage for stand up. Could have been able to like, you know, look around Yeah, he got some. The set’s coming early. Super early. It’s just under the four minute mark. So 4 minutes left. We’ll see that next heat. Paddling out for the junior girls. But Katie out in front. and Mourinho has moved up into second position. Yeah but 8. 23 on the board. Yeah, last wave is a four point four. It’s a fellow UK surfer, Annabelle Page. heading out for the heat number two. Round number one of the junior girls. We’ll also see Katie’s sister Sakura competing in the next heat. Just the two of the girls. In the water for the next one. Where would they be opting to paddle out? Would they be looking to go kind of straight into the channel, you say, kind of get around. Yeah, we had that inside. Yeah, we’re definitely trying to avoid that inside. We have seen a few competitors paddling out next to the Rockwall. Trying to sneak out in a bit of deep water there and then shoot across over to the channel. Just getting that timing, right? Yeah, exactly. Getting that timing. Waiting for the low. Getting that timing, paddling out through that shore break too if you are going to get to the channel. So, couple of options for competitors to paddle out through. Cicada and Tifain. Just waiting out there. Outback. Yeah, so with these heats, we will see first place moving through to the semi-finals. Second and third will head into the repercharge round. So there’s there’s there’s no knockouts round one. Takes the pressure off the competitors doesn’t it? As we see Kay there. Looking for a right but opting. That’s not going to have any potential for us. So she kicks out. and controlling the subs on the backhand, on the forehand. Hey, the judges are going to be looking for, for them really to like the aggression, the progression of digging in the rails into these turns. As you can see here, Acada. The nice looking right. Wow. finish that wave off really nicely. Great tap off the top there. That’s exactly what the judges looking for. And still not done. Just trying to get it right to the inside just in case it sort of offers that finishing section on the shoreline there. Let’s see replay of that wave too. So, just really take it easy on the take off just to time it right. You can see it getting nice and low there with the knees, bending those knees. It gets on rail for that first turn. Like you’re saying, Ollie, Judge is looking at that very closely. And she gets her board up into the lip for that finishing maneuver. That’s going to be another great score. And the difficulty of that with the size of these boards. Going onto that back foot there to kind of jam the board around. I mean, how how difficult is that, folks? Yeah, it is, it is hard, especially with the white water because the white water wants to grab the board and throw every which way but you’ve gotta try and control that bigger board. Being a stand up board. So that’s where the use of the paddle really comes into it. You can lean on that. Use that to kind of maneuver yourself and and absorb some of that power. And that’s it. The countdown. Just want to find there. Just having a a few turns on the inside. So we’ll see what the situation does. As that tide has come in over the rocks. See a little bit slippery there. But that’s our heat winner for round one. He one of the junior girls. Kay there in a way. Let’s jump over to commercials and we’ll be back with round two. Round one, heat 2 of the junior girls. Buenos dias. Welcome to Grand Canaria. We are in Las Parmas for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. APP World Tour Sub Surf. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. Beau we’re up. We’re up. Heat number two of the junior girls. This is NFL Page. In the red. From the UK. Riding a smick. really using that paddle to get some speed. Couple of nice turns on that wave as well. So, opening her account for this heat. Remember the winner does progress through to the semi-finals. and Sakura Inoi in white. Up and riding. We saw a sister win the first heat. with some very similar surfing Ollie. The skill levels definitely run in the family. Just waiting. Everything. Out here. Look at this one on the inside. Oh. Just fading out a little bit at the end. She’s waiting for something big to happen on the inside there. Being patient. That’ll just calm the nerves down a little bit. As we get a great view of the city here of Las Palmas. Las Parmas. And the national park over there in the back where the where the three three mountains are. I had a little little jog down there the other day. This is sort of suss out some more waves where they were. Check it out. Super busy along the promenade. Kinda hugging the front of Las Panos Canteras where we are. It’s like a three-kilometer stretch of Bawbook. Pretty packed with joggers. Everyone kind of getting their morning fix of exercise, you know? Just like jostling through people, everyone. People having on the sidewalk and really enjoying it So for Ahitu, Annabelle Page, out of the UK. And Sakura Inure from Japan. Okay, there’s two ladies in this heat but both at a very high level. Annabelle starting her account with a 2point17. As you were saying with the just paddling out, getting over that white water, when the the board’s a little bit submerged, it almost makes it a little a bit easier, huh? Yeah, it definitely does. Obviously, those bigger boards are going to glide a bit easier and. You could have a bit more stability as you’re paddling over the wave. But those smaller balls, as you’re waiting for waves and it’s sinking a little bit, water’s wrapping around the rail, it’s kind of holding you in place, gives you that added stability. That is Marina from the previous heat. Just finishing off. She is going to be in the repercharge round Coming up. as a goofy footer. Annabelle That wave just fizzling out. Not offering much at all. Just a one turn on that. See the sets? Set coming in now? Yeah. Bit of a closeout on screen. Maybe it’s going to reform on the left. So exposed here in the Canaries. You is just, you feel like you are in the middle of the ocean. Because these volcanic islands, when it hits, there is nothing in between it. So, when you’re on the continent, you do have that, that shelf and parts and it kind of. It can be a bit weaker but you feel the power over here. Of these waves. Kinda similar to Hawaii, I guess, being open to really powerful swells. The Atlantic Ocean throwing up some throw up some big swells at times covered it. Obviously, we’ve seen Nazareth, Portugal. We have. It’s been, yeah, they had the opening season in in Nazareth. Couple of weeks back. The opening big wave season. I mean, it’s consistent like the whole year in the summer. It’s kind of super fun over there. And then when the winter comes around, October time, The jet skis come out. The media and the masses descend upon the lighthouse In the the small once sleepy fishing village of Nazareth. But now I almost the the mecca of Big Wave and Towing. Particularly in Europe. Yeah. Sakura. A nice A nice looking right here. That is her turns are really fast and whippy and snappy. Just gets it set up. Ready for that next turn. Obviously, the wave offering up just those little sections but that’s going to be one of the better scores for this heat. So, we’ll see her probably jumping. She’s going to jumping up. She’ll be jumping back up. Still waiting for the judges scores to come in. So with that second ride of Sakuro with a four point eight three. Taking it to a total of eight point five. As Annabelle looking for this one. Yeah, the white water just catching her out on that take off. It’s tricky taking off on a paddle board in the white water. That’s definitely one of the hardest things. It’s late take offs or if you are just take off in that turbulence is really tricky. Still hard on a short board but just makes it even harder because you are standing up already. Just getting that balance right, Han. Yeah, you can obviously get that force from behind pushing you. So, getting all that weight onto your front foot. As you are paddling in but then, if it’s a steep wave, you kind of want to get your weight back and. So, yeah, it’s a tricky game to play. advantages with having a bigger board but also a smaller board depending on, you know, what you want it for, for the conditions. That’s right. See, Annabelle just fading a little bit there. She might have had a bit of opportunity but she’s just holding on. Hopefully, it’s going to reform. It’s just going to jump off there. So we have seen these waves reforming on the inside. So if competitors can stick with it for a little bit, they might get a bit more scoring potential from that reform. Yes, Sakura jumped right up into the lead there. Should have four point eight three in that previous wave. Bit of a set here. Marching in. decides to, yeah, go over that one. Yeah, maybe see something a bit better at the back. But Sakuro, he she’s only 14 years old competing in this event. one of the youngest competitors we have in the women. 14 years old and she surfs like that. Oh. Wish I could surf like that at fourteen. pulling off some incredible turns. God has such a bright future. rips on a short board as well. And long boards. And long boards. And do you reckon that’s what it is? Both sort of that that mix and that ability to be bit versatile depending on the conditions. They kind of feed off each other. So whether you’re taking the longboard out, taking the short board, the what’s up, Yeah, though you’re drawing different lines on waves, it just gives you different perspectives and you can cross over some maneuvers from short boarding into stand up paddle boarding. You can get more radical. Like yeah, you could play around a lot with different things and start really acting as a a great crossover for fitness as well. and definitely fitness training. Yeah. Exactly. As you see Sacco here on the right. Oh nice cut back into the white water. She’s going to find a little reform here. On the right. She’s found herself a great way of finishing off. Vertically in the white water and just can’t hold it. But she did all the hard work on the outside. I know the the five time world sub surf world champ Kailleni. It’s always said that stand up has been fundamental to his big wave surfing. Yes, Sakura here. Just watching the replay. Fit a lot of turns in at the start of that wave. Adam was lining it up to finish off with a bang. Would have been a great score if she could’ve pulled that one. But still, we’ll see her. Maybe even extend that lead a little bit further. She has just extended it. Not too much. But her last wave was a three point nine three. Page needs a six point five nine to be able to get into advancing position to the semi-finals but like we have mentioned before, no elimination in the first round. They’re certainly not cruising though. No. But yeah, like you’re saying, Kyle Lenny obviously a household name now. In stand up paddling and surfing. He he loves his stand up paddling. Especially for those big waves. Uses it as a fitness to get his body prepared to surf for big waves. So it crosses over between so many different disciplines. And obviously SAP just can do anything else up. Yeah. You can go surfing, flat water paddling, you can go on overnight adventures. You can go downwind paddling. You can put a foil on there. What’s not to like about it? and even as a really young Grummy, he was 17 when he won his first world title. That’s crazy. From a wildcard entry, the first event is sunset and people were like, who is this kid? Why, why are we letting him in? There’s a but yeah, the rest is history from that. Yeah. Went on to win. Win the event, win the world title that year. Hello to our Inu Way family from Japan. We see Katie heading out for the long board division which is coming up next. So men and women in together for the long board. Division here. The APP World Tour. Grand Canary Pro Am. I can’t wait to see what kind of maneuvers they’re going to be doing on the longboards here. and Lasisa kind of feels like it sort of lends itself to to long boarding a little bit especially on the on the smaller ones. He kind of surf it into that inside section boat and. Yeah, definitely looks like some good opportunities for nose rides. Probably even see some quite progressive surfing on longboards. Benoit Cupateer coming up in that. He’s a French longboard champion. They’re going to be attacking the lip out there as well. I think so. But Nose Ride in Hangerton. Hanger five. Interesting to see what the judges looking for in that as well. Whether it is more traditional style or if we’re going to be scoring high on the progressive surfing. I’d say mix of both. Yeah. Annabelle taking off late on that one. Sakura. Now the back just getting over the phone there. They’re pushing her back. Yeah, a lot of power in those waves. Lot of power. It might look pretty easy on screen but it’s not easy out there at all. Getting yourself in the right position. Lots of water moving. It’s a five-stroke paddle. Lie down and she’s back up on her feet. Having a look at this where she’s going to go. Stopped it. No. Probably just going to hit that deeper water that way and just disappear. Just trying to see if maybe it was a good decision. They should be able to get herself out the back. Hopefully onto a set. So Annabelle Page in red. A 3point74. Second place, Sakura. leading the heat with an eight point seven six. Yeah coming down to 11 minutes remaining for heat number two of the first round of junior women. Bids of great action already today. There’s been some awesome waves. Doesn’t look fun out there. It does. Best surfers in the world always make it look fun though. They make it look fun and easy. but we know it’s a it’s a different story when you try and get out there. Okay. And the boards that you they’re using by I mean these are some really small board what’s up boards. Yeah tiny tiny supboards. Obviously the smaller you go the easier it is to turn. But harder is to paddle. So there’s a bit of bit of sacrifice either side of find that sweet spot of having the right amount of stability. But also having a board small enough that’s going to turn and allow you to surf to the judging criteria. is a different opinions from the the athletes the the surfers What sort of equipment they’re going to be using and what type of waves Some opting for the smaller boards for more maneuverability. Others, as you said, going for something a bit bit wider, a bit larger. Yeah. The paddling getting in really early. Exactly. Some competitors thinking, you know, with a stand-up board, it’s it’s all about maneuverability in the lineup, not on the wave, just navigating your, your way around the lineup. So, operating for a bit more high volume to be able to get to places more quickly and position yourself a little bit better. And we’ve seen that throughout the morning but even with the junior events some guys on some bigger boards. Some on some smaller boards. Obviously, it does depend on their weight as well. What volume they ride. As we see, this is the event site. It’s a athlete zone. The competitors getting ready in there. They’re storing their boards, stretching out, getting limber, getting loose. Yeah. It’s ready to for their heat. I saw the beach marshal just there. That’s where the athletes grab their rash guard. Four heading out checking in for the heat. and sunny days, Monday morning here, last Paramas, Grand Canaria. Just an awesome place to hang out, have a coffee, kind of wait, wait for your time, and just multi-sports mecca. Whether it is bamboo, right in front, and Lacera on the beach. Over there in the distance. The option could kind of check out the national parks up in the hills there. Either if you’re trail running, hiking, mountain biking. One of the highest points in the Canaries. Two almost 2 000 meters in the center of Grand Canaria. He actually mountain bike from the top all the way to the beach. What? On a tour. Yeah. That’s amazing. So they they do a few kind of say like MTB, either like E bike tours and trips. Is Annabella and off. It’s a tricky boat out there. Yeah, it’s really tricky. So we have Tucker there on the left. That’s Katie. Benoit. As the As the the plaza the la the la musica for the the opera and concert hall there. Try to have a look in there the other day. There’s a function going on. Didn’t get let in. They wouldn’t let me in. but I’m keen to see what kind of contest they do have this week and There are some awesome festivals and just events in general in the Canary Islands and Grand Canaria. Las Panamas has the Grand Canary Las Parmas Carnival which is in February. Um in 2023 and it is one of the biggest carnivals not just in the Canaries but in the whole of Spain and Europe. And it’s a massive party which kind of goes on. I think it would be like a couple of days. Kind of about fiesta time. He goes up for a few weeks It just starts. It’s going to be starting at the beginning of February and going on until March time. They also had Womad Music Festival in Grand Canaria in November. So, there’s plenty. Events are back. We’re back. It’s been three years and stoked to be here. So stoked to be here. Seems fitting that we have the last event on the APP World Tour for subsurfing here. In Grand Canaria and we’re back for the first event. Twist some insane conditions for twenty, 2018 and 2019. Moving over from Lacer. Gonna starting off the event. For both years and then getting mobile in the Wawa, the auto boost, the bus here, kind of going across to the point the one of the most amazing right hand points here. This is some fantastic ways on offer there. And we’ll be likely to be heading over there later this week. We have got a waiting period until pretty much till Sunday. So, it’s going to be good looking conditions. It’s going to be dropping off a little bit tomorrow and then going to be a little bit bigger during during the week. And then, massive. Then, Iggy. Then, the swell starts marching in. This is Sakura. Oh, looking left but just got caught up by a little bit of white water on a toe side. Bit of a late decision there. Though. Just like looking whether she was going to go left and. Yeah. bit. Probably seeing something down the line of that right that she could have maybe got around to but then thinking no let’s go left and just ended up falling off. So 4 minutes and 37 seconds left on the clock here. Sakura in the lead. Eight point seven six. Animal Page in red. Three point seven 4. Yeah, she needs a 6 point five nine to be able to progress into that top spot. It is certainly double. Certainly doable. These world-class athletes. See our longboard competitors. Heading out. Great to see a longboard division here. For the APP World Tour. What kind of, kind of size longboards would they be riding out there? So, it’d be minimum 9 feet. Uh would would be the restrictions on board sides. Obviously, the round nose, long board style, be able to nose ride. So, we’ll see a mix of people walking the board, doing some big turns as well. It’s quick up and out there. For Sikura. Just waiting for something a bit bit better. And again the longboard’s going to kind of going to time that. Where they’re going to go. Going throug Going through the channel. Just just on the right of the left here. And that foam and the force that is coming in with these sets. Yeah, no duck diving on a stand up paddleboard. You gotta go over it. Or there’s that kick out technique. I saw you pull that off yesterday. Yeah, one. It’s sketchy though. So, we. Well, Ollie’s talking about is you’re paddling up to the wave and as the white water’s approaching, you step back on the board and you kick it over the, kick the board over the white water. So, looking at a replay here. Sakura, this her best wave of the heat so far. Nice cut back there. Yeah, lovely turns on this wave. Just couldn’t quite link up there. So opting to sort of almost paddle. The pedal towards it and then just paddle toward it. Kick the board over the the wave that’s that’s approaching you and the idea is that once you do kick the board over it kind of ends up just above you or next to you when you do pop up after you’ve jumped off. So this is White’s last wave. coming back into the white water. Another turn. Just couldn’t quite hold the rail. Looks like it’s get it out there on What about when it gets bigger? What kind of strategies Just bale? Just bail. Dive as deep as you possibly could go. Exactly. Bin drop. Hold your paddle. Thank you. Hold your battle and just dive down. There’s so much you can do. Make sure you got a thick leash. What a keeping a hold of the paddle be one of the trickiest things. It is when you’re getting worked on big waves. Definitely and even even just sometimes when you relax on small waves, sometimes you just jump off casually holding the the paddle but if it’s You know, if the blades at the wrong angle and it gets caught in a bit of turbulence, it can easily just be ripped out of your hands. So, yeah, having a tight grip on the on the paddle is is key when you’re jumping under waves. We were speaking to one of the one of the photographers and water photographers. Yesterday, he was telling me even like your camera equipment and your your housing. It just be ripped out out of your hand. So, you really, you know, you gotta have a good grip on you. Definitely. Big smiles on the face there of Sakura. He’s probably talking to his sister out there. Should we going to be counting down now? 47 seconds to go. In heat two. The junior girls. It’s Annabelle looking for one last one. She needs to get that six point five nine to progress to the semi-finals but Time is ticking away. 25 seconds. Last 20 seconds. Is there going to be anything out the back here coming in? Can’t see too much. Sacramento might be moving over somewhere. Boy counting down now. Two, one. The finish of the heat. With finished. We’ll see if this wave counts from Sakura but she’s definitely won this second heat for round one of the junior women. Moving through to the semi-finals. Stripped through the semis. Annabelle will get another chance to surf though. Yep. Should be the record charge. And that’s the juniors wrapped up for the first round. So we’re going to go to another short commercial break. We’ll be back with the longboard action from APP World Tour. Grand Canaria Pro Am. You must pay me a nice way for this. My soul doesn’t you. Más sonrisas a Camada. más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. Más sabores por de ¿Y este? ¿Y éste. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. buenos días bienvenido a Welcome to the APT world to Gran Canaria Pro Am we are here in the world of the with the longboard men’s proy? pero vemos acá Leonard Nicker. He’ll be in the white. And Kay there in a way. In the blue. Here she is right now. Surfing against the men. Really nice stylish hang five. That was sick. Really nice. Back onto the tail. As we see wide as well. So quite a few waves being surfed at the start of this heat. as Leo. Leo now residing in Portugal. quite a big name in the Sup Racing scene as well. Leah so it’s good to see him out here surfing. Benoit, Carl Pontier. Great longboard surfer from France. couple of super versatile. Very versatile. Yeah. Foiling, longboarding, short boarding, everything. Yeah Benoir a few few wins to his name in the long board. Couple of French titles. Couple of French titles. Yep. That’s correct. Junior title as well. Here’s another one of those competitors that have moved across from that long board background. He’s longboarding as a kid. Switch to stand up paddling from a young age and being on the tour for quite a number of years now. Started when he was really young. Maybe sixteen, 17 on tour. You’ve had a few hits. Had a few hits with Benoit. Yeah. Very strong competitor. Tactical. Very tactical. Yeah. He doesn’t seem very tactical on land because he’s just super chilled. Nice guy. Easy to talk to. But as soon as you get in the water. Look out. Bemoir’s on a mission. and our long ball competitors will be surfing in the main what’s up event. And trials. It’s awesome to see them do both out here. Yeah, the resurgence of longboard what’s up recently is been amazing to see. There’s been a lot of people pushing for a a minimum board length just within competitions but this longboard has really revived that and allowed a lot of people to enter events that usually wouldn’t think about entering events. So, you know, some of our crowd that can’t keep up with that performance surfing on the smaller boards. Jump on a bigger board. Got yourself an event and it’s just such a nice community as well, the longboard community. Do you see these guys are on pretty small boards as well. You can see Leo there seeking the tail of that board. Even when he’s paddling. And we noticed that a couple of these competitors especially the lighter weight ones are just on normal longboards. Prone surf longboards. But riding them as what’s up longboards. Guess if they’re light enough and the. That’s right. Got enough thickness on that board. Exactly. Lay take off there from Katie. He’s kind of using the paddle to get through that and flat section. Great style. Stalling there to be able to walk up to the nose. Hanging five. Hanging ten. Just styling. Definitely looks like you got a bit more advantage of speed to on that long board. Definitely because that length is clash so much more glide when you are paddling. Especially on the wave as well. Get you through flat sections nice and easy. The score’s coming through. on our screen at the moment. So Katie first wave of five point three three. That was that nose ride and reentry we saw. Benoit. Benoit. Taking the lead. The 6. 3 three. Been more hanging fires through the sections. Ah nice. Nice roundhouse there. Really big roundhouse cut back. Very progressive on the longboard. We’ll catch up with Benois Wave shortly. But yeah, Penoir’s first wave, six pointthree three. Leo’s first wave, two point 3 three. And that’s what I was saying. That longboard there. That is just a prone longboard. day, we are waiting to. So, competitors opting for some different equipment. It’s Leonardo Jimenez there. ongoing. Leo kind of just waiting. Scoping out the first heat. To see Guess I’m the advantage coming the second here a little bit, right? You can go see see where people are. Definitely. Suss out the conditions. For sure. It’s hard when it runs free surfing to kind of figure out exactly where everything is because a lot of people out there But when it gets to competition time, you really know where the waves are breaking. So, it’s good to be in those later heats in the day. See the the conditions are doing. See a set coming through. Benoit. Just had a score come through then for his last wave. A four point ride. Nice. Here’s Leonica. Up and riding. A nice turn. Drawing it back in. Probably just leaning on the front a bit, using the pedal as much as he can try and get past that flag section. Yeah. Into the right. Foam climb. Gets it up there vertical. See Leo in that one really trying to generate some speed from that big board. bouncing it through. We’ll go to a replay of that wave from Leo as well. Seem getting in position for that cut back, that carve. Using the paddle. To get some speed. Notice that wave’s going to go flat so he starts to get some speed. And they generate so much speed. Yeah. Throws it up there to try and finish off with a foam climb. As we see Katie. Whoa. So the best way the paddle just comes into it. You can save yourself from so many situations. That was like the magic wand there. I thought she was going to like go straight over. On the backhand. Nice. With the long board. Very nice control. That’s that’s really tricky to do on a long board. Gotta really time it well to get up into the lip on the backhand. It’s okay. Navigating that. Very nicely. smile on the face. Big smile. Love it when competitors are just enjoying it out there having fun. That’s what it’s it’s it’s all about, right? Yeah. having fun in the water. and get that adrenaline of competing and but when the waves are good, the water’s warm. Can’t help it not have a smile on your face. Only three of them out. Gotta love it. in a replay. It’s a tricky conditions for a long board too. A lot of bump on the face there. There it is. Is that paddle? Use of the paddle. It’s going to keep it upright on the board. And a nice little carve there and then just setting it up for this section. Throws it up there. Controls it really nicely. You see that Liskas getting caught in the paddle. That happens a lot. Especially with that calf leash. He sits up a little bit higher. But that wearing that calf leash it allows competitors to walk the board freely without tripping over the leash. So if you got an ankle leash sometimes you can get caught up in that other foot as you’re cross stepping up to the nose. How does it make it more paddling when she’s paddling out now. With the leash. Sits out of the water a little bit. Yeah. Sits out of the water. It’s a little bit less drag. Sometimes can get caught a little bit as well if you are paddling with that. But Leo as well you see opting for a calf leash too so. Very much his competitors. In the preference out there. Yeah I think it would be the preference. Bemoir as well. With the calf leash. So some more scores coming in. So Bemoir. Up in the in the lead with a 10point three three. Gaida. Blue in second with an eight. eight three. And Leo in white with four point six six. Seems a little bit more chill on the longboard waiting out the back too. Yeah, it is, definitely. Way more Jill. Lot more balance on a long board. to that wider board all around. Bit of length as well. Helps for stability. Sees Leo looking for this one. These competitors opting for those these kind of inside runners. Nice. They are really relying on turns of this wave. Here we go. Up to the nose. Quick trip. I think just getting used to how the long board feels. I know Leo’s definitely used to riding a shorter board. He was out yesterday and practicing on his shoulder board and That’s from throwing some airs and doing some cool stuff out there. He’ll be coming up in the actually in the trials event. He hasn’t got a seat into the main event but a very good surfer Leo so hopefully we’ll see him progress through. And there is that, the progression. Sort of it incorporated into the, like the judging criteria now of having, you know, not just whether you’ve got an air game, but, you know, whether you’re holding it on rail and really committing to turns. Yeah, it’s definitely a lot that comes into it. If you, if you got a rail game and you can surf on rail with calves and power and speed, that’s going to score just as high as someone doing an air. Yeah. Having those, those full bag of tricks. That’s right. Is Benmore up? A nice looking right, cutting it back into the wide order. And you see the smooth surfing from Benoit. Coming from that longboard background. Straight up to the nose. Oh. Oh wow. A little bit of a kick five there. Very fancy from Benoit. Style him. You see he actually was using the paddle to lean against as he was kicking his back foot. Down to the air. Just almost effortlessly when he’s paddling on this the transition part of the wave and we’ll see. Nice bit of flare. Really great bit of flare. Ben White just cruising through that first section there. Just setting it up as he crosses the paddle over for a cut back into the white water. Realised this wave is going to flatten out a bit so he’ll do another cut back and then set it up for this interesting. Yeah. And kicks it out using the paddle there to lean on. Just can’t quite get his balance back. Bit of a hang five kick out. Yeah. love seeing things like that, Ollie. Just some new new tricks thrown in to long board what’s up. Mix up again. Yeah. Here’s Katie. In a way she is currently in second place. Surfing this wave really well. Just setting it up for a bit of a cross step. We’ll see. She’ll get to the nose. She does. Just can’t quite finish it. Four point 6 seven. Tip it. Benoit just extends. Keeping busy. Kind of stepping up Down the line. It’s also and then deciding what to do when it does get a bit steeper. It just makes it makes it that much harder. Exactly. Especially on a long board. Benoit, they’re throwing it up into the lip. Really nice cut back right back into the white water. pretty comfortable on his backhand. Very comfortable in all types of conditions, Benoit. You can sees to the nose as well. So, He’s going to try and slide the tail here for a helicopter but didn’t quite pull it. Yeah, so he he actually won’t get score on that nose, right? Just because he didn’t complete it. So he only gets scored on those two turns at the back. If he would have just maybe come back off the nose, he would have had that nose ride, a bit of a variety in his his turns. It would have extended that score. Into the lip, very progressive longboard in there. And this cut back. Super nice roundhouse back into the white water. And decides, okay, this wave’s going to slow down. Let’s try and get to the nose. waiting for it to stand up and then when he gets into this bit of a steep section here is the side the tail out. couldn’t quite do it. I didn’t know where And Leo Niko here. Leo. Little left. up into the lip. Nice turn. Longboard just loses that paddle a little bit. And again as he digs that paddle in. You can see the blade of the paddle just got caught on the top of the water. Just digging it in a little bit. Yeah. Just twisted him a little bit. We just dig it in a bit too early. You’re right Ollie. And Bowe coming from a longboarding background. You you’ve competed on the Longboard Tour as well as as well as the Sup Surf Tour and what it what would the judges be looking for? In sublong boarding? So definitely use of the whole board when you ask longboarding. So walk into the nose. And when you are walking up there specifically cross stepping is definitely going to be the way that you get more points as you get to the nose. Hang fives, hang tens, and obviously those progressive maneuvers from the tail as well. So bringing in that board element of using the board but also that short board element of you can do some more progressive turns. But obviously with style. Don’t want it to be down to exactly. You’re on a longer board. It’s going to flow a bit better. So you’re going to be able to yeah have a bit longer rail in the water. So it’s not going to turn super fast so making sure that your turns are smooth and flowing. yeah we see all of our competitors getting to the nose, getting to the tail. So. Zane. That is Zane. He was one of the junior competitors this morning. He was keeping busy out there. Catching a lot of waves. Lot of waves. Swim get quite a few waves before the event started. But then during his heat it’s couldn’t quite get the right ones. Ends up getting a second in his first heat. and just so much goes into that reading the conditions and the waves out there and especially if you’re not familiar with it. Yeah, like we just saw that a set come through. Wiped out a few of the competitors. Benoit, trips to the nose. This wave’s going to stand up for him on the inside as he does a big big turn off the white water but just that board not fitting into that pocket of the wave there. So you see that’s where these competitors really need to place the board in the right sections. Keep control of it. seen something. So it’s like a nice lift. Again, he’s just struggling a little bit. I think with the bump on the wave. Just wondering what to do with the paddle. It’s pretty tricky out there. It is Even when you see a kind of line up that left, Still got a few little wobbles and warps on it. Definitely thrown me off yesterday. Threw me off as well. Especially like I was saying the on these boards. Not going to fit into those chops on the wave. That well is a a short board would. So Competitors struggling a little bit. Load getting up to the nose there. Consider opting for the shuffle. Coming back from the nose there. As he got some nice cut backs to link this up for the inside section. Leo just cross stepping up to the. Oh, it’s getting straight on five. You see those toes over the front. Toes all the way over. Yeah, lovely. Finishes it off nicely. Right on the shoulder. Straight to the shorey. Leo will be happy with that one. He will be happy with that one. That’ll definitely. Bit of a slow start kind of like jolting a little bit. As we’re saying, you know, there’s bumps and wobbles but then and the wave cleaned up on the inside, didn’t it? Allowed him to get a few more maneuvers in. On the left inside, not just the the Ryan offer. You see You see the replay here. Just getting to the the nose there at the start. Really nice cut back there from Leo. You can see utilizing that paddle on the turns. And then using that whole board as well as he makes his way up to the nose. You see here though. Here we go. This one, the fried over the edge. They’re just attacking that last little bit at the end. And the judges are going to love that. I mean, just He can score pretty heavily if it’s sort of one or two big turns but getting a few more, mixing it up a bit. Yeah, that variety of maneuvers is is really variety of repertoires that judging criteria calls for. This is Katie. Finding a little right hander. Good looking way too from Luckily, Hugo’s going to set something up for the inside. Wow, throws the ball up there on the lip but just can’t quite get it underneath her feet again. Just going into full commitment mode, didn’t it? Yeah. Trying to send it over that foam section. So, they’re climbing up a little bit and then You gotta go for it. You gotta. You gotta. So, 4 minutes and 20 seconds remaining. In the long board. Heat one. Bemoir’s out there in the lead. But Caden, she’s, she’s coming in close. Close to second with a eight point eight three. Yeah, she’s holding down second position at the moment. Great to see really good surfing from her. As we know that her brother Tucker coming up in the next heat. He’s done a couple of the world longboard competitions as well. Pro long long board. Not just sub. How he do? I’m actually not quite sure how he went in those events. We’ll have to get that up. In the juniors or the? No in the in the open cities. Yeah. Yeah. yeah representing Japan. He went to the contest in Malibu, California for the long board event. Malibu obviously being one of the best waves in the world for longboard surfing. One of the Meccas. Yes. Longwood, exactly. They’re in Noosa Heads in Australia. Oh. I’d say probably two of the the main spots. Here’s Benoit in the red. Taking off in this one on the outside. Carving his way back around. That was a lovely cut back. Bemoir of course going to be featuring in the pro division. Grand Canary Pro Am is Benoit. Gets a little hang fire. Getting busy. So quickly shuffling up the board. Coming back. Really using that that heel edge. When he was going left. It’s kind of turning into a completely over on the left side of the board. Yeah. On his backhand. He picked up on a really good thing there, is it? Cuz these boards are so big. You do have to be over to the rail to be able to turn them. Going left, going right. Leo Knicker just finding some great space to be. Is he going to tuck in? Who’s going to go for a little cover up there? Yeah. Finishing on a shorey there. and you do have a lot of lot of space to move your feet and play with like a short or shorter board. Yeah, hardly move your feet on a short board. So, positioning his shoulders but then, shuffling over to the side. As you said, both kind of getting into that rail, right? Yeah. Yeah, these bigger boards, thicker rails. Really need to dig it in to be able to apply speed and power. It’s KD just just hitting. Negotiating those. It’s tricky. I fell off few times out there yesterday and it it’s really tough. Doesn’t look tough. It’s Leo here on the replay. Just starting off quite easy but really setting it up for this inside. See Leo here banking it off the white water. Nice control. Five zero. And almost going to be tucking into a little barrel there but went high. Picked up a bit of speed. Exactly. Kind of propelled him forwards going into that right. As we did see Benoir on his last wave there drop a 7. 5zero. So he’s extended his lead flirting with that excellent range. Yes. Almost. Exactly. So, yeah, getting a good idea what the judge is looking for. Really progressive roundhouse on the cut back on that first section. Nose right on the inside and then finishing off nicely on the end section. So, variety of repertoire. There’s key here. Off on a nice looking left. It’s a clean on the face there. Give her a bit of opportunity to run the nose. Come back down the tail. I love that. I was watching him do that four cross steps up to the nose. Four steps. Really stylish. Utilizing the whole board. Can they make it look so easy but it’s pretty tricky to cut it. It is tricky. Especially the conditions out there today. We’re going to be finishing out this heat. See if these guys are not going to be scoring these waves. And that’s it. For round one, heat one. The APP World Tour Longboard Division. Gartier taking in the lead. quite comfortably with a 13. 83 and Kaida in second. Eight point eight three and Leonica in white in third place with some point eight. Coming in now. We’re going to go straight into heat two. But before before we go into heat two, we’re going to jump into a commercial break. You must pay me that’s my face. y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin pa en definitiva más momentos como este. Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. bienvenidos. Welcome to las Palmas we are hereful the Gran Canaria Proham and World with cot the Longboard hete I’m ally bruse count twenty by party nixon. yeah exteren to be here watching the long for the vision the miction we have and a webinar so not just the men competing out here today. But we do have two competitors in the second heat. We’ll be running four heats of the longboard. in the red is Tucker Inawe from Japan And in the white Leonardo Jimenez From Brazil. From Brazil. They’re getting busy already. Kinda out there. Leonardo catching a wave there. Two guys out. Ollie. How nice would that be? It would be so nice. Beautiful drone shot over here. Coming in. It’s kind of looking He’s surfing surfers view of what they’re going to be seeing in the when they’re in the lineup. Looking out into the city of Las Paramos, the capital of Grand Canaria. Joint capital of the whole of the Canaries which they share with Santa Cruz, Tarifa. Uh Tenerife. And some amazing waves on offer here. Hi, some great waves. Spoke about some of them already. Good swell on the cast. We’re going to be able to see some other waves during the event. So do stay tuned throughout the week. As we mix it up. Head over to place called El Loret. Which is a nice right hand point break. You have seen in the twenty eighteen, 2019 Grand Canaria Pro Am for the APP World Tour. Almost a little bit JB. Esk. Yeah, I’d say that too. Yep. And if you want to Yeah. Long right hander. Offering of potential. And right out front here in La Sisa, in Las Paramas. smack bang in the middle of town. Right on the front. Canteras. It’s a three three mile promenade. The cafes, bars, restaurants surf schools, shops, and a lot of waves. And spots on offer. For all types of crafts. It’s got sub, stand up. Yeah, lots of wins. So, lot of wind sports, windsurfing, wind foiling. Competitors looking here. Tucker going right. Oh, a little bit of a cross leg cut back there. really digging into the paddle there to get into the next section. What’s he got? To the nose. Hang ten. That’s what the judges love to see. Ten toes over the nose. Throws up into the white water there to finish it off. Little bit of crosswind picking up. Just sort of feel it where we are in the in the in the fun bus. Open deck of the bus. We’re here on the the top of the bus with the judges. So, looking out onto the La Sisa. Great having that mobile option. So, we are going to be moving over to El Loret later during the week. When those conditions change, with the swell today, Monday morning, Las Parmas, 4 to 5 foot, 132nd period. Some nice looking waves out there. Rare looking waves. We do see Leonardo. His first wave came into the five point five. And he’s up on his Next ride, up on the nose. Straight to the nose and just couldn’t quite hold it through that section. See that rail? Just digging in. that that was always the trick when I was competing Ollie is that if you get your nose right in at the start of the wave then kind of sort of sort of ticked it off? Yeah yeah it’s kind of ticked it off already exactly. That was when the judging criteria for longboarding was new hats. Performance. Okay. Yeah. So it has changed throughout the years in the prone longboarding. And it has moved to more of a traditional style. So you’ll notice the boards have gone a bit more traditional single fin. Bit wider. More flatter rocker. Competitors will be using the nose a lot more but it’s not just a nose riding contest so still using the tail but not using those, doing those progressive maneuvers. Okay. They want to see a mixture. Otherwise, like when the the times when the boards were just getting shorter and shorter so they could maneuver them more and then. I like saying the traditional like the hanging five, hanging ten, getting up there on the nose. Here’s one of the very good longboard surfers, Leco Salazar in the red there. He’s coming up in the next heat. His father, a Brazilian champion on a longboard. So some great surface coming up in the next few heats as well. But Tucker putting a 5. 0 on the board for his first ride. Here’s Leo from riding. Just get out some nose then just trying to shuffle back pretty quickly when you see that one coming that whitewater station, Trinidad. Yeah. Got steep in front of him then. He wanted to get back. I think it looked like he might have tried to held hold that nose right through that section but just kind of closed out on him. Some of the spectators chilling. Las Canteras, La Sisa, right in front of us. There’s the Wawa. The double decker. City sightseeing bus. We’re on the top of that one, Ollie. Up there somewhere with the judges. This is Francisco. In the next heat, he’ll be in blue. Looks like he’s heading down a little bit further to paddle out. Maybe opting for a different surfing area to to get some scores. We’ll have to see when that heat starts. Yeah, odds him to walk a little bit further down the beach to kind of get out on that channel. I think the high tide as well is pushed up to the stairs here where the competitors usually walk down. Yup. Few rocks down there as well. So, ABLT for the safe room, safer paddle out. I’d be opting for that too. you are the second. Welcome to everyone watching from around the world. on APP World Tour. com. Facebook, live. Get your comments in at APP. Send a video. Facebook channel. This is ah you are watching the long board division here of the Grand Canary Pro Am. Heat number two of round one. This is Tucker in a way from Japan. Just cruising on the nose. Grabbing rail. Pulling in. Trying to throw the tail out. Very innovative search. Just going to pop out right on the shore right there. And that’s what we want to see by, right? Mixing up completely kind of. getting back on the tail As well as using that whole board right out to those. keeping busy up. Definitely. Staying busy on the board. On the wave. So, Tucker’s now moved up into the lead. 4. point zero was his previous wave score. He’s also got a five point zero from his first wave. Leonardo Jimenez in second position. He’ll be looking to improve on his situation. Still 16 minutes remaining in this heat. So, plenty of time for the surfers to catch some more waves. Big thanks to our sponsors. Can Torismo the Grand Canaria. Calvado the Grand Canaria. Maspolomas. Costa Canaria. Ayomento the Las Paramas, the Grand Canaria in the Institute of Municipal the Bortes, and of course the Wawa, the city side seeing bus where we are. Uh Seven Island Film, Domingo, Alonso Commortiales, and Poema Del Mar. The massive support for the city Ray’s on the bus. Watching the best in the world. Sup Longboard. Yeah it’s incredible. We had to put the sunscreen on earlier. We did. I didn’t think we were a little bit overcast. It was. It was. It’s heating up. Put on some jeans. Now I’m sweating. Yeah, changeably, it’s it’s super warm. So, if you are around, Grand Canaria, come on down, say hello. Check out the event site. Pop on over to the boardwalk. Straight out in front. La Sisa. com. in front of the arenas, commercial, the biggest shopping center here. La Plata the la Musica. Which I will get into. Yes, you will. It’s going to be one of my missions of the week. But it’s not just, it’s not, we’re not here for the music. We’re here for the APP. We’re back. Three years. Last time we were here crowning champions, just down the road, just around the corner. 2019. At Eldoret, which we’ll be heading to later on. Has some great hits this morning. The juniors, junior boys division, the junior girls. above. I was I was impressed. I just shocked to see the level. Yeah, the level is through the roof of the juniors and so exciting to see that there is a junior event here. There’s so many entrants in the juniors as well. And kids are getting younger, levels getting higher. It’s it’s crazy. Boards are getting smaller. But there it is great to see. We got the Red Bull Athletes area there. I’d say that’s going to be pretty packed later on. As the event starts to come to a close. People sitting down there for a few drinks. It’s a good vibe down there. Early morning. Looking around. Having a cup of Goleche. It’s just on the side. As we see Tucker in the red jersey. In heat number two of the longboard. Straight up to the nose for a hang five. He’s going to continue up to the nose using that paddle to get speed through sections. Oh. Holy cross step turn there. And he cruises back to the nose with style. Arching back on that turn on those. Switching the paddle over. This is what long board surfing is all about. Using the whole board. Switching the paddle over for turns. That’s a great example of. of perceptance the criteria really well. And that’s going to get a, it’s going to get some good scores that one, from the judges. yeah tackle looks like he’ll extend his his lead with this wave. Up to the nose for a hang five. Did a lot of nose rides on this wave. And again walking the board, cross stepping up there. Using that paddle. Quick hang ten. In that as well and a lovely cross step cut back. And Beau, how difficult is that with the, making the decisions with the split second decisions whether you are going to go up to the nose, depending on the waves doing. Yeah, you just really have to look down the line all the way because with these boards, you get a bit extra Goliath. It’s going to be a little bit faster. You have to time it well, you have to sit on the tail sometimes, install it just to be in the right spot. So really, really controlling the board throughout sections. As we see our white. In second position at the moment, straight to the nose. Quick hang ten. Right at the start as we got this wave building up and lovely carve. from Leonardo. So bringing that. Pulling it back with style then. Still. That’s building up here now. On the inside. It’s like he might try and find a reform and he is going to get it. Again stalling just on that back foot and the tail of the board trying to get up to the nose. And he does get there as he switches back to the right and he’s going to bank it off for a last turn. That was a beautiful ride from Leo. He’s loving it. Frothing. Hang ten at the start. Finish it off right at the beast. Stoked with that. Quick paddle out the impact zones. Get out of Dodge. And then yeah into the channel kind of round. It’s like a opting to just just pedal straight through that one. Pedal straight over it. With those long boards, you do have that bit extra board to help with stability when you do when you are in that turbulent water after you pop over the wave. But Takay extending his lead there. That last wave coming through. And the scores on the last. Seven. 33. From Taka’s last wave with that. Really lovely soul arching nose ride. Pushing his lead up to twelve. three three over Leo. Takainoi. Must be stoked to see his siblings out riding earlier. Just on the ball board, cheering for each other, watching. Travelling with her mum. Yeah, very close-knit family. Lots of support for each other. Been coming from Japan, some kind of bit of a difficult situation, sometimes of like where they can serve, where they can’t. Yeah, definitely. I feel like surfing with the Olympics now and it’s kind of opened up a little bit more but subsurfing still still being held back a little bit. But these competitors representing Japan. As we do see Leko Salazar preparing for the next heat. Wellington Rice there on the right. And they’ve been travelling together? Yep. Brazilians always stick together. Brazilian Storm. Not just in not just in normal surfing. No, no, exactly. It’s tacos. There’s nothing in general. Oh, really holding that high hang fire for extended time. Switching it over and just getting caught in the white water but grabbing rail. One, one, one, ten. Gets back to the nose again. Tucker for a nice long hang. Five, ten, and just can’t quite get there. But Leonardo extending his score line. He got 6. 17 for his last wave. So catching up to Tucker there. He needs another 6. 17. To be able to get himself into the lead. Thanks for tuning in to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. The APP World Tour. Let us know where you’re watching from. Be great to get to kind of throwing in some comments on Facebook. We’re also live on APP YouTube channel. and of course, APP World Tour. com. things are heating up in Las Parmas. Sun’s out and. Sun is out. In the Canaries. just really showcases those waves as well. When sun comes out, you don’t have that heavy sort of misty feeling when it’s a bit overcast, you know, here. Yeah, pretty warm in the water. It’s like 20 degrees, 21degrees. About 23 Celsius on land. Not bad considering where only a few weeks away from Christmas. Yeah that’s right. It’s it’s super hot here. Up on top of the Wawa. The city sightseeing bus as we take a look at the city we’re in. Las Palmas. The Grand Canaria. That is the event site. Straight in the middle of the screen there. With competitors. In the water as we see Leonardo. Here’s Leo. Just trying to cut back on that first section but digging that rail. I have seen a few questions coming on Facebook. Yay. We have Sup Junkie from the UK. She’d like to know what the schedule of the day is ahead. So, we’ll be running the we started with juniors. We’re running with the longboard today and then, possibly getting back into the junior repercharge rounds after this. We’ll have to get word from the head judge on the conditions out there. Yep. And see what the call’s going to be but we are probably going to be continuing on with the juniors. I think they want to try and get the longboard done as well. So, we’re going to be jumping back into the long board and trying to finish that up today or even tomorrow. So do stick around. We’ll bring you word on that. You see that side really pushing in now? Kind of right up against the the boulders. Definitely makes a tricky kind of getting in and out. Then you then you hit the sand. And then where they are now just on that left. Left and right. I wouldn’t even say it’s predominantly a left beachy but it’s sort of that seems to seem a little bit longer than you’ve got that nice right inside section. Yeah, some reforms happening. Competitors choosing to go left or right on the inside section. Another question from Matheus Lenfont. Thanks for writing in. We’ll try and give you some more scores. He’s asking to get some scores up on the screen but I’m not sure if we could do that right now but we will try and bring you some more scores from each of the waves that the competitors do ride. Some competitors cheering on. Japanese teammates. Benoir as well. People from New Zealand. Hello, welcome. Thanks for joining in. Great to see everyone supporting. Yeah, Leo needs a 6. 17. To climb up to the lead. And here he is. Just banks it off the top. Yeah. Oh, there’s a little floater on the inside. Okay, this here the Brazilian contingent cheering him on from the from the athlete’s area. Fist pump. Tucker at the back. Straight up into a hang ten. Gee, these Japanese surfers are really showing us what they’re made of. So much style on the nose. It’s almost as effortless. Kind of running up to the nose of the board there. Yeah, it is great to see long boarding. Being included on the world stage here. Sup longboarding. As we’ll just watch a replay here. Take us through this one though. Leonardo. So, just finding his time for a bottom turn. Little. Cut back out the back there but I think he’s got his eyes on something further down the line as he cross steps up a little bit. Nice cut back into the white water. We know this way finishes off with a pretty nice. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. The hang ten. Through a critical section. This is just preparing for the end of the wave here as we we see the finishing turn. So, that inside section, like you were saying before, Ollie is much cleaner, much steeper, more critical. I think that’s where the the riders are getting a lot of their biggest scores. Seems to be getting a little bit cleaner with the tide as well feeling it a bit. Mm hmm. that guy you are. And that the last wave of Leonardo has pushed him up into the first position. Yeah, with a 7. 83. Leah’s last wave. Give him a total of fourteen. So attack us now on the back foot. Yeah Leonardo bringing power into that wave that he surfed. That almost hit that excellent range. 7. eight3 has Tucker Rizek up again out the back. Holding a long long hang five. As he screams through this section here he’s going to jump on the tail. Quick little cut back. He’s going to set it up for the reform that’s going to happen here for this ride. Drop knee cut back. Very stylish. And again. Cross step. Tucker is really showing his longboarding skill We’re digging in the rail. Yeah. He’s not going to get fired. He’s not going to get that critical section that Leonardo did at the end. So, we have to see if those scores. Oh, he’s going to have to watch his board there with the. He is, yeah. Boulders. He’s going to check his board, I think, but it’s one minute twenty on the clock. So, think he’s going to finish up. Well, maybe he’s going to head back out. An opting for a just one large, single fitting there on order. Good spot on that, Ollie. Yeah, just opting for a single fin in the longboard. Seems to be working really well for him. Get those quick pivot turns with a single fin. Obviously, if you are riding with three fins, you’re going to be drawing out your turns a little bit more. It’s going to be more of a carving turn. The single fin is going to kind of turn on the spot. So, you’ll be able to stall and do those nice turns that Tucker’s been doing but obviously. some of our competitors. Thought he was going to pop up there. Yeah. That’s a no no. Just Just watching himself on the inside of Leo but yeah, he’s decided to come in. So 20 seconds remaining. In a heat two. The long board. We have some geos from Finland watching. Hello, welcome. Thanks for tuning in. First snow storm yesterday in Finland. Five, four. So, we do wish you were here. And we see Tucker taking off backwards. Finn first. How’s he going to navigate this one? He does. Is he? He’s switched foot. And a little Superman. Over the back. But Tucker his last wave. Pushed him back up into first place. 15. His last wave at seven. Point 6. Last week. Eight point four three. That first hang five he did through that critical section at the back. That definitely got in the scores that he needed. So tells you how much I’m a judge. We’ll just bring you the scores from now on. It’s not over until the horse. Exactly. That’s very true. You know the rules. Eh so yeah thanks everybody for tuning in. We’re going to head to a short commercial break. We’re back with heat number three of the APP World Tour Grand Canaria Pro Am. take you way to heaven Hola, buenos dias and welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We are here with the longboard division men’s heat three, round one. We got Leko Salazar, Maurice Mush, and Francisco Gill out in the water. Seeing some really strong performances in the previous heat. Tacker taking the win last minute and he two. Yeah, very last minute wave there from Tucker. Held a long nose right at the back. Just finished it off with some really great turns. Cross step turns, drop knee turns. So, long boarding, having a big revival here. In Grand Canaria, as we see some of the best longboarders here, trying to paddle for a wave. And it’s great to be back with the longboard event. It’s been three years since APP, Longboard ran, ran an event that was in 2019 in New York. over here for a return in Las Parmas, Grand Canaria, sun’s beating down on the Wawa. and fortunate enough to be surrounded by the best long board standout paddle boarders in the world. and stand up pedals in the world in general. The juniors put on a an amazing performance this morning. Both the boys and the girls. And then we jump straight into the longboard. As you can see La Cesar right in front of the city of Las Palmas. and this break offers a couple of options The three, three longboarders are at the back at the moment. Hunting around the lineup for the lefts. also keeping in in mind how how good the rights have been earlier this morning. Yeah, very true. The inside waves of the rights. I think that tires definitely played into where the competitors have moved to. We saw a bit of a lower tide this morning. So, the rights were definitely happening a little bit more on the inside. and then the competitors opting to sit out the back. To get the bigger waves to the left. Leko Salazar paddling into this one. We also have Francisco. So opting to split the peak here for both of these surfers. Leko just keeping an eye on where he is. Francisco. They’re still looking over. Just seeing what Francisco’s going to be doing. Lekker opting for the left. Lego. This is. That was a super long nose ride getting on the toes over there. He’s going to get an opportunity or not. I think he’s down the inside now. He’s not but really nice. He’s kicking out. Ride. The crowd like that one. and Moritz. Just a quick one in and out. Yeah, Morrits Marsh originating from Germany but it does reside in the Canary Islands. So, Morris here up on the nose for a long hang five. Just really. Starling there on the nose. Is he going to do with the end section? Little tap of the top. And into the shorey. This is going to do a bit of a spin on his board as well. A bit of a helicopter. And he does pull that off into the into the shore break. That’s a nice opening ride for us. Yeah, very nice. Yeah, great nose ride to begin with. Oh, it’s riding gong. Surfboards, subs, gong is a French brand. They have their factory in in France. Everything is made there. They have a massive, huge store. It’s like retail. They’ve got all their offices there. They’ve got the shaping area, They’ve got a full empire. A full empire. Yeah, exactly. A full empire. So, because everything is direct, they don’t actually sell to to shops and things. Everything’s bought direct. They keep their prices down. So, you can get some good deals, some good boards. Gong making everything from what’s up to foil, surfing. And a and a high-end board, I mean, what’s that kind of setting you back? Oh, high I mean, looking over around 2, 000 Bruce Pounds you know 2000 euros. Yeah just over like two two thousand three hundred euros. Yeah. I think. Exactly. For the high end. You can get them you know Gong has them for under 1 000 euros. Some of them. So you can get your hands on some good deals. Obviously there’s top brands Starboard, Nash, Fanatic. Being in that premium price range As you do see, Moritz dropping a 7. 0 for his first ride. Okay, buddy. Yes, second score came in at a 5. 5 ride. It’s a combined score of seven. Now, Francisco needs a 4. 84. Is it going to come back into the lead? and Lego still being patient out there. Yeah, waiting for that first score of his. He had that long hang five. That came in. So you can see the judges really rewarding nose riding in critical sections. Good boy. And just the length of the nose rider like. Yeah. Pull it off. It’s just full commitment. Instead of just running up to the nose, kind of tapping the toes over the edge. come back. He was just properly stable up there, hanging on the edge for a seem like a long while. I would have just been skirting running up the board of it. Trying to come back as quick as possible but it’s showing that commitment. I’m really reading the waves and looking at the sections where it’s going to wall up, where they can do their turns, where they can do its ride. Yeah, because Leko on that one, he did have the opportunity to could have run back from the nose and he could have finished off with a floater or something on that end section but just chose to stay on the nose and ride it out and rewarded for that. So Leko making his first position. in heat number three. of the long board division. We did have a female competitor. K Day Inawe. in the first heat. So we’re not just looking at the men. and Moritz here. It’s taking off on a rope. He’s cutting back to the left. See what he’s going to do on this one but he’s had a nice score already come through. As he’s cruising up to the nose, he’s gets his five toes over. For a quick hang five. We’ve seen him again up on the nose. Using that paddle to balance a little bit. As he banks it off the whitewater on the backhand. Just can’t quite ride out of that one. Mora’s there. Nice long ride. Francisco. Out the back lot. Looking down the line here. Seeing what it’s going to offer up. So, using the pedal chart, pushing. See if that inside session can. Decides to dismount. It wasn’t going to do much. Leko. Leko. They cut cutting back into the phone station. Lekker, nice drop knee. Cut back there. We saw Tucker do one of those. playing a bit more power to that turn. As we see Leko again drop knee with the switch paddle. Gonna run up to the nose. Hang five. There’s a little GoPro mount up there on the front of that board so careful. Crowds loving that one. Loving it. Absolutely loving it. Brazilian contingent down on the boardwalk. As he jumps off. Looks like he’s actually running the same board that Leonardo Jimenez was on. So Brazilians changing their boards. I guess Those those guys probably need to find boards if they start to get through the heats a bit more. Pretty sizable boards they’re using as well. Morning’s just like. Yeah, here’s Leko on the replay. These boys being a minimum of nine feet long for the long board division. Mako just styling. You can see. It’s really just cruising, applying a power to that section. And then finishing off with a nice rebound off the Whitewater. Got some people tuning in from Puerto Rico. Thanks for tuning in. Hope you had a great time at the ISA World Games over there recently. Lot of the competitors Over here. The APP. in Grand Canaria. Podium places. The ISA and Puerto Rico. Yeah, we have the ISA World Champions for the men and women here. That is Luis Denise in the men. And Luccia Cosoletto and the women from Argentina. So Leco Sales are locking in a 5. 77 there for his second ride. Puts him firmly in the lead. Moritzmarsh. He had a 4. 3 and now needs an 8. 27 to take the lead. But Francisco Gill. He had a 1. 4 in his previous ride and 2. 17 to start. So he needs a combination of eleven point six. To jump into the lead There’s just the Brazilians down there in the boardwalk. Such as an amazing spot to watch the waves here. Just hang out, grab a coffee, maybe grab something a little bit stronger in the afternoon, late afternoon evening. Sun going down. Yeah, really is the perfect place to hold an event. We’re right in the city of Las Palmas. So, anyone walking by, anyone coming out of the beach from the city can check out the action. There is There is going to be waves. Well, it’s non-stop now. For the whole week. So, there’s. It’s only improving. The wind’s dropping off all week. Swell’s picking up. We’re going to get the long boards done today and the smaller waves. Oh. Norris is trying to help that nose ride for a long time and had to take the Bit of a pounding on that section. Yeah. And negotiating. The long board. On those big sections is tricky but. It is really tricky. Such a long board to back from the nose from as well. If you do have a steeper section in front of you. Here’s the lineup shot. Paddling back into position. They’d be stoked just being with a couple. Only a couple of riders out. Three of them just cruising around in the lineup. Taking it in turns, picking off waves. Yeah. Fantastic to be there with just a few other people. Thanks everyone for watching around the world. On APP World Tour. com. We’re also live on Facebook on the APP Facebook page and on YouTube. Get your comments in. Love to hear where everyone’s coming from. Yeah, jump on the Facebook Live in some questions. If you are, if you know some things about competitors that maybe we don’t, let us know. Always good to have you. Definitely more facts. Yeah. So, as you see, Morit here cutting back Sully, what is your background? Can you tell us a little bit about yourself So, I am originally from the UK from London. Why? I’ve lived over in Puerto Ventura. I was back in the day. I was a surf instructor over there in in the Canaries in Puerte. Living in Coralejo. And I love the Cana the Canaries is sort of like, it’s got a special place in my heart over here. The weather, that was one of the main draw cards to go there but then, the waves. No, it doesn’t really matter if you’re like in Tenerife, in Fuerte, Lanzarote, there’s amazing waves in the Canaries and of course, where we are, on top of the well, we’re in front of what we’ve got going on in out here. La Sisa, Las Paramas in Grand Canaria. and yeah, I moved over to Australia. Nice. Which university over there on the Gold Coast? I actually went to the same university. We did the same course. We did the same course. Can you believe this a few years apart? And people will not believe what the course was, will they? No. No. Definitely not. Do you want to tell them? Well, the technical name is sports management. Sports management. Let’s leave it to that. Brackets, surfing studies. Yeah, basically studied surfing. How’s it going? Here we are in the the competitors area, the athlete zone. The Red Bull Chillout Zone. Yeah, we see competitors getting ready for the heat number four of the long board, Zane Schweitzer there in the red behind those hanging up. That’s Noah Stender. In the white. He was in the junior division earlier today. But on a good showing. He’ll be in the repertoires later on. As we see Francisco in the blue. He’s in this heat. Getting onto this little wave. Looks like he might reform on the inside for him. Working it through. He’s paddle quite nicely. This is going to cut back to the right. Really using that edge kind of getting right on. Yeah. On this hillside there. And And what’s this insight going to do? It’s going to reform for him and he’s going to he’s going to handle that nicely. Get to the inside. Oh I just can’t quite hold it on that steeper section. As you see, Lego. Lego. Bouncing it off the white water. Lekker Lekker known for his backhand surfing. Big vertical whips. Obviously putting his shortboard away for the long board in this division. He’s going to be dangerous out there in the main. He’ll be very dangerous here. Shoreboard. Especially if you move around the corner too. Which is a nice right hand point break. Seeing Leko on his backhand. That’s going to be very exciting. Lekker’s got the thruster. He’s using theirs. Looking at the big central fin. And then small smaller side fence. It’s a extra support boat kind of. It is, yeah. So. Turns? Yeah, definitely on the bottom turns especially cut backs as well. Just allowing the board to carve around a little bit more. The difference is with a single fin is you have to have more of a a pivot feel. So, the board’s going to kind of turn on the spot. It’s not going to carve around in a big arc. So yeah, Leko there having those two plus one set up. See another competitor there. So they’re heading off for the day. Throwing the shackers. Yep. It’s pretty happy out there and the competitor zone. Where we are back to the action. In Las Paramas. Yeah, 6 minutes, 45 seconds on the clock for heat number three. Morris kind of opting out of that one. Didn’t really see much. As you can see, it’s kind of. Fizzling out a little bit on the right. Just the tactics out there but I mean, they’ve been looking for waves with you. You’re trying to eye up for the longboard? I mean, it’s the the judging criteria from what we’ve seen. It’s definitely nose riding is is judging high and those inside sections for the nose riding as well. Leko held a nice long nose ride for a an eight point ride. But we also saw Tucker in the previous heat surf a really big outside wave and held a long nose right there. And he scored excellent range as well. So, it’s really just depending on on what kind of your style’s going to be. Whether you want to sit on the outside and get some bigger waves or sit on the inside. To be honest I think the inside waves are probably walling up a little bit better. Is Zane Schweitzer? He’s looks like he’s using Benoit’s board. This is Noah Stender there heading out for the the long board hit number four. Danish competitor. Leko Salazar in red. Playing this one up. And nice off the bottom there. bending that knee going into straight to nose and unfortunately over to Yeah, just nose diving on that one. Just too much on the road. Too much on the nose, exactly. So, we got just over 5 minutes remaining. Leko in the lead with 13. 77. Moritz on his heels. 10. 5. And Francisco Gill with a 3point74. He gets some scores coming in. And Moritz needs an 8. 27. and jump up to the lead. Got one of my colleagues from Cornwall, UK riding in. Part of the Supporter Magazine team. They’re asking what are the volumes on the Sup longboards for most of the riders? And oh thanks Lucy for riding in with that. To be honest, a couple of these riders are actually just on prolong boards that we’ve noticed. They can carry them under their arm. So, I’m guessing around 80 liters, 85 liters for the the what’s up longboard. Obviously, Francisco, they’re on a slightly bigger board. Benoit riding around that 95 litre and that is what Zane is currently on as well. He’s as he catches the backwash out there. So, I think competitors mixing it up. We see. a Sakura. That’s Sakura. In a way. Japan. probably on one about 80 liters as well on that board. So yeah thanks for that question. We’ll we’ll definitely take a look at what the volumes they are because we’ve seen a few prone long board designs and a few what’s up longboarders as well. Moritz Marsh out here. It’s been like a hundred and ten hundred and twenty liter board. Big board. Yep. Bit bigger board. Just tanks through the the flax. Exactly. You can see that wide nose on that board as well as he’s paddling into this wave. And looks like Francisco’s also trying to go. So we’ll see. Split in the peak. Split in the peak. Morris is pulling off Francisco continues to ride through. They’re working that board from rail to rail. You see that heel toe movement getting a lot of speed. Just too much on the heels there though. Yeah, thanks for sending in your questions. Hit us up on Facebook Live. On the APP Facebook page. People streaming in from all over the world. Yeah, great to see people from everywhere tuning in for all the action. As he goes Morris now. Cruising through that first section. Nice cut back. Switching the paddle either. I was going to use in those toes really kind of pushing it down into the right hander. Running out to those. Yeah, five toes over there for a lovely hang five. See more opting for the, yeah, it was really nice. Seem opting for the shuffle up to the the nose and shuffle back. See what the judges like with that. What’s your preference with that? With the shuffle, the step. Yeah, the cross step definitely is smoother. It’s going to score a lot higher as well because it is a bit harder to do. So you can see the differentiation between the riders styles and what they’d prefer to do. Lovely drone shot of Moritz on this wave. As we follow him into the inside here as he he’s really cool. You can see the few the the lurking bowlers. Yeah, that’s right. Exactly. as he pulls out Becoming a little bit too accustomed to those yesterday. What else? Yes, exactly. Leko again, just waiting for this wave to set up. You can see him just patiently waiting for the wave. Straight to the nose. He’s going to hold that nose right again for a long time. And he’s just going to close out on him. Okay. That’s a nice looking ride by Leko. So, 50 seconds remaining. Round one, heat three of the longboard division. Leko. Salazar out in front from Brazil. With 13. 77. Moritz in second. And Francisco Gill coming in third with a 3 point7 4. He can get a bit of a glimpse of what we’re going to be seeing later around the corner there. It’s in the rocks. It’s nice to have those those options in Las Parmas. Yeah, tons of waves around here as we count down this heat. We finish it. That’s more. It’s just coming in. Drawing it back in. Back into the power. It’s going to count. I think it’s going to count just before the hooter. He doesn’t think it might count though. He didn’t really surf that wave. Yeah. I’m not sure if he thinks this is going to be enough. That’s it. He needed quite a big score to yeah get ahead of Leko. We’re going to be going to commercials and then jumping in to heat four of the longboard. The bait. When When was the last time you tried something new? Could I do this everyday? Yep. Yep. Or riding if you want. Hello, how can I help you, sir? We, cancel my plate, please. What is this? This is our unique nature. Oh. And there is more. A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. The Envenitos and welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am here at the APP World Tour. We are watching the long board action as part of this event. This is round one heat number four. We’ll be seeing Zane Schweitzer in the red. Noah Stender in the white and Sakura in a way. She’ll be in the yellow. This is just a men’s event. We do have a few women competing as well. So great to see. The competitors. Mixing up. as I’m being joined in the booth. But none other than the APP World Tour CEO Tristan Boxford. Good morning bowl. How you doing? Good. Great. It’s been great watching the action this morning. We had the juniors out there. Yep. Junior boys, junior girls. Junior action huh? Yeah did you catch some of the waves? I saw a couple. I saw definitely the Japanese kid looks as Capono looks as though he’s got some game now. Yeah he certainly does. It’s going to be exciting to see him in the trials event. And that looks like Zane if I recognize correctly. Yeah. It is Zane. That’s right. You can just tell even from the snap. Saint a very competent longboard surfer. As he makes his way to the inside but not going to find that reform. As he kicks out. He he didn’t that. his boards actually didn’t arrive so he’s borrowing a board today to be able to get out on the water and compete in the longboarding. Um but as you said a very competent longboarder across all divisions actually great show border, big wave surfer, everything. Oh yes, he does it all. Zane Foyler, he’s amazing in everything. It’s Moritz Marsh coming in from the last heat. Had a few nice waves out there. Nice nose rides. And so pretty close to your heart and all the SUP long boarding ball. Definitely. This discipline and action here. It’s so good that you’ve made this part of the event Tristan and thanks very much for pushing hard with this up longboard. I know that guys down under in Australia are really pushing to to get it seen around the world and this is the second event for Longboy, right? We started in New York. Exactly. Yeah. It wasn’t ideal conditions for it in New York honestly. It was really small and and not great conditions that day as we got a rider going here. This looks like Noah Stetna from from Denmark quite able to get into it. He’s he did really well in the Europeans actually. He did. Yeah. Yeah. But but yeah, no, it seems like it’s definitely kicked off in Australia. I know the longboard revolution guys might, it’s Mike Jenkins, right? Yup. Uh really pushing hard and a lot of guys really amping about the development of this discipline. I think in Europe, it’s taking on gradually and that’s what we really want to kick start. See if people can really get into it and. In the US, there’s some some action too. I know in Carolina, they they have a long board division. Uh it’s pretty small but growing. Yeah, X Good to see you and it’s good to be part of a on the world stage here for the APP World Tour. Exactly and especially when we look at some of our athletes like Leco Salazar started as such a you know an acclaimed longboarder. His dad one of the most titled longboarders in in history and certainly in Brazil. Um and then we got Zane, we’ve got all those guys and Benoit as well. Benoit, yeah. Longboarding, really up. Really successful. Yeah, it’s so great to see him. Taka in a way as well from Japan. Styling and longboard. It’s a great hang tens. No rides. What do you think about the Japanese contingent? You know, I’m super impressed by the Japanese contingent. I think COVID you know, while they were locked down and couldn’t go anywhere, they definitely focused on improving their surfing because I mean, we got these young kids like Capono. We got another guy coming in the in the main event or the trials which is Shion. I’ve heard some amazing things about him. He seen some pictures of some insane surfing. So, I think Japan’s definitely established themselves as a force to be reckoned with both in surfing and racing. You know, it’s exciting to see. Definitely, that’s right. We had in the racing in APP event in Korea, Busan. We had Rai. Rai Taguchi pulled off the Miracle Heat that went viral which was awesome. Uh and then of course, we got Shrimpy. He just won the ISA technical and the distance. So, you know, Japan’s definitely looking strong on the global stage which is exciting to see and and the best thing about it is the the age of all these guys. They’re all under twenty. That’s amazing. It’s nuts. That’s so crazy. Yeah. Yeah, we still have the the old generation Salazar, one of the originals on the on the APP World Tour and then we’ve got this injection of fresh talent that are under eighteens. Exactly. We got Zane going here. So Zane opening up with a 5point33 on his first wave. Let’s see how he can improve his scoreline on this as he cuts back on the right. Saints often to kick out there. Not much more on offer for scoring potential. Yeah it’s it’s good to see. I mean, I think the the most kind of here, we got another rider. Why? Looks like not such a great wave that right. The left seems to offer a little bit more reform option, right? Definitely does. We’ve seen a few rights reform earlier in the day. I think with that lower tide, we’ll see that start to happen again. This is Sakura in a way. 14 year old, 14 years old from Japan. keeping it in the family. The annoys got a lot of talent between the two girls in Taka. And actually Taka’s on the Longboard World Tour as well. So he he’s been turning some heads there as well. So definitely an accomplished all-round waterman for sure. I saw his website earlier yesterday. There’s a first picture of him is busting an air on a longboard. I was like what? Yeah. These guys have got some skills. Actually we did that viral competition during the during COVID. Yeah that’s right. He won the non APP pro division because he just it was an error. I think he did. I can’t remember exactly what it was but it was pretty impressive. Yeah right. Amazing. Yeah, we saw Katie. Sakura’s sister in the first heater Longboard. She faces second. Yeah. In that heat. Oh, wow. That’s amazing. Yeah. She was taking out the man. Amazing cross steps, super stylish, up to the nose. Yes. Really nice. And I think that’s what, you know, we had a judges briefing this morning about the criteria and and you know, we’re not focusing on one aspect of longboarding is the dominant part. Um I think it’s more about the overall performance and the fluidity and the the combination of maneuvers. So, you know, if a wave calls for critical turns, critical turns are going to or if it’s a nose riding section, they want to see a nose ride and and you’ll be able to link between the turns rather than really going in one direction or other. I think it’s embracing the the whole repertoire which I think is the right move. Definitely right move. We have seen some big scores earlier in the day from long nose rides from their competitors. So, judges rewarding long nose rising, critical sections but still, I mean, like I Salazar in the last heat, putting down an eight point ride for a long nose ride and a powerful turn. So, mixing it up with the with the repertoire is going to get you those high scores. definitely and you kind of expect it from Leko. I remember when he first burst onto the scene in 2010 and Ibi Raquera, he came and he actually won the event, his first event and yeah, he’s he was definitely from the school of lawn boarding but so smooth, so fluid, and taken some advice from his father as we got Sakura taking off on a nice little right here. Yes, he’s going to control it through the white water as she comes into that reform. Cross stepping her way up to the nose for a hang five. Lovely style. Off the top. Oh just the these bigger boards really need to get on the tail. Keep that nose up. But Zane behind her. Just applying pressure to that turn and again, just whipping that big board around. He’s going to get a nose right in as well. So Zane showing a bit of variety in his surfing. Zane always probably one of the more energetic of the surfers on tour whenever he’s surfing it’s just non-stop motion. Oh there’s no downtime. That’s so true. And Zane coming off a a third place in the ISA. Yeah I know he was disappointed but you know obviously Luis was the the man of the day that day as we got a replay of Sakura’s wave here. Yeah and late take off in the white water. From Sakura. That’s really tricky to do especially on a stand up paddle board. And add a bit more length to that. For the what’s up longboard. She gets a quick hang five in there. Nice little off the top but just got a little bit unbalanced on that top turn. And Zane gets a sneaky hang five in at the start. He cuts back into the white water. Really utilizing that paddle. So he bounces off the white water and another turn on the inside. So a good nose right at the start. And then few turns down this wave. It should be a good score. Might extend his lead in this heat. definitely maximized every aspect to that wave. He even was going for the nose ride to floater there. Didn’t quite didn’t quite pull it off as Noah Stedden is on a wave here. And that one peed it out. But that’s interesting to see the energy of the sport right now as far as the surfing is concerned. Definitely Japan. There’s this rise of talent. And Brazil which we saw even before COVID with this just such a wealth of talent over there both for women and men. Um and Europe it’s time for them to come I think Noah’s coming from the North of Europe. He’s taking the mantle from Casper to start pushing from Denmark. Um you know, we’ve obviously got Benoit who’s such a phenomenal athlete. Um but there’s definitely, it’s wide open for some new Europeans to come on. Definitely. Yeah, we’ve got Leonica. He’s made a big name in the sport for many years. Racing ends up surfing as well. Yeah and actually, unfortunately, Clement Roséro, he’s a great all-round waterman. He had a a conflicting wing file event that he had to go attend but he’s definitely one of the European rising stars. but here is Juan the Rostres, the Spanish guy that’s really, really solid. Guillerme who is Spanish champion. Uh really, really solid surfers. We have Ryder in white. This is Noah. Little cross step. Turn there. Very nice to start the wave. As he cuts back. We did see Noah and the Junior Boys earlier today as well. So, the other exciting surprise Bow that we might be receiving confirmation all day today is Kyle Vaj turning up. Yes. Three-time world champion. Uh he had some problems getting here in time for the open of the event but now that looks like the main event will probably kick off Wednesday morning. He’s looking to try and get in for tomorrow so that he’s ready for action so. That is fantastic. Such great news. Yeah. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see, you know, at least two of our world champions in action here. Yeah, just adding to that Brazilian contingent as well. Exactly. It’s going to be some great surfing happening especially with the building as well we have as we watch Zane Schwe working his way through to this inside. Gets to the nose. He’s going to opt for the big big reentry off the end section. Beautiful. Yeah. Oh nice nose right from Sakura. Exactly. So, two schools of surfing here. Zane going opting for the power. Sakura, long nose rides. Very stylish surfer. It’s a great surf in there for sure. But Zane always impressive and not on his own board but doesn’t seem to be having too many issues with that. No, not at all. I think he can ride anything. Yeah. Just about pretty much pretty much. And Zane’s definitely one of those guys. He’s been in title contention for several years on the tour. Never quite managed to clinch it. So, you know, I think he’s pretty determined this year. You know, he wants to see that happen. Yeah, he’s been training hard, been speaking with Zane last couple of days and he really wants this one He does. He does. He’s, yeah, he’s been working hard. Obviously, the ISA. He finished third over there. Like he said, a bit disappointed. I think, I think both Zane and Benoit really hoping for some big surf which there’s going to be. Um so, that could play in their favor. Both of them very comfortable and bigger surf but saying that, you know, we’ve seen Wellington perform and then some in really really good surf and Leko as well who’s just such a great the great athlete is Noah getting to the end of that one Completes the ride. It does. Yeah. Little bit of variety there as well. Yeah, great. Great to see Noah. Nice long ride there. What’s the replay of Zane? They hanging off the white water. This is the one with the big turn on the inside, I think. I don’t think Zay got to the nose on this wave. So, we’ll see how the judges score that. Like he said, Tristan, it looks like they’re looking for critical maneuvers. Powerful. Like this one is a prime example. Timing was perfect on that as well. Zane did complete that maneuver too. Sakura nice hang five there. Start of the wave. You see a lot of these surfers opting for a calf leash as well for the long boarding. Just to get that leash out of the way as they walk up to the board. Perhaps seem to get trapped around the paddle a few times too. I was going to say I when I used to ride a longboard I used to like that but actually with the stand up longboard it does get caught up in the paddle and I found I ended up putting it around my ankle anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. because yeah, I’ve seen that quite a number of times. And what about you, Bol? Uh, ankle. Yeah. Preferably for for what’s up longboard just because of that reason. Zane staying very active. Nice carving opening turn back into the white water. definitely no shortage of waves in this round one. I think the Rabbi Shah is going to be 20 minutes as Zane gets a nice nose ride for variety there as well. Really nice nose ride. That’s really critical as well. Staying on the nose. as he just pulls out of that one. So Zayn still in the lead. Sakura’s dad chopped up into second place. Yep they definitely enjoyed that double hang five that Sikura had on that last wave. It was really smooth, really well executed. Yeah she scored a 4. 27 for that wave. Noah had a 3. 1 on his last one. What if that last score to come through from Zayn but the one previous was a 5. 27. So they did like that critical turn. But that last wave did have a good combination of maneuvers. It wasn’t as critical the the carving turn but it was a smooth carving turn into a pretty critical nose, right? So. As we see, oh. That was an up and over. It was an up and over. I was going to say that was quite a fancy turtle roll there at the back but then a little late. A little bit late. Yeah. Especially the big board. Yeah. Sup long board. It’s going to be just drag you over. I had a few of those yesterday actually. It was tough tough out there. Have you been out the water yet? I went out actually at Elliott on the first day and it was quite challenging. It was yeah it was a a little soft and and sloppy that day and really choppy so it wasn’t the best day. Um but out here is really tricky because you got the reforms. You got a section of backs off and so it’s definitely requires 100% attention to be able to get good guys. Yes, it does. I was sitting out there yesterday and there’s like, it’s like a a reef shelf. Yeah. And it’s boils everywhere but you gotta sit right next to that for the waves to break because there’s deep water right next to that. Yeah and if you go too wide, it backs off straight away. Yeah. If you go too deep, you get caught behind. So, it’s it is a tricky wave to read for sure. Yeah, definitely. These competitors spending a lot of time out there before these heats. Getting to know the wave. Just under 10 minutes in the heat. I was going to say Bo you’re not you’re not tempted to get out there and compete in the SUP longboard division. It’s not making you the competitive One day. Be nice to. Uh it is actually. It’s exciting to watch the the performance and the level from all the athletes. Mister Ducey, Noah here. Optic for a left. He’s just slides off there. Up in Love. It’s just it’s exciting to watch. Something different of the the longboard. The nose riding coming into it. Yeah, I’ve come from a long board surfing background. So, yeah, it does get me fired up to get back on a longboard for sure. as usual, staying extremely active. What did you get on that last wave actually? Interest, be interesting enough. He had a 6. 17. Yeah, for the last one. Yep. A variety of repertoire. So, I think that shows if you stick to just one part of the repertoire, you’re not going to get as highly scored as if you can mix up with a couple of with critical versus traditional. And Sakura here. Straight to the nose. Lovely hang five. Steps back. Little little turn but she just wants to try and get this reform on the inside again. Paddling hard. That’s the thing about center paddling. You can use the paddle to get through these flat sections. Yeah. Open up scoring potential on the inside. Little bit of a stylish over the head paddle. Yeah. Hold there as well. It’s another well-surfed wave there from Sakura. Showing that the women just as good as the men. Am een and the young women. Yes. 14 years old, of course. Yeah. It’s crazy. You know, they came over to Portugal and spent a few days with us over there in in the beautiful city of Viando the Castello. Actually, which will be on tour next year. Oh, wow. For racing event and we got surfing on the horizon in the future. So, definitely exciting stuff happening for for twenty twenty-three. We’re about to launch a schedule over in Paris in a few weeks. Um but but yeah, no they came over and they scored some really good waves and so impressive both assist as well. Taka obviously as well but we kind of anticipated that and then the girls just blew our minds. Yeah, of course. Will there be any more sub-surfing events for this season? For this season not because we kind of we kind of got boxed in in the season. We had planned to to kind of make it all happen before the end of the year but then with the turn of events and kind of a slow return from COVID in the early part of the year kind of back things up. Uh made it a bit complicated. So we just went for let’s keep it simple this year. One event. Crown a champion. Get back in action and then next year have a full tour of I think it’s going to be three events for next year. So some really really cool locations so. Yeah. Schedule coming very shortly here. Excellent. a great event to open up this season. Great waves. We’ve got a great forecast on offer as well. Great to be back here. Seems fitting as we finished here in twenty 19. Well, exactly. That’s what I was going to say. I felt like we finished on such a high with winning the well-deserved world title as we got Noah taken off on this just quickly. Nice battle transition there and back into the white water. He’s a big guy too, Noah. He is six three. Yeah. A nice little cross step there. So is Caipo Guerrero would say representing the great surfing nation of Denmark. But that’s the beautiful thing about stand up padding. It is exactly. It’s just amazing. You got people from every corner of the world coming up. I mean Casper’s dominated. He’s been such a dominant figure in the sport for the last eight to 10 years. Yeah, that’s right. Um so, he really set the tone for Denmark and it’s generated this whole wealth of talent coming there. You got Caroline Kunsel, you’ve got Christian Anderson, you’ve got all these guys, really multi-talented too. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. We had some people watching from Finland as well. Yup. Who were into the sub surfing? That’s awesome. all around the world. Yeah, I mean, it really is such an inclusive sport and that’s really the magic of it and that’s what got us so excited about the potential. Just to see how anybody from any where in the world, there’s no barrier to entry. Anybody can get into it. There’s so many different ways you can enjoy the sport that it’s it’s really great and when you get to see people in great ways as well, it’s obviously my most exciting moment. Exactly. Like you were saying, yeah, to bring it back to Grand Canaria, I think it was a special moment ending in 2019 and we were like looking forward to kick off the 2020 season in style. Unfortunately, we had a forced break. Um but it’s nice to kind of pick out where we left off and I think it’s very fitting that way too. Yes, definitely very fitting. And we should be finishing the event around the corner at Elarette. Exactly. Very different wave to this. Um but here we have Zane Schweitzer. This looks like a nice looking wave actually. It does. Bit of a style. Hang five there. Bit of a sole arch. Zane again just showing that progression and power that he has on a what’s up longboard. And smart too because it feels like you want to follow the the reeling wave but his decision to cut back and kind of go back into the power source when it backs off is really smart there. Exact goes to the right and he’s hanging five casually. And finishes it off as well. So again, great variety on that wave. Powerful when he’s going to do a headstand to finish. Yep. Amazing. I don’t think he could have thought of anything else to do on that one. I don’t think he could’ve. No. Not at all. But that’s the aim for you. Yeah. Just very angry. Thinking outside the box. You surfing is very exciting isn’t it? It really is and actually I think on the bigger board, I almost, I mean, he always rides great on the short board but I do love him riding a bigger lawn board. I think it really suits his kind of a powerful style. He’s able to still get snappy turns but use the stylistic elements to go into the nose and everything else. I think it’s yeah, it’s a pleasure to see him Yeah. There’s no extender here. He’s in the white. He’s taking off. Bit of a cut back on this wave. Let’s see if it lines up for him on the inside. And so he’s chasing Sakura there. He needs a solid wave to get back into contention here. He does. Yeah. Noah’s looking for a seven point43 to get himself up into first place which is going to move into the the next round. So, after this, we’ll be going into the of the boys and girls and then, finally, the repetitions for the longboard and then, we’re actually going to wrap the juniors division today. So, we had a slight change of plan for later in the day. We wanted to make sure we could crown some champions. The conditions really cleaned up. I mean, it’s got beautiful out here. The sun came out. No wind. Um and the waves seem to be improving all the time, no? Yeah, excellent. So, there you go. Junior division will be wrapping up today. Champion today. Exactly and then tomorrow, we should have the combination of the longboard and and then the trials for men and women and then leading to couple days of intense action. Yeah. Pro event. Very very exciting. We’ll see. Sakuri here catching waves. She’s also going to be competing in the junior event. Along with her sister and the women’s open. And the women’s open. They’re doing everything. Yeah. She hangs 10 there. Using that paddle trying to get ahead of this white water. Oh. Oh again just couldn’t get quite far back enough. Looks like Zane’s extended his lead after that previous wave as well. That was an 8. 17 for Zane. So that was impressive and a nice hang fight there from Noah. Critical right at the start of the wave. So be interesting to see how that improves his position. But Zane I would say pretty untouchable at this point. Very untouchable yet. Other athletes are now Common combo. Just 2 minutes to go. So your first time to it is my first time. Oh amazing place. Yeah. So cool. I love that the city is right on the water and. Yeah. People can just come and watch the event. This is the replay of Zane’s last wave. The 8. 17. You can see. There really wasn’t one last moment on that wave. Even the snap he did. You’d think oh that’s it but then he went back and kind of foam climbed a little bit on the back on his back end. He finished it off. in control. No. With the headstand. With a headstand. That was the. 17 at the end. That was. That was the. 17. And executed too. Stayed on the wave. Yeah. Always the entertainers ain’t on land or on the water. Yes he is. Always putting on the show. Yes, Am y competing on the tour for quite a number of years now. We’ll see one of the originals or just the. He is one of the OGs. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Excellent. He he actually was sleeping on our floor at 14 years old at the first Sunset Beach event. Right. Wow. So, yeah, he’s been there. It might have been maybe it was the second one. I feel like it was the first though. Yeah, it’s either the first or the second. Right. Uh when Akolu Kalama was like the leading light coming into the tour. Uh everybody was complaining that I gave Kyle Lenny a wildcard in the first year which turned out to be quite comedic. Has he won that event? Yeah, as he won that event, won the tour and won the title for the next few years. So, yeah. Um no, it’s an interesting time in the sport. I think we had an athlete meeting just before the first event at Sunset and I remember Bonga Perkins was fighting to have a nine-foot board minimum for obvious reasons. Um one of the best online footer that’s ever really. So, yes, exactly. Uh Noah on another wave. trying to improve his score. Not sure that’s going to make the difference for him though actually. He needs he needs a bit of variety. He needs a wave that gives him some more scoring potential there. That’s true. As we got 10 seconds left in this heat. Zain paddling into one. Might do a bit of a victory lap here. riding Benoit up on Diaz board. Oh is he just just fell off on that nose ride? But that’s the end of heat number four. That is the long board division. Round one wrapped up. Zane Schweitzer taking the lead on that one. As we see the great City of Las Palmers, Dikran Canaria. We’ll be heading to a short commercial break. Coming back with the repercharge of the junior boys. Have Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. more first times. More leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. More whiffs of the salty sea. And the countryside country. More smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. More flavors to discover. more being at a loss for words. time. Time to lose yourself. And find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. of this. And this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. be out in out in the open though. Buenos dias. Welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m joined by CEO of APP, Tristan Bogsford. Tristan, great to be back. It’s great to be back. It’s great to have you in the booth, Holly and yeah, what a beautiful day. It really turned out for the books When we first got down here this morning at 6 thirty, seven o’clock. We were watching in the dark, semi dock. And it didn’t look that exciting. Uh I have to say, but we were like, we gotta keep our options open and, and sure enough, it kind of turned on. So, it was a good call. And it’s certainly turned on and we’ve, we’ve run through a few, a few hits. Yeah. Already with the, the juniors, the, the boys and and the girls, the long board division as well. Yeah, I think I think you know, some exciting takeaways already. First of all, that the future is bright. Um there’s a lot of young talent coming into the sport particularly from Japan as we’re learning. Yeah. Yeah. Uh in all respects. Um I think the other thing is that you know, longboarding is SGP longboarding is definitely standard really bottle up all over the world as we’ve been talking about in Australia. It’s become a a really big part of the SUP culture there which is great. Um and then, you know, now, we’re seeing some great action from all the top guys. As Holly down on the beach. With Zane. Mister talking about his last heat and Yeah, he’s gotta be pretty happy with Hat Webb. You know, it’s Zane’s one of those impressive athletes who really does do everything. Um he’s come from the mold of Kyle Lenny’s and Connor Baxters and all those guys that are in insanely talented across all the different sports. Um and you know, his low center gravity when he’s, you know, he’s always, you know, keeps his his center balance really low. So, he’s got such an amazing balance. No matter what board he’s riding. Uh whether it’s a short board, he’s very exciting to watch, very energetic and as we’re talking with Beau, never a dull moment. There’s never a a down moment in his surfing and on long board actually I it’s almost my favorite form surfing. Um I think he really he puts a lot of flare, a lot of power, and a lot of flow. Just style with progression, right? Exactly. Exactly. And he’s able to control his power like he can release when he wants to release. He can get up to the nose and be super stylish because he’s so agile. He can even do headstands as we saw in that last that last heat. and the other, yeah, the other guy I’m super excited about seeing in the long board is is Leko Salazar. You know, his dad, one of the most titled Brazilian surfers of all time. Um at we got a start of the heat. Um but yeah, Leko’s dad was was a really celebrated lawn mortar, Leco started in lawn boarding and came on to the scene and stand up paddling right in the first year of the tour and and just blitzed everyone and and you better you better get her in the first Brazilian event. So, he’s been at the he’s been at the forefront since the beginning. And good to see long boarding back. I mean, after with the last time, it was 2019 over in New York. Mm hmm. Yeah, you know, I think it’s a lot better showcase here. Um it was a bit of an afterthought in Long in Long Beach quite honestly. It was something we wanted to do just to do a little exhibition showcase. Uh the waves weren’t great. Um but here actually it’s quite a good way for it. There’s a lot of reform. There’s a lot of potential to use the full length of the board. Yeah. Uh there’s options for critical turns and and so yeah it’s exciting to see it and I think it’s a great time to kind of inject some energy into this part of the sport. There’s lots. There was the guys were like splitting the peak and you know you got the left and the right’s not just the left on offer here, right? Exactly. Um yeah, it gives a lot of opportunity and it’s it is a strange. It’s quite a difficult reef to at you as we see Ryder and White here. This is Noah Stenda. And then Pedro. Yep. In the back. Ah young gun. 12 years old. Oh I think he’s eleven even actually. Yeah he’s eleven. Yeah. So Noah. Noah Stender from Denmark. Uh so he just won oh no he didn’t win the Europeans but I think he was second or third. He got to the finals of the Europeans. But Noah actually won it. Uh well not Benoit. No it wasn’t. It was Guillermo. Uh who was coming? He’ll be in the main event. Uh the Spanish champion. Uh Benoit was I think Noah was third. So, great result for Noah. Uh and I think he was the under 18 champion. Nice. Zane out the back. Kind of look and see what’s coming. So, waiting patiently for the sets. He’s kind of got a I don’t know like whether they have, I kind of go for everything or there’s some tactics out there for like. Definitely and you want to. So, I think it was this morning. Yeah, exactly and you want to have that bigger set wave because those the smaller ones tend to fizzle out. Uh the bigger ones have some reform potential and you can get a proper hit on the inside. So, if you’re being strategic and smart, you’re going to really watch for those biggest sets. We got some scores in from Noah with a 3 point eight three. With Pedro’s first ride, 2. 17. And Zane on the outside there in red. Uh he’s been on the scene for for many years. We actually met him when he was about 13 or 14. Uh, he started doing the youth and the Kamakai Youth event. We used to do in Turtle Bay. Uh, and then moved on to Sunset. Um, so he’s like one of the, one of the soul rising talents and a young rising talents in Hawaii. Unfortunately, kind of fizzle a little bit. I feel like there’s starting to be a bit more energy back in the sport again over in Hawaii. Mm hmm. Uh, unfortunately, Bren Ro couldn’t make it this time. He’s another one of the Maui talents. Um we see Zane looking to get into that but Zane on the North Shore he really holds it down for Santa paddling as we got Pedro Vega He’s going to do this left. Nice little top turn. He’s going to work round the section. Using that pedal. Back into Back into the pocket. Just fizzled out and we got some got some nice turns. Yeah, very energetic young Brazilian surfer. A lot of support behind him from Brazil. It’s been a huge campaign to bring him over here for the for the pro juniors. So, it’s great to have him in this heat. Uh would be great to see him go through honestly. I think he’s he’s a great star of the future and I think it’s it’s representative of the Brazilian storm that we do have in in stand up paddling as well. A lot of cheers from the Brazilian contingent down on the boardwalk. What he does? What he’s catching away and especially when he kind of takes it right to the shore, the sort of. Exactly. They love to see it. And here’s yeah, he’s he’s, I think he’s got some competitive smarts to learn still. I think his talent is really there. Um but you know, like anyone when they’re young, even when you, well, I considered young when we were like 17 or 18, not eleven. He’s a hungry Grom. He’s trying to catch all the waves. Exactly, exactly. Um but I think definitely a bright talent for the future and I’ve heard Leko and all the guys talk to them. Uh Leko kind of an elderly statesman now. Although he’s only, I think early 30s but he’s been on the tour since the beginning. 2012 world champion. Um so, he’s a ambassador for the sport and he was the first Brazilian world champion for for the sport and then Kyle Vaj who it looks fingers crossed he’s going to be making it after all. Uh huh. Uh who’s three times world champion, great multi-sport athlete as well, big wave surfer, got a lot of really big waves at Nazare or the big slabs in off Rio. So, really accomplished surfer like like the the all these guys who are multi sports. And the and the Brazilians are really close. They will travel together. Yeah. Definitely a car. After each other, right? Exactly. Leko definitely, like I said, the elderly statesman, Wellington, and Luis kind of the current stars. Uh and then you’ve these new new wealth of talents, Leo Jimenez, who actually won the Brazilian title. I think this year. Uh really, really good talent. He’s been kind of up and coming for the last few years and and young too. So, yeah, it’s exciting to see the the level of energy coming from from Brazil and there’s a lot more. So, you know, the more things start to open up, I think the more talent we’re going to see from there. And in 20 19, we saw Wellington take take the championship here. Well, winning the event and yeah, he’s going to be eager to kind of keep his, keep his title, isn’t he? Definitely. He was he had his eyes set on the title. Unfortunately, just coming short. Uh and ironically, it was his countryman who kind of sealed the deal for him because Leko beat lack of beat. Somebody who was challenging him for the title. Um a fellow Brazilian, I think it was lose the news actually. He beat Lewis Denise which basically ended Luis Denise’s health for the title and secured title which was yeah, an interesting turn of events and here’s Zane. So Zane’s up on a nice looking right. See what it’s going to do. Is it going to open up for him? Not some turning back into the pocket. using the paddle really generating so much speed in the flat section. Bams it off the top. Just caught it. Caught the nose there but manages to recover but nice little bang off the top to finish it off. So that was Zane’s first pop-up wave. That should make a difference for him, I would think. Pedro currently in the lead, eleven-year-old. So, definitely handing it to the older kids. Um but yeah, Zane, Zane is a very talented young kid from from the North Shore. Uh he rides on Blue Planet. Actually, a great supporter of the sport over there. Uh huh. Um so yeah, it’s yeah, it’s it’s interesting to see the evolution, the ups and downs of sports as they ebb and flow. Um you know, Hawaii is such a center for like sports development that when the new fad comes in, it just takes over and then as things calibrate, you know, the the traditional sports tend to kind of bring back some of the popularity and I think that’s about it’s happening or about to happen in Hawaii. Uh as we Noah coming unstuck. Unfortunately, he was in the last heat of the longboarding. So, he’s probably pretty tired right now. They’re young though. Straight back out there. They got plenty of energy. Plenty of energy. But yeah, no, to be interesting to see if there’s a new crop of talent coming through in Hawaii. I think there will be. Um, because it’s such a, a multi-sport culture as it is over there. There’s a lot of guys, especially now with Kai Lenny kind of making it cool to be multi-sport guy. Um, you know, I think it’s the new generation sees it as something aspirational. Even John John, all those guys now getting more into foiling, getting into distance paddling, getting into sailing, just becoming more versatile as as water athletes. Yeah. Yeah. And they see the benefits of it. You know, it’s definitely, it’s a huge advantage. We were talking about it with Kai, you know, like how fundamental stand ups been for his big wave surfing, campaigns, taking on and almost, I think he was saying with the, without that, it probably, you know, he wouldn’t be looking at the waves as he does and. Yeah, I think it’s, you know, like Kyle always says, it’s drawing on every single sport and actually, Dave Kalama was the one that, the kind of the original mentor of this kind of mentality of, of looking how each sport can benefit you in another sport. So, training in one does not, is not exclusive to training in one, it’s, it’s very complementary to all the different sports, and as the strap crew guys, the, it kind of originated toe surfing in, in Piahi and draws in the early days, they learned that we’re used to dealing with speed on a windsurfer and having straps. Uh hang on all pulls on there as we got Pedro Vega, a young champion here. Definitely a very alert surfer. Knows where he is. Keeping in the palace also the wave. Hoping for something to line up on the inside here. Uh it kind of fizzles out that way. Like I said, with those smaller ones, they tend to look as though they’re going to line up but they just don’t really have the power to push through. But yeah, that the the strap crew, they really came from actually windsurfing more than anything. Um layered and Dave Palama and Rush Randall and Mark Angulo and Olo and Josh Angulo. They all kind of culminated towards this opportunity to get into surfing and ride really really big surf on smaller boards. Uh and the idea that you could manage on a smaller board if A, you were towed in and B, you had straps to keep you fixed on the board because when you go on at that speed, the chances of bouncing off without straps is really, really easy but they were used to going fast. They were used to drawing turns on a small board and a big wave because on a windsurfer, that’s what you do and they were windsurfing Piahi right back at the beginning. So, and win seven is a great tool for that as well. Um so, that’s was the first dawning days of this idea of this pollination across the sports I think because then kite surfing involved and you know, then stand up paddling came along and stand up paddling enabled you to have troll ah over much bigger board, right? A smaller board in Big Surf, a bigger board in small surf, and it enabled you to really watch the ocean and learn how you can maximize the waves potential. I think how do you see these sports developing, I guess, with the, say the introduction of, of, of Hydrofoil and You know, I think every sport has its place. You know, foiling is like the next big thing. You know, it’s an extension of surfing. Everything is really an extension of surfing as we’ve got Noah on this wave. It’s actually looks like a nice wave. Keeping in the power source, making sure he doesn’t go too far out onto the shoulder. decides to kick out for something better. Um yeah, I I see it as an extension of surfing. Um the great thing about it is you don’t need the same kind of waves so that you’re not battling for the same waves. So, I think that’s a complimentary form of surfing but I think all surfers that have put a rail in the water and felt what it is to drive a turn. Uh we’ll always end up coming back to the core feeling of driving a turn on on a wave. So, and there’s so many different ways you can do that. Um the nice thing about stand up paddling is the diversity and the different conditions you can really have a great time in and especially as you get older and work starts to become really important and you have less time to go surf. Yeah. Uh you can maximize your time on the water because of a wider range of conditions can suit suit your riding which is what I found with stand up padding. And also not having to think that if you go on a trip, like you come here, if you gotta bring four boards, if you’re, if, if you’re surfing, you know, you’re kind of looking at that. Okay, do I need a gun? Do I need a step up? Do I need? Yeah. Do I need a little grovel board? You can, you can take less. You can. You can take less for sure. You know, like everything is always going to be you’re going to wish you had your other board if you’re when you get there and you don’t bring it but yeah I’d say one board fits all more than in surfing. Um as we see Zane on actually a bit of a set wave here. It’s a nice looking left. Yeah, he’ll be wanting to back up at that first wave where he got the nice bank off the end section. He’s got a bit of a reform to the right there. Being smart to stay patient. He’s got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top there. It’s a great looking ride from Zane. His last score was a 6. 33. See if he can improve on that. So there definitely will be a good backup. As Noah Stender Stender is back in contention. He’s just ahead of Pedro there. As we got Pedro on another wave. This looks like a nice little inside wave. They might unfortunately just. Just dropping out the back there. So great learning experience for Pedro. I think like I said I think he’s got a great future ahead of him. Um and it’s the first time he’s been over here. First time he’s been over here. I got a feeling it’s the first time he’s been out of Brazil. No way. Um so you know it’s a big deal. Uh there was a lot of people that supported to get him over here. His family are very supportive and very passionate. So as here’s the replay of Noah’s wave. today. So Zane. With a five. For his third wave of the heat. Yeah, he’s been selective. You know, he’s chose the ones that that reform. Yeah, it’s a good backup and I think it puts him in a pretty solid advancing position. I believe the top two advanced through into the semis here if I’m not correct or maybe it’s the top. Actually, he’s probably the winner. No. It is the winner of this goes through. So, it’s an important position. And what are we looking to do later in the day? We’re looking to we’ll go through the repersage of both the well, the boys, the girls, and the longboard. Then, we’ll be going into the semis of the boys and the girls and then in to the finals. So, we’re going to wrap. We’re going to have some champions today in the nice conditions. Uh long boarding will roll on into tomorrow. Yeah. Um so, we’ll finish that tomorrow and then we’ll have the open trials. Uh fingers crossed depending the conditions being okay in the morning. Um so, we’re setting ourselves up to be a bit more selective as we come into this big swell period. And there’s some big, some big waves on the way. Definitely some big surf, very exciting to to see the full cost. Um as we got Pedro on it. Uh he’s not quite able to get in there unfortunately. Um we got a great forecast on hand, good wins. Um the one concern is that it might max out the location. So, we gotta be careful that we don’t just shoot for the the biggest and then get closed down but let’s see. We’re we’re going to try and navigate the swell as well as we possibly can to take the best part of it. Uh I think Wednesday will be a great day. Solid is the first kind of hit of the swell which is pretty constant. It’ll provide some great competition. Uh and then we’ll kind of handpick the final stages. And we’re in the Wawa, the fun bus right in front of La Sesa and it’s mobile. So we’ve got that option to go around the corner to El Loret. When the conditions look kind of, I mean, when they do start coming in, that that is an incredible wave and most likely, we’ll be, we’ll be finishing off over there, don’t you think? 100, 100%. I mean, basically, the beauty of this venue is we’ve got a successful venue over here that everybody can get out and and participate and have fun. Ideal for the long board component. Uh around the corner is a is a legitimate point break, difficult entry and exit from the water. Um a lot more complicated to it. So, it’s nice to be able to get some of the open rounds and some of the juniors out without too much of a stress and headache. Yeah. Uh and really get some fun surfing and then be able to put the pros in in some meaningful waves and you know, 2018 and 19, this place showed it’s worth there was some great waves, fabulous point break surfing and and the guys putting the best surfing in the world on show. And finals day for both years just lit up and. Yeah. Yeah. We were very fortunate and you know, the riders made it really look good on top of that. Pedro. On a nice looking right here. Just taps it off the top. He’s going to try and look to get back into the pocket. See if it reforms. Unfortunately just fizzles out for him a little bit. Yeah, I know I’m excited to see the evolution of the sports and you know, obviously, it’s been a few years now. Um you know, 2019 was the last event. We’ve obviously been seeing some clips online. The guys who are super active, Wellington and Luis. Yeah. Particularly definitely they want the title, both of them. Uh Luis is coming off a win at the ISA event. Uh you know, fantastic performance from him there. Uh Wellington didn’t qualify through the Brazilians which is quite surprising but then there’s such a hot better talent in Brazil. It’s not also not surprising. Uh so, but yeah, it’ll be interesting to see where they’re at. You know, I love watching Wellington surf. I think on his backhand, that was some of the best backhand surfing I’ve seen on a stand-up paddle board from him that year for sure. In 2019? In 2019. Yeah, it was just so smooth, not a water, you know, drop of water out of place when he was doing his turns. Um lot of power, just positioning was perfect. Um really full rail turns as well. Um Leko, a bit more traditional but very much going vertical up and down. Um not as on rail is Wellington but so fluid and you know, it’s great to see the contrasting styles. Wellington just getting really critical on all those turns, right? Just. Absolutely. Putting on tail and just throwing out over the top and. A lot of release in his boards. Leko’s got a bit more traditional straighter rails I think and Wellington’s got that kind of more short board you know, throw tail drift through his top turns. Um yeah, it’s great to see the contrasting styles both look beautiful, honestly. Uh and then you got Luis Denise who’s at the extreme end of the spectrum right in really really small boards. You know, 100% kind of short board style and obviously throwing errors and all that kind of stuff is we gotta replay Pedro. There’s a smaller wave here but it does wall up nicely on this right on on the inside bank here. It does. Unfortunately, getting no, yeah, he got a little hung up on that second turn. It was just as it backed up off. So, unfortunate there. So, we got a nice set though. Zane. He’s going. Definitely showing some patience and picking the right waves. He’s got a nice looking left here but that that wave almost unfortunately coming unstuck but right there, there’s a drop off. There’s like a reef shelf and then it drops off. So, it backs off almost immediately. So, you have to cut back and go back into the power source and then it reforms once it hits the sandbank on the inside. And a couple of wobbles out there. Well, yeah. I was out there yesterday with Bow and we’re just scraping out a bit of bit of current and. It’s a complicated wave. Uh it’s accessible but it’s complicated. It’s difficult to surf well. Um and a lot of the pros were saying that as well. Like it’s a really difficult wave to to have great surfing because you’ve really gotta be on your game. Your timing has to be perfect. Um you know, point break, you can kind of read it easier. You know how it’s going to, you know, you can kind of line up your turns. This is a bit more. The Pandor box, the Pandora’s box. You know, you never know quite what’s going to come out but it could be great. So, Noah Switching paddles. Drive it back in. kind of leaning on that on that heel edge. There to get it back into the into the pocket. Yeah, definitely you know, he’s a great hope for the future for Denmark for sure. I see him as you know, the more he competes and the more he gets into this, he’s going to be a guy to watch out for in the future. As well as this guy. who’s got another seven years before he comes out of the junior division. Just incredible. Yeah. But Kai, when he was 17. Kai was 17. Um and you know, stand up paddling right at the very beginning. Uh that that’s the end of that heat. Looks like we got Zane advancing through into the semi-finals there. and Zane with 11 point 3 three. He’ll be going through. But yeah the early days it was definitely like We’re going to be jump jumping to a commercial break and then we’ll be back with the reproach rounds. Heat two. Buenos dias. Buenas tardes. Welcome to Las Canaria s. We’re here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am APP World Tour. The juniors, We’ve been through a couple of hits this morning. We’re now on the the rubber jacket round. Heat two. in the water We have yeah that’s Vince so please apologies if I pronounced it wrong. I think his parents are German but he’s grown up here in Grand Canaria. Yeah he’s he’s he’s over in based over in Fuerventura in in Cora Luco. Yeah. Yeah. And actually he competed in one of our races down in the south of last of Grand Canaria a few years ago. So we’ve known the kid. We’ve seen him grow. Looking for that one. Yeah. He just decided Good choice. Decided against it. Wasn’t really up too much that way. And then we got yeah Tituan obviously from France and then we got Tobias Ernst from Denmark. So another Danish up and coming talent. Inspired by the Viking himself Casper Steinfath leading the charge for the Danish. So Casper is quite a character in the sport. He actually this year paddled around Denmark. Um over a 45-day period or something. Wow. Non stop. So I mean he stopped every evening but just went. Um and before that he paddled to Norway. Foiled to Norway. Yeah it’s just yeah he’s and he dominated in the big wave surf races that we did in in San Francisco coming in Ocean Beach in Excel Surf. Uh and he won it twice. So. Nice. You think Kai Lenny would have won it hands down being the the guy that he is and Casper both wanted both aims. Uh and then the first year I believe it was Connor Baxter who won. So, yeah, it’s yeah, it’s great to see the diversity in the sport. Uh how different skill sets can come into play. And different scenes as well and how I think. It’s really a hybrid sport that pulled off all the different sports in its evolution. I mean, you had windsurfers really like get attracted to it because they’re used to having something in their hands. Uh they’re used to being outside of the surf zone and and seeing the swells come as wells rather than just seeing them as peaks where they drop in. Um so, that was one component of it that came to fort. We obviously got canoe pallets who came into the sport, outrigger canoe paddlers. Um and then shoreboard surfers. Yeah. Uh who came in. It was a great at the beginning. It was a great tool for getting fit during the summer time in Hawaii for example and that was really the kind of the start of it. Um and then you you saw everybody started to grasp from the potential in Tahiti where it’s such a you know canoe, paddling, and surfing are the two big sports in Tahiti. Uh and those guys really got onto it because they were great paddlers and they were great surfers. So what a perfect combination for them. So. And Longwood surf as well. Throwing that in and then being able to do maneuvers and. Yeah. That whole kind of the the tradition as well as the high performance kind of lending itself to stand up. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I know it’s it’s the evolution was interesting and you know, the first year, like I said, we had Bonga pushing for a nine-foot minimum. Within a year, the boards reduced by a foot. Uh if not more. Um riders suddenly there was this burst of young talent like Mo Freitas and Zane and Bern Rodig and all these kids coming in just like and and Kai obviously leading the charge. Um yeah it was a really exciting time for the sport but then at the the other end we had, you know, celebrated bodyboarder Kyno McGee who also got in the semi-finals of the Pipe Masters in in surfing one year. He’s like, you know, multi-sport watermen athlete. Dwayne DeSoto who also is really dominant. Bonga Perkins, all these guys. So, he had a really great and interesting mix of people and. Yeah. Some of the heats or mow riding a six eight, bonga riding a nine oh, or an eight five, you know, so it was, it was a cool time for the sport and then seeing the evolution was exciting and that, you know, the old guards still held their own, certainly in big surf. You know, Bonga won, Sunset, and I think in two thousand twelve, I believe. Um, managed to clinch it off Kai. And it’s big conditions. It was big conditions. Uh, I think I remember the winning wave was just like banged into a big like left coming towards him at sunset and and made it. So, did a bit of a magician as we see from France. Back in. Just inside going to do. It’s eyeing up A nice little turn there on the top. Cheeky bit of a lay back there. I’m just going to leaning into it. You definitely use it rail. Yeah, you can see not that the wave not giving him much power. So, he’s a little bit you know, kind of edging into it. Not able to put all his power into it in case he drops out the back. So, he’s going to want to get a bit of a bigger wave with a bit more punch to it, I think. But he’s led by actually, it’s funnily enough, Benoit, who is now the kind of, it’s not the old guy, right? He’s like the old guy, but I’ve known Binwa since he was 15, and, you know, from La Tosh in, in Northwest France and then coming out to Sunset and really, I think when he was sixteen and he got into the quarterfinals. Um, so really impressive young guy and now he’s kind of an elderly statesman for you know, still very much at the top of his game. He’s one of the leading, leading guys on tour. Um, is he in his 30s yet or? No, I don’t think so. Okay. No, I think he’s in his twenties. Uh, we see a replay of Tijuan there. But he’s a little bit mentoring these young French kids coming into the event for the first time. being a fatherly figure and seeing his progression as well over the years. Yeah, it’s amazing and you know, he’s another one of those athletes like Zayn. You know, he’s an incredible longboarder. He does the QS. I think he was European champion or second in Europe in long boarding. Um so, he’ll be great to watch out for in the next rounds of of the longboard SCP longboarding as well. Um so, he’s a great all-round athlete. He’s really got into foiling recently. Really good showboarder and he’s doing the winging stuff. So, yeah, well-rounded athlete as we’ve got. Is Vince? Vince? Yeah. Uh just coming on stuck there. Caught the nose. Sometimes it’s tricky with the just the change in contour of the wave the whole time. You think you gotta keep your weight forward because it’s kind of backing off and then all of a sudden there’s a steep section and your nose catches. So. I’ve noticed that with it’s like slightly bit of a wider stunts. Yeah. When when he’s taking off and Just keeping that stability, I guess when you do have those kind of wobbles. Exactly, exactly. Yeah and it’s interesting to see all the different styles of riding. You know, Mo Fredas, I remember when he was paddling around, he would ride such small boards that his feet would together. So, he would literally have him at right angles to each other in the center of the board as he was paddling out. Well. And when he’s paddling in, he was like that and then he would literally leave that front foot where it is and have his foot right on the tail pad. So, it’s a one motion because he’s riding such a small board. Yeah. But he was, you know, he kind of he a little bit revolution ah or yeah he really spurred the evolution of progressive stand up paddle surfing actually in Brazil. I think it was two thousand twelve. Around then or maybe it was a little later but he came with a completely different board than anyone else was riding and I remember seeing Kai just going wow. What did everyone think? Were they like they were looking at it like well that’s interesting and then all of a sudden he was doing some turns. He was able to put his board in places of the wave that people hadn’t really thought about. They kind of thought that you gotta be a bit more conservative. You’re on a bigger board and it’s never going to fit there. Yeah. And he was banking some turns that people couldn’t believe. like a light bulb moment for everybody. Uh you know, if we do. Oh no, for sure. Everybody went back to their shape but straight after that like and let’s copy what this guy is doing because it’s working. Just chop half a foot off. Yeah. And even now, I mean, he was working closely with Pat Ross and from Hawaii. He’s a who’s a celebrated shaper for many years. So, used to shape for Tom Carroll and had those famous boards that people have seen for for decades and then they created this unlikely partnership where they just really work together and created magic together. So, there’s Vince. Unfortunately, closing closing out there. I know it’s going to it’s probably have a good reform. It’s got a bit more size to this board. Hold on to it. trying to generate as much speed as he can through those flat sections. That paddle and just. Just there you can see. Catching the nose. Yeah. It was the same problem. He was kind of keeping his weight back. So, I mean, keeping his weight forward to keep on the wave and then, the nose caught. It’s a fine balance, isn’t it? With that, it is and you gotta watch it especially on a wave like this because it changes so quickly. It’ll hit a little bank and suddenly just jack up unexpectedly like it did there. and he’ll be used to the points on the North Shore in in Fuer Ventura. Exactly. I spent a year over there back in the day and I mean there is so many spots. The slabs, the species, the points, and yeah, it’s a it’s a proper playground for. No, exactly. All these different water sport activities that you get down to the south of the island for wind surfing, or kiting. Yeah. Wink foiling. So, he’s a he’s a bit of a water man. Kinda mixing it up He is? Nope for sure. For sure. It’s definitely a hot spot of kind of multi water sports culture over here in the Canary Islands with you know the celebrated windsurfing capital down in Poso which has been an epicenter for many many years. Uh for windsurfing. Much inspired by our partner with the event. He was 43 world titles I think. Um. Just been over in Namibia coming back. Exactly. Soon. He didn’t manage to beat his record of 104 kilometers an hour. Which is mind boggling. What did he get? Was it like 95 or something. I think it’s top. Speed was 102 or 1 03 but over the over the course, it was 96 or something. The average speed. So, I don’t think it was windy enough is what he said. You know, you need you some serious wind. Um but it’s a crazy place because it’s a really narrow channel, super shallow. Uh incredibly dangerous, honestly. Um but yeah, they. And going as fast as the car. Keep going as fast as possible. As a fast car. Yeah. As a fast car, exactly. Exactly. So, and you know, he’s ever impressive. I think he’s 53 or something now and still is passionate as the youngest growing on tour for windsurfing. He loves it. He loves all the different water sports and and a big promoter and pusher of all water sports culture both here in the Canary Islands and and all over the world. So, you know, a close friend of mine for many years. He’s a he’s a really really great character and a great ambassador for all water sports honestly. And his parents both windsurfed Super King Windsurfers moved over here when born. Bjorn was I mean he was like a couple of years old or something, wasn’t he? Exactly, Danish and Dutch, his parents and they came over here. They were passionate win in the early days of windsurfing and. Set up a centre. Set up a centre. So, his their kid had the best possible opportunity to get in the sport. I think he started on the tour at 15 years old. Uh you know, before Kelly Slater, it was a record-breaking long career because he went from fifteen, I think, till, you know, 40s. Um you know, mid 40s, I think it was when he finally retired. So, from racing and he’s still competing in in speed. So, still gotta yeah, Guinness World Records for for speed and and now and then passing on the batten to to his kids, Liam and Liam actually is he’s been built in the the mold of Kailani as well in in the sense of that multi-sport athlete like Zane and all these guys. His dad obviously loves windsurfing insured. He had that introduction to windsurfing but his kid was more interested in shortboarding when he was young. So, he’s a great shortboard surfer. Um he’s a good stand-up paddle surfer. He’s been Canarian champion. He’s been Canarian champion. Uh he’s done really well this year on the World Tour Windsurfing. I think he I think he finished up 16th overall in the world for his first full year on tour. Uh and and he’s also super into wing falling. really progressive and so, you know, definitely enjoying all the the water has to offer and here in Grand Canary, you got wind and waves. So, perfect combination. Exactly. Exactly. Especially between the different types of years. So, in summertime, it gets really windy in the Canaries which isn’t perfect for for for windsurfing and then the waves pretty much turn on. Kind of like mainland Europe around sort of September, October time. Throughout the whole of the winter, you can get away. I just will pass the sign and it’s the the temperature gauge was twenty-six. It’s almost December and it’s 26 degrees. I mean, what’s not to love? Exactly. I mean, everybody’s wearing wet suits but really you can, last year, I was, I was surfing in shorts. I mean, it’s possible. It’s just, it’s a little chillier in the summertime but it’s beautiful. Yeah. It’s beautiful. Yeah So heat two. We got 7 minutes left. Vince. And in the lead, he’s looking for one here. What’s this left going to do? So, come back. As the pocket, is it? And try and get through this flat section. Really utilizing the paddle. Fortunately, didn’t didn’t reform for him. and Tobias still still waiting out the back. yet to get a score in. And Tejwan needing a one point eight. to come back into the lead. Here he is. This is Left going to do. Not Trying to check out the boulders. Just catching, catching rail there on the, it’s pretty tricky. There’s wobbly conditions. This cross, cross on shore, not super strong. But definitely challenging. Out there. Yeah, it is very challenging out there. Welcome back, bud. So, oh, thanks. Thanks, Ollie. I had Tristan Boxford, APP World Tour, CEO in here for a while. Great insights with Tristan. Great insights, great. Kinda background and history of the sport. and just how it all began from starting the tour in oh nine and Kyle Eddy now like the superstar he is. How sort of kind of going from almost that legacy at the beginning and to where we are, looking at the progression, looking at the juniors. and yeah, we have Pedro on in that that last heat. Fortunately not not getting through. But yeah, 11 year old, 11 years old, still a lot of potential. A lot of years left to make a name for himself on the world stage. Still Junior for another 7 years. That’s right, exactly. It was what Tristan was saying. He was like, yeah, this is true. Sorry, true. Yeah, Tristan with the vision of of creating the the APP World Tour. Still with that same vision today of just you know, bringing this sport to the masters and having a world tour that has the best athletes in the world competing on it. As we do see a that is Tituan. Just trying to paddle into that. Not too many waves ridden in this here. Looks like Ollie coming down to four minutes and 15 seconds remaining. Yeah, there’s been Vince been keeping pretty active out there. He’s got about five waves. Okay. Tobias, is he? Is he in this heat? Has he? Haven’t seen Blue Rash out there. Little left here. the foamy section coming up. Just search it for that reform. Suffers a bit more bit more to play with. Get some vertical. Um hung up there in the white order. Had a few nice turns on the outside there. Yeah. I think that’ll that score might even factor into the top two. As Vince the current heat leader. He’s searching around there. Trying to look for a way that’s going to back up his scores. And Vince is looking for a smaller one this one. Almost dummying the left and then, sending a right Fizzling out. If he can get through. He can just generate so much speed through the flat with the paddle. Just using it to his advantage. He’s going to link up with the reform here on the inside. So, having something a bit extra to work with there off the lip. So, another good wave there from Vince. bit of local knowledge, you think? From Vince? I’d say he’s definitely, definitely been over here and just having that Canarian, Canarian knowledge of the, the power of the waves. As you saw, they’re just in the shorey there and it’s still It can slam you back. Yeah. And the tide now is kind of getting lower and lower as the day goes on. Little low tide around sort of around six. Here’s Sunset Sesh. and it does get super shallow on that inside section there. So, hits the, hits the sandbank just off to the rocks. Yeah, it’s kind of like a little gully as you paddle out. Kinda gotta get wet and then you get to this really shallow sandbank. Like you’re saying, it just slams on the sandbag there. As we do see Tituan. He’s going to try for a wave with one minute 30 seconds on the clock. Needs to get a good score to get himself up into that first position. Seem eyeing it down the line. It’s going to have here. Little turns working it through. Off the top. And just kicking out in. Kicks it away there. Looks like he got pretty shallow. wait to see what the schools are. for both riders on those last waves. See if it does change the situation. So we got 53 seconds left on the clock. Vince still in the lead with that five point three. One. 8. It’s not over until the horn. That’s right. So when the first place does progress through. We do have scores to be locked in. And we’re going to be crowning junior champion. Both the boys and the girls today. That’s right. We’re going to keep rolling through the junior divisions. Up next will be the junior girls. As we count this heat out. So, we’re still waiting for judges to input the scores. And we’ll get those to you as we do see the scores come through. Last wave is a 4. 17. He has moved up into the lead. Vince had a 2point9seven. How was that actually the wave previous to the last one? Two two one advanced but both looking looking in around a two point ride for their last score. So Titawan taking a win. And progressing through to the semi-finals of stoked with that Iswan with the win. Absolutely. gets himself one step closer to the finals. So it’s the semis. And we’ll be hosting commercials. and then we’ll be back. See? ¿Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? o será por esto. porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. Buenas tardes, I’m welcome to the Gran Canaria were round now. girls. Heat one. in red Marina Loyeza. And and white. We’ve got Annabelle Page from the UK. And then in blue, we have Defania Millard. Yeah, exciting repetitive heat. For these women. I actually think that all of these women were in the European final. of the Euro Championships recently. So it’s a bit of a rematch. Between these three competitors. We have actually won the event. Marina, I think was in second and Annabelle in third. So there’ll be these guys. All wanting to win. All wanting to win. Exactly. Getting through this heat. As Marina taking off. Oi. Did you see those bumps on the face with that wind? Blowing kind of cross shore. Just getting along stuck on that bump. How did it feel down? It’s getting a little bit windier. It is a little bit windier but the sun’s out. Looks really nice out there. The colour of the water’s so blue. As we see a competitor from the last heat. That’s Vince. Unfortunately, just getting pipped right in the last 10 seconds there. As the scores come through quite late. So, great performance from Vince. We’ll see him in the men’s trials. Coming up that’ll be hopefully tomorrow. We’ll get a start on that. I think so. So he’s just going to Trying to almost just take what he’s learned from here, from today. And put that into the trials. Yeah, look at maybe similar conditions tomorrow. I think so. This maybe a little bit cleaner. It’s dropping off slightly. The swell and the the size from forecasts may maybe a tad bit smaller. But if it’s if it’s going to be cleaner conditions it’s going to Definitely going to see a lot of waves. Good period as well. 30 seconds then in the afternoon starts building. Nice. Wednesday Gonna be bigger. And then Thursday. Too big. Six. That’s winning. Everyone go home. Yeah exactly. So big and scary. So we see Annabelle Page in the white opting for this left on her forehand. Isn’t that paddle to cut back? Really nice and low. Annabelle stays on her board. For that stability. It’s a nice nice turnovers. Marina there with a lovely cut back and again just catches a rail. Just struggling a little bit with the bumps out there. We saw it maybe a bit more of a relaxed stance than Annabelle. Annabelle opting for that bit lower Wider stance so you can get a bit more stability in these bumpy waves. As you see a set rolling throughout the back. Tofain is out there. Shane get over this one. Is she? Popped in to paddle over it. Yep. saw something behind it. And then Marina there paddling back out after a wave. Annabelle would have been nice to see her pull off that last maneuver. Should we get a big score for that? Lot of commitment throwing it up into the white water. We’ll get a replay of Marina’s wave. interesting. Yeah. Nice looking turn. Finney back in and then just getting caught up. That white water. Yeah, maybe just a bit too much on the toes. Just a bit too relaxed thinking yeah, finish the turn but in a competition, you gotta be on. As Tefaine just finishes off a little right hander there. You see the shelf there in the back? so exposed here in Grand Canaria, Las Parmas. Yeah, lots of open ocean swell. Hitting these reefs, hitting these beach breaks. Creating a lot of power as we’ve seen. Even just in the short break. Definitely not to be underestimated. No, it’s not at all. Not at all. Annabelle trying to get out. It’s been really consistent today. It hasn’t been a lot of you know big lulls or I’ve been waiting around. Everyone’s been keeping pretty busy out there. I feel like the froth’s pretty high in the junior division too. Get a lot of waves. The juniors is so. For sure, exactly. Especially maybe being maybe three and four people heat. Maybe it’ll just start getting into the men or men and women and women heats. The Groms are just stoked to be in the water. They are exactly. Yeah. Why not? There’s a couple of other people out. Why wouldn’t you be stoked? And that never stops. It doesn’t matter what. That’s true. I’ve been known to overfroth on occasions. Haven’t we all? Just cook it in the end, don’t you? Annabelle stroking hard into this one. Oh again. Sticking the nose in. Looks like the wind is definitely playing a factor in this heat. Maybe it’s picked up slightly out there. Just opting to just jump off the board. He just bailed. Yep. Fair enough. We were speaking about that on the bigger ones. We almost just gives you a hand for for bailing. Yes. It does. I remember. Sophie some short boards and big waves coming in. I’m not going to be undocked on this one so standing up on the board and just I’m just driving down. Yep. Obviously on a what’s up. You’re already you’re already standing up so you get that little bit extra height to to punch down and again. We’ve just seen a little nosedive so. Conditions getting a tad trick here. Yeah, definitely getting tricky out there. It’s definitely not easy if you’re just looking at it on the screen. It is tricky out there. Lot of water moving. You can see it moving from that left to right on the screen a bit. Moving into the channel. On the surface. Yeah. His currents moving around. Almost fighting with the paddle against the current. Be trying to suck them down like away from where they’re positioned in the moment on that left. So let’s take a look at the scores that are just coming through now for all the waves here of the girls. So, Annabelle Page. She’s got a 3. 83 on that first one. Just a small score of a. 33. That puts her up into the lead in first place. Marina, she’s in second. 2. 17. For her second wave and then a one point zero. Same with the 2. 27. On that little right hander that we saw. Earlier. So, girls 11 and a half minutes on the clock. Yeah, halfway through the heat. Yeah. Plenty of time. 20-minute heats for repercharge. It’s a little bit shorter in length. So, definitely need to stay a bit more busy. because we know how much time they get between when they if they when they do advance is there a, is there a bit of a breather? Between. Yeah. Now in the semis? I’d say so, probably jump back into the junior boys, I’d say. I think it gives us some time in the athlete. Give a little bit of time. Chill out area. Yeah. Catch a breath. It’s also good. It’s also good that if you when you do get through your heat and you feel like you’ve surf worlds get back out there straight away as well. Just so you still stay on that role. Build on that momentum. Yeah exactly. Annabelle, Annabelle, just a quick left there It’s on her way out now. She’s seen there’s a bit of a set coming through. What’s this thing going to do? So she’s eyeing up the left. sided against it. Definitely a good choice there. Good choice. Exactly. Dizzled out. Yeah, really going to be selective with your with your waves. This might do something. It’s not, no one’s going to get on it. 9 minutes. 39 on the clock. Yeah, we’re starting to feel the wind coming a little bit here where we’re sitting. So, definitely it’s picking up out there. The flags and the walla. and wafting in the wind. Bit of a nice relief though. Yeah. It is. It is. Fresh air. Yeah. So first and second progressing from this heat. into the semi-finals. First and second. First and second. Yep. And they’ll be meeting one of the Japanese sisters. We both have in a way. They’ll be watching. In a way. On the boardwalk. They will be watching. So those two are Friday semis. To Fain in the blue. Nice cut back there. So this is the European champion. Looks like she’s been waving to the beach. Yeah. Maybe I thought maybe swapping out a bit of equipment there or. You reckon equipment change? Maybe it looked like it. It could be. the marina. Vamos. Let’s see. She gets onto this one. Could open up for her. Nice little section for a cut back. Nice come back in the tub. See a lot of rocker on the front of that board as well. Oh, no. Steve Section system. Yeah. Glue the She definitely does help with those deeper sections. Bit of rocker in the front. That’s interesting. There’s kind of more of an equal scene with the other. A lot more, definitely. You see Annabelle’s board there. She’s on a smick. So, quite flat in the nose. It’s quite a wide nose as well. So, it offers a lot of stability when you’re paddling around. It’s a bit more swing weight to the board when you are turning it. But these snakes are actually made as a kind of a twin fin with a little trailer fin in there. I think Annabelle switched up a bit. She’s put a bit bigger back fin in. And some smaller side fins. So opting for something that’s a little bit different. As I do see, looks like the longboard. Competitors are heading down. We do see the longboard round two. Round 2, heat one. Coming up next. But we’re back into the action. All the girls at Annabelle page. Yeah, we did actually see Marina jump up into the lead there with a 4. 33 on her last wave. So, there’s a couple of turns that she had. Managing to get the best wave score of the hit so far and pushing herself up into first place. Which means Annabelle she’s now looking for a 2. eight to get back into the lead. But at the moment she’s in that advancing position. So needs a 2. 57. But we are. I think we are waiting for her last wave score to come through as well. From Tiffany in the blue. And Marina’s lost weight of 4. 33. Taking her into the lead. The six point five. and Stefan. A nice looking right here. Get round that section. Is it going to wall up for her on the reform inside? She’s going to try and get there. But just just disappears. It’s just sussing it up sometimes whether it’s worth. Yeah. Kind of that extra effort and that paddle to get into it. Is it going to kind of bowl up or not or just leave it? Save some energy. Get back out the back. Wait for a better looking wave. And as we see there are some sits on the way here. Does look like it. and Marini’s going to take off late on this one. Does really well. Notice how she gets down nice and low for that take off. Just going to really low compression. Yeah. Nice first turn there. Is she going to be out? Yeah. Carves it back around. So really making this wave work a little bit. Is he going to get the reform too on the inside? But again. Again. Even with that rocker in the front. Just coming unstuck there. You can see there’s a couple of steps in that in that wave. Annabelle just jumping on. Just super far back on the back foot there just to kind of even with the rocker on the board. Yeah. Yeah, struggling a little bit with the with the bumps and and the steps in that wave. Annabelle just getting caught. Yeah. He’s getting caught by the set. Coming through. He’s going to try it on a knees nut. Good choice. Very good choice. Technique. Yeah, that’s fine. As long as you’re getting the board away from you, that’s that’s absolutely fine. You know what the board anywhere near you? The old knee paddle. Yeah. It’s good if you if you can’t get back onto your feet that quickly. And it’s coming paddle for the challenge. obviously with the event here we are looking at standing up battling out the pack. Five paddle rule. Five. Yep. Five stroke. Five stroke. Lying lying down. Yep. So five paddles. They need to be up in standing. Marina. Extending her lead with that one. She had two. 33. So just slightly extending and Annabelle now needs a 2point84 to get to the lead and to faint a two point six. She just had a 1. 63 for that right hander that come through. That’s Toufain in the blue. Welcome everybody. Watching from around the world On APP World Tour. com. And on Facebook Live. Been getting some comments in. Feel free to throw in your comments. Yeah. On the Facebook page. Be great to hear from everybody. Who you cheering on? If you have any questions let us know. We’ll try our best to answer them. I’ll probably pass them on to Bone. Yeah. See what questions we get through. I’ll keep an eye on those questions. So yeah, please do send them in. Annabelle just coming on unglued there. Yeah, time’s ticking away now. Two minutes 50 on the clock. Marina. What do we have? So fading. Fading it. Yeah. Right back to the right and then ended up going left but it might put her in a good position for this reform here. It’s a nice start just crouching down. Really using that back knee. Oop. I was immense at how quickly she got back out the back to get onto another wave. So, using that channel there that Annabelle’s into her advantage. Paddling out nice and fast. Annabelle might even be looking to get this one. She can try and take off on the it’s the corner. Yeah. See, it’s easy to get. It’s easy to paddle into that deep water than just get caught out that it’s that wave disappears underneath you. It’s almost like you should be wanting to head head to the impact zone closer. A dangerous game. Gotta juggle it between. Is it going to break? Yes, exactly. Is it going to break in front or is it going to kind of hold up a little bit so you can take off? in a one minute forty left on the clock. So Annabelle needing a 3 point two four. Yes, Am ir again. Lead. With that last wave, extending that lead a little bit further. Uh Uh Defence is a bit late on that one. Yeah, I think she’s just trying to she’s needs another wave to try and get ahead of Annabelle. Get into that advancing position to get to the semi-finals. You see one of our competitors there. For the what’s up longboard event coming up next. As we’re under a minute now. Rep the charge. One heat one. Got some big names coming up. Yes. Longboard. Who have we got Ollie? We got Leo Jimenez. We got Leonardo Nica. And Kaido. Anyway. Great heat. Is Annabelle looking to extend that requirement needed from she can’t quite get onto that one so we’ll see if Blue can get a wave before this heat ends. That’d be the European champion. Might be out of this event. She had it over these girls in Denmark. For the European Championship earlier this year. definitely a bit of a different vibe. In the waters in in in Denmark. Bit different to Greg Canaria for sure. So that’s it. The heat is finished. That is Marina. And Annabelle progressing through to the semi-finals for the junior women. Congratulations. to the two surfers go through. we’re going to jump to a commercial break and then we’ll be joining round two of the longboard division. Five, five, four, three Buenos dias. Welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We are back Round 2, heat two, the longboard. Yeah, exciting to see the longboards back out there in the water. We have in red, Sakura in a way from Japan. More tomato in the white. Noah Stender in the blue and Francisco Gill in the yellow. How you feeling about this heat though? Yeah, I’m liking the lineup in this heat. We saw some great performance from Sakuro. Nice, really stylish nose riding, cross stepping. And then Morris as well with a bit more power. Still has some nose rides too. And nowhere in Francisco. Yeah, this going to be a tough heat. You can see just the wind and the current out there. Just chopping up the water a little bit. So competitors staying a little bit bumpy. We just had a competitor surf through there. Bit of a wobble. Bit of a wobble. Kinda coming through now and again. Yeah. And sometimes it’s not the easiest. Are you going to definitely be hunting around? Scoping out the lineup. Seeing. Trying to find that reform. Take the left. That’s so true. We do see competitor in blue. Noah Stender. This is actually this is Leonardo. So we’ll we’ll have to or is it Noah? Noah? Noah. It is Noah. on Leonardo’s board. That’s why I got a bit confused. So we’ve got some scores coming in already for the Surfers. We did Moritz. Get some replays on that hopefully but Morits Marsh. The five point five. Yeah, great way to open up his campaign for this heat. That could be a keeper score toward the end of the heat. He’s going to back that one up. Definitely a good backup score. Yeah. Welcome everybody. Watching around the world. Tuning in on APP World Tour. com. Joining us also on Facebook Live. Send your comments in. If you have any questions, let us know. You can also watch us on YouTube. If you prefer, YouTube Live on APP. One more, two, Yeah, so just waiting for competitors to. They’re waiting For some waves to come through. Beautiful weather today. Really nice weather. I was expecting a little bit of little bit of overcast. Still some going to be some rain but it’s been sunny. Has been really nice weather. Last couple of days have been very windy. Bit of rain. Yeah. Lingering around as well. So it’s good to see for the event. That we are getting underway in some lovely conditions. Sakuda having a look at this one. we do see our competitor in white. So, that is not Moritz Marsh. So, I think we’ve got some different names up on the screen. I have a feeling this is actually heat one Rather than heat two. As we do see. This is Leonardo Jimenez from Brazil. cruising through with a nice little hang five there but just can’t quite hold it as he finishes off that wave. Apologies to everyone at home. We do have some different names up on screen so we’ll make sure that we get those fixed. We do have in red in this one. It is K day in a way. Sakura’s sister. Leonardo Jimenez in the white and Leonard Nica. In the blue. So we are at heat one. Round two Of the longboard division. Not just the men. But you have the Inner Way Sisters out there as you can see. Katie on screen right now. So three surfers in this heat. And first and second. do go through They’re just waiting for schools to come in. So La Sisa, Las Parmas, Grand Canaria. Great to be here though. In the capital. The Grand Canaria. Yeah, it’s a pretty cool city. Right on the water here. Lots happening. Lots of people walking along the promenade. Really buzzy. Yeah. and plenty of waves right on the doorstep. Yeah, even just down the beach, I counted about forty shoreboarders and bodyboarders out there just before. So, lots of waves on offer along this beach At the sea saw. A lot of people learning as well. Few surf schools down there. And just a hive of activity on the promenade. We got Wagga’s Running, jogging, walking. Bit of everything. These are everything. Indeed. quite a young city from what I’ve seen. Lot of young people getting around and all the young kids. Just on a Sunday night last night. Went out for a bit of dinner. So a lot of lot of good student vibe. Yeah good student vibe exactly. Walking along late at night. As we do have their correct names up on screen for you now. With 11 minutes, 20 seconds on the clock. As we do see Katie on a really nice looking right hander here. He’s going to hold it through this section here. Yeah. Well done. Manages to stay on. Is he using that paddle? Just get around the white water. and not to be. Manages to fall off of that one. Don’t think that wave had much else to offer. So, just trying to manufacture a score. So, we do see you know, just pulling out. So, those scores that we did see earlier will translate into this heat. So, Leonardo opening up with that five point five. It’s around the halfway mark now. It’s round two heat one. 10 minutes remaining. Replay from Kaylee’s wave. Nice cut back into the white water there. She’s definitely looking to try and get a nose right in. She’s really great on the spin. Yeah. And apolog And apologies again to everyone back at home. It’s like complications with the names but we are all corrected. We’re back. As we see a beautiful shot of our competitors and the city of Las Palmas. Here we are. There’s so much to explore here. Leo. Leo. Almost a little triangle. And Leonardo here knows riding his way along the start of this way at the switch paddle cutback. Leo just fading it in. eager for that inside. What’s what’s going to happen? He’s going to get there. He’s going to get a hang five in before that wave. Starting to get a little bit gnarly there with that tide dropping out, isn’t it? Yeah. Few steps in the wave. Little low tide grinding. Yeah. We’ll definitely see the longboard competitors trying to surf all the way through that section. Leonican Kaida. Out the back. Just waiting for some bombs. Yeah, waiting for those bigger waves. Maybe offer some more scoring potential for these competitors. Getting your nose right in or something progressive on the outside is going to score them really highly. As long as they’re doing it in that critical section. and just mixing up for the judges as well, right? Getting on the nose but gets some, get some aggressive turns in as well. Yeah. Yeah, speaking with APP, Bob Tua CEO, Tristan Boxford about the long board judging criteria. So they’re looking for kind of progressive but really good surfing in the critical section of the wave. So even if they aren’t doing those rides, if they’re doing in the critical section with power, speed and flow, they are going to get rewarded. But we did see Lacos Salazar on a long nose ride getting rewarded very highly in the excellent range. So, obviously is rewarding critical nose rides as well. As that was an amazing paddle in. From Leon Nicker. This is an Italian surfer. He’s cutting it back there. Really using the whole weight here, Nico. Kind of. Bouncing it off the end section there. And again, just a foam climb on the inside. Showcasing that he can throw these big boards around. Get some scores in. So Leo Gymnes. His last ride of four. Seven three. Is in front. not super comfortably. 11. 5. Okadas on his tail with eightpoint 3 four. Yeah, she’s actually got the highest wave score of the the heat so far. A 6. 17 from Katie. One of her first waves that she caught. So, Just waiting out the back for some waves. But here we are. APP World Tour. Glenn Canaria Pro M. Ollie. Greatness. Yeah. Welcome. Good afternoon everybody. Stoked to be back both. 2019. Last time. We ran the event. Too long in the princess. As Trista put a force break. Rod events the last couple of years. I guess with the, you know, the surfers are kind of being been at home, been traveling a bit as and when they could. and we’ll see. Not here. Katie. A quick lane five at the start but those bumps. We saw it in the previous heat of the junior women. Really? It’s a wicket of a nose ride there. What a nice nose ride. He’s coming unstuck. On those bumps. So, 5 minutes and 20 seconds remaining. Round 2, heat one, long board division. Yeah so competitors are allowed to sit down if they are waiting for waves. They need to stand up on their board when they are moving around as we see Leonardo Menace. At the back by himself. Just going to take her time now. See if see if she can improve on that six point one six. nice to kind of get that as a backup score. Yeah, definitely Probably looking for those more inside waves. So the back it looks like a little little bigger. Little bumpier. So first and second will progress through To the next round. As we see Francisco Gill there preparing for the next heat. And just in the top of the screen, you can see all of those free surfers out there. Ton of surfers surfing the right hander of the beach break. At last, it’s who’s coming up, Ollie? Yeah. Yeah, there are a few out from Monday afternoon for sure. Maybe a lunch break. Yeah, probably a lunch break session. You definitely get some long, bit of long lunch break and span in in the Canary Islands. I used to enjoy that. A bit of siesta. Siesta. Yeah. If you don’t want to go for a siesta, just pop in the seat. Cheeky stuff. Exactly. Exactly not a bad lifestyle. No, they stopped. Definitely stopped later. So, they stopped working at 10 AM and then things normally finish around one o’clock. and then they open up at about three and they work until about eight. Bit of an extended day but so then they normally have like because of the heat. It’s when it’s so hot in the summer. It’s like 30 degrees, 35degrees. You want to be eating around like seven or eight. Being English myself, I like to eat a little bit earlier. I do too. You. Yeah, so we have Leonardo Jimenez at the back. Right in nice turn on the outside section. Try and get a bit of speed through here as he’s getting to the nose. Oh, in a critical section but just unfortunately, falls off the back of that wave. He’s our current heat leader. Couple of good scores. Locked in. A six point ride and a 5. five five as we see Leo Knicker. Nice cut back on the outside section. There’s waves slightly backing off a bit. he’s going to get to the nose. the foot maybe not quite over the nose. Be good to see him up and up and right in the front of the board there with some nice cut backs. As he’s trying to link up this end section. You are watching the APP World Tour Longboard Division. But the 2022 Grand Canary Pro Am. We have our Italian surfer Leo Nicker in the blue paddling back out after that wave. In the white, Leonardo Jimenez. He is from Brazil. Currently leading this heat. And away. A 17 year old Japanese surfer. She is surfing in this division against the men. Which is awesome to see. Amazing to see. The sister will be up in the next heat as well. proper all rounders. Yeah. and just all round smiling, happy. That’s the thing as well. Every time they’re on camera, you seem smiling and people just waving and smiling. Yeah. Waving. So cool. Throwing shackers. They love it. The froth is high. So one minute remaining in this heat. See how the countdown’s on. Leonardo Jimenez. So this is White’s last wave. Or his best wave actually of the heat so far. So, this is a recap of of Leonardo Jimenez’s best waves. It’s a nice comeback. I think this is that’s where he got the majority of those points. It’s that powerful carving maneuver and getting to the nose as well looks like on the inside here. Oh wow. Slides out the tail so we must have missed this one toward the start of the heat. We definitely missed this one. The foam climber just Holding on. So really can see. Following that board. Yeah lovely turn. ah ah Two lovely snaps there. to see him walking to the nose again. With a hang tan on the inside. He’s thinking about what he’s going to do. Keeping his composure. You can sort of see he’s like, you know, just relaxed, biting his time in that, in that flat section. Not trying to get. Over excited. Just kind of just waiting out. That’s the thing with longboard surfing as well. It is to look smooth and and look nice, controlled. as well as head to a short commercial break before we get back with heat two of the longboard action. Buenas tardades. One seven nine. Welcome to Las Paramos. Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’re here for the APP World Tour. We got the longboard division from the water. Round 2, heat two. Yeah, Sakura in a way in the red. Morris Marsh in the white. Now, a Stender. In the yellow. And Francisco Gill in the blue. Noah, Noah in the blue, and Francisco in the yellow. That’s right. We got the wrong way around. Colorblind. No, I’m not actually. Before competitors in this heat. Top two moving through. To the quarter finals. The heat is on. Round 2, heat two. and 20minute heat Yeah, 20 minutes. Not that, it feels long but it’s not actually that long when you’re out in the water. It goes by really quick. We’ll see Noah Stender. We actually got Francisco Gill. Bit of a drop in. I don’t think he really interfered though with Noah’s Wave. We’ll see what the judges do score with that. Noah working his way through. With a lovely cross there. That was nice. Yeah and getting up to the nose and the inside. And white out the back. This is Morrits Marsh. a German a German competitor living in the Canary Islands. We’ll see more. It’s coming up in the pro division. Later on this week. But that was a lovely turn off the whitewater on the longboards up there. So all competitors getting a start there. We’ll have to wait for scores to come through. See where everyone’s going to stand. After that first exchange. It’s a great shot there. the mountains in the back. of Confidal area way. You’re on the way. The yellow’s up. Yeah, just sitting a little bit wide and hits that to this deeper section. You can see that wave a bit steeper. Further at the back. Sorry. Opting for the a bit of a lie down paddle just to get on that section. It’s all allowed. Yes. Five five strokes. Five strokes. Five stroke rule. We’ve seen a few. Yeah. From other competitors but. Yeah, I wonder if it’s. Don’t tell the judges. I would say until the judges. They’ll be watching though. Yeah, they will be watching. yeah this is a stand up paddle competition. Using that paddle the whole time. Especially on the wave with the maneuvers. We’ll see Sakura fourteen year old. Sakura in a way. Getting right up to the nose to start here. Lovely hang five to begin with. She cuts back to the white water. To stylishly dancing back there. Love that cross step. She makes her way to the inside. Section. Got a bit steep. It’s up and over the float. So, really well done. Listen, there’s something about watching women on long boards and just the grace and style. The grace. It’s it’s amazing. So fluid. A really nice to watch. Just beautiful surfing. So White. Morris is up on the right. Almost straight into the nose right there. Straight to the nose but just falls off the back there. But you saying that you, you know, it’s almost, if you get that opportunity to pull a, pull off a maneuver straight out, straight off the bat. run up to the nose. If it offers it, if it offers it, exactly. It’s definitely one of the things is, you know, get a nose run at the start. Cuz it’s critical out there. Like exactly like Moritz is doing right now in that critical section. Now, you can go to turns but he just gets on that toe side a little bit too much. Still manages to hold it. And it sort of feels like you’re flying, dude. It does. Definitely does. Yeah. Nothing in front of you. Just stand up on the nose of that board. Do you kind of mix up the crafts that you ride, Ollie? Little bit. Yep. Yep. I used to long board a little little bit in in Freshwater in Sydney. Nice. When I was living there. Take out the small days. I’ve got no business taking out on the big days, bro. No, a lot of people don’t either. It’s it’s a lot trickier. As we see, Noah Stender here. Taking this wave all the way through. So, the couple of nice cut backs on this wave and nose rides his way through that section there. He banks it off the white water again. Like in the nose just keeping that board moving the whole way. That was nice. Straight to the inside. Francisco Gill. Kinda hanging on the edge there. Digging in his heels. And then pivot around. Maybe a duct tape on the nose of that board. There is? Yeah. He wants to be having a world with customs. Yes, exactly. I do remember. I don’t know what airline has been flying. Yeah, that’s true. That’s true and unfortunate. One of the biggest problems I think we were talking about this. It is travelling with these boards especially these what’s up long boards. It’s more it’s March goes backwards and then. Oh. Starts to cheeky. Around. You see this. What? Really wide. Giving him that stability. Just so quick and now like powering back out. Back to the lineup. Those boards give you a lot of glide. So we’re bringing these scores as soon as we can. As soon as the judges have locked them in. Still waiting. There’s been lots of waves ridden. Austin riding. Waiting for those scores and Sakura just finishing up there. Been trying a little lay back. Yeah. Finish off move. So you’re travelling with a longboard what’s up. Yeah, it’s very difficult. A lot of airlines. There’s only a handful of airlines nowadays. It’ll take up to three meters which is actually nine feet eight. Yeah, there’s there’s one or two airlines that will take up to 10 feet boards. So, a lot of airlines on the naughty list on the we won’t we won’t mention. Definitely, definitely and then sometimes you got a payload extra as well too. Yup. To get those boards especially when you are flying through the US and places like that. A lot of the USL always charging. So what what’s the like of the the additional fee when it jumps up? From what size? They have like a short board. Like an eight foot or a 9 foot. Yeah, flying kind of easy jet things like those. You can you probably get away if you’re a short border paying for the the small sports equipment. But then I had to pay for the lodge. Coming here. That’s a nice wrap back into it. Noah again just with that cross step Turn. Really nice. Off the really mixing it up there Noah. Kind of. using the different sections. Yeah, using the board as well. Getting to the nose. Lash Patamas. The capital of Grand Canaria. I love this place. Spend a bit of time in Puerto Ventura. This my first time in Grand Canaria. And from what I’ve seen so far we’ve been having a great time. Great time. You can see the black sand there. So, it’s all volcanic. All these islands here. So, black sand beaches. Lot of rocky beaches as well. They got some sandy beaches down south. Yeah, a bit calmer on that side of the island and the on the southern side. And really like The geography here is super super different depending on what part of the island you’re on. You can get to the center of the island. There’s a mountain or a volcano in the middle. Almost 2000 meters. You can get a little bit of snow in the winter time right at the top there. Yeah. Same in Tenerife. One of the highest mountains in Spain. You can get snow covered. No skiing. But you could probably throw a snowball or two. Maybe maybe build a snowman. There you go. You get lucky. Yeah yeah. Yeah obviously the the city’s down it. See they’re staying nice and warm throughout the and obviously with that altitude you know it gets it gets to like four degrees. Maybe colder at night time during the winter. The two or three never drops below. Well. Can one 1degree to degree? That’s cool. Then you get to the coast. In beautiful as promise. Jump into the board shorts. Put a T-shirt on. Put that jacket away in the in the bag. No need for that. As we found out this morning, things just heat up pretty quickly as the day goes on. Pretty quickly, exactly. Especially on the Wawa. Yeah, on the open top bus. Calling all the action. Up here alongside the judges. As we see our competitors. We got some scores. Fight on the way. So Morse is up. Yeah Morris. Nice cut back there. Switching that paddle over. His six point ride on his last wave. Be looking to, yeah, improve on his, on his first score, five point five. There’s a cheeky little nose ride from where it’s there. Yeah, really working his way all the way through. He’s going to try and slide the tail out again. Really good. Helicopter time. Do it. I want to see one of those people off. Mid faced. Exactly. Yep. Slam it in the chopper. Oh, we just see just on the right of the screen there, Francisco Gill going over the front. But Noah bit of the screen here. He had a late take off. Hasn’t been able to do too much on the outside but gets a quick hang five there. It’s a nice Oh. Oh. Serving the front of the board as well. as we have competitor in red in the next heat. That’s Andrew Noel from France. He’ll be in the semi-finals. Of the junior boys. Here at the Grand Canaria Pro Am. And ready in this heat. That’s Sakura in a way. A 14 year old female from Japan. Sorry guys. Mixing it up with the guys in this heat. Same as her sister as well. Mm. They’re causing some waves in this event aren’t they? They definitely are. Which is great to see. The future is looking pretty bright. Stand up. Got some kids who are absolutely ripping. Ripping. And now the progression just keeps on. It’s just almost stepping up a notch, Phil. Yeah, every every time. It’s to do with the competitors as well. They push each other especially in events. You gotta take it to the next level to be able to get the good scores. Francisco Gill here. Working his way in from left to right. This one. Thinking about heading up to those. getting rumbled. Yeah, his timing was just a little bit off there. It’s like in two minds of what to do on that wave. I was thinking about going up to the front. kind of last minute decided against it. Exactly. Just pulling off. We will get those scores to you as soon as we can. Apologies for the delay here. Lots of waves being surfed. Lots of action here. almost a a relentless supply of waste. Yes. In less part of us. Yeah, right. You can never have too many. That’s a good thing. Definitely a good thing. See another set coming through. We just heard a five-minute call for this heat. So, 5 minutes left. So, see if these competitors take any of these waves. Just panning out on the lineup here. Lasisa. Michael’s name for the break. We’re going to be, we’re potentially heading around to El Loret. The famed right-hand point break. Couple of hundred meters away from us. next day or so though? Yeah, that’d be really exciting to get over there to the corner. You’re going to be driving the Wawa? Across there? You could drive it, Ollie, yeah? The party one. Yeah, the Party Wawa. We’ll get the Reggaeton music cranking. Get behind the wheel of the Walla. Take it to the point. but it is it’s a great option. Having this bus, having the judges right in front. Just sitting next to us. Now a stand up. Getting a raise. On top of the double decker. Yeah, the sun’s beaming down. Watching the action here. No Estender had a nice nose right at the back. Can’t quite link that wave up. Makes a little cheeky change from Cornwall. Yeah. Very cheeky change. Cornwall. Yeah, it’s raining there today. Pretty cold. So, you’ve been getting the room? The the report. I have. Yes, exactly. As we see the competitor in red Sakura. Throwing a bit of spray on that little cut back there. She’s going to get over this little **** She doesn’t unfortunately. Can’t quite link that wave up. Been seeing a lot of those reform waves offering the most scoring potential. The action just keeps coming. more ways and we see competitors for the next heat. That is a man on man. Semifinal for the junior boys. So getting getting toward the pointy end of competition for the juniors. Gonna crown a champion today. Thank they can, yeah, they got the going to paddle out, give them enough time, sit there in the lineup, assess things. You can really see that deeper water there where the competitors are. And there’s a bit of a shallower sandbank just out from them where it gets pretty heavy. That detonating sandbag just breaks into about an inch and that one. Gonna get you down. Exactly the one. Exactly the one. I had sand and literally everywhere. Yesterday. When I went out there. Got pounded. Sand in the shower. Going back. Exactly. Yeah, the city of Las Palmas here. Showers on the beach when you get out from the surf as well. So, really catering to all ocean type swimmers, surfers, windsurfing. Just an amazing setup. Some really good like surf shops for rentals. Get a wet suit. Get your board. Repaired. Get any dings. Don’t worry about it. Just take it down to the local Ding Repair boys. They’ll fix it up pretty quickly. Yeah, it’s got everything right here that you need. Noah sender. Just checking the time we are. Coming down to crunch time in this heat. had a slight issue with the scoring but we do have it back online for you now as the judges are going to start importing scores. We’ll get that to you and we’ll get the final results from this heat as we as we’re counting it down. Fairly soon. Uh so we got Moritz. Over the top of the leaderboard with the nine. And Segura. Needs a 5. 17. That’s 6point 7 6. Coming in. Yeah. As we’re going to count this heat out but Noah is just perched on for a hang ten. Lovely ride. So that is going to factor into this this heat as well. So. Three, two. hanging ten. Definitely one of the hardest things to do. In some long boarding. Way for the heat. We will definitely bring you those scores as we come back from the commercial break coming up shortly. And yeah we’ll see you very soon on the other side of this break. más latidos por minuto. ¿Y este? Y este. Y Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué, sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. muy buena. Buenas tardes. Welcome to Las Palmas. Okay. It’s go the Junio Boys. Semi fun he. Un party. Permiso. Ah perdón. On the You the action. Hello good be so many waves this morning all throughout the day and now we’re in the semis with the boys. Yeah, this is. They’ve been ripping. Absolutely ripping. It’s just going to be a tough heat as is the next semi-final. We’ll be crowning a champion today in the junior boys division. Which is really exciting. That’s a great waves like Ollie just said. In the red. We have Andrew Noel from France. Scraping over the wave there. Kinda feeling it out. Yeah, that is two to one. Peugeot in the white. So Andrew battling it out. First place will go through to the final. As the boys are just waiting for the start of this heat. In 20 minutes, twenty-5? So 25 minutes semi-finals. The semi. we will give you an update on the previous heat results. It’s the platter the la Muziga, the Opera House. right in front of both brakes of El Loret, the premium right-hand point break which will be going to heading to in a day or so. And then La Sisa where we are right in front of us. Right in front of the bus. Yeah. It just either. Camera panning across there. Lots of surf breaks on option. Free surface down there on the beach. Bit of a right bit of a left. There they are. Enjoying it. Beginners advanced. Kinda good for everyone out there. Just great ways for everybody. I mean, right from like from the surf schools in the white water. If you’re, if you’re new and you’re like kind of starting out. Yeah, we see some surf schools just there as they come in a shot. Great place to learn. Water’s nice and warm. Oh. So good to learn. Instead of you don’t have to put on a 4 million, five million boots and gloves. You’re just jumping in your booties. Maybe a rash vest. Yeah, exactly. And you’re out there. The water is about 22 degrees, 21° at the moment. and yeah, so you need a spring suit in the depths of winter in January, February time. Obviously, it warms up during the summer. and some of the warmest months can be like September, October time. Just depending on the wind. There’s the the Red Bull music. Kind of reggaeton party wagon. Down by the the athletes. Machines on there. There’s Red Bull vehicles. Bringing the vibes. Yeah. Always bringing the vibes. Still on chill out zone there. No one chilling out just yet. No. Action is heating up toward the. Yeah. Finals of the juniors. We are looking down toward the spot of Elarette just around the corner there. But people sitting and watching the action. Yep. On the road. Right in front of the Platha Musica the the concert hall there. They’ve got this crazy statue of Medusa. Yeah that’s right. Right on the front of the the top of the building there. Just above where the palm tree is. Here’s Les Paramas. It’s the north end of the beach. La Pontia. Yeah, you see all the beach umbrellas there. It’s kind of protected from the wind. Yeah. Lot of tourists. Little bit sheltered when you go around and kind of hug the coast around. And there’s no waves there though. Bit more protected from the from the swell as well. But we’re here for the waves. We are. So that’s why we’re at the southern end. Two surfers just waiting out the back now. in surfing the early heat. Kinda want to keep the energy. Yeah, definitely. We haven’t got a start yet to this heat. So, we are just waiting. Oh, really the results from the last heat, Ollie? That was round two, heat number two of the longboard division. We had in first place, Moritzmarsh. He had a 9. 0 combined heat total. Second place, Noah Stender with 7. 14. So, those two surfers progressing through into the next round of the longboard. Unfortunately, Sakura in a way, she had a 6. 76 heat total coming in third place and Francisco Gill with a 3 point zero four He was in fourth position. Couple of free surfers out. Getting ready. Between the flags. It was like surf school area maybe. Where the flags are. Lifeguards out on the beach. Yeah, people often wear wet suits. prefer probably prefer board shorts out there coming from the colder waters of. But a three two. Three euro. Max. 3 two max. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Or even just a vest. A four mil’s got no business in the canal. Not at all. What about mid winter? You’ve spent a bit of time here. I never worn. No. Yep. I think spring suit kind of got me through the winter. Perfect. Aurora three two. Christmas time In a new year in Tenerife and I was boiling. Oh, there you go. Should’ve just gone in bodies. It’s good. Good to keep that windchill off. Kinda always windy here as well. In the Canary Islands. but doesn’t mean you can’t escape the win. You can get those proper glassy mornings like first thing, any time of year, like in the summer. Winter, It swells all year round. Waves all year. Waves all year. There’s always somewhere Cuz being an island in the middle of the Atlantic. Just getting pounded from all directions. So whether it’s like a a full on winter ground swirl. Or a wind swell coming in sort of summertime. And then you get these these really crazy gnarly winds coming off Africa. Look at this dust winds which kind of descend on the canaries and bringing all this brown like sand from Sahara and you can wake up in the morning and your car would just be covered in sand. No way. Yeah. Same in Portugal. That’s crazy. Yeah. Wow. And you’re like, what is going on? You look up at the sky. This guy’s orange. You’re like, oh, has there been some bushfires or something? You don’t really know what’s what’s happening out there but it’s yeah, the winds kind of picking up from Africa. From the Sahara and then just taking over to the Canaries and then up to slank gets like in Southern Pine and Luthier in Spain and then across the Portugal. That’s some strong wind. We went to Fuerte and just saw the card. It was just like I watched it the day before. I woke up in the morning. It was just covered in sand. What’s going on here? Oh my gosh. So there’s the pier and just down there. Elwood. the premium right-hand point break. Here’s the top of the give us a wave. One of our cameramen. Definitely doing a great job on the camera following all the athletes. But we are just on the left there behind that sign. On the top of the bus. Joined by the judges. See both competitors upstanding. We’re going to get a start of this heat. Pretty soon. Just taking a short break. in the action just to get ready. We are going into man on man. Which means we are going to have priority situations come into play. Guys here just running. Feeling their their feet here. This is Andrew Noel from France. And Tituan in the white. Paddling over this one. Gonna be a good heat. And the next one coming up as well. That features Japanese surfer Capona Fakuda. And he is on fire at the moment. And then obviously Hawaiians and Zanes. So Zane and Andrew in the first heat this morning. Getting knocked into repercharge but they’ve obviously made their way through to the semi finals. Great effort from them. Big shout out to our partners. on the Grand Canaria Pro Am Calvido the Gran Canaria. Torismo the Grand Canaria. The Institute of Insular deportes Canaria s. Maspalomas. Costa Canaria. and up and up and running. Just fiddles out of them. Facebook comment. Just come in from Carolyn Redway who is actually might be surfing in this event. She actually wears a four -three in the mornings surfing out here. Huh? Can get a little chilly. So. There we are. Fair enough. Fair enough. Guess it just depends on your level of cold. Where you what you feel? That is good to know. Still a little mic. Especially those first things in the morning. You know the sun’s not up yet. Didn’t pop up until like what? 730? Eight? Yeah. Earlier than that. Yeah. especially that wind around as well. If that cheeky wind kicks in. Hmm. The north wind. The free surfers out there. They’re probably in four threes as well. Seeing the mixture. Yeah, springies. That’s right. Someone who rash guard in the background. I mean, the suits go. The suits now. I wear a four three all year long in Portugal, summer, winter, and they’re so flexible like you feel like you’re not even in a suit sometimes. This man knows all about wetsuits. This is our water photographer. Psy. He’s getting it ready. He’s like, what am I doing on camera? He’s probably wearing. Looking behind him. He’s probably wearing a four three. Yeah, he’s a four, three, three, two. Yeah, I’d say he’s probably going to think where to just. We got a grill em when we when we see him later. We’re going to get to the bottom of it. Yeah, exactly. Especially, yeah, if you, obviously, you’re moving around as a water photographer in the lineup. Trying to get the best shots. Yeah, so I wanted the best in the world. Shot a lot of events. Lot of windsurfing events. He’s been doing the APP World Tour events for quite a while now. I was having a chat with him this morning about what’s his favorite type of of shooting if he’s is it land? Is it in the water? And he was just saying it’s gotta be barrels. Every time you feel a part of it. You tell me. It’s just when you’re out there in the lineup. Yeah. Just looking down the line in the barrel. You can just see them getting completely slotted. You just said that is the. And then you get that take that image. That’s amazing. Yeah. That is insane. Families out here today Tourists. So maybe he’s getting a photo of the Wawa. I think no I think it’s probably the probably the Medusa on top. Yeah probably the. Yeah. The auditorium the the Playa the la Musica. Yeah, it’s the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium. It’s a Opera House, Platte of Musica. They have different types of music, Jazz concerts here. Let’s have a little look at the poster outside showing him multiple like events and concerts coming up. What kind of genre music? More like the classic. More like kind of classical. Yeah. I think they do have like some jazz. Yeah. Stuff as well. Nice. Don’t know if it goes into the kind of You guys ready? Music boat. Down there. Down the road. Probably down there. It’s probably. In the buzz. You know they’re going to be cranking come the weekend. or even as we saw Sunday. Yes, exactly. That’s right. So, we are looking to get a start in the semi-finals of the junior boys. Semifinal number one. Counting in. Maybe just slightly out of position for this set. Coming into the start of this heat. So, the first of the semi-finals Junior boys. A solid set has come through. One of the biggest waves of the day actually. Maybe it’s because they’re junior boys. It looks like. Andrew Noel. What a really nice looking left here. He’s found a nice one that’s got a bit of a clean face as well. Can he get through? Fortunately not. Not going to link it up. So you’re sitting quite wide. You can see the wave behind. Just going to run into that deeper water too. Just goes into the channel. I think. Right now. Let’s see one. Just looking around. The 25 minutes for the semis. Yeah, good to have that bit extra amount of time. To play with. How was that though when you were when you were competing? Those five extra minutes? Oh, made a huge difference. 20 minutes felt really rushed. 25 minutes, you’ve actually got a bit of breathing space. So, you can strategize a bit more as we do see a fantastic view. This is giving you both both the lineups. So, on the right there, you got Eldoret. Then in between Platamusica, the auditorium. And then we are on the on the left of the screen here. Assis Up and riding. Andrell. Sig top 10 there. Yeah, keeping busy. Staying nice and busy. As you probably noticed, yeah, a little slash. You’ll probably notice on the top of the screen there. We do have priority in the semi-final heats of the junior boys. So, you’ll see a little P one next to the name of the person who has priority. Something they didn’t really have to worry about. In the previous rounds. Exactly. So, priority means that you basically have right of way for whichever way you want to catch and the other competitor needs to give you that right of way. We’re going to see some paddle battles. I think we do. Always exciting. They’re always exciting. see if competitors, you know, catch a wave one after, after each other. They’re paddling back out. Be able to see them fighting for that position. That competitor who does reach the lineup first will get their priority. and a big advantage having having that priority. Being able to wait for a good wave. Huge advantage. Get the choice. Especially if they’re not just coming in and sort of like sort of seeing maybe like on the biggest sets like two sort of coming in and But I feel like hasn’t been a stacked kind of lineup like like three or four. That’s right. Sets. Feel like it’s a tricky out there. It might it might even be best not to have priority on a daylight today. You can kind of go around the inside. Yeah. Some little waves. Stay busy. Look for those nuggets. The smaller ones that we were talking about earlier today. Exactly. You know for a bit more high scoring opportunities. So a lovely top turn there from Tituan. So just that one turn so far but really critical in the lift. And he spotted something down the line. And he’s going to get to it as well. Finishes it off nicely. So even though just two turns they were really controlled, committed. Great finish there. Really good finish. So we’ll see that score come through shortly. Yeah I can feel like with priority, he can get the nerve. That was the dismount. That was there. That was the dismount. Push the board over the over the wave. We’ll see a replay of Ttwo one’s wave. Loving the down the line drone angle. It’s like a follow drone cam. Yeah. Yeah, great drone footage. Like I said, just the two turns on the wave but good two turns. This bit. Oh. So we just see that Tituan there. Four point eight three. Let us know if you have any questions, comments. We are live on the APP Facebook page. And also on APP World Tour. com. Thanks for tuning in everybody. From around the world. Fifty-five. So great bringing the community back together. I mean 2019 the last time that we could have this. and yeah it’s it’s so great to see all the faces come back. To be able to compete for a world title. Yeah that’s right. ISA. Yep. Puerto Rico. That’s right. Lot of competitors were there for the World Games. We have the ISA World Champion in the men’s and the women’s here competing at the event. So very exciting. See these these guys coming up in the next couple of days. And past Grand Canaria Pro Am event winners for twenty nineteen. So, Wellington, Reece. And Ibea Moreno. That’s right. Both men and women’s. They buy a 2018 world champion on the APP World Tour. So, looking to get a second world title to a name. She’s already got about a million windsurfing. She has got a lot of world titles. I’m actually not sure of the number but her and her sister over combined. Windsurfing World titles. I think so. Something. I don’t know. Something crazy. I’ll have to get that stat. She’s now based in Puerto Ventura but is from the south of the island here from Grand Canaria. Oh, sorry, the east, the east. Yeah. There we go. So yeah, the Bolema if Kerala. So, just just south the airport there. So here we are. Did one again. Backing up that score of a 4. 83 on this ride. He’s had a couple of nice little turns and he gets up just there. See, I will say that Ibaya and her sister died her. 28 time Windsurf World Champion combined. Which is just incredible. Dominating. It’s 28 years. 28 different years. Spanning that career. I mean Las Canaria s. Just amazing. Surfers, windsurfers. Just water sports. All rounders. Yeah. Really is the mecca of water sports. You can do it all. As we see Andrew. Andrew and Oil. Just slipping and sliding a little bit. Can’t hold it. Wave looks like it fizzled anyway. So. Skid it round there and didn’t quite regain it. No problem. Could’ve been looking to get a good score on that because Titawan has just overtaken him for the lead. He had 2. 93 on that previous wave. So, having a total heat score of seven point seven six. Now, just got priority. He’s going to go on this one. Yeah, no. Second half, I’m just going to fix. Decided not to. I And that priority will be switching. One, two, one. That looks at Tituan. He’s having a little paddle. He’s not going to take that wave but. We do have plenty of time left. 17 minutes. 27 seconds on the clock remaining. Conditions maybe glassing off a little bit out there Ollie. I hope so. Get a bit of an afternoon glass. Definitely those those flags have stopped flapping in the wind. Not shaking. Wow was not shaking. Okay that’s been the last couple of days. But what a fantastic. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be moving to another location. Shaking so much. Lost. Right. No the wind is definitely it’s calming down. It’s just going to get just lighter and lighter as the week goes on. Okay good. Good is for all the competitors. As we do see Tituwani up again. One turn and then a big extended cut back into the white water. Nicely dragging that. The paddle there. There is. Let’s get back into the the zone, huh? Yeah, really leaning on it using it. That’s the thing with Zeno paddle boarding. You can use that paddle. You can lean over so much on it. It still hold you up. And then you can push with your feet. Whether you amplify or turns. That’s exactly what the judge is looking for. But it’s not that they have to use it for every single maneuver. They just use it when it’s going to be. That’s right. Exactly. It’s going to benefit the maneuver and the turn and cranking those bottom turns with the paddle. Andrew Just waiting for this wave to start to stand up a bit but again, just hitting that deeper water. It looks like just fanning out this on the channel there. So maybe he’s tied. It’s just just making this outside pick a little bit more appealing than the inside possibly. So fifteen. On the clock left. Okay Still plenty of time. Andrew Noel. The four point nine. Maybe somebody just shouted. As soon as. The seven point seven six. Not sure who has priority. I think we’re just just organizing that now. They’re just getting their priority system set up properly. I believe that we just did see. I think it was. Yeah, it’s too too long. Yeah, intro on the last wave. So, Tituan. With priority. With priority number two. What’s coming in here? You see both competitive. Both. Giving it a look. They want to want to go onto this way but obviously Red has to give way. To White with priority. Wipes up. Oh. Up in there just pushing it a little bit too much here. Yeah, I think just rail. Yeah, I think just trying to push that board a bit too much. Go for a second. Just falling off. So Priority now sits with Andrew. Yes. It looks like a nice wave coming here. For a competitor in red. Wave. He’s going to be able to get some into the top. It just didn’t quite happen. Uh just a little bit. So conditions changing a lot from just the even the last heat. Ollie. Seeing competitors. Sitting a bit wider into that channel. I was thinking of a little bit too far over maybe. I think so. Yeah. Definitely could be. I think the inside now with that lower tide is not really working as well as it was this morning. So we we’re seeing competitors head out to the back. It’s really strange because out outside there there’s a a reef. And you have to really sit right on the edge of that reef and as the tide drops out against shallower and shallower. You went out there yesterday for a little. Yes. Look around on the left. Have a little look. Didn’t do much. It was mostly just looking. But it was Good to see that it is really tough out there to find the right position. Need to be really sitting on the edge of that reef. The bigger ones break a little bit wider but then they get it to that to that deeper section. So really tricky to to find out where to sit. These competitors decided to stick together. But there is another wave a bit further down the beach. You were surfing yesterday Ollie. It was pretty fun. It was really fun. I mean it looked fun from the shore. When you’re out there it was it was tough. It was tricky. I was just happy to be out there bro. Yeah that’s exactly right. Yeah. Always try and go into that mindset. Whenever you pedal out you’d be like yeah you’re surfing. That’s right. Exactly. You are surfing. There are definitely worse things to do. That’s exactly right. a great backdrop as well. City of North Thomas. It’s beautiful. To see Andrew. Andrew hit. Fading back. Get a bit of speed. He’s going to what’s he got for us? Nice turn in the pocket there. So opening up that wave. Again just hitting the deeper section so. Just getting that one big turn in. Yeah. Looks like it’s going to be. The battle of getting a really critical first turn in. For the high score. The competitors of the next heat. Hopefully watching closely because there’s conditions of change since they were in the water before. Yeah. changing all the time out here. See with the tide, you know, dropping out. It’s getting lower and lower but then on that far end, out the back here, sort of dropping into the channel and just losing a bit of power. So See going. Looks like he’s cutting back to the right. Wants to bank it off the white water. Lovely turn there. He can keep this one moving through. He wants to bounce through but he’s not going to get that connection. So, really seeing the positioning come into play now. Competitors sticking together. We actually do see two to one. Just waiting for some waves here on the inside. He thought maybe that one was going to stand up as he heads back out. Yeah, I was wondering if there was a, he was looking at it. Just shifting position out there out here. We can see that water moving so much. Just a ripple on on the front of the current wear. Where the water photographer is. Trying to get as close to them when they kind of do those turns. So this is the heat number one of the semi-finals of the junior boys under eighteen. We’ll be crowning a champion today. In both the junior boys and junior girls. As Andrew just comes unstuck on that take off. Not needing a massive score to get into first position. First position will advance through to the final. So, 9 minutes, 25 seconds remaining. The first semi-final. The boys, under 18s. If you are watching online, let us know what you think of the level of the juniors. Yeah. Great to hear what you think of the performances so far in the event. Ask us some questions. Send it in. We’ll be checking the comments. Let us know where you’re coming in and from as well. We had a a good morning from Huntington Beach just before. So, thanks for tuning in. Be pretty early over there. Yeah, I think so. Very early. Almost six 6 AM. Yeah. Six, 6 thirty, California. Yeah. LA time. Great to say that you love stand up paddling. You’re tuning in first thing. Waking up. Cuz this is psyched. Yeah Zane Zanes. Running a blue planet. Hawaii board. He’s getting in the zone there. Yeah. Just thinking about his game plan. Exactly. Maneuvers he’s going to get up to. Definitely need one out there today. These tricky conditions. And Capono Fakuda from Japan. This is going to be a really great second semi-final heat. For the junior boys. They’re going to be all in. Trying to reach that final. Get Bono doing some warm ups. Little limber up out there. Yeah. Seeing a bit of some jiu jitsu style warm ups this morning. Yes, we have. Yeah, we know a couple of the Brazilian surfers black belt jiu jitsu. Yup. Oh, not going to mess with those guys. Not just amazing on a standout or a longboard but. Yeah, amazing on the. Lethal on land as well as water. Very lethal. Always have to be courteous in the lineup. Yes, exactly. I thought it was nice the Brazilians this morning heading out for a very early morning free surf session. Come and say hello to all the judges. Yeah. All the events. Super friendly. Fist bumps. Fist bumps all around. Spirits are really high here in the community. We stand up. Just it feels so welcoming as well. Being an outsider myself. Being super warm welcomes around. In Las Palmas And a great vibe. Between other countries. We’re doing the opening opening day. Everyone’s kind of chatting and Yeah, really good vibes all around. Stand up community is a great community to be a part of. As we are looking at red Andrew Noel. He needs a 5. 06 to move into advancing position. That is Tituan on screen right now. How was it when you were competing? This is fourteen? 2014? 2015? 20, yeah. Yeah, it was, I mean, there was like Kyle Lenny was doing it back then. And it was tough competition because everyone wanted to beat Kai. But still everyone would have. Be the champ. Yeah, he’s like, everyone hang out in the evenings. I remember Brazil one year just. Brazilians super welcoming. Just having house parties and not too much drinking but just music playing and. No, just throughout the event. Already? Yeah, yeah. Just big dinners with everyone. Just like a family community. Yeah, really enjoyable. And in Tahiti as well, it’s such a family-oriented community there and you know, Sundays are just barbecues on the beach and. Nice. Yeah. Super cool. So, no, it’s. Just a warm Polynesian. Yeah. Welcoming. That’s it, exactly. We have a comment saying Japanese juniors are pretty good. As we see Kafono on screen there. Yes, they are. So, yeah, they’re in a way sisters. Capone, Pikuda. Running a Sonova board there. You see that rail has a little bit of a a step to it. It looked little. Hmm. Very small. Short board. My short board size. That board’s actually six ten. He’s riding. around 70 liters. Pretty maneuverable. Very maneuverable for that one. Yeah, I’ve seen Caperno out there the last couple of days. He’s been the surfer out there the most. So, he knows his break really well. definitely helped to put the time if you can. Oh, yeah, definitely. I mean, just after paddling out there yesterday, I definitely need a few more sessions if if I woulda know this break for sure. We’re just coming down to the four minute mark. Four minutes, 15 seconds on the clock. Two different strategies out here. Beau. Andrew just opt in to go for a little casual sit down. Yeah he doesn’t have priority at the moment so to the one in priority. Look at the waves but yeah that that rip’s really starting out there. Yeah. You can see it is bit of wind, bit of the bit of current. Did you see Andrew paddling for that wave but not going to really happen. You can see just to the left of them is that reef that we were speaking about earlier. Waves break there and they’re positioning themselves right next to the reef. hopefully get a left that breaks off there. But it’s really now just. Yeah. You get pulled out and you get a little bit too far or then you want to sit in close but see the sets come so it’s really tricky out there. So Red’s got priority. Yeah White made a a kind of an effort there to paddle for the wave and lost priority. As we do see Andrew paddling for this one. But he’s not going to get onto it. So it’s going to switch back to White with priority. Very interesting as we count down. this heat and almost two and a half minutes left. Super close. Very close exactly. Andrew doesn’t need much of a score either. No, that’s five. 03. In reach. For Andrew. Yeah, the surfing we’ve seen him in doing this morning. This needs a 5. Point zero six. Climb back into the lead. 2 minutes and 17 seconds remaining on the clock. In this first semi. Now Tituan out in front at the moment. So the boys are sitting down. Not much happening out there in the water. Hopefully we’ll get another set come through just before the heat wraps up. Welcome everyone watching from around the world. People tuning in from the US. Early morning on the West Coast over in California. hopefully getting to watch. Get amped up before getting out the water. Yeah. Coming into surf season over there too. getting amped, getting ready. The South Swells. Always one of my favourite things to do to watch surfing before you before you go for a surf. Always. Put on a surf movie. Even better when there’s a event run. When there’s an event running. Such as this. Grand Canaria Pro Am. Watching the best surfers in the world. This is the junior division. which just blows my mind. Right. How good they are. and they’re still genius. I mean, So many more years left. The quality of subsurf. Just getting better and better. Kids are getting younger. Such younger. We had 11-year-old Pedro from Brazil and to this event on his 511 catching a million waves. Yeah, exactly. Frothing out. So 27 seconds left. The first semi-final heat. Tito one. He’s going to use his priority here at the last minute just to keep Andrew off this wave. Back into the pocket. Not a lot happening so far. Prosperity red. It’s the last 10 seconds. Looks like we actually do have Oh Andrew finishing. Nice. Yeah. Long right one. All the way through but we do have Andrew up on a wave as well. Just before the horn, yeah. Watch though. He wants to get a nice reform and he has that. But then, he’s found it. Little off the top. Little jam off the top there. Throw a claim in might get an extra point one. Claim. You gotta get the fist pump in the air just to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Throw the paddle in the air. Swirl it around. Were there some of your tricks, Bo? Oh, always. Paddle twirl. Yep, put it behind the back. The paddle twirl. Yep, the paddle twelve. So it’s either one. We’ll wait for those scores. Wait for the final scores to come in. Yeah, for Andrew to come in. So, being a good sportsman just waiting for his competitor to come in. Gonna shake hands. He’s riding a gong. Alley seven four, that board. And Andrew. This is normally. Seems a great sportsmanship there. Well done boys. From the first semi-final heat of the juniors. Great semi-final. On a show. Everyone watching. On the boardwalk. In Las Paramas. Grand Canaria. Wig. We’re going to head to a commercial break and then we’ll be back with the second semi-final. Must be my fitness. Masolor, Am ar. ar. ar. ar. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. momentos como este. Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. Buenas tardes. Welcome Las Palmas Canaria semifinals. I’m all universo count. México party nixon. Por sexemi. Secret semifinal lo de Joinny Boys. What’s great action a bat today? we got Capone Fakuda in the red. Zane Sanes in the white. This is going to be a really interesting semi-final. Because These guys, Zane coming as the top seed in this event and the surfing we’ve seen from from Capono so far is mind blowing as a junior surfer. And I think he’s probably going to make some waves in the main event as well. and is he in the trials? He is in the trials. So he’s in the trials. That’s correct. but before the trials. we got the semis. We got the semis. That’s right. And then the. All the juniors entering the trials of the this event. So, we’ll see them all surfing again. Which is awesome. They’re going to see if they can get through to the the main. For both the men’s and the women’s. Pan out there on La Isla, the Grand, Grand Canaria. National Park in the background. Epic hiking. Walking route up there. And La Sisa. Seeing this wave morph, couple of times during the day. Depending on that tide and if it was changing, sort of going from you know, it’s been about four foot all day. Yeah. Three, four, five, some of the sets. But the focus has been, yeah, the left. But given that right bit of an option as well. Definitely inside. Reforms. Yeah, it is part of the contest area. We haven’t seen any competitors. Head over to the other break, yeah? No. So, it’s plenty of free surfers over there. Plenty of free surfers over there. I don’t know. So these two competitors just waiting for a set wave to come through. You can see Capone there on a pretty small board. 610. Sonova. Yeah. Quite thick in the middle. But the rails really taper down. It’s really nice and thin. Definitely different styles between between these two. Definitely. Different constructions as well between these two boards. Zane on just that traditional epoxy. While Senovi is a wooden lamination. Bit more strength. flex. Yep, exactly. It’s his own. Yeah. Oh, straight up into the lip. That was a really nice turn. Hopefully, they got us. The Zane trying to wait for this little reform and see what’s going to happen on the inside. We have seen it stand up on the inside here as he finds his time. Getting busy. Yeah, unfortunately, he’s can’t find that section but a really nice turn on the outside. That was a great, great turn on the outside. It’s a small score coming in from Carbono. Point 33. Yeah, he just paddled for a little one at the back. just to repositioning. Take a loose a little bit. Yeah. It’s like a couple of little lines at the back. Could see Capono get onto a wave here. Coming into the pointy end. Semis. This guys are being put it on. Yeah we’ll have on a show earlier this morning. Oh, yeah. Certainly will. Have the girls coming up too. As Capono is paddling for this one. He’ll switch the paddle over. He’s going to go left. Nice whipping turn at the start there. Find a little bit of a steeper section. Nice. Little cut back in there. Again, it’s going to stand up for him. So, Capono finding a good wave. Three turns on the outside. Nothing too critical. But three turns that were linked together well. Get the reform. Yeah. This is going to show me time out there. Does really pay off. Finding the right waves. Also not giving up on it. He could’ve just done this three turns and then ditched it but. That’s right. Well, watch a replay of of Capono’s wave. Really nice. That first one was beautiful. Yeah. Seem extending that back foot. Throwing spray. And there, yeah, you’re right. There he could’ve tried to do it. He could’ve just kicked out. Yeah. Okay, I’m done with it. That’s it but you could see this opportunity on the right and he had to clear all this white water section to get to it but another two turns. He’s catching once on the inside and then twice as finish off. Bang. Was there a third? So, he just pulls out there. Amazing. Amazing. On that wave. He will be happy with that wave. See what the score’s going to come in. We did see Zane drop a 5. 67, though for his first ride. Nice. So good score coming through. And the situation used to these kind of conditions back at home you reckon? I definitely think, yeah, I think so. Bit of punch. Yep, that’s right. That Zane wouldn’t be afraid of the big stuff. No, that’s exactly right. Be charging. Charging indeed. Suzanne. Hawaii definitely getting similar. Born and raised in a while. Yep. In the trade wins there as well. So to get some windy conditions. When does the wind switch on? Over there. Switches on. Really trade wind during the winter. And then kind of a till about late March, April. Then I’ll start to drop off a little bit. In the North Shore to get those northeast season. Trade wins in the on the North Shore yeah. Throughout winter slightly event to run there. You get some. Just diving, ditching his board there. I felt one of those yesterday. Oh yeah. There we go. Then another one. Double whammy. So, he’s going to get straight under there. Yeah. Just ditch out. We were talking about it with the paddles. You just gotta then just let me dive off. You got under the water. He’s just gripping on. Yeah, he’s hanging under the paddle. It’s not as bad as you think with the paddle underwater but sometimes it gets caught in the turbulence and if you’re not holding onto it, super tight, it just gets ripped out of your hands. Mm. So, you do have to be on top of it. Zane just sinking that board there. So, you’re on a board at all? Just walking on water? Exactly. So Zane just paddling over this one. But Capono locks in a score for his first ride. Yeah six point ride. He jumps up into the lead. Stoked with that. See, obviously, three turns on the outside. Finding that reform on the inside. Can you get your scores in that good range? So 16 minutes. Semi-final. Heat two. Capono. versus Zane. This could easily be a final. Ollie. Between these two surfers. Hawaii, upper, up against Japan. Super even at the moment. It’s Yeah, these scores are tight. It’s hard to pick. As we see the city of Las Palmas in the background. Perfect place to hold this event. Grand Canaria Pro Am is part of the APP World Tour. Guaranteed warmth. Lovely. That’s it. Just a premium winter sun getaway. Yeah, we’re in Spain but we’re actually off the coast of Africa. Desmi thinking it’s warm in Portugal. And we’re coming at you live from the the Wawa, the fun bus. In Las Parmas, Right in front. This left hander. Such a fun wave on different different tides during during the day. Further across on the right, there’s a nice right hand over where the free surfers are. And then the competition area, some lefts and rights. It’s Campano up. on the left. Fast off the first turn there. Whipping it back around. He’s finding these waves that link up and give him a little bit of scoring potential. Nice deep section there. Hits it into the left. And again he’s going to find a nice bank off the white water. He’s on his way to a good score already. That’s some six snaps there. Really nice. and again, really negotiating that flat section. Hungry for the inside. What’s he got? Little tap. Yeah, a little tap. Can’t quite finish it but all the hard work was done. He got it. He’s going to get a good score. Good score on that. So, he’s going to extend that lead already that he has. We had a question come in. What are the trial event? What is the trial events that is happening for as part of the APB tour? So the trials? Basically gives an an opportunity for I guess the winners of the trials to advance into well the main event. So the men’s and the women’s. Yeah Yeah, we’ll see. Replay here. Capono’s replay. Just non-stop turns and here we go. It just opens up in these more critical, steeper sections up into the lip. Bouncing off the white water. can read a wave really well Caperno. nicest nicest bit of foam climb. Yeah. and then again, just reading it to try and get one last turn but just unfortunately falls off the back of this one. yeah the trial event. If you’re not seated into the main event you can have an opportunity to get into that main event through the trials. going once again. We’re glad. It’s that last wave of Capone Fakudo. 7. 17. So very very great way from Capona. Just taking his lead. A total of twelve 8 four. 12 minutes remaining. So he’s got Biff catching up to do now. more sets coming. Just a constant flow of waves here in Las Paramas. yeah the action’s been non-stop all day. He’s making a way through the juniors. Had the long borders out there earlier as well. Styling it up. Those rights. Zane. From Hawaii. Another Zane two chains in this event. But this is just fading back there on the right and then opening up to left. Off the top. Slightly missed time but still looked really good. So, looking for the reform, is he? Not quite there for him. Yeah, there. And for a capital city, I mean, the waves in their backyard it’s an absolute dream. I’m surprised. There’s a lot more people there. Fun student university town. Imagine studying here and. Be awesome. Yeah, super cool. We were lucky enough to study on the Gold Coast. In Australia. Did our sports management degree there? Sports management, bracket surfing studies, Bo. Exactly slash. We weren’t in the same year but. No, exactly. But what a funny course that was. Surfing Sapper Rocks. Living at Kirra. Yep. Where did you live when you were there? I actually just lived just behind Kira, Tweed Heads. Nice. But yeah, not not far away like two-minute walk from the border. So, New South Wales and Queensland. And where was, where’s your closest break? Was it Duramba? Literally, Kira was was was was the closest, closest one to me, yeah. with being a paddleboarder and a longboard. It was that liked. It’s always going to Currumbin Alley. Oh. Surf the beaches. The alley. And Burleigh. Burleighheads. Yeah. Some amazing waves. Such good waves. You see the Superbank. The time I was there. It was sort of. Kira was sort of wasn’t classic. Old Kira. Kira of the day but there was enough sand so it worked. I remember one one day I I snapped three boards in one day. What? It was a very expensive of day. Very expensive, right? Oh my gosh. Especially as a student there. Yep. Yeah. I was like, run back to the shaper. Um. Yeah, having a good. Love it again. So, what were you doing in? I was like, I was pulling in. I just wasn’t coming out. I’m heavy enough. Yeah, exactly. Just making them to to perform it. Exactly. That was, it was good times. and the water sort of feels like the water temperature here in the Canaries feels like the same as the Gold Coast. So, you know, the winds are over there. You’re in a wet suit. Shorty. And Zane. Up on the left. Off the top. Nice snap in the pocket. Bring it through to the inside. Just in the white water there. Zen did get a 3. 5 on his previous ride. Not enough to get into that first place. He is looking for a sevenpoint18. Nicely negotiated there on the inside. Yeah, it’s getting shallow in that. It’s definitely getting shallow. You can see it bubbling away. Few of the bowlers. Slippery little rust because those boulders. They are. Capono. Oh, so Zayn. Now with a score of ten. Four three three with that last wave. Yeah, improve his scoreline just a little bit but still looking for that seven point one eight. As Capono is on. Really nice looking wave as he goes vertical. Rail. For that first turn. And again in up into the white water. Just really attacking this one. Fading back in. Probably one of the most critical turns we’ve seen. All day. All day I think yeah. All day. And he’s going to find another little bit of wave to work with and he’s going to run. It’s great surfing. He faces this one. He made sure of that. He’s still going to go. Yeah, that deserves a random rifle component. That was a really good wave. Remember, these guys are under 18 years old. Just to spray off that first turn. It was amazing. On rail, committed It’s going to be great to see the replay. So this thing. Perfect. You gotta slow mullet. How’s this? Off the top. Vertical. Yeah, Right on rail. Timed it. So perfect that the white water just pushed him back to be able to get and then again, into the lip. but he’s not done there. He’s not done there. No, he he didn’t want to force another turn in there either. He just wanted to wait for the wave. You know, he’s got some good turns in already. So, he’s going to make his way through here. And more. Get the scores coming through for that ride. That was an 8. 33. In the excellent range, Capono extending his lead. Capone had two waves in the excellent range in his first seat as well. So, total 15. 5. Total heat score. Zane now needs a nine. eight three. To progress to the final. Anything is possible? It is. Yeah, it is. That’s right. They got 6 minutes on the clock remaining. Semi-final number two. Capona really just not giving up on those waves. Kind of pushing through the the flat sections. Getting into the inside. Yeah, he’s working the the whole wave. Reading it really well. Just working it. What’s Zane seen? He’s kind of heading out. Further out back. Yeah Zane’s currently got priority out there. It’s a little bit Little bit rippy. It’s coming through the channel. It’s Capone just trying to make his way round. Round the main breaking section. Here’s a set coming. You’ll see if Zane. Nope. He’s not going to get over there. He’s just going to. He’s not going to get over that one. Just presses the eject button. Get out of the just under 5 minutes remaining. in the second semi-final of the junior boys. Junior girls coming up next. It’s going to be exciting to watch. Yeah very exciting. Stoked. Yeah. Got the innovate sisters. Annabelle Page. Along with Marina. Bayelsa. We’re going to be going straight into the semi-finals of the girls. Yeah. So Zane leading a nine point eight three. Triumph. Take Capono out of the top spot. Otherwise, it’s going to be the young Japanese Capuno heading into the final. Yeah, of the junior boys under eighteens. Grand Canaria. Las Bartimas. He’ll be up against two to one. He’s already made the final from the previous heat. It should be resting now Tituan. Yes. He’ll be watching this one on the ball walk. Hopefully, definitely. Seeing he was he’s going to be going up against. Been chilling out in the athlete zone. Yeah, maybe listen to some music. Getting warm. Did you listen to music before your heats? Yeah, I did always. Get psyched up. Yeah, yeah. What did you, you used to listen to? Oh, it has Aussie, Aussie rap. Aussie rap? Yeah. Always Aussie rap. It was the best. Like who? Uh Blizzard Esso. What about your favorite one? Yeah. That was like that a good song. Yeah, this is a good psychopath song. Nice. Just getting into the zone. Full zone. Hilltop woods. Yeah. Yeah. Loving it. I love the hilltop heads. Probably like fanning. Mick Fanning star. He’s going to be. Exactly. Yeah. Massive big head first. Yeah. Would you would you done the big the big headphones? No, they weren’t that big. No. It’s fun, a little quiet area. Just put the earbuds in. I just stretch. It kind of. Yep, this cheese get ready. That’s it. Get in the zone. And then some competitor walked past and say hello and I’m like, oh hey. And that’ll be out of the zone. Yeah. Don’t get me out of the zone. Exactly. Uh. You’re going to be sitting there with your mean face on but. Yeah, that’s it. I know. So, two minutes and 8 seconds remaining. Capono. Good lead here. He knows knows the situation. It’s going to be just waiting. Yeah we’ve just seen the priorities switch there so. Zane maybe on a wave. 35 seconds Yeah. Coming down to the crunch time right now. Capono. Got a pretty healthy lead. I saw it flattened off a bit. It has. Let’s hope the competitors get a chance. Complete to Zane. Capone just looking for what’s on the horizon here. Yeah, Zane. They’re sitting down and resting. No sitting down, definitely not with the last minute remaining. Okay, 1 minute, 1 minute. Zane wanted to get a wave. You see the inside wave running there a little bit. Offering some potential. It’s definitely not as fat anymore. No, it’s definitely not that lower tide. Staying into it. Yup. Definitely helps the competitors just watch all different conditions out there with the tide changing. What the wind’s doing. How the swells coming in. Hitting La Sisa. the wave playground that is Las Panamas Grand Canaria. So many waves around. It’s amazing. good bodyboard waves. Good short subway. Pretty serious. Bodyboard waves are out. Good sub waves. Foiling, Windsurfing. White trying to. Yeah. Zaza. Actually on this wave. Must be the last ride of the heat. And Zay is going to go right up into the lip. Can he run ahead of it? He’s not going to get out of it but that was very radical. Fins out the back. Just giving it his all on that last. He had to do a little helmet. Hail Mary for sure. Nine point eight three he had to get. To be able to progress. And Capono. Yeah Capoto will go up against here. So this is the highlight reel of Capono’s waves in this heat. He seems slashing away. As he gets into this critical section. Up into the left. Jams it off the top there. Such a great surfer. Yeah. Can’t wait to see him competing in the trials event. Alright. I don’t know. On his, this is the big high scoring wave. Just that one massive turn. Then backs it up back into the white water nice and vertical again. was sick. Really controlled surfing from from a junior. 17 year old. 17 year old. Like. Oh so it’s better than us. Definitely. I mean look. The phone plan there. Yeah, Caperna has. Just looking out for what sections up next. Taps it off the top there. Fantastic wave there. As you see our competitors. Caperno coming in. He’s very happy progressing into the finals of the junior boys. Up next we’re going to have the junior women but we’ll go to a short commercial break and we’ll see you after that. The beat. When was the last time you tried something new? could I do this everyday? Yep. Yep. Or riding if you want. Hello, Hello, how can I help you, sir? We both remember them. Uh cancel my flight, please. What is this? This is our unique nature. Oh. And there is more. A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Watching. Buenas tardes. Welcome to Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’re in the water with the semi-finals, the first semi-final of the girls, the junior girls, under 18. Yeah, Kaylee in a way in the red, Annabelle Page in the white. Up against each other, fighting for that final position. So he’s going to be crowned champion of the juniors today. Just saw two amazing semi-finals. Yeah, the junior boys did the one. Peugeot and Capodo Fakudo going to be in the final of the Junior Boys but here we are. Sakura Inuwe taking off late on this one and she’s going to carve her way back toward the white water. She’s going to hit it off the top. Really nice flowing maneuvers. Just absolutely going for it. That’s what the judges want to see. Exactly. That’s what we all want to see. Very true. Great surfing. Think this is Kaidi. In a way. the older sister. And we have Annabelle Page up on the screen. We do have team number two. Which will be coming up after this first semi-final. So that is Annabelle Page out there in the water in the white. So, Katie opening up her account. Really nicely, really strongly. So bring you those scores as they come through from Katy. Welcome Welcome to everyone watching around the world. The APP World Tour here in Las Panamas Granken area. Hope you’re joining us on either Facebook Live. Throw in your comments, your questions. Okay, are you ready? Had a question coming about the longboard event. That we’ve been holding today. And why was it mixed with men and women? Good question. Yeah, very good question. We have I think we just wanted to open up the division. Probably not enough entries for the women. Hm. So, they ended up surfing with the men but they put on some great performances against the men as well and we will see. Which was epic to see. So epic. We also actually see Kader in a way progressing through into that quarter final of the long board. which will be maybe looking at holding tomorrow. Yeah. Having the long boarding on. Exactly. There’s our junior boys finalist. Capono Fakuda. Walking up the stairs here. Congrats. Yeah, put on a great performance. Excellent scoring ride. He’s here with his dad. One of the highest scoring waves of the day. Definitely he’s one of the highest scoring waves. I think he had some excellent rides as well earlier in the first round. the juniors. It’s just that hulk that combo just combining the outside section. It’s super long last and then just wrapping around into the inside. Again, sort of six, seven turns on the wave. definitely putting his all into that semi-final. He’s going to fire up the points with the judges. That’s what they want to see. keeping that board moving. But the waves he found as well just offered up so much potential and he could just find these critical sections that that Zane couldn’t find in that previous semi-final. And he’s been out here a bit practicing. He has. Trying to get as much water time unless he sends as possible. Over the last couple of days. pretty stormy junky, bumpy conditions before we got here. Yeah, he’s definitely been putting himself out there in all conditions. Still learn this break and it paid off. Absolutely. You need First rep, second wife. the junior girls here. Annabelle Page in the white on just to write a screen there. KD in a way. Just waiting for some scores to pop up on the screen. So, those smaller boards, it’s tricky out there both to just very tricky with bumpers. Bumpy conditions as well and just going down on a cut back there. He’s getting a bit unglued. Especially with Katie. She’s been in the long board division. As well as her junior division. And how does that affect? I mean your mindset out there when you’re switching boards. In from just going in and then half an hour later or even an hour or longer an hour later. Jumping on a shorter board. Probably haven’t got that buoyancy when you’re paddling. Kinda feeling a bit. Out of sorts. Definitely. Yeah, definitely changes the way especially when you’re jumping from a bigger board to a smaller board. You you notice it a lot more. Obviously. Annabelle just diving through. The face of the wave there trying to get out the way of it. Yeah, you don’t want to get in the way if you’re bored. As you’re going through a wave. So, opting to just bail there. Yeah, stepping down from a bigger ball. It’s always harder because that balance is a lot less on those smaller boards. So, see Katie there just sinking the tail. Trying to stay balanced on that smaller board. Did you have that situation? Were you like competing in different divisions? Uh yeah, definitely a few events in Australia that have a mixture of longboard and what’s up and all that kind of stuff. So, switching between boards. Yeah, definitely but one of the guys in the event here, Zane Schweitzer, who’s going to be coming up in the pro division. He’s been the ultimate waterman champion for two years and do you know about the Ultimate Waterman? They had the events in New Zealand, I believe. I know a little bit about it but not. Yeah, not that. Ten, 10 different disciplines. Ten. Yeah. All pretty much back to back like surfing, foiling, what’s up Oh, a ton of stuff. Downwinding, all of that and yeah, just switching up boards between things and and yeah, Zane came out on top with that. So, obviously, some people can just jump between boards. As we see Annabelle, She’s just caught away there just trying to get through that fat section. sort of fanned out the end. Yeah, should be looking for a better wave. Katie obviously playing the patient game. We’ll get those scores to you from Katie’s first wave. Very shortly. You see it taking off. Really good. Nice late take off. She’s going to try and stick with it. See if anything happens on the inside. Little turn there as she makes her way through. starts to open up here. With a re-entry and back to the left and hits it off the white water but just can’t quite ride out of that one. But two good waves to start her account. semi-final number one of the junior girls. pray of a wife. Welcome to everyone watching on APP World Tour. com. And also along on Facebook. Live. The APP Facebook page. Get your comments in. Tell us what you’re thinking. Tell us where you’re watching from as well. Yeah, don’t be afraid to say hello. Oh, good. Thank you. Ask to know kind of a people coming in from from Australia, from Japan, Brazil. Yeah. The US, Europe, all over. All over the world. Great to see a lot of support. From around the world. Probably a few people watching from Japan as well. Cheering on KD in a way in this heat. Do we know how many nationalities we have competing? That’s a good question. in the event. So, quite a quite a few will have to get that stat for you. He got some locals, the Canaries, Obviously from France, from Peru. The Brazilian storm. That’s right. Argentina. the UK, Japan And now after a couple of years off the APP twenty nineteen The Grand Canaria Pro Am Stoked to be back. Yeah, really stoked to be back. Got a great forecast ahead for this week as well. We made a start today as this was a bit smaller. Get the juniors and the longboards out there in the in the lineup. As we do see some scores starting to come through. For the surfers. So, KD in a way. Her second ride was a 7. 17. And then her pre was a 3. 67. Eight four. He’s bringing that total to ten point eight four. Yeah Annabelle Page just with a a. 8 so far. Nine point and another small score. 12 minutes, 40 seconds remaining. It’s a bit of time for Annabelle. Yeah plenty of time on the clock. we will be crowning junior champions in Las Palmas. Today, later on this afternoon. local time here, 330. Doesn’t get dark for another few hours. It’s a nice thing about being in the winter down south. Very. It goes dark until like 6: 30. which is, yeah, it’s definitely a bonus. It’s a bonus. The sun’s almost setting back home in the UK for me. Around four 30, it starts to to head down over the horizon. I know. I remember there we used to have this this alarm clock which was a light. Yeah. With a Lumi. I’ve got it. I use it. Not afraid of that one. That’s great. Do it good. Do it going to bed as well. Yeah. Yeah. Put on little sunset mode. When the sun goes to bed, we do it. Yeah, yeah, we did go there. Gator in a way. Off the top. Massive reentry. And she did land it. My goodness. So one turn. Just blasting. We’re going to be getting the replay of that one. Yeah. 00%. We’re getting a replay of that. She wants to stick with this wave. Just to get at least one more turn in. But she’s not going to get it. I mean damage was done on the outside. Just getting just seeing the blast and the spray. The corner of the screen there. We’ll be getting a replay for everyone watching. Just exciting surfing. From this 17 year old female from Japan. Junior. Junior. Here we go. Replay. Ridiculous. Wave. She’s just waiting for it to belts it off the top. Wow. That was critical in the lip. She had to navigate that white water, didn’t she? Really pushing the board away. Keeping a balance. Yeah. And getting up there and sort of managing to then kind of keep composed. relaxed Yeah, that score came through as a 6point 67 for one turn on that wave. So, just going to show that you can get big scores. You can get big scores. One maneuver, two maneuvers. Yeah, just that commitment. Critical section. control as well. The power. It’s completely blasted off the top of that wave. She’s headed back out. Looking for more. Looking for a lot more. Annabelle, that puts her in a combination situation. Now, looking for a 12. 91. So, under 10 minutes now. Kayda. 13. 8 four. Remember you can follow along the scores. Go to Live Heats. com. Search for the APP World Tour. Click on the Grand Canaria Pro Am event and you’ll have all the divisions, all the names, all the entrants, and the live scores coming through. Jump in the comments. Let us know what you think the scores as well. Yeah, we can tell the judges. And what do you think of the level of the juniors? Is this just mind blowing to me at the moment? It’s absolutely insane what we’re seeing. So Sarah Perkins has messaged in asking what the age range of the juniors are. The age range. Yep. So it’s range between I think our youngest competitor is it’s Pedro who’s eleven. From Brazil from Bahia. And then up to seventeen. So there’s a bit of a gap. Yeah a bit of a gap for sure. We have Katie up there riding her sister. Sakudo is 14 years old. So you have a ranging between 11 and 17. That is just amazing. Almost in under division. Thanks for writing me with that question. Someone tuning in from Barbados. Great to see. Epic event there in twenty nineteen. In Bathsheba, Super Bowls. Yeah, what a fun wave that looks like. Oh, such a fun wave. I was lucky enough to surf it a few years back and nice. Yeah. Only a couple out. I was I was stoked. That’s better. Super warm. Yeah. Proper Caribbean vibes. Little bit of a, yeah, cool food as well. Have like banana breakfast with like a English-style fry up. It’s the combo. Amazing. bacon and eggs. Yeah. Banana bread. So good. Get out for a soup bowl session. Living the dream. Certainly are. So yeah Barbados. Hopefully you see what happens in twenty twenty-three. Whether we’re going to be heading back there. Hm. Be interesting. We we’ve been speaking about what what events we’re going to be doing for sub surf for next year. And finishing off in twenty nineteen. With the yeah crowning the world champion. Over just round the corner in Las Banamas where we are. and then for first event back for twenty twenty-two. Fortunately due to COVID in the of the situation couldn’t be running the events. But now we’re back in full swing. Yeah that’s right. And this event actually we are going to be crowning world champions here as well. So this is the the only stop on the APP World Tour what’s up surfing stage for the 20twenty-two season. We’ll be back with I think it’s about three stops in 2023 but we’ll confirm those with you later on. I know Tristan Boxford the CEO is working hard to confirm all those events. Pretty sure they’re going to be in some fun spots. Definitely going to be in some fun spots. Tristan’s always pushing to get the competitors in the best waves there are. Obviously Lust Palmers. Canaria. Having some amazing waves here too. And just putting on a show. Putting the the greatest stand-up surfers in the world. Some of the best waves in the world. That sounds like a perfect match. For them, I mean, they’re just stoked being out. Only like one other person. One other person in the lineup. As you do see, our competitors. Annabelle, still in accommodation situation. Coming down to 5 minutes, 25 on the clock. Scratching over that one. What sort of board is Annabelle riding? She’s on a smick. Hipster twin. So Smick is an Aussie brand. Uh huh. Scotty McCurcher. And she’s running a custom board from him. Um and she’s just actually ordered a new one. She’s been telling me she’s pretty excited to get a a new board coming soon. She wants to get on something a little bit smaller. Okay. Something that’s going to help maneuver a little bit faster. But she is enjoying the stability of this offers. and just coming unstuck there with that wind. You can see it plumbing up the face there a little bit. Looking at this one. She’s going to have a go. She’s up. Go on this one. It looks like it’s going to stand up. Is she going to have something off the top here? She does. Bang off the top. And she’s going to almost hang on. Thought she was going to ride out of that one. So close. Annabelle just going through. Oh that did not look very. Hope she pushed the board away. Yeah, hopefully get away from that board. Looks like she’s okay. Hold on to the paddle. Yep. She’s still got the paddle. I think I want to let go of it. A long time ago. Just as. Throwing the paddle over the back of the wave. Exactly. Get out of my way. The worst feeling is he getting pulled over the fall. Oh. You just have those moments. People sort of in the lineup watching. They’re like oh. Good to see them. Annabelle here. Annabelle from the UK. Great to see a lot of representation from around the world. It’s awesome. It’s properly diverse. Both on the the men’s and the women’s. And the juniors as well and the boys and the girls. Annabelle. Growing. Stand up around the world. The popularity increasing. Last couple of years. More people getting into it, you say Bo. Lot more people getting into the sub-surfing side. There’s been a bit of a debate about if it’s a growing sport or not. But definitely from what I’ve heard, what I’ve seen. A lot more people are getting into it. I’m definitely keen to get into it. Yeah, you need to get into it early. Definitely, definitely need to get into it. That’s great fun. Oh, he’s getting proper jealous yesterday seeing how fast everyone was going with the paddle in the flat sections and it’s yeah, it’s just great to see. What kind of kind of speed and momentum you can build? Yeah, you. The versatility of being able to surf in small waves, in bigger waves. You’ve been out there at big sunset. You can take these boards in pretty pretty serious conditions. You can, exactly. You can go downwinding on them. You can stick a foil on it. You can race them. You can, yeah. so versatile this sport. And that’s the greatest thing about centre paddling is just you can come into it from so many different angles. You come from a wind sport. You know instead of paddling kind of follow that that origination from from windsurfing. Lot of the windsurfing brands started making stand up paddleboards back in the day. You got brands like Nash, Starboard, Fanatic, all coming from that wind sport background. Taking it everywhere. Take it to the rivers. I think competitions in in Korea. The APP. over in London. Yep. And they’re going to be heading to to Paris to to Alicante in Spain. Let’s start with the finals in Saudi Arabia. Let’s hit a mid February twenty twenty-three. So be crowning the racing world champions there. But this event creating the Surfing World Champions. Yeah. And you you were over at a racing event, didn’t you? Yes, I was. So, god, my memory is bad. Yeah, well, so is it the US Open of Sup for the APP World Tour? That was their first racing event for the season. We had the Sprint. Technical, the long distance racing. Connor Baxter winning the sprint racing there. and we had Itzel Delgado and the men’s taking a long distance. Nice. Then April Zealg also she took the long distance for the women. Is is there some crossover would you say between the the surfers and is there some of the surfers we’re doing racing? At the in the in the beginning when when the ABP World Tower Tour depth started? Definitely. There was crossover. A lot of the athletes were doing both. It’s because the surfing and the racing were usually taken to the same places. So for example in Hawaii they do also a race and they do a surfing event. In Brazil they do a racing and a surfing event as well. So the people would cross over there. But they’ve kind of split the tours now. So giving the races the best chance in in the best conditions and then obviously taking the surfing to different occasions. So, I’m seeing a little bit more of a split. Yup. Between the athletes nowadays but you’ll still see. At the level is getting exactly. Super high. So, I think it’s very cool. Almost they’re just focusing on one discipline, right? That’s very, very true, exactly. So, the race is going to stick to their their craft and. Yup. Obviously, they’re better at racing and and the surfers better at surfing. So, we do see Katie in a way. Oh, really calming that cut back. Back into the white water and she’s going to bank it off this section at the end. Surfing with of power. So great to see. Five, five. Still going trying to get through the right to the end of the section. Left on this one. That will be the last wave. Of semi-final. Number one. all the way to the shorey. Kader. So replays with the best waves from in this heat. Obviously getting up into that excellent scoring with one of these waves. But this was one of the first waves she started with. This scored her that 7point17. and and then we have this wave. Talk us through this one Ollie. Six just jamming it. They’re really committed. For 6. 67 on that. Just one turn. Shay we didn’t see Annabelle. Yeah all in. Shane we didn’t see Annabelle Page managed to get a wave toward the end of that heat but good showing from her. We’ll see her in the women’s trials. And congratulations. Yeah congratulations to but we head to a short commercial break back with semi-final number two of the junior girls. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. more whiffs of the salty sea and the countryside country. More smiles for the camera. more heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. more flavors to discover. more being at a loss for words more time Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. And this. And this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. Buenas tardades. Welcome to Grand Canaria Las Panamas. We’re here for the Grand Canary Pro Am and up next, semi-finals heat two of the Junior Girls Under eighteens. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m joined by Beau Nixon. Oh, so nice to be here. Just seeing this here, we have Sakura in a way up and riding now in the red. And Marina awaits her in the white. The sister of Katie who just won the last heat she threw to the finals of the junior girls. So maybe we’ll see if it’s a all Japan final. Sisters. It would be interesting to see if that happens. Obviously Marino. She’s got some games. Yeah exactly. It’s not going to want to let that happen. No. So we’ll watch a replay Sakura’s wave there. So really nice top turn. That was such a nice turn to start with. So opening that account. Making sure he first turns nice and committed. And the whole Inaway family riding the same the same shape boards. Same sponsors. Same sponsors. The older brother Tucker. He was made an appearance in the longboard event. As we see Marina here. Riding through on the inside. Let’s see what work she got done on the outside. But we’ll follow her through is she just ends that wave so looks like a really controlled ride for Marina. I’m just waiting for those scores to come in. See how they both did. Marina heading back out. Lot of rocker on that board. Yeah. Earlier on. Just that nose lift in the front. Helping with those steeper sections. Yeah a lot of lot of different board shapes. Getting around. Most of the surface will be using the the grip pad on the front as well. Yeah, definitely helps a lot more grip. You see some surface options just for wax. Lot of wax on the nose for the longboarders. Yeah, that’s right. Lot of wax. Some serious hang fires will go down today. Yeah, great nose riding. As we do see Sakaro locking in a 3point 67. you know going to and your second And Marina. She just locked in for 2. 27 for that last wave. So at the moment Sakura in the first position. There’s plenty of time to go. 25 minutes these heats. 20 minutes. 37 seconds remaining. loads of time. We’re in Las Palmas. Capital of Grand Canaria. the joint capital with Santa Cruz in Tenerife. It’s a great surf city. Las Palmas. University town. home to the biggest carnival in the whole of the Canaries. Which I’m pretty excited about visiting though. Are you attending? Huh? February? Next year? I wouldn’t mind going. Yep. I’m a big fan of carnival. Nice. Okay. You’ve been to a few? I’ve been I’ve been to quite a few. Been the one in Brazil? I’ve never been. I’ve never been in Brazil. That is on definitely on my bucket list. But the last one I went to was a Spanish one in Badahos. It was just across the border from Portugal and that was great. And in Cologne. They have this carnival with about 6 million to 8 million people go. Wow. And every single person is dressed in fancy dress. That’s amazing. Like a fancy dress house party but with 6 million of your best friends. It’s good times. Very good times. How much thought it was going to be, you know, a little bit, little bit reserved. But, you know, it’s like Oktoberfest. Well, they know how to have a good time. But Endless Panamas. this notorious for for carnival here. Yeah, I think I’m going to have a little look. Yeah. 2023. Hmm. Very good. And it goes on for about three weeks. Oh, there you go. Uh. So, yeah. If anyone is thinking of a of a trip over here, I mean, you are guaranteed warm weather. That is such a big draw card. I just think if you’re on, if you’re on the coast and the Canaries, it doesn’t really drop below. I The high teens in winter. That’s incredible. So Sakoro was looking to have a little look at that one. Yes. Offering up much. 14 years old. So one of the younger competitors. Youngest women competing in the event. And just awesome to see the level of the juniors. Absolutely insane to see the level. So we’ve got here It jams it back into the pocket there. Sakura using the paddle to get through that flat section off the top. Nicely done. Again. Tapping this inside. Still making a way through. Little slash there. Just right in. Still going. It waves ankle high. She’s making it work. And just making it look so easy in these kind of tricky conditions. Yeah, that are tricky conditions. You can see that bump on the water at the back. Competitors obviously trying to get through the white water on their way back to the lineup. Lot of water moving out there. Very tricky. It’s going to be interesting to see what scores she gets from the judges comes in from that one. Yeah, a lot of lot of turns on that wave. Nothing too crazy. Nothing too critical. Yeah. but it wasn’t really like lending itself to that sort of little bit, little bit crumbly. Yeah. Definitely improve on that scoreline. She looks to get out there. This might even see, see how far Sakura’s back but maybe a paddle battle from priority. Marina’s making her way back out. Marina fourth place at the Pan American Games. For subsurfing. The ISA. Hi from in Puerto Rico. Yeah, she’s probably feeling at home here. Yeah. In Spanish. Oh. And in Puerto Rico. Yeah, it’s handy language to speak Spanish. Definitely useful. You think it’s surfing locations, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Some of the judges over there. Speak all four. so Sakura anyway. Last wave come through at 5. 0. So kind of that mid-range score for those turns. We see Marino opting to sit on the inside here for these reform waves. So, let’s see how she goes on this ride here. Cutting back into the white water. Getting nice and low to stay balanced on that way. Seeing if it’s going to open up for us all. Definitely sticking with it. This left might even reform here. It’s been quite a bit of change in direction today. So they’re going in the front side. Thinking looking at the rights, looking at the left, seeing what’s going to open up on that inside section. Yeah, definitely. Competitors always looking over their shoulder to see what it’s going to do. Keasley back off and then you got yourself a ride or steep up and stay on that left. Splitting the peaks as well. You look over your shoulders if anyone’s. Yeah, that’s right. We’ve seen a few followers here. Ride the same wave. We got 14 minutes, 35 seconds remaining. Sakura in the lead with a 8. 67. He’s pedaling back out now. Marina just finished off a ride. He’s going for that. Lie down, prone. Just a five strokes allowed though. Yeah. I’m not going to be counting. Bit more than five. I counted. Yeah so Yeah, We’re going to be going to the desert. But it has been a lot of talk around the rules and regulations of stand up paddling. When you should be standing, when you should be if you should be sitting down at all. Or lying down paddling. Obviously you know the conditions do make it a bit more tough to be able to stay standing. Marina obviously standing up now. Paddling out. So probably just using that line down technique to get through that. Just to get out of the impact zone. An impact zone exactly. Get out of the way. Yep. All the white waters kind of closing around. They just want to get into the channel and then you can hop up on your board. Stop paddling. So competitors are meant to be paddling out, standing up the whole way out and obviously standing up to catch the waves. And we have heard that they are allowed to sit down when they are out in the lineup waiting for a wave but they can’t. They just the paddle. Just waiting. Just waiting. So if they get pushed out of position, they have to get back on their feet to paddle over to where they were. So just probably just better opting just to stay standing. Yeah. Move around. He just got that advantage of being he can just see more. Oh yeah. See the sets coming. Yeah. And with priority as well. You can kind of just buy the time. Get into position. As we see. Sakura here. Looking at a wave. Here we go. Seth standing up. She’s going to paddle over. It looks like doesn’t like look at that one. I thought she was going to spin and go on that one. Oh, she might have but Marina might have the inside. Marina’s having a look. She’s not going to go. She’s. And then just hits that channel and just doesn’t really do much. No, it just dies out in that deeper water. So, when those waves are breaking, it’s really shallow just to the left side of the screen. Kinda like a reef shelf rock shelf out there. and the waves break around that. Reform on the inside. And depending on what the swell’s doing and the size. Definitely morphs into different shapes and we could be seeing some monsters. Yeah. Later this week. It’s hard to believe that we could be seeing a full on closeout across this whole bay. Later this week. So we’re going to try and get the event done over the next couple of days. I think we’ll be wrapping it up before it gets to to monstrous out there. Exactly because it’ll be probably unridable for most of the competitors and it’d be interesting to see if anyone brought a step up board to be able to ride these these waves. Cuz they do have red up and riding. Current heat leader. As she banks it off the right water there. Couldn’t quite hold onto it. really throwing a lot of commitment at that turn. Just putting everything into that turn. Releaning back on it and then just getting caught the foam ball, fallen, stumbling back a bit. See this replay because. She set it up really nicely. You can see her looking at that section. Bang up vertical but just couldn’t quite get the board back underneath her body. You see her leaning back on the paddle. Spencer said he clean eyeing it up, just looking. That’s it. Semi-final heat, you gotta be throwing everything at it to go make it to the final. As Marina. Oh, just digging that rail again. Should this problem in her last heat in the ripper charge? Getting through, just digging that rail. He’s casting over a bit now. Getting a little bit. Very chilly. Very chilly. Yeah. Going through, going through it all today, Bo. On top of the Wawa? Exactly, the fun bus. Yeah, we’re commentating from on top of the open deck bus. City sightseeing bus. This bus is going to move over to the. Whip over. Streak around the corner, yeah. So, we can. Someone could jump in and drive off right now. We just take it up. Couple of hundred meters around the corner to the point. Well, here we are with Marina. They’re staying busy on this one. Lots of lots of turns in the white water. We’ll see if she can extend that scoreline. She’s looking for a six point 4 though to move to the lead. So, see if the judges have to say about that ride. As at the backward priority. Red paddling Sakura Inowe. He’s looking at this right here. What’s he going to do? Again, with that big section coming to water. Yeah, just trying to button. Destroy that boat. She’s just throwing everything at it. She’ll pull one off. She’ll, yes, she’s coming. Just putting it all online there. Great to see the commitment Yeah, proper no fear coming from the juniors. Oh, I love it. 14 years old. Smacking the lip. I don’t think I was getting vertical at fourteen. I definitely, definitely. Wow. and just yeah. Pushing the progression. Really trying things out there as well which is great to see. You know, not not taking that conservative approach of, you know, if you do just see that one section down the line and it, if it’s not really offering much, if it looks like it’s going to be closing out the rest of the wave, you might as well just go and hit it. Yeah, it looks like she had the opportunity to go left there but that left obviously getting really slow and fat toward the the shoulder. So, she’s just want to go right and hit the section. Get a big score So yeah loving that commitment from Sakura. So good to see. Thanks to our partners over here in Las Panamas, Grand Canaria. Canaria s. The Grand Canaria Tourismo, the Grand Canaria, the Instituto in Solar, the Portes, Maspalomas, Costa Canary in the South. Grand Canaria Municipal deportes. And of course where we are both the Wawa, the city sightseeing, double decker bus. Seven island film, Domingo Alonso Conmertiales, and Puema, Delma the city really welcoming the APP. Welcoming us back after twenty 19. And twenty twenty The best in the world putting on a show. Some insane riding from the juniors. The best stand up paddle boarders. Under 18s on the planet. And the best sub longboarders as well. He’s putting on a clinic out here this morning and some some fun conditions. 3 to 3 to 4 foot. 13 second period. just sitting there waiting. He’s in the final of the junior boys. He’ll be in the red jersey up against Capone Fakuda. In the white. Who we saw get an excellent ride in his last semi-final heat. But Tituan just getting in the zone. Hasn’t got his beats on. No. None of that was a hip hop. Definitely not listening to Hilltop Heads down there. Definitely no, exactly. Just getting zen though. Just sucking out. Yeah. He could have been listening to some tunes. I reckon in the athlete. I think so. I think so. What are we doing in the too much when you’re like kind of just just before like that for your your time to paddle out. but obviously, you know, finishing for heat, be chatting to chat to the team and crew. keeping an eye on the conditions as well. Exactly. Just making sure that they know where they’re going to sit. Keep their strategy in place. Just watching how these conditions are developing through the day with the changing tide and the wind. We’re in the north of the island, Las Palmas. the capital of Grand Canaria. As we see the junior boys paddling out the 5 minute mark. 5 minutes. So coming up next with the final. The junior under 18 boys. Yeah, as we see, Marina here on the left She’s still currently looking for that 6 27 to move into that advancing position. Let’s get into the final. They’re going to be up against Kader Inowe who won the first semi-final. Could it be Sakuda in a way? The sister. Younger sister. Who’s it going to be? We got 4 minutes and 23 seconds remaining on the clock. Still a bit of time for Marine to see. Get a higher score. Quick paddle out there. We’ve got a bit of current taking the competitors back out. You can see there. Marina sitting in that deeper water. Yeah, she’s in need of a 6point 27. Marina. Yeah, that’s good. Not not a massive score. Still in that good range. So, really need to get probably a couple of turns at least on the outside there where Sakura is currently sitting. Although we have seen the inside reform. Being really good at the high tide but it is dropping out with that tide at the moment. It’s team Japan. Team Japan. As we see, It’s watching their sister. Sakuro, yeah, that’s right. Often action. For red, okay? Another one here. Another one. Back to back. She’s on another wave. What’s she got for us? Bangs it off the lip again. Just absurd. For that. Just that section to hit. Pulls that off on that one. But unfortunately doesn’t open up for on the inside. Should be trying to get out the back as fast as she can. Join Marina. So, what can she see coming here? Let’s hope there’s going to be another wave. Two minutes thirty on the clock. Get out of the way to this one. It’s a good thing with a smaller board. You kind of get get under there a little bit, huh? Yeah, that’s right. As you see, the replay of Sakuro’s wave. Marina, really nice top turn there. So, she. She ended up with a 3. 7. On that wave, which just increased her lead slightly. Marina now looking for a six point three. dominance, large domin Last two minutes here of the semi-final. Second semi. Gonna see who’s going to be getting into the final. Joining. Uh junior boys getting into position out there. See Marina there paddling through the white water along with Sakura. You can see the different paddling. You can see it’s how much more speed you get standing up paddling. So much more. It’s not easy. Crazy. He’s going to have to dive under that one. Sabrina’s up. Seeing something coming in here. Might be something out the back here. You can see that reef shelf on the outside. So competitors opting to sit on the inside. This one’s not going to be able to go out of this. Can he go over it? Should try and get over this one. But coming down 50 seconds remaining on the clock. Really needs a six point three. Doesn’t look like she’s going to get another opportunity. It’s caught on the inside here. So both in that Marina Sakura. Looks like a bit of a paddle battle. Looks like yeah it could be. Definitely. Think White has priority at the moment. Marina could make a turn and go on this. She definitely wants to go see. Looking for a six point3. 17 seconds left on the clock. Has she got time? There’ There’s some waves marching in here. 10 seconds remaining. You see Red looking. Five. So, So, there you have it, Ollie. It’s going to be at All Japan. Final, Sisters. In a way family. Katie. Well done. Congratulations. I’m going to watch replay of red. Sakura in a way her best wave. Just carving on that first turn. really throwing everything at it. This is that 5point0 that she locked in early in the heat. Backed off the white water again. So some great surfing from our young Japanese competitor. And she’ll be joining her sister In the final. Family affair for the final. If the junior under eighteens. We’re going to jump into a commercial break and then we’ll be back with the junior boys under eighteens final. See? Bonjour madam. ¿Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona y hay más y mucho más. será por esto y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. Buenas tardes. Welcome to the Gran Canaria Pro am. On Oliver I have sude. Thinks and amazing action. all day from the juniors and we’re here. We’re going to be crowning a champion. We have Tituan Pedro in the red. Capona Fukuda in the white. And the level from the juniors has just been amazing. I wasn’t sure if we were going to be. Running all the way through with the junior finals. We’re stoked to see it happen. Got some definitely some good waves on offer. It’s been about three to five all day. Yeah, we see Caperna Fakuda here. Looks like he’s already opened up a small score earlier. He’s going to go vertical on the inside but just comes unstuck. He’s been nailing those all day. Maybe a little bit of nerves. Maybe. Maybe a tighter legs. He’s been surfing a few hits today. and and it’ll be taking taking its toll for sure being on the stand up. Exactly. We do see half an hour. Oh. Finals. A drop there. Nice deep drop. Fifty-two Fifty-two one. Just a quick in and out there. He’ll still remain with first priority. Sitting at the back. and half an hour for the final. Yeah. Plenty of time. Choose the right waves out there. Just deciding to ditch and get out of doorjob that way. Good idea. Another set. You can see behind. It’s going to stay in the water. Ditch that board. Get it away from you. Bear hugs the paddle. Yeah, grip onto that tight. But then as soon as you get back up, the speed on which you can just use the paddle get into the channel and then just try and get straight that wrap around into the lineup here. Uh, Wasisia. This a competitor from the last heat. That’s Marino. Unfortunately not making it through to the final of the junior girls. We put on a great performance. And that was a third place finish here. She was surfing amazingly today. Yeah. As we see Tituan in the red. Switching that paddle over. Nice carve. Back in to the pocket of this wave. Is he going to be able to get he’s really jet speed across the paddle. Not going to manage to get find a reform there. So, that means priority is going to switch to Capono in the white. Capona with the first score. There’s a five, one, four. Yeah, they go. Needing a four point four four. to beat Chap. Yep. But there’s going to be plenty more rides coming in. Plenty. The final halo. That’s right. So Capone Fakuda. He won the Japan Sup Surfing Championship. It’s a Japanese champion.
Welcome to Gran Canaria Pro Am 2022


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Gran Canaria Pro AM 2022 Day 2 - Part 2 | Coming down to the last few heats for the SUP Longboard Championship and the trails event for the APP World Tour. | By APP World Tour | Grand Canaria. We’re here in Las Palmas for the APP World Longboard Championship. Got the second semi-final heat in the water. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m joined by it. Beau Nixon. Beau. Oh. Stacked heats. How you feeling? Indeed. We saw Benoit Cup and TA get through as we see Leko Salazar up now in the white jersey in this heat up against Zane Schweiser from Hawaii. Leko just digging a rail there. like you said stacked heats. All of these competitors have history. And the prone longboard Leko growing up riding long boards. Zane Also just riding every single craft in the water. As we see Zane had a wave as well. This is a replay from earlier in the heat as we were in commercials. Zane getting on the nose. Oh. carving back around. Beautiful turn there from Zane. See Zane cross stepping his way up to the nose here. Standing tall. Obviously for a little reentry off the top there. Cut back. We saw Zane earlier in the quarter finals. Had a great performance against headstands? Was there a headstand? Throwing in that one as well. Didn’t think it was that one was it? No it was the one earlier. That’s the only one. Yeah I I stepped out of the booth there. Holly was in here with you for Zane’s heat but I was watching. in the low level of the Wawa. The double decker bus. We’re up here with the judges. And right in front watching the action. Zane paddling for a wide one. See what he sees here. It’s going to go for it. Some nice looking left this one. Zane off the low. Top. Massive. Is he going to reform for him? He’s being super patient here. Takes it to the nose. Back into the tail. Foam climb. Off onto the foam again. Another great wave there from Zane. It’s a well-ridden wave there by Zane. Very well-ridden wave. We had to have some scores coming in for the first couple of exchanges. Zane dropping a 4. 5 for that first ride. Lekker three point 77. Zane obviously with that second ride. We’ll get the scores coming through shortly. And Leko or Brazil. As he got straight in those. carving that board back around. into the white water. Lego really going to stay on these lefts Favouring his forehand. Zane quite comfortable going either way but Leko cutting back carving around. Back to the nose. Oh. Toes all the way over the edge there. This is going to foam climb this last section. Did you see a GoPro mount on top of that board. So, Leko having to navigate that with his front foot as he does a nice hang five there on the end. So, another well put together wave from our competitor in white in this semi-final number two of the men’s longboard. The Grand Canary Pro Am. Yeah, must be a little bit fiddly getting the the GoPro mount on there on the nose. Definitely. Trying to not step on it because I know it hurts. I don’t know how much it hurts. I’ve done it before. especially if there’s a GoPro on there. That’s right, exactly. Be cool actually. That guy should have one on the front there. Zane. He could get that that POV angle. Yeah. See what’s going on. Exactly. Be cool if we could connect out to the live stream. See what the competitors are doing out there. And Bo you were saying when you you were competing on the longboard tour and you if you had that opportunity to run up to the nose. Just throw it a hang five at the the start of the wave. If it if it lend itself to it. You would right? Yeah, definitely. So, the judging criteria when I was competing on the tour was very progressive, very performance oriented. So, nose riding was still a part of it but they’d still be looking for turns off the tail. So if you get to the nose in that first section, then, you could really just open up on turns for the rest of the wave. It really just depends what what kind of wave it was. Sometimes, you could open up your account with a big turn and then do a nose ride down the line. Nice. It was always always that take-off section is quite the easiest to do a a nose ride because you can stall it, you can get yourself prepared as you’re paddling in. We’re going to jump to the beach with Holly. What? He’s got an interview lined up for us. Thank you, guys. I am here beachside with Benoit Carpenter who just won semi-final number one for the knocking out Taka in a way from Japan. Benoit, that was a really tough hit. Tell me about it. Yeah, it was like a final to be honest. Uh that guy is obviously one of the top guy on the WSL long ball tour. So, beating him today was something that it’s really nice for me and especially in this kind of condition, it was really tricky. So, happy I I feel like I choose the best wave and a couple nice waves. So, nice score. So, I’m happy with my performance. I’m really happy to move forward to the final. Uh a long SUP, that’s something that I’ve been has been developing that with starboard, this longboard. I’m I’m surfing and Zane actually is surfing on the wave actually right now. It’s obviously the 20 twenty-four longboard that we are designing right now and it’s actually working crazy. Uh huh. And yeah, just happy. I’ve been spending a lot of time on that board and so I’m really happy to be in the final. And a prediction who do you think will be joining you in the final? The heat is going on right now. Who’s going to join you? Well, it’s the goofy match up now. It’s looks like with the tide going down. Uh it’s kind of more like a left now. So, it’s going to be great battling between these two. These guys are top long borders. Lecos being on the on the tour for ages like on long boarding tour and Zane is just the ultimate waterman. So, it’s going to be a great battle. I don’t know. I hope Zane’s going to come with me as he’s my teammate and we’re staying in the same apartment now. So, I hope we can share the final. Well, good luck Benoit and we’ll see you in the final. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks Holly. Great Congrats on moving forward. Into the final. It’s going to be interesting to see who’s going to be up against. It really is. Penoir being very complimentary to the competitors out in the water. Wanting to see Zane. He’s teammate on Starboard. Getting through. But as you said Leko Salazar an accomplished longboarder himself. Dropping some good scores and putting himself in the lead. So Leko Salazar with a six point ride on that last one. Puts him just ahead of Zane. Zane needs 5point2eight. To get into that advancing position to join Benoit in the long board final to crown a world champion longboarder. Yeah, in the second semi-final, we got 16 minutes, 30 seconds remaining. Lekon. just down to second now. With a 9. 77 and Zane. His last wave taking the lead. The 10. 17. Yeah, dropped in a 5. 67. So Zane obviously that was that wave we saw during the interview with Holly and Benoit. I’m talking about the board. He was talking about the prototype. It’s 20 twenty-four. So we’re not even in 20 twenty-three yet. Starboard are well ahead of their designs. Just just jump a year. Just get a straight ahead. So Starboard actually work in blocks of two years with their designs. So they’ll put out a design. It’ll stay for two years as they work on their next one. As we see Zane styling his way through the inside. He already put some good turns down to the nose as well finishes off with a foam climb. And Lekker behind him. Cross that. It’s a nice cross step over there from Lekker. Straight to the nose. Really stylish. Love the way Leko surfs. And Leko getting to that end section. looking up over the top. He’s riding in all the way through to the inside. As we hear some of the Brazilian crew cheering Leko on. We need to make sure he gets through to the final. Zayden just paddling back out now through the channel. Slightly in the lead. Just slightly we’ll see what scores come through for both of these surfers last waves. We’ll update you on the situation from there. I mean, as it stands, Leko needs a 4. 17 That’s too advanced That one. I think so. Last wave. The replay of Zane. Standing right on the nose. Foam climbing on that section there. So nice nose ride. Just really attacking those foam climbs as well. Leko holding a nice hang five through that section. So both surfers getting a nose right on the outside section. Zane a couple more turns. But Leko this is where we caught up to him. In that live action. Where he gets up to the nose for that. Really nice nose right here and then gets around this section to finish it off on the inside. Beautiful riding from both surfers there. So it looks like that Zanes Whites have dropped a 4. 47 for his last wave. So not improving his situation. She’s still the the board submerged a little bit huh? No? There’s a little submerged a little bit. Zane. Greg getting that aerial shot. You can just sort of see how they’re like balancing out there. Tryna. Negotiate. the water. Makes it pretty tricky when this chops is like it’s clean today. We’re cleaning up now so. Yeah true. We see Zane probably weighing in at around 7075 kilograms. That board just under the waterline. So saying probably roughly 80 litre Maybe eighty-five litre longboard what’s up there. And it can certainly motor when it gets going. Sure does. With a bit of speed. You see Leko there. He’s actually just on a normal surf longboard. He’s well under the water. Even just paddling out. They go probably at that 8085 kilograms as well. And different leash setups as well. So you got Leco, he’s got the ankle leash. Zane’s got the calf. Yeah, Tristan and I were discussing this yesterday when we had Tristan Boxford APP World Tour CEO in the booth. We both prefer an ankle lease. Just because the calf one tends to get caught up with the paddle. Mm. Every now and then. We’ve noticed competitors been wearing that last heat. Tucker as well. And Zane that that lease gets caught around that paddle as they do make their turns. Pluses and minuses may help with the cross stepping. Does definitely help with the cross stepping. And ah the judges have requested to see these waves again. Again because we haven’t had the score drop yet for this wave. They want to make sure that they get the scores right. Make sure that it’s critical. If this wave was enough to get Leko into first position. He needed a 4. 17. Let us know your thoughts at home. Drop in the comments. What do you think? Can you be a judge? What score do you think Leko got? Who’s going to make the final? Who are you rooting for? They’re about 11 minutes remaining in this heat. With that nose right in that finishing maneuver. Definitely going to factor in. Long nose right on the outside. We did see Zane. He dropped a four. 47. And then Leko. He actually has taken the lead with that last wave. A 6. 33 from Leko Salazar. Puts him up into the advancing position. Zane Schweitzer with First Priority sitting out there at the moment. He needs a six point six six to advance into the final Sileko. Nose rides. Judging well. Judging highly. We’re in Las Palmas, La Sisa. So many stunning waves here. and this wave sort of lending itself to both lefts and rights. I’m going to be going mobile later on during the event. For the men’s and women’s. But before that got a lot of action this afternoon. Gonna have some finals. Super excited Bo. Really excited to see. Longboarding in the water at the moment. We’re going to be crowning that world longboard what’s up champion later on today. But also the men’s and women’s trials. Neil moving into the semi-finals. Only four surfers will move through to the main event tomorrow. So the top two surfers in both the men and the women’s trials advancing to that finals. We’ll be crowning a trials winner as well. It’s always good to put that accolade on your resume. Yeah? That was how you got through? Yeah I I never won the trials. But just qualified. Got in the top spots. via the trials are fundamental part of bringing up the next generation to be able to compete against the world’s best. As we see Leko Take a look at this small one. He’s stalling to get to the nose. Hang five. Oh. Getting through that critical section as he cuts back on this wave. So they go opting to just carve around, paddle in the air, then use the paddle on that bottom turn. As he stalls again for a critical nose ride. That was. Just comes unstoked. Putting it all on the line there. Lekker. Certainly was. If you see Zane. five toes over the nose. Coming through on this 20twenty-four prototype Starboards. And a great maneuver at the end. You can see the who’s getting a bit of air there. He he was. You can see the look on Zane’s face. He is in the zone. He wants this. He’s going to paddle hard. He wants to get priority at the back again. Zane a huge advocate of staying standard. Watch this first turn here. Oh. That was incredible. And again cuts all the way back to the white water. And again and then we’ll see him get to the nose. Shuffles his way up for five toes over. Stools with the paddle. And then just really uses that paddle to keep himself upright. And then finishes it off. Really nicely with this Ollie. Woo. liking that one. Loving it. Sick. So that’s Gore looking likely to be in his top two so could be a change of situation. We’ll see what the judges put in. And as he got priority, he’s kind of raced in front of Leko. Leko’s caught a little bit there and then, after his ride, in the white water. You can see some waves coming in now. Yeah, some scores as well. Leko. So 7 minutes. Twenty-four seconds remaining. Zane has got priority. Zane. Priority with that. So you see that Leko was actually in front as we just go to this replay. Of your head drop. Oh. Zane whipping that long ball around. You can see Leko in front of Zane there. But Zane managing to get ahead of Lekker to get priority. Just really crouching down there. Trying to absorb that landing. tricky. turbine and waters either side of you just. Very turban. Flip you off. Exactly. Really want to get that board out in front of that turbulence. Landing out in the flats. So that way all that impact of the wave will land behind you. the world’s best making it look easy. Zane wanting scores out there. So you see competitors wave for their paddle. They’re just looking for a situation update. Yep. Asking the beach announcer for their scores. Maybe how much times left as well. They’re not doing that just for fun. just testing the paddle out. Exactly. See what works. See competitors. getting ready for the next heat. That will be the women’s trials semi-finals. As we are looking at the long board semi-finals at the moment. See, as we were saying, I mean, Leko had that first wave and Zayman’s behind him But Zayn managed to get out, get out of the impact zone, faster than Leko, then getting priority, getting back up into the lineup. It’s not always the one who has the first wave. It’s not always the one who has the first wave. As we see scores coming through now for Zane Schweitzer’s last wave. And it’s his best wave of the heat so far. A 6. 40 but not enough. Oh. To get him into that advancing position. He now. Whiskers away. A 5point9three. Clock’s ticking down toward. He’s going to go for this one. Zane leading a high score. Is he looking back in? His way up to the nose and holds a nice long hang five. And he sees this big section on the long board. Oh. Come on stuck. It was close. Exactly what he needed to do though. To get those bigger scores. We see Leko switching the paddle over. Carving his way through. definitely isn’t the long board that Leko would usually be riding. What would he normally be on? He’d normally on something be a little bit wider. More like a what’s up longboard. Mm hmm. Kind of style. I’ve seen Leko ride a few what’s up long boards before in the past. This one. What’s the big difference? Longboards in the normal lawn boards. Just the volume. A bit more volume. You get a bit more speed along those flatter sections. You can see. And in the middle. Or everywhere along the board. Everywhere along the board. Particularly in the middle you see Leko sinking that board a little bit. Very much like a Chrome Board. You almost think that the paddle is overpowering the board a little bit. Mm. So obviously surfing, longboarding looking good without the paddle. But adding that in it kind of makes the board look a bit small. What’s Zane going to do here on this one? Really fast turnaround to catch this wave. He can see something big down the line. Here he goes. Big turn off the top and an airdrop. So he’s started off this wave amazingly for a high score. He’s going to take this one through but the wave just flattening out. Zane trying to get a bit more from it but he just can’t. Oh it’s going to be I was unfortunate that it didn’t reform there. Great. First hit airdrop there. so critical Zane. So I saw her lining up. Just went for it. Yeah, Benoit really worried that maybe the Zanes pushing that board pretty hard. As we’ve said, Benoir is sharing his ball with Zane. As we see Leko paddling in. And a big carve off the top. Just see him switch the paddle over for a slight drop knee cut back there. Some great surfing by both competitors. Brings this through to getting those. Lovely hang five and he’s going to just finish it off. Oh. Up and over. Break there. Oh. We watched that big fin in the middle. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Get that big board away from you. But Leko there completing that nose right. So, a bit of a riding on that wave. Really carving maneuver at the back nose right on the inside. That’s going to be a good score as well. You can see the the scoreline pretty close between the two competitors there. Zane asking for Wanna know what the score is? Let us know what you think back at home. Watching on Facebook Live, YouTube Live, the APP World Tour. com. coming from Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. For the 2022 Sup Surf Championships. Four pointfive three. and that’s and 3. 9 kilos so. Zane’s last score. Zane’s last score came through. A four. 53. So again not enough but we see Zane up at the back. He’s going right. A hanged hand to start with. That is a great way to start a wave as he wraps that board back. Going left into the pocket. Over the lip and again just catches the nose. These long board substrates. Just laying it all on the line there. Yeah. He really. And you got him. This is the semi-finals. That’s right. Exactly right. Wondering if Zane does get through. What board he’s going to be riding? But at the moment who’s going to lend him one if he did? He did. Yeah that’s right. Maybe let go well. He does need a 5point9 three. So 58 seconds remaining. Their last chance. Zane at the back again straight away. Seem really. Seemed praying for a set here. See in priority. Praying for anyway. If you can pick up some small waves on these what’s up longboards. So anything that comes through. saying again looking for a five point93. Not a big score. He’s already got 6. 4 in his scoreline. And 20 seconds remaining now. Leko in the lead with a 12. 33. Zane needs a 5. 93 to advance into the final. Sign. Some waves coming? Is he going to get it in time? No, I don’t think so. I think that’s it. With Leko. Leko Salazar from Brazil with the fist pump into the final of the APP World Tour. Longboard. We’re going to see a recap of this heat. We have Best waves of white here. The finalist. The APP World Tour longboard division. and this nose right here. as he gets to the inside. Really nice. Perched on the nose. As he gets up and over this section here. But Leko had a better wave. This one was it. Straight to the nose. Through a critical section. Extending. It’s a beautiful nose right there. Really nice. Even though it pearled a little bit. He was able to hold it. Cuts back. Danny I think he’s going to do that little Ross stepping cut back. As we see him here cross stepping back there and then another nose right here. On the inside. as he goes up into this section. They were White’s best waves with that heat before. So Leko Salazar on the beach there. Into the final. Into the final. You can see there. Stewart. Longboard. and we’re going to head to short commercial break before coming back with the women’s trials. Semifinals. See you then. when we need us and welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’ve got the women’s trials, the semi-final. The first heats up. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m here with Beau Nixon. Yeah, we got an exciting semi-final heat. The women’s trials. Marine Co Drew in the red. Antifane Mayard. She’ll be in the white in this heat. Only one competitor advancing through. To that final. But both secured their spots in the main event. So both of them are going through. To the big show. That’s right as we see. Marine Up on her. Looks like second ride. She had a quick in and out at the start. She banks one off the top there to finish off. Not quite finishing off there but some great turns already on that wave. 17 minutes, 40 seconds left in this first semi-final. defend. We missed her first wave. It’s a three. five. So, great to see that all those women have made it through to the main event. To faint and marine. we see them competing. As the swell picks up next couple of days. Maybe moving venue as well. We are here at in Las Palmas. Great beach break. Lots of waves. Grand Canaria. Plenty of free surface down the beach. Enjoying the warm water, sunshine and watching the world’s best stand up paddleboarders take to the water with their home break. Just saw the men’s semi long board. Gonna be crowning a longboard for a champ. We’re going to be going over to Holly who’s with the heat winner, Leko Salazar. Thank you guys. I’m here with Leko Salazar after witnessing what was a semi-final for the ages. Leko just knocked Zay Schweiser out of the longboard sub championships so he advances to the final. Leko, that was amazing to watch. How was it? Uh good good conditions today here. I’m so happy to advance the final. Uh Zen is my French a long time. I hope he’s together in the tour. So, many years. He I’m so happy. It’s the final. Let’s go. I got him. And how do you think you will come up against Benoit Carpintier in the final. The best surfaces to hear in the world. Um and go to to the final was was going to the Chitley. Abrigado. Leco, back to you guys in the studio. Holly. Congrats Leko. Awesome performance and Zane both you guys putting on an amazing semi. Can’t wait for the final to go down. Oh the final’s going to be super exciting. Lego there could wipe the smile off his face. I think he’s happy to be in a final after so many years of not competing. Obviously that forced break over the last couple of years. But Lekker. He’s causing some upsets here in twenty nineteen. Was causing some upsets. He was actually the man who secured Ponaki at Ioha’s world title. His first world title in 20 19. Here in Grand Canaria. For the APP World Tour. But the Brazilians looking strong in this event. Brazilian Storm but needs to go next to the Japanese typhoon. as we’ve seen some of the best surfing so far from the Japanese contingent. The juniors winning. But in this healing, women’s trial semi-final Lots of fence lining up for this one. eighty-five. Heading on the right on this wave. Cutting back. Not too much else on offer there. She’s currently in the lead in this heat. A couple of scores dropped through. They’re in second wave of 4. 17. You see those currents there on that reef. Ripping back into the lineup where they are. offering some clean faces to some of these waves. Yeah, in between. Kinda like the first wave of the set go. I think the next waves definitely a little bit cleaner. As we see, someone getting cleaned up on the inside there. See the power. Of Las Palmas. Grand Canaria. Definitely packs a punch here. The Canary Islands. It really does. Obviously, a small. in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Swells coming from either either either side of the island. and mostly from the north. This time of year. I think it a little replay of this. Tryna negotiate over the white water. Just. Exactly. Just couldn’t quite get over that one. That’s happened to me many times, Ollie. Many, many times. I mean, with these big balls, you need to get them up and over the water. So, optics try and sit back, get up and over the wave. But that power in the ocean, pushing it back. Turn a backflip almost. As we see a punch through there. It’s getting out of the impact zone using her. And this will be that building swell as well. They kind of look like it’s oh that’s not that big of a wave. Till it lands on your head. And you realize it’s got some force behind it. That’s exactly right. Just found out though. As we did find out, we jumped in just before the event started. Couple of days ago water moving. Bit windy. Lot of power in the ocean. Good fun though. It was great fun. Let us know where you’re watching from around the world. For the APP World Tour Sup Surf. We’re live on Facebook And on YouTube. Drop in your comments. Great to hear. where everyone’s coming from. And Marine up on a good looking left here. That’s just slipping off. to see the current heat leader on screen. To Fame. Current European junior champion. Sup surfing. She’s got first priority out there in the water. Both these surfers smile on their face. They will be surfing against the world’s best tomorrow. A big thanks to our partners in the city of Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. putting on a staging an awesome show for the APP. Back after a few years. Hiatus. Just conditions but We got some super exciting events coming up in twenty twenty-three. But now for twenty twenty-two, We’re going to be crowning some champions today. That’s right. Wow. Champion in the World Longboard Sup. Event. And also some trials champions. As we see a paddle here from Marine. Just going to let that one go. She’s already got a pretty healthy score. Four point three three. That drone shot. Over La Sisa. In Las Panamas. 10 minutes remaining. In this first semi-final heat, the women’s trials. Like you said Ollie bit of a lull out there at the moment. That swell building I think. Yeah definitely starting to build. be looking at some surf for the 4 to 6 foot range tomorrow. Building quite rapidly into the evening. And then Thursday we have solid six to 10 feet. Prediction. That’s that swell period as well. It’s kind of it’s a jumps up. 21 seconds. Significantly to what? 21 seconds. Thursday. That’s solid. That is big. As we see. Yeah. Favourable wins as well which is going to be great. Amazing. Yeah then competitor in red here cutting back. Just needing a small score to move up into the lead. We’re doing it with that turn there but we’ll see if she offers any more here on the inside. She’s going to cut across to the right. Probably a smart move because we’ve seen these rights. He likes that. Loves that fist bump. It’s a good finishing section there by Marine. Now opting for the paddle back out. Yes, we get through that little bit of white water. Little Alba. Yeah, the judges will. In the impact zone, exactly. Five-stroke rule? That’s right. a competitor from the UK. Annie Page running the Smick. Should be up in the next heat. In that white jersey. Our second semi-finals. The women’s trials. Now, back into the action. Just going to wading out there. See where the sets are going to come. To Fin. Still got about 8 minutes left. In this first semi-final. There’s the drone just panning out over Las Palmas. And the national parks there in the background on the hills. Amen. Pretty nice ball book across Canteras. As always four kilometres. The end where we are in Espamos. And I was just getting ready. quality. Seems pretty happy. Yeah. Yeah. Stoked. See the Red Bull crew? Getting around. Handing out some Red Bulls. Leco Salazar. He’s happy. He’s doing a smile on his face. Smile on his face. Post on her Instagram. Texting home. Finals. I made it to the finals. No big deal. Just in the finals. Exactly. See another one of our cameraman there. Cameron doing a great job today. Bringing us these drone angles. Close up. Six to get all the different angles. Yeah, it’s amazing. Loving the drone of the the right hander here. Gonna see it now. Yeah a competitor in white. Paddling for this wave. She decided to go left. She’s been pushed down to second position. Needs a 5. 5 on this wave. That wave. Not cooperating with how she wanted that to play out. We did see Marine drop a 4. 83 on her previous wave. So that puts her up into the lead. Marine with a four point eight three and a four point one7. As we see the scenes down on the beach here. Competitors navigating these slippery rocks. They’re certainly slippery, Bo. Very slippery. We’ve seen a few people slip down there. Yeah. gets a little bit trickier as well when we head round to El Loret. Exactly. There’ll be no beach over there. No sand there. It’s all rock. All reef bottom. Right hand point break. And some pretty pretty tricky sections to ah navigate getting in and out. Yeah. Of that break. Especially at high tide with the backwash. Coming in there and yeah you got really time it between sets. with that period jumping up of the swell. There should be some, yeah, some intervals we can get through. But pick it wisely though. Definitely need to pick it wisely. See our competitors on the screen there warming up for the next heat. and give us a shout where you’re tuning in from at home. or the office. Maybe watching on the sly. Yeah, exactly. We’ll minimize that screen. Give it, give it to the bottom. Uh. Little sneaky headphones on. Yep. So, five minutes remaining in the first semi-final heat on Zoom and that’s it. Having a chat. I should just watch in the action. Maybe you’ve got us on mute. Probably a good idea. Now, let us know your comments. Facebook, on YouTube. We’re live. Both our channels. On APP. And of course you can watch us on APP World Tour. com. We’re going to be dropping scores. As we see our competitor in red. Paddling for this wave. She’s got a strong bottom turner whips into the pocket. That was such a nice first maneuver and again cuts it back to the white water. By far the best wave of this heat so far. That first turn. Really exciting. Progressive. Showcasing exactly what she’s going to be putting up against. The pro women as she moves on through to the main event. There’s a few waves now. La Sisa, Moyetos. Uh we saw that Lal. Some of the sets coming through. We see a replay of this. Look at this bottom turn Ollie. Oh. Off the top. Whips it around. In the pocket. That back foot is sick. So critical on the bottom turn there. He almost like you see the fins come up in that slow mo. And cranks it off the top. And again. Driving that board back around into the white water. Marine Kadrew. Beautiful surfing there from Marine. really showcasing exactly what she’s got. Marini’s actually the French stand up paddleboard champion. Open women at the moment. So you can definitely see how she won that event. In her home country. Shredding. Absolutely. She’s got the flag on there as well. She does. So she was competing at the ISA. They’re required to have their their nationality or. That’s right. On their boards. Required to have the flag from their home country on their board. Visible. As we see to faint. Can’t quite ride out of that one. Marine dropping a 5. 67 to extend her scoreline. DeFain now looking for a seven point zero with just over two minutes remaining. The first semi-final. He’s going to be looking for some waves. We are just getting word in that has asked for Red to stand up to paddle. So good to see that we are keeping an eye on competitors. Making sure that they are always standing up. You can see it’s tricky there though. Yeah. Lot of water moving. That’s building swell. Lot of all part of the game though. Coming in exactly. All part of this lying down business. No that’s right. Shortboard Ollie. This is it I’ve been talking about this a little bit for the event. mixed thoughts. So you can. You are allowed to go for a couple of strokes, five strokes. Yeah, we see to faint. They’re lying down. Just, that’s just because she is in the impact zone. So, opting to go for that belly paddle. While she’s she’s going to want to get out there as quick as possible. Exactly. She needs that seven point ride. Just over a minute remaining now. What does she need? She needs a seven point ride. Marine. She’s just going to take this wave. Does really well. Catching a bit late. Gets around the foam. She’s really starting to put on a bit of a show toward the end of this heat. Starting to find her feet. Getting ready for the final. It’s going to be happening. Later on today. We’re getting to that pointy end. Semi-finals here. The second. Times though. Coming up next of the trials of the women. And then trials of the men’s semi-finals and then we’re going to go into the finals. Long board. And women trials. I mean, that last wave, really attacking on a backhand there. As we see a small wave coming through. Is Stefain going to be able to get onto this one? Looks like it’s just gone underneath. The last ride if she can get it. She’s on it. Looking for a seven but just closes out in front of her. Gonna be enough. Gonna count this heat out. Really well done from Marine there. To get some nice high scores. You see getting into the double figures. 10. 5 zero. Some great surfing by Marine. She’ll be going through to the finals. Yeah we’ll see the women’s trials. Let’s check out the replay here. Marine. Just finding a time on this wave. Waiting for it to stand up on the inside. like we said she had some great scores. cutting across to the right. Banking that turn off the white water. That fist pump there. She loved that. This one here. This wave was insane. That turn. That turn was so easy. Backed it up with a carve in the pocket as well. One. Really progressive surfing there. So, that’s marine. So, we’re going to go to a short commercial break. We’ll be back with action. APP World Tour, Grand Canary Pro Amp semi-final number two. y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo. En definitiva, más momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria, mucho por vivir. Buenas tardes. Welcome from Las Palmas. We Start be hey with Nixon. Beau. How you feeling about the semi? Yeah, great. It’s been been a really action-packed day so far. We have Camille Dubrana in the red in this semi-final. Annabelle Page. Caroline Radway. Annabelle up and riding here. and just finishing off that ride there. Annabelle liking to use the paddle to keep that speed up on her board. See a couple of scores dropping there as well. Carolyn had a small score come through a point eight three. So top two surfers here. Progressing into the final. Which means one surfer will miss out on that place. So Annabelle’s last ride of one point four three. Out the back, Camille. Oh, nice turn. The toe and again. Oh, amazing. Trying to back it up there. Camille just laying it on the rail there. So, just to correct myself, actually, only first place from these semi-finals moves through to the final of the women’s trials. So, we have the Heat earlier today in the quarterfinals. Actually seemed quite a long way, long, long time ago, doesn’t Ollie? But we had couples of so much action progressing, exactly. So much action. The men’s trials, women’s trials, long boards. All happening today. So, first position will move through to the final, into advancing position. Mook going to be crowning some some champs, some trials. Champion, both the men and the women’s. Later on. And also the longboard. So we had a question come through. About the trials event. And the trials event is the other shorter boards of the event. But we before I explain that we’re going to throw it down to Holly on the beach. With the winner of the last Thank you guys. I am here with winner of semi-final for the women’s trials, Marlene Kudo from Brittany. Marine has just won that heat which means she goes straight through to the trials final. How was the Heberine? Uh it was pretty tough but I’m happy here to to made it through. And you’re battling against your your French teammate Tiffany. How was that? Is it strange? It’s a bit strange and she she was really tired from all the heat She she’s done. So I think she she did an amazing job and she’s very brave to to go through all the and what are your thoughts, thoughts and feelings for the final? Uh now, I’m a bit relieved from stress so I’ll just surf as I know I can surf. Let’s see what and let’s see what happened. Yeah. Well, good luck in the final. I’ll be rooting for you and yeah, see you back to you guys in the studio. Thanks Holly. Congratulations, Marina. Amazing surfing in the semis. Looking forward to seeing you in the final. Yeah, some exciting surfing there. We’ve got exciting surfing here as well. Caroline dropping down on that wave. Oh, that board just flips over. So, she’ll go down on that wave. Yeah so the trials event is a qualification round to get surfers into the main event with the competing against the best in the world. The pros who will be starting tomorrow. This is the sub surfing world tour of APP World Tour. Grand Canary Pro Am. These surfers looking for a spot in the trials finals to progress to the main event. Currently we see Camille out in front. Had a couple of good waves. Really powerful runs. Some sort of scores coming in. Some scores coming through. Waiting for Carolyn’s last wave there. Camille had a 4. 83 to start. One. 8zero. As for that nice turn and then she fell off but we’ll see her paddling for this wave right now. She’s going to look for big turn out the back and she banks it off the top there. These competitors throwing everything they have. And on the line there. They need to. They have to get to the first position to advance into that main event. So competitors really need to push hard. You see. Adam spell there. Just diving under the white water. They’re opting for that knee paddle in that critical zone. To get out. Exactly. A lot of these competitors don’t come from that surfing background so might not have that prone paddling skill. So opting for the knee paddling such as this is a is a better way to get out there for them. But with the prone paddling, only five strokes, only five strokes, same with the knee paddling. Same with the knee. Yeah, same with the knees. Need to be upstanding. It’s not called kneel down, paddling. Remember competitors can sit down to wait for their waves but they can’t use the paddle to paddle around. Slightly different rules as well with APP and so many other. Yeah, some of the other organizations out there. Organizations. We know the ISA World Games had a 15 second rule where you could lie down in your stomach for 15 seconds. And they they had that over in Puerto Rico for Puerto Rico. That’s right. 2022, USA Games? Yes. Don’t think there was anyone releasing that though? No? No. So, a few people turning a blind Turning a blind eye. Maybe pushing the limits on that 15 second rule. Controversial. Very controversial. I’m putting it out there though. If you’re like, let us know your thoughts as well. I think let us know your thoughts. Let us know. I think it’s a a stand Back at home. Should we need to be standing the whole heat? Are we allowed to sit down at the back? Should we have a fifteen-second rule, a five-stroke rule? Let us know. I think I know what everyone’s going to say. Opening it up. But we are opening it up to everyone. Yeah, let us know on Facebook and YouTube Be great to get people’s thoughts on this. They could shape how the future of the sport is run. And how it’s going to be developing. Going into twenty twenty-three. He had exciting few events coming up for the sub surfing in twenty twenty-three. Locations yet to be confirmed. We’ll wait for the APP World Tour to release dates. I’m crossing fingers and toes when we come back to Grand Canaria. I know. I can tell you that though. Exactly. The city here of Las Palmas. Playing host for this event. Been really welcoming. And And it was where we finished off in twenty nineteen. crowning our Sup Surf world champ. It’s It’s fitting that we’re back here. In 2022. And see those lols? Kind of increasing a little bit. Yeah, definitely increasing with those lulls. like I’ve been saying before that swell slowly picking up throughout the next day or so. until Thursday morning where we’re greedy competitors with some pretty sizable conditions on the forecast. See if it eventuates. By Thursday evening that’s well really packing a punch. By Friday possibly closing out in majority of spots here on this floor we’ve been hearing that it’s just almost going to get too big. 21 second period. Jumping up into the sort of eight foot. Six foot 8 foot ranger. That’s right. We’re looking to wrap up this event by Thursday. in time for that building swell. There’s so many options here in Grand Canaria. For water sports. An epic windsurfing down on the south east. Mapalomas. one of the most famous windsurfers of all time, Bjorn Dunkerberg. That’s right. Helping organize this event. We see our junior champion from yesterday. Cabono Fagura. He’s coming up in the men’s semi-final heat trials event. Looking to secure his spot in the main event. After winning the duties? Capona was on absolute fire yesterday and this morning? And this morning as well. Been readin Been reading the waves really well out here. Well, La Sisa. Muyertos. You see? On top of the double decker bus right in front of the break. Bit of a breeze coming in. We see a little bit of a chop on the water. But we we still got some time left. We’ve got 8 minutes. Left on semi-final. Heat two. Who’s going to be going through to the finals? To wait and see. That’s right. I’ll have to wait and see. Here we go Carolyn out on the shoulder here. Should be cutting back to the white water. Looking for that steeper section here. She fading in. Feet. Carolyn and Annabelle both in the UK in this heat. Great to see some representation from the UK. Carolyn residing in Dorset. Annabelle In Devon. Exeter. Travels to Cornwall in the south west. Get some waves but originally from the north east. And you’re based over in Cornwall. Aren’t you? In a moment. Yeah. Based in Cornwall at the moment. Getting a bit cold. Bit wet over there. But winter time means surfing. Exactly. In the UK. So I had some swells already. Coming through. Been surfing the last few weeks over there. Well just for Europe in general. As soon as it kind of almost gets to the end of September. Just switches on. Turns on. Go time. Look at the fingers. Portugal though. Quite consistent year round. You can yeah you can surf there in the summer. As well as Canaries. It’s Annabelle Page On the inside there in white. Switching the paddle going right on her backhand. Looking over her shoulder. Carving back for this manoeuvre. just fizzling out on a wave. Current heat leader. Come here. Riding this left. Staying patient. Just going to very patient. Now, get the gas on. Get the paddle. Does well to do to get around that. Oh, just almost on the inside there. The tides get even lower. Yes, you can see. It’s done the second break. I got caught in there. Pretty much the same maneuver as that the other day. And that as well. I got an absolute pounding sand everywhere. Seaweed and there’s a bit of seaweed out there isn’t it? Yeah. You can see on the top of that board there from Kemi. Can we flying over this morning? On a morning flight to get here in time for this event. Just arriving in about 930 this morning getting in. Getting straight over to the contest zone. Think French teammate Benoit went and picked her up before the longboards. Quarterfinals this morning as we see the replay here of Cami. Nice little cut back at the start as she gets up high on the wave. Rips a nice turn off the top. This is where we see hurt. Just casually making the way through to the inside. And she’s greeted with that shore break. what she got. But definitely seeing that there is potential there. If we can get one more turn in on those sections. Riders will be rewarded with a high scores commitment. Very critical section that close out. It’s all or nothing on that section. You just gotta go for it. Great to see the surfers putting it on the line. See Annabelle catching another wave. Up into the lip. Nice top turn there from Annabelle. Really nice top turn so. Seeing her improve that surfing throughout this heat. Hopefully looking for a wave that’s going to allow a couple more of those kind of turns. That’ll get her a good score. Up into that first position. Right now, she’s sitting in that third. Probably going to improve that score with those last couple of waves that she has had. There’s something at the back here. It’s Annabelle going to spin and go for it. We’ll see how to bail again. She’s up. Fading back into the pocket. Using that paddle to line up. See if she can get back on now. It’s going to be looking for that reform. Unfortunately not to be. You see just jack up there on the inside. Bit hairy. Very hairy. Very hairy for all our competitors. And Noah. Take a look at her. See our current hit leader paddling out. Kamir Dubrano. So just under three and a half minutes remaining. The second semi. And Camille. Out there in front with a 10. eight three. The Caroline. Just jumping off there. Last minute. As we see red. Cami cutting back on this section. So you’re just really patiently waiting to place her turns in the right part of the wave. Just coming unstuck there. Annabelle Page improving her situation slightly for those last couple of waves. A two point four zero to 1 point 7 three. Still looking for an 8 43, though to get up into that first position. And Caroline as well. Here for a nine point eight six. For her to be able to advance into the trials finals for the women. It’s exciting times. Got the men’s semi-trials coming up after this. Yeah, that’s right. Eight surfers left. Only four will advance through to the main event. Top two in each heat. But now the focus is on. Who’s going to be going through to the finals of the women’s trials? Gonna be crowning our trials champs later on this afternoon. That’s right. Annie Page taking off here. Catching lots of waves at the back end of this heat. Wanting to make sure she gets her opportunities where she can. Bit of a smile on her face though. Still enjoying her time out there. That’s it. Loving being over here in the Canaries. Nice and warm. doesn’t really drop below 20. sort of hovers around depending on where what part of the island you’re on. Get a bit cooler at certain parts. If you’re up 2, 000 meters high in the mountains in the middle. Yeah we heard it can get pretty cold in winter. Yeah. Beautiful and green around there. It’s forests. And of course palm trees. As we could see. Well kind of a roundless palmers. Les Palmas. Translating from Spanish to the Palms. SOS. More. That’s the one. and just under a minute now. Gamil I’m running. Nice top turn there. See Kemi finishing off this heat Just going to see if she can improve her scoreline. We like the way that Kimmy surfs. Really powerful in the pocket. Be great to see if she can some of those lefts. It opens up a bit more for her. He’s jamming that heel in the front side. bust out the tail a little bit. We do see the surfer in white. Annie Page trying to get onto this one. Not quite getting onto it. So 15 seconds remaining in this heat. It looks like the French surfer Cami Derano. She’ll be progressing through to the final of the trials and also the main event for the Women Pro. And that is the. That is it. Of the women’s semi-finals of the trials. Some great action. We’ll be back with the semi-finals of the men’s trials coming up just after this short commercial break. Buenas tardes. welcome to Las Palmas cranking area. We’re here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Got the semi-finals. First semi. The men’s trials. See who’s going to go through to the final of the trials. Get a chance to compete in the the main event. The big leagues. That’s right. We’ve got our junior surfer who won yesterday. Capone Fakudo in the red. Leo Nica. He’s from Italy. He’ll be in the white. Anthony Sallivera He’ll be in the blue and Noah Stender in the yellow. Pretty stacked semi-final heat for the trials. 25minute heat. everyone kind of get in position. Isn’t Noah catching a sneaky little inside early. What’s this wave going to do for him? Let’s see if it. Getting some great waves here inside in the previous heat of the trials. Those quarter finals as he cuts back using that paddle behind him. Trying to get some speed along here as he sees that section. Just close out in front of him. Gonna do a turn in front of the white water and try and link this through to that closeout. But not going to offer him that opportunity. Now we’re opening up the account. As As we see the winner of the last heat. Moving through to the women’s trials final. That is Kami Dubrana. Just making a way back to the athlete’s area. Should be resting up. as we see. In the blue from France. the pink and purple board Definitely makes a statement. He’s going to be riding through this wave looking for it to reform but hitting that deeper section of water again. Just waiting. See if he’s going to hit that. That low bank. Fortunately, not this time. For our surfer in blue. The scoring for Noah Stender. A three with that first first wave. a bad way to start. See Capono for Guda. A junior champion from yesterday. World Junior Champion for subsurfing. Up and riding. You see the future is bright with Capono surfing here. As he throws his board up and climb. And again this one. That was quite technical. Double foam climbs. Yeah. Unfortunately, not landing that second one. This first turn. Almost signature moves we’ve been seeing for his junior champ. Definitely. That first turn there. That. He just really wants to get down to the bottom of this wave. Set himself up for a more critical section. You can see the waves starting to stand up ahead of him. Waiting. Positioning himself. Waiting. Using the paddle. Again. Just pushing hard. That back foot. Using that paddle really well. Keep that board moving and flowing. So critical getting that high as well knowing that you know this type of wave could just fade out on him if he does that. Yeah that’s exactly right. See maybe just mistiming this turn a little bit but getting that board right up and over the white water. He would have liked to hit that a bit earlier with a bit of a cleaner section. But Capono show that you do need to throw that ball up and over the white water. It’s really difficult if that board gets caught in the white water to control it. Just get hung up. So tricky to get out. So we see no extender here. Taking a wave is priority. Carving a turn off the top. Switching that paddle over. Getting ready to cut back for this section. Is that wave? Starts to fade out. He’s just going to kick out of that. And we’ve see Leonica paddling back out there after his first wave. Locking in a 2. 40 for that first ride. two point 4. We’re going to be going over to Holly. Beachside. is with the winner the last round. Let’s go. Over to you Holly. Thank you guys. I am here with Camille who just won semi-final number two in the women’s trials. She flew in this morning. She’s had no sleep. Camille, tell me how your day’s been. Yeah, it was really long day. I take my flight like at six last yesterday. So, but fly all during the night and I arrived this morning. I tried to sleep maybe 20 minutes, something like that on a dirt just and I I have like done two eat now and one more it is going to coming. So, I try to stay focused and to keep my energy but it’s really hard to stay on my legs. So, lot of of my like maneuvers don’t like pass. So, I going to try to do better for the last hit. I try, I find some way that now but I need to do better, I think, for the final, so I going to try to to stay focus Well, congratulations Camille and we’ll see you in the final. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks, Holly and congratulations, Camille. Epic performance and such lack of sleep came into the finals. Gonna be stoked with that. Just rest up. We’ll see you in the final. Yeah, great performance from Kemi there. As we see, Leo Knicker, Italian surfer floating across that first section. Yeah righty. Starboard under his feet. Maybe a bit of a custom model for him. That wave just fizzles out. But has the right idea because those rights have been looking good. They’ve been looking good all down. And welcome everyone around the world. Stoked to bring the Stanoff family back. The APP. the Grand Canaria Pro Am twenty twenty-two. grandfather. And Capona up on this one. Nice turn. Jams it off the top there. Keeps on going through the flats using that paddle. Just seeing if this inside right section opens up for him. What’s he going to deliver? off the top there. Bush indeed. Indeed. Great finishing turn there from Capono. Some nice turns on that wave. He get rewarded highly. Slashing turns out the back and some more critical stuff on the inside. It’s not over until the better end. You think he’s going to kind of when he was on that left section, I was like, that’s it. It’s done. Yeah. Well, not for Capone. No. He’s going to keep on going. Through the flats to the bitter end, till he’s standing on the beach. That’s right. Let us know where you’re coming in from on Facebook. We’re live on the APP World Tour page. Whatever you prefer. They got something here. It’s Antoine Sin. Yeah, he’s got a nice left here, the goofy footer. Can try and angle it up. Paddle into it. He’s going to find a steeper section here at the start. No, he’s going to cut back into the white water. Bounces off the phone there. It fade a little bit more. Looking to stay with that white water, is it? Goes through but it’s not going to offer him anymore scoring potential. He kicks out next to Leo. Where is priority in here? So, you see, competitors paddling toward the channel. Little Leo. Getting round there in the corner. Just paddling through the channel. Antoine opting for a little bit of a lie down. He’s going to want to get on his feet soon. Very soon. Good call there Ollie. Just checking. Just checking. That’s right. Exactly. Probably see Leo telling him to stand up. and Noah Stender. Big Dean. Out in the lead. We’re just waiting for some scores to come in though from judges. yellow are also good. And just as I say that. There they are. and so on. Yeah. If a few more scores going to drop but does look like a French surfer. Antonin is in the lead with a 4. 27 and a two point four three. Puts him ahead of Danish Surfer, Noah Stender. He’s had a three-point ride and a two point six three. Italian, Leo. Two point four on a two point five. Puts him in third position. And Capone Fukura. We’re waiting for his second last wave to drop. Scores. So situation’s going to change. As we see the replay of his second wave. the super slow mo. Super duper slow mo. We’ll come back with a replay of this wave. As we see Noah Stender. Up and riding. Currently in Kiefy footer seeing if this left’s going to open up for him. Bashes it off the top. Top. Nice wave. So Noah had some good scores at the start of this heat. Looking to improve on that. Still going here. He’s found one of those ones that might link up on the inside. Unfortunately this one doesn’t. Would you see Capono? Boosting his way up into first position with this. What was that point scored? Three. Nice. Capona. into the lead The combined score of eleven point seven six. That’s right as we watch the replay here. From Noah. Taking off. Cruising along this left. He’s going to wait for things to stand up as he cuts back to the white water. He’s going to bounce his way through. Getting another turn here. Off the top of that white water. That was a great. That was nice. Cutting back around to the right. twelve seven zero. We’ll see competitors out the back. Just waiting for those sets to come through now. Capono. Maybe taking a look at this little one. He’s going to stand up on the inside. He knows exactly which waves to take out here. See him back off the white water. But Caparno 16 years of age. Oh. What is that? Slytel. Just blowing out the tail there component. Showing a bit of variety in his repertoire. Compared to the other sur definitely a point of difference from the judges. They’re going to like that. She’s connecting this wave through. See if he can slash there. Speed. Really compresses. Just gets low down. Just bust the tail out. Capono on fire. He’s paddling hard to get back out the back. Not going to waste any energy. He wants to get through this heat because the top two will advance to the final but they’ll also secure a spot in the pro event for the main round of the men. Up against the world’s best. Fighting for a world title this year at the Grand Canary Pro Am. Looking like we’re going to be going round the corner. The premium right point here in Las Palmas. as we see. Ryder in white. Leo. Oh. Smashing lip on that wave. from Leo there. Throw him That’s a sick turn from Leo. Gonna get a replay of that. Yeah, for a bit of a closer angle to see exactly how he performed on that wave. Maybe even a cheeky slow mo. He’s my favorites. Once Capona got here Scratching over that one. It’s not going to entertain it. And Noah and Leo heading back out there as well. Here we are. The replay of this one. This is Leo as goes up to the top there. Nice turn. Is he trying to bank it off the white water on the inside? Does quite well to hold that. We’ll see what score comes through for Leo but he’s currently in fourth position needing a 4. 21. to jump up into advancing position. That is that second place. Not sure if it’s going to be enough. I don’t think that one’s going to be enough. Sees Rail get caught on that top turn there. In the drone you see Capone waving to the beach announcer. He’s wanting an update on the situation. We can tell you Capona that you are out in front. Just know what’s going on. Another Japanese surfer. Shion. We saw him earlier today ripping. Shion’s got the bids on as well. He does have the beats on. He’s just stretching, getting psyched. He’s got the phone in his hand. Just want to steal that. Just see what he’s listening to on Spotify. Hello. His playlist. Gonna have to take a peek down in the athlete’s area. Where? On top of the the Wawa. The fun bus. Double decker bus here. Right in front of La Sisa Mujes. the Parmas, Grand Canaria. So many, so many waves, so much action today, Bo. It’s been going off. Big day of action. Enjoying watching the men’s trials, women’s trials, and the longboarding as well. And Noah competing in both the long board and the men’s trials and the junior division yesterday. Whoo. Lot of surfing from Noah. Leo. He also tried out in the long board division. Just opting to kick off there. Checking the fins I think. Yeah you can see something there. Fins are all good all good. Just having a look. It’s just a bump on the way face I think. Joe’s going to head on in there. Maybe pick up a backup ball but The cheeky bum. He’ll get back out there as quick as he can. As you see in priority using that priority to go left. Waiting to set up for this top turn. Slashing off the top. As we see that wave stand up into the leg. Oh. way more critical section. Antoine behind Capono there. That wave. He’s still going. just rods the inside. It’s one of those claims we were talking about earlier. You got to. You have to. You have two great turns on the outside. Yeah, yeah. Or you could just leave it and get a just a a hard, stern stare But the judges. Yes, exactly. Stay right into the head judges eyes. Yeah. Probably see them. Okay, you know, you know what I did. You know what just happened right there. Exactly. All judges watching the action as we see Leo. sliding, carving. getting through to the inside here. Gonna have to get some replays on that one. That’s right. Leah looking for three point five one. Not a huge score. To move up into advancing position. We are waiting for scores for all four competitors in this heat with 8 minutes remaining. Get their scores as soon as they come through from the judges. We’re going to head to a replay of Capono’s wave. See that first turn. Nice slashing. Talks through this turn Ollie. This one’s just eyeing up. Bashes it off the top. Bit of a air drop there. Into the flats goes again. Just keeps this composure. He’s not done yet though. He’s not done yet but he knows he’s got a good score already. He knows. Yep, he’s just cruising. Doesn’t want to give the fist pump straight away. Still got work to do. Here on the inside. He’s looking at this left now. Taps it off the top. And Blue right behind him. Antoine. This is replay here. Trying to get out the foam. Leo. It’s a bit of a replay of his wave. Nice. Beautiful turns there. Both opening turn. And the second. It’s a bit of a power battle here between blue and white. Trying to get out the back. Get their priority. They’re neck and neck at the moment. Love to see what the priority judge is going to award. But it does look like blue. Maybe slightly in front here. We know Leonica is some racer. Very accomplished paddler. competes in racing. Yeah, I’ve done a lot of racing over the years. Now let’s put forward the way we’re playing. So score starting to trickle through. For competitors. Together. Let me let you know when they do come to hand. See Parodi. Leo actually getting the jump. With priority. On blue. Capono on the inside. Finding these little ones that just have a bit of wall or work with. One, two, three, this one. Just fading away. I could see he was eyeing up that section there. He’s going to. He thought he was just going to wall up. Exactly but he just couldn’t quite get onto the wave quick enough. loves to get busy on the way of Capone. He sure does. He’s tying in those different sections. Working the wall. Few lip smashes. Power hacks on the inside. Here’s Noah. Stenderwood. No it’s priority. But it is there. That’s right. Noah with first priority. Leo thinking he had a bit of priority there. Had to pull off the wave but Noah. Great first turn. Nice wrap around with a cut back. And again wrapping cut back. Noah. Into 6. 41 to get into that advancing position. Definitely on his way to a good score on this wave already. Few nice turns out the back. He’s going to be happy with that. It’s probably his best wave of the heat so far. minutes, buy it. We have Linda. Getting a bit fatigued out there. Definitely getting a bit fatigued. He’s been in that long board event. Been in a lot of events recently. So Capono said this first homeboy. He run us through that. Oh that’s right. That sliding slashing turn. This was a high scoring wave and then up vertically into the lip. You can see Capone looking down and getting on his back foot to keep that nose from pearling on the wave. I love it how his back knee just just touches the deck. Just drops right down as he compressed. Yeah those intricacies in technique. Really favouring. Really talking his body. See live action here. Capono surfing her right. Getting through using that paddle to get over this little flat section. Is he going to light it up for a finishing? Just hit off the lip. Just over 4 minutes remaining in this heat. Capono out in front. And Leonardo Nica up and riding. Things get a bit steeper. Backs it off the top. Great return there but just loses it. Here we go. Current second place in this heat. Nice snap under the lip there. Remember the top two do advance into the final of the trials on the top four men advancing to the main event of the Grand Canary Pro Am. Got. So he’s going to get a nice reform here on the inside. We know it stands up very steep so he’s going to be quick to get up to the lip. Gets that board up and over it. Nicely done there. Kicky little phone climb there on the end. So, three minutes remaining now. The first semi-final. The men’s trials. Everything to play for here. First two. Go through to the final. We get access into the main event. The Grand Canaria Pro Am. Gonna be crowning a champ. Trials champion later on today. That’s right. Along with the longboard. Long with the longboard. World champion. just been Well the surfers have been absolutely styling today. On the long board. So as the trials. Did some great action. So So scores locking in for all those last exchanges. Not changing the situation though. No still remains the same here. That’s part of my car. He’s in third place. He’s needing a 5. 4 seconds now. Paddling into this wave. Two minutes on the clock. Bottom turning. Sliding, slashing. Good first turn. He’s going to need a bit more on this wave. Cutting back into the white water. finding a nice little reform here. But just going into that deep water. Are we not going to be the score that he needs? A minute and a half remaining. Capone for Cuda out in front. Capona’s pushed up his lead. 15 point five. That was an 8. 57 that we saw. Go vertical up into the lip. That’s slow mo replay we had just before. It’s going to be a want to watch. In the finals As we see Noah on screen here. Cutting back. A couple of turns already on this wave. Noah looking for a six point four one. Be able to get himself. Oh nice. Off the. That’s a wicked little tap there on the top. No. He’s on his way to a good score. With this wave. He knows it’s going to be something here that he can work with. Bashes it off the inside there. So he finished that wave all the way at the back to the inside. He looks pretty tired. He’s been surfing a lot of heats. Popping and panting going on but he’s been surfing his heart out today. And yesterday. But you know taking on the trials and the longboard. And mixing in between the two boards as well and like we’ve been talking about that today and like how how tricky that is. Is to get your mind around, you know, the different styles of surfing. Going from stand up longboard. Just your regular stand up. Five, four. In between those big boards and small boards as we see. The situation not going to change here at the end of this heat. Waited for a couple of scores. This the replay from Capona. Yeah, that first lap, first turn, just slashing it out top. Yeah. Waiting, biting his timing, bang. Oh. Isn’t that knee? Just completely just drops right there on the pad. White should not be a court show. Actually, very relevant. He’s pretty confident that he’s got a a good score there. But he knows he wants to get a bit more. That’s right. He’s 210 on the outside. His first turn. And then Capono going into that second turn there as he gets vertical into the lip. This is what the judges really want to see. Getting those high scores. From the riders. Capone for Kuda. A junior champion yesterday. Junior world champion on the APP World Tour. We’ll see here him in the finals. Of the men’s trials and also through to the main event as we’re going to head to a short commercial break. We’ll be back with the next heat of the men’s trials. the beach When was the last time you tried something new? Could I do this everyday? Yep. Yep. Or riding if you want. Hello, how can I help you, sir? We, bonjour madam. Uh, cancel my flight, please. What is this? This is our unique nature. Oh. And there is more. A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Hey, Benitos. Welcome back to the APP World Tour. Grand Canaria Pro Am. My name is Beau Nixon. Joining the booth now by Tristan Boxford, the APP World Tour CEO. Tristan, we’ve got the men’s trial semi-final heat number two in the water. Some big names in this heat. There are. You know, I’ve been well, first of all, we’ve seen a lot of Taka through the event. Uh he’s been putting on stellar performances as we’ve all seen but this kid, Shian, I’m really keen to see him in action. I haven’t actually seen him yet even though he’s been in action already today. Um so, I’m excited to see him sir. I’ve had a lot of great stories from Suzuki Sadna great ambassador over Japan. A big aloha to everybody over in watching Jeong Fu as well. Uh integral member of the APP team. Uh he and supporter of this young man here. Um he’s the Sonova distributor. So, very proud supporter of Capono who was absolutely ripping I heard in that last shoot. Absolutely ripping. Scored. Excellent score. Two turns on the outside. One turn up into the lip. Very happy. He’s through to the main event. Top two surfers in that last heat advancing through. Yeah. Great to see that. as heat underway and we’ve got an athlete. This is Shihan himself right into action. Straight off the gun. And we’ll see Shion here up into the lip. The compressed style. Surfing fast and loose. See him cutting back here into the white water. You can see a lot more aggression in his surfing. He’s got a really wide kind of low down stunts, huh? Does. Is that low center of gravity? Good balance? Yep. Very Zanesque one with yes. Very true. We did see Shion having amazing heat this morning as well. As he rides through to the inside. Keeping this wave going all the way through. As he finishes off there. Lot of turns on that wave Tristan. Definitely a lot of turns. I felt like it missed a little bit of a connection with the lift though. Um you know, as you said with Capono in that last heat, he was able to really find those sections where he connected with it that makes a difference but very early days, that was within the first 10 seconds of the heat. So, I think he’s got some time. That’s true. Just really wave-catching contest. Gotta choose the right waves out there today. Making sure you find those critical sections in the lip, placing your turns high on the wave. It’s going to get you those big scores with the judges. Definitely seems like we’re seeing a little more motion in the ocean like little bit of that swell starting to show I think. Uh huh. 00%. Lolls are a little bit longer. Seeing that period maybe stretch out a little bit more. and those sets getting slightly bigger. Tomorrow we’re going to see that swell building throughout the day. Yeah I think we’ve got a couple of swells back to back. The first one we’re starting to see the first four runners of it. Uh should be pretty solid over at Elliott tomorrow. Uh I think it’ll be a really exciting full day of action. Uh and then Thursday we’ve got the big the big mama coming. So it’s definitely going to stop rising quickly with a 21 second period at by midday. So yeah. Definitely some exciting action to come. A lot of exciting action to come. You think we’re going to be heading over to Elliott? We will be. Uh It’s official this evening where this this potty bus that we’re in is moving over to Elliott to to take on the right-hand point break that we’ve been so lucky with the last couple of years and fingers crossed. Looks like we’re going to be lucky with again this year. Very exciting to be heading over there. Been talking a lot about it but the viewers at home will finally get to see what it’s like tomorrow. You can because we catch the action here. Felipe Martin from Brazil finishing off his ride in blue. Cliff Haven surf well throughout the trials event. She switches the paddle over for a cut back. So, Felipe Etch is actually resident here in Gran Canare. He runs a surf school right here and he really takes care of all the Brazilian family when they come over here. So, really great guy, good ambassador for the sport over here in Las Palmas. Yeah, actually Carlos Fidalgo from Panic, just up the road from me about 45 minutes north. Yeah, the second in the Portuguese Nationals? He did. He’s definitely you know, he’s a bit of a sparring partner with up there in Panish. Um super nice guy. Uh runs a a surf school up there as well. Um and definitely a great great to have a Portuguese representation over here in Grand Canaria. I’m loving the board color too and the board shorts. Yeah. Yeah. Gives a bit of color to the to the event. Definitely, definitely. And normally, obviously, very sunny over here in Grand Canaria. Unusually, a little bit overcast today but I think some of the team are quite happy for the overcast. Not quite so sweltering weather when you’re in mid production but still a lovely warm weather. We’re all in board shorts. Uh it’s a beautiful place to come visit this time of year, no? Really is such an amazing place. Grand Canaria. Playing host to the APP World Tour. Yet again, we’re here in two thousand eighteen. Two thousand and 19. Force break and then back here in twenty twenty-two to crown world pins. You know, I think it’s such an epicenter for water sports. You know, in the same way that Hawaii became a melting pot for the development of sports, I think the ongoing support and evolution of sports is really been a hotbed over here for for Europe here in the Canary Islands. You know, with windsurfing, we’ve seen will be the sort of capital of of the development of windsurfing for many many years with Bjorn coming from here. Bjorn Duncan, the most titled wind surfer if not sportsman in the world. Um and you know, we it’s exciting to see the stand up paddling up here now and then of course, they have the bodyboarding bodyboarding over in El Fronton. Amazing wave over there. So, real real melting pot for Ocean Sports Culture here. Uh it certainly is. Obviously, he buys Moreno sisters. So, Byron Daider champions from Canary Islands. Yeah, longevity and careers is something they do a lot of over here. Definitely. Cuz you just saw Shihan up there. Quick little ride. But he’s out in the lead currently. Yeah, now actually the, I think he’s the, no, he’s not the current world champion. He was the last year’s world champion. Um, Philip Coster in windsurfing was from here. Another, a powerful, powerful guy that lives down in, in kind of the southeast of the island. Um, and then yeah, just all these world champions coming from here. Dahida, Nibaya, between them had the title for about, I believe, 17 years or something. So, you know, they just almost handing it back and forth as we’ve got on a wave, Taka Inui. Yeah, the fellow Jack surfer in this heat. Tucker. Showcasing what he had in the longboard division earlier today. But just showing that he can slide the tail. And compete against the world’s best here in the men’s trials. Tucker recovering well from a little bit of fatigue this morning. Yeah it’s interesting. Uh his mother told me it’s something that happens quite often. I think he’s such an overexcited Grom in spirit. You know he’s he’s ready to go in and I think he forgets to really make sure the nutrition side of things are covered. Um often going out without eating or drinking water before going to surf and I think he he literally hit the wall and I I guess it happened in Puerto Rico. It’s happened a few other times. So it’s not uncommon so it’s not something necessarily to worry about but definitely seeing what a talented athlete is. Uh he is you know think it’s time to start looking at that and making sure that he gets ahead of that. Yeah, definitely. We’re going to throw down to the beast now with another Japanese surfer, Capono Fakuda, the winner of the men’s trial semi-final number one. Take it away, Holly. Thank you guys. I am here with Japan’s Capone Facuda. Capono absolutely smashed it in the junior division yesterday and became world champion and today, he’s only just gone and done it again and won the semi-finals for the men’s trials. Capono, you’ve qualified for the main event. How does it feel? I’m glad to clarify the game. I’m so happy. Cool and then, do you want to tell us in Japanese? Perfect. Well, good luck in the final and good luck in the main event, Capono. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Back to you guys in the studio. Thank you very much, Holly. Capone Fakuda. Smile on his face. Always with smile on his face. Getting around. But through to the finals of the men’s trials and also through to the main event. Alongside French surfer Anthony Salivera. Yeah Anthony in Salivera. Yeah he’s he’s a great surfer actually. He was here a few years ago in Grand Canaria as well. Uh definitely a name to watch out for. So both of them already securing their place in the in the main event which is fantastic. Um you know obviously wanting to get the win here in the trials as well. Always good to have a title to your name. Um but great performance from both those guys. Yeah, exciting performances all day as well. This will get caught up with the scores in this heat. Shion Machida in a 5. 67 to open his account. Just backing that up with a small score. One point four. Felipe Martin. The four point five. He just has that single wave score. Taco Nue. One point five seven and a two point 7 3. And Carlos on that one wave score of a two point nine. So early times in this heat, 16 minutes, 45 seconds remaining. We’ll see competitors waiting for the next set of waves to come through. Definitely looks a little more texture on the water now. A little afternoon breeze coming in. Um Have you ever seen the wind pick up and drop off throughout the day? Maybe some of the clouds. Any bit of local weather here. Go on mate to see that wind drop off. Throughout today, tomorrow, the next day as well. Yeah, I think we’re looking at pretty dead winds over the next couple of days and and rising swells, a series of swells back to back through the through the Saturday pretty much. So, here’s a replay of what we’ve seen so far today. That’s a great first turn from Sheon there. Little bit of mix. That was a remix. Uh version of it. Exactly. we’ll catch up on that replay shortly again. But we’ll see live action here in the water. This is Felipe Martin. Didn’t realize he was actually living here. Yep. The Canary Islands. But originally from Brazil. And a nice snap in the pocket there. Felipe one of the oldest statesman in this event. You know, it’s great to see the nationalities really coming together when we see them on tour here. You know, the Brazilians are probably the most famous for that of everybody sticking together in a in a pack and real family vibe between the Wellington, Luis, Leco, all these guys and then Felipe taking care of them all but you know, we’re seeing it with the, you know, the Japanese typhoon as this being called by Suzuki Sun which is very appropriate. Seems like there’s something in the water over there. I think there must be something in the water. Junior champion yesterday in the boys and the girls from Japan. As we’ll see a replay here. Felipe Martin Okay, some small turns on the outside But this turn here really well. He’s going to get the bulk of his score from the judges. Snap again the lip. They’re finishing off on the inside. Little backhand snap. really great style Felipe has. Really smooth. quite a big stand-up paddleboard scene here in the in the Grunken area. You know, it’s not a huge stand-up paddle scene but it’s a growing stand-up paddle scene. I think in the south of the island, there’s a lot more entry level, kind of a leisure-style paddling down there. Up here on the North Shore, not as much in terms of the core paddling but it’s growing, you know? Yeah, that’s great to see that the sport is growing over here. Hopefully, with events like this as well, it’s going to inspire some more people to try stand up paddle boarding. Right here in the, right at the front of the city of Las Palmas. So, spectators using their promenade at the front here watching the event. Quite a few spectators today looking and watching the the event and hopefully, they’ll join us around the corner tomorrow. Definitely. Well, I mean, I think this bay particularly last year, it’s actually, it’s quite a good tool for this wave because a lot of flat spots, a lot of weird sections in the wave where you can kind of carry through it easier on a standout board than you can on other boards, right Yeah, very true. We’re very grateful to the local surfers for allowing us to use their break here. There are plenty of waves though around so they’re probably not too fast. Yeah, no, I think so. I think and and obviously Aldoret a bit more of a revered local break, a beautiful point break and again, we’re very fortunate to be able to run the competition there. So, a big, a big thank you to all the local community as you say to for allowing us to to run this event. As we see our two Japanese competitors out there. Having a little bit of a chat. Yeah, Taka’s been a little quiet in this heat so far but it seems like he surfed about 76 times today, no? Yeah, I think he has. Between the long board, the trials. Short session with the doctors. Yeah, that’s right, exactly. Back into action. Hey, we’re a little bit worried before about him. People concerned about online about him’s state but Mike Tristan said, just getting a little bit low on energy. Yeah, I think the it it come my nerves because his mother seemed very relaxed and generally when your mother, when the mother is relaxed, things can’t be too serious. So, that that’s always a good sign. Yeah, that’s very true. We do see Shion Machita. Way out in front of this heat. Combined heat score of 12. 34. Felipe in the blue. Just navigating the bumps there on his face. He has a nice off the top. He’s currently in second position. Looking to increase his scoreline to make it harder for other competitors to reach him. Remember top two will make it through to the final of the trials and secure that spot in the main event up against the world’s best. Fighting for a world title here at the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Definitely. Felipe staying active. Um you know, he’s got a couple of pretty okay scores in the scoreline. You know, the conditions aren’t easy right now. This little bit of wind that picked up is putting a lot more chop in the face. Taka wanting some scores. He’s got some work to do though. He’s definitely sitting behind here and Carlos needs to get it get active as well. He certainly does. Carlos, just for that one wave score at the moment. Tucker and the couple of small scores. As we see a set. have been talking about this increasing swell. As Lal’s getting a little bit longer the period’s getting a bit bigger. We’ll see Carlos taking a paddle here. As he looks at this right hander. Doing slash off the top. One of the bigger turns we’ve seen from Carlos this event. And again off the top. Really nicely done. So linking those maneuvers together. Carlos from Portugal. Riding this way through to the end. Looking for that reform. Seen a lot of competitors opt to surf these waves right to the end to be able to get a finishing section. Especially on that high tide. We’ve seen a lot of waves reform on the inside but this lower tide a little bit tricky for competitors to get all the way through. Carlos trying to work it through. Stoked with that wave. That was my favorite claim of the day, I think. Yeah, I think it has been. There’s been a few claims. Well, that was by far. Actually, Tucker’s got a couple of good wave ending claims off. Yeah, definitely. As we see him taking off here. Nice opening slashing open turn. Really loose and free, huh? Yeah, Tucker again. Just drifting the fins for that top turn. And again, sliding away. Seems like he can put this board on rail and slide the tail as well. Yeah, he’s got the fin release down. Bit of a style. It is definitely it’s that full drive. Um quick quick reactions and you know really driving through the lip each time. So it’s not like a a flat fin release. It’s a very much a rail driven fin release which are always harder to do and better and look much better and score higher for sure. Definitely. All those three for sure. Definitely be surfing on rail. Haven’t seen any surfers. I think with that flat style and during this event which is great. All surfers wanting those high scores on rail. So, be really interested to see what score comes through for Tucker on that last wave. Seems going to overtake Felipe. It was a smaller wave but he definitely he milked it all the way through. Got some really critical maneuvers on a wave that really wasn’t necessarily giving you critical maneuver opportunities. Just goes to show you what a good surfer Tucker is to be able to make something from these waves. and we’ll be seeing a lot more of that throughout the week. From the pro competitors in both the men and the women. They’ll be starting the events tomorrow. Okay. So Tucker he has moved into that second position. His last wave came in at a 6 point1zero. Nine zero. As we got Shian here setting up. Definitely a lot more bump on the face. Trying to work his way through that flat section. Now, he’s going on his forehand. Gets right up into the lip. Unfortunately, just coming out unstuck there. A little bit of mistime there. Bit of a bump on the face as well. I think Xian just waiting patiently. Now, he’s got a couple of good scores already. Wanting a wave that’s going to improve that situation for him. We did see Carlos Vidalgo dropping a 4. 1 for his last ride. With the victory pump. That was definitely an extra point in that one for sure. Yeah, there’s two nice turns on the outside. And not much happened until that fist pump on the inside. As we see a wave coming through at the back. Tucker is in priority. He’s going to take on this left. See if he’s going to stand up for a critical section. This is a nice looking wave. Beautiful opening turn. Really nice. Powerful turn. And again back into the pocket. Shion just watching on. It’s a fellow competitor. Again, just tuck out the ability to drive on rail and throw the fins. As he’s going to adopt his longboard style and head to the nose. He’s going to find another small scoring potential on the inside. That was a no claim claim. Everybody saw one. Exactly. But that first turn was beautiful. It was really maintained his speed, really did a beautiful carving turn under the lip there. Stayed right in the pocket, the power source, kept up his speed. Yeah, that’s beautiful performance surfing. I’m sure we’ll see a replay of that from Tucker. So I think with speed, power, flow, matching the judging criteria. and critical surfing. Exactly. No, he put himself in every critical point to that wave and he didn’t just let the wave do the talking. He kind of powered through those sections which is, yeah, which is the way to do it. And using the paddle too, utilizing that paddle to maximize and amplify his turns. It’s coming down to 6 minutes remaining in this heat. Waiting for that last wave of Tucker. To come through. So I heard there was a bit of a bond burner earlier with with Sakura as well. She had a great heat, Noel. Amazing heat, Sakura. Oh, here’s that turn. Just full extension and relaying, getting right on his inside rail. Back into this, back into the lift. Switching up that paddle again. Nice carving turn back into the white water. This next turn here where he comes back into the white water and slides those fins. Gets really low compressed. Extends. Jumps that board up into the white water. Slides the fins here. Gets that knee right down on the board. Impressive surfing for sure. So Tucker jumping up into the lead with that last score. I came through as a 7. 43. So getting up into the very good range of the judging scale. Fellow Japanese surfer Shion in second position. And Felipe looking for a 7. 84 now to advance into that second position. Just under 5 minutes to go. See Felipe quick in and out. Carlos out the back. Wanting to get over this wave and he does. Switch that paddle. Trying to get his feet in the right place on the board for that cut back. He’s going to cut back again into the white water. He’s got his game face on. He’ll be looking to get back out the back. A little bit of frustration there. I think he couldn’t quite get into that wave when it was probably at its most performance driven point. So he got in there a little late and then it kind of already flattened off, huh? Yeah, as we see our competitor in white. Wow, straight up into the lip. Beautiful opening turn there. He little claim as well. he’s happy with that one turn out the back. We fit that bottom turn in. Really quick. Straight up into the lip. He reacted fast there. That wave looked as though it was shutting down and he managed to get up there in time and put, you know, put on a really critical turn there. So, I’m sure the judges will enjoy that one. Some smaller turns in here. Just having some small points to his score. He’s going to finish off on his feet on the inside. Again, a no claim claim. Stand tall. Tucker behind him. Up into the lip. Smiling at one another. Currently sitting in the first and second position. And comfortably so. Exactly. Yeah. They both have two solid scores on the scorecard. Um some great session as we look at this replay of Taka. Cutting back into the white water. Swishing the paddle up. Leading on that paddle to get back to the white water. Just a smaller wave on the inside. Tucker maybe maybe using priority to keep other people off the wave. Gotta get a score. here we go. Push through. Just really fluid, Taka. He’s like, there’s no forced movements ever in the surfing. It’s it’s really great to see. Yeah, really well timed maneuvers. The right part of the wave. Just makes makes it look so nice. Really does. It’s come down to 2 minutes and 20 on the clock. Our two Japanese competitors. They’re out in front of the moment. As we see a set rolling through out the back. Felipe needs to step off. Definitely a few more of those biggest sets coming in, catching everybody out a little bit, sitting a little far inside. See that technique that we spoke about earlier with Ollie in the booth here. Punching that board up and over the white water. How difficult is that Tristan? Depends on the wave. Sometimes, you can get a little kick and the board goes over this other side and you can kind of pin drop into the wave. Uh and it, you know, it’s limits the amount of drag time you get. Like here, he doesn’t quite quite successful. He kind of kick starts it over the top. You can see the board doesn’t get caught at all. He’s quite heavy. So, he goes into the water and he’ll come up and and hardly get pulled back at all. Probably quicker than a deductive. The ball will sit right next to him as well when he comes up. so straight back on. Exactly. Up and paddling already. Sometimes though, just when he gets to that critical mass, the it’s hard to get that kick over the top. It really is. Yeah, the board coming straight back at you. But also just the timing of that technique as well. Need to get that spot on. That was definitely a textbook version of that though for sure. It’s Carlos. He’s looking to jump up into advancing position. He’s found himself a little inside wave here. Yeah probably would have waited I guess there’s not much time on the clock but that was definitely not going to give him the score that he needs to get through there. Uh both Felipe and Carlos looking for a bigger score. To be able to make it through this heat. Counting down from 40 seconds. We see Lipe out the back. It’s like Lego Salazar getting ready for the final of the long board out there as well. You know I’m really really excited to see this final go down I gotta say. and that is a happy board color. I agree with you both. I love it. I I love it. Absolutely. Love it. Really do. And Antonine’s as well? Yeah. Pink and the purple. Yeah. But as well. It’s really sharp. It’s great to see a little color. It is. All these white white boards and off whiteboards kind of get a little bit little bit boring. They do. They definitely do for sure. Getting this heat out. We’ll see the Japanese surfers. Taco Nui. He’s up and riding here. and his fellow countrymen. Shion Machida. Moving through into the trial final but also they are qualifying. As we see a replay. Tucker’s last wave. speed. Blowing the tail, the back of that wave. Really is, man. He he He’s making something out of nothing, really? Really is. Just perfect placement on every wave. It’s like this was a turn. That was a beautiful turn right there. Lovely turn. Putting that board right back into that pocket, into the critical section. amazing surfer from Tucker and Louie. We find that heat. The both surfers qualifying for the main event. Coming up tomorrow. The world’s best stand up paddleboard surfers. Great slow mo here from the cameraman. Yeah, just a glory reel from Taco over the last couple days between longboarding and shoreboarding and everything he’s done. It’s amazing. Certainly is and we’re going to go a short commercial break. We’ll be back with the final the men’s longboard crowning a longboard world champion today on the APP World Tour. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. More whiffs of the salty sea. And the countryside country. more smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. more flavors to discover. More being at a loss for words. more time Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. of this and this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. Buenos tardes and welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’ve got the APP World Longboard Final. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m joined by Tristan Boxford, CEO of APP and out here in the booth. Great to be back in the booth with you, Ollie. Great to great to have you here. How you feeling about the final? Are you excited? You know, I am really really excited. I was excited to watch those hits earlier seeing that heat particularly between Benoit and Taka. Benoit who we see getting a nice off the top there. I’m not sure what he did before that. We’ll see in the full replay but hoping for reform on the inside but it looks as though with this low tide, it’s getting a little more tricky, little less scoring potential. Yeah, it’s just Get a bit funny on that inside section there on the bank. Yeah, I think when the water draws back, it doesn’t reform the same way, creates a bit more complicated, especially with the longer board, I think. but these guys are the best in the world. So, if anybody can make it happen, they can make it happen. and exciting to see Leco Salazar in this final. You know, he’s a long time long board legend. Uh became a dominant force in stand up paddling over the last decade but still has his longboard roots. So, it’s great to see this combination, this hybrid coming back to life for him. It’s a nice nose right there. By Leko. Back into the pocket. Eyeing this one up. Trying to see if it’s going to line up for him. It’s left. Beautiful nose ride. Up into the phone climb. It’s getting some cheers. The Brazilian storm on the beach. You’ll be loving it. Nice little drop knee turn there. He’s definitely got that fluid. It’s it’s very natural for him. He’s not thinking about what he’s gotta do. It’s kind of the the maneuver matches the wave. And Benoit and Lekker both legends. The standout tour. Absolutely. Benoit’s been around for many many years. Uh I think he first came on in La Torres. He was 15 years old. Uh and it’s just been fun to watch him grow both as a person and as a surfer and now obviously so accomplished across so many different disciplines. Uh following I think he was second in Europe or even European champion. I can’t remember. I think he was second in Europe longboarding. Uh he’s always been a top contender here on the world tour. Definitely vying for that world title at some point here. And here’s the replay. from Leko. Seem getting busy on this one. Walking up some of those. Getting those toes right the way over. Yeah really emphasizing to the judges that he does have his five on it. Yeah, I think you know, there’s some of these athletes like Benoit, Leko, and and Taka who actually are traditionally longboard surfers and and really compete at a professional level on this and Zane too. Mm hmm. Um I think this is is a great progressive moment for them because I think Benoits particularly is a big believer in the SUP longboard division. He’s been working on prototypes for starboard for for several years now. Um so, it’s something he’s been very committed to and I know he was really excited to see this come this year. And this board that he’s on, that’s that’s a prototype for 20 twenty-four. Yeah, I was actually lucky enough to to try one of the prototypes for 2023 and it was really good Nice. So, yeah, I know. I know they work really hard with Ollie O’Reilly from you know, the product development team at Starboard. Work really hard on their prototypes as we see Benoit reaping the benefits of that hard development work. That was a nice wave. Unfortunately, just getting caught there. Caught there. Yeah. Put up on the lip. It’s always a lot harder on your backhand that actually. It definitely lot more chance to get caught like that than it is on your front on your front hand. He was, yeah, sharing that with Zane. He was. That’s Benoit’s precious board he’s been holding on to. Um but he’s a great teammate. He was happy to see Zane competing. Um and it certainly looked like it was suiting Zane Surfing. I thought he was looking great this whole event. Now Stauble would have a great great team of athletes. Um great team spirit amongst the athletes as well. So, and one of the biggest, one of the brands who supports the athletes the most, I think out of every, you know, all the brands in the industry. So, definitely a big shout out to the Starboard team. And for for next season for twenty twenty-three, we’re going to be looking to get some additional longboarding events happening. We are. We’re we’re actually finalizing things. We’re looking to announce in Paris in just over a week’s time. Um certainly the racing tour and the provisional surfing tour. Um it’s looking pretty exciting. We’ll we’ll definitely have a more full tour this year next year. This year we decided to just focus on this event just the way everything was coming back to life after COVID. Um but what a great place to start here in Las Palmas. Amazing. Um and then next year we’re looking to some varied locations to really test the athletes in a a diversity of conditions. Make sure we address the goofy footage, the natural footage, critical waves, you know, all kinds of different waves. It’s on another wave here. It’s a nice looking wave from Benoit. Thinking about the cross step. Section decided against it. Pull it back. Benoit, there’s never anything rush. It definitely looks like everything flows. Just stall. Yeah. Yeah. Really relaxed. Uh a lot of composure in the surfing. As we see there. Running up to the nose. Ah just biting his time. See what that inside’s going to do. Offers up anything. Yeah unfortunately it’s that dead end low tide situation there. It looked as though it might have a section but it just kind of went to nothing. saw it working really nicely earlier on today on the higher tide. Yeah, that higher tide though, semifinals look good. Yeah. Um there’s definitely a lot of great surfing, a lot of good opportunity for the guys to to do some real performance surfing. And how tricky is it for the guys out here? Being on this beach rake and having that sort of left and right option. You know it’s a it’s just such a tricky way of to read. Um just because there’s so many different contours in the bottom shape. You’ve got a a slabby kind of from the outside. So, it kind of jacks up where you see them sometimes getting caught inside but then, it almost immediately goes into deeper water. So, it goes flat really quickly. You have this like desire to go down the line and do a big turn but then, you realize the thing just completely backs off. So, you know, the it takes a lot of watching and and kind of feeling it through because you gotta kind of navigate these different faces of the wave especially with different states of the tide as well. These the best in the world. These guys If anyone can do it, they can do it and they’ve been showing us how you can do it best here and it’s, you know, it seemed like the wind picked up a little bit for this last couple of heats as well. Um just adding another layer of complication with a bit more chart to deal with but nothing too bad but just a little more texture and chop on the face. Here’s Leko. Cross stepping there. I think back to the tail. Using the paddle. It’s just so quick how they get up to the front of the board there. Yeah. Straight from the nose back to the tail for a critical turn. It’s you know that’s what I really love to see in long boarding. I I I believe longboarding is the most multidimensional form of surfing because you can you can do critical turns. You can get barreled. You can ride the nose. You can do so many things with it. So I think you know it’s great to see the judges really celebrating that well-rounded approach to it rather than just one dimension of it. Yeah. Um because I don’t think there is a one dimension of it. having seen the likes of Bongo Perkins, Dwayne DeSoto, Kaisalas, who are really well-rounded long waters and really approach it in that way. Critical turns when a critical turn is called for. Hanging ten when hanging ten is called for, you know, then the wave dictates where it goes and that’s that’s really how it should be, I think. We’re going to jump to Holly who’s with Taka on the beach. How about you, Holly? Hi, so thanks guys. I’m here Beachside with winner of semi-final number two, Taka Inaway, Taka has had an incredibly long day of competition today. He did the long boarding and now he’s done the men’s trials. Taka just Tell me, how was your day of competition? So this is the thank you. Bye to you guys in the studio. Amazing surfing. Definitely. Definitely. Continues to impress. I’m I’m really excited to see him in the point break around the corner as well. See how he adapts to that. Seems like he can adapt to a pretty diverse range of conditions. So, be good see what he’s made of tomorrow and also as the waves start to build. Yeah and and do you think we’re going to be heading around there? Definitely. Tomorrow? We’re our party bus here is headed headed west. Um so, it’s going around the corner. Uh we got a little replay here of Benoit’s last wave. Just really fluid up to the nose riding through the section. A little bit of a stylistic stease going into that turn. Wrap back into the white water. Another clean wrapping turn back into the white water. So, nice so smooth on those hands. Yeah. That board definitely like he’s got a lot of flow. Benoit maximizing it. Obviously being a key a pivotal part of of developing that board. but yes, I think we’ll we’ll be over to Eldoret tomorrow. So, we’ll looks as though we should have some solids. Well, we’re starting to see the first signs, the four runners of that first swell that’s coming through. Um and it should build through the day. Uh it should be pretty pretty good size, very performance driven, I think tomorrow and then leading to some bigger conditions on Thursday. Yeah. Gonna be. Awesome to watch. But the water live with the APP World Tour Longboard. We got 12 minutes from He got some scores coming in soon. Yeah, I think we probably awaiting one or two. Benoit. This is the last last wave of six point five. Just jumping into the lead there. So, this is the first actually stop on the World Championship Tour for longboarding. We did like an exhibition a few years ago in in New York. Uh but this is the first official stop. So, an exciting moment for the sport. as we see Bernoi looking at these lines coming through. This looks like a nice looking wave if he can get into this one. Beautiful shot from the drone. It’s going to go into straight to a nose ride. Ah unfortunately just coming unstuck there. It’s only a bit too deep maybe on that one. Yeah, I don’t know. I think he, yeah, he he maybe faded a little bit too much and then the thing went away from him. So, he’ll be a little frustrated. Benoit is a fierce competitor. And I’m not not afraid to put it on the line there straight away. Just to he knows he’s up against Leko Salazar and that’s no easy feat. So he’s going to he’s he’s gotta make sure every wave he does. Now he’s got two good scores. Uh not excellent scores but two good scores. So anything he does now has to improve on that. Both competitors would be wanting to get in the excellent range. Absolutely, Absolutely. Um and like we said, it’s not an easy feed on this wave, not an easy rate wave to read or navigate. Um but you know still managing to get up into the high scores in that semi finals. We saw heat score totals of up to 14 in the in the first one and up to thirteen in the second. So the guys still putting up scores to be remembered. So that’s a that’s a good sign. 10 minutes. Still 10 minutes remaining in the final. So, Ollie, are we going to see you jump out on a stand-up paddle board when you get home to Portugal? I think so. Yeah. Been talking a lot about it with with Beau here in the booth. And I mean, just seeing the best in the world out here. Just putting on an absolute, incredible show. Yeah, it’s it’s pretty inspiring. Well, I think if you’re feeling that way already, I think the next two days might Yeah. Cement that belief but yeah, Beau is the right person to be talking with. Uh you know, Bow outside of his on-screen work is is a coach. Uh he’s a writer. He’s he’s a multi-talented guy as well as having been a very celebrated battle stand up paddler himself on the World Tour for many years. Um really beautiful style. Uh very technically minded and and a great background of longboard, shoreboard, stand-up paddle. Uh good well-rounded athlete. Now, loving the two the two different styles from from stand up longboarding as as well as the stand up short boards. Just the whole like the progression, the levels. Turns out I’ve never seen before. It’s not like you see that down in your local beach break. The guy is absolutely ripping out here. Absolutely and I think it’s been interesting as well in the evolution of the sport seeing the different approaches like Bogue came from more of a long board background. Bonga Perkins joined DeSoto like I was mentioning Kai Salas. All these guys came from more of a long board background as the sport was evolving. Then you had the kind of more radical upstarts like Kai Lenny coming in. Zane who’s well rounded actually because he’s been always longboarding a lot in his life. So he’s kind of got more of a well rounded approach to it. Um but. So he would let go and and Benoit. Exactly. Same. Exactly. No Le Benoit exactly. They both had a very strong foundation in longboarding. Uh but then if you look at the other side like Mofredas, Kailleni, but actually he even rides a long ball but his approach is very much more critical you know, shortboard, full rail turn, kind of approach. We’re going to be seeing both Leko and Benoit back around the corner for the men’s. Exactly and let’s go last you know, a few years ago, I think he was considering retirement and then he was here in Grand Canary and then he realized that he still got a lot more to give and he’s still very much up there with everyone. You know, he was kind of getting a little bit in the shadow of the young Brazilians but no shadow here as he’s in another final. He’s banks it off the top there. The crowd loving it. Grant Canaria. Yeah, I think 2019 was a bit of a revelation moment for him where he realized he still definitely got it. He’s an incredible competitor. Um. And he was thinking about. He was hanging up his hat. I feel like, you know, he like the new school was coming through. Wellington was becoming a real force to be reckoned with. Luis was the entitled contention. I think he felt like, oh, maybe it’s my time to step away and then he realized that hand it to the boys still. Yeah. And he finished third. Uh I think he was third last year here. It’s a beautiful drone shot here. If that goes smoothly riding his way through to the inside. Nice floating turn off the the N whitewater there. But yes, I think it it really inspired him to kind of stay engaged, stay involved, and you know, we can see here, he’s still very much the competitor that he’s always been and, and every bit is talented, and, and finally tuned as he’s always been. So, it’s great to see. and actually his family is his brother is a phenomenal surfer and stand up paddle surfer. Very progressive. Probably more progressive than Leko. Leko is more that traditional style. Mateos is more that breaking the boundaries of aerial surfing and things like that. Mm hmm. Um unfortunately, he couldn’t make it to this event but we’ll be seeing him again next year. Uh but together the family have launched the Salazar Ocean kind of brand. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah, clothing brand in Brazil. So, excited to see that launch. I’ve been seeing the clips coming out over the last month or so. Um so, the fa coming together to some create some legacy. And looking at, is it going to focus on on multi water sports? Gonna look at different? It it’s definitely a Waterman brand. You know, I think you know, they’re not into necessarily the windsport. It’s beautiful snap there from in the pocket from Benoit. Doesn’t look as though that waves can offer much more though. Oh, this is a recap for the of the Heat so far. So. That was his first wave. This is Benoir’s best waves. Love that. Just throwing the hip over the nose. Really styling out on this hang fives. Lay it back. That’s a yo-yo battle going on. It looks like Leko just took the lead again there. Um with that last wave, complete getting all the way through to the shore with some flowing turns. So, we got just over 5 minutes to go. Um. Yeah. Six. That last one. It’s anybody’s though. 11. 4 total to 11 point oneseven. 5 minutes left. It’s super close. It’s anyone’s game at the moment. Looking at it whether you know Leko is just ahead of Benoit. Papi Moa. I’ve been needing a, yeah, four point nine. I think both of them just want that one really solid wave. They both got okay waves for them but I know they’re both looking for that one that links through where they can, you know, mix it up with a solid critical turn and a nose right or something like that but the moment they’ve kind of been having some okay turns and some okay connections but not as radical as they’d want. And both more than capable. Definitely. It’s just whether the ocean’s going to play ball. Exactly. Exactly. And you can see Benoit, smart competitor, being very selective. He could have taken that wave and wasted energy and time lost lost priority. He’s got priority right now. So, he’s going to sit and wait for the right wave to come through. Let’s check out. slow mo of Leko. Just watching that footwork. eyeing up the top turn here. He using that paddle. Pivotal and then again. The foam climb just jacking it around on the that close out hit there. So it should be said as well that Leko’s barring aboard over here. He didn’t bring a stand up longboard. Uh so, you know, showing that he he doesn’t really, you know, he can get on anything and rip. Yeah, that’s the reality. No, what? This is his everyday longboard. It’s just. No. You know. He grabbed one literally from the local surf school and and that’s what he’s writing. So, impressive stuff. And here he is. Out here in the final. Leco Salazar in the lead. 11. point 5 on the scoreboard. It’s three minutes remaining. Benoit with a 11. 17. Super close. Well here’s a little factoid for you Ollie. 10 years ago, this month, Leko secured, actually it’s early December but he secured his world title in two thousand twelve. By the way? Yeah. So, it could be that he’s going to secure the first ever longboard SUP World title. Uh a decade later? A decade later. The anniversary. Literally almost to the day. That’s They were. Couple weeks off. I mean, I think we were in yeah, beginning of December in the BVI British Virgin Islands. We did a roving, a roving event in the Moorings Yachts, travelling around the BBI. Oh, nice. Yeah. And you know, we scored some really fun waves. Nothing dramatically spectacular but really contestable and and Leko was able to put it together in in the final heats. Kai Lenny just going down to a guy called Kiahi Diaboy. It’s another amazing well-rounded waterman. Um so, Kai having a full goal his third world title at that point to Lekko but he came back with a vengeance. As Benoit just handing over priority there to Leko. Going for that wave and just didn’t really didn’t stand up. Didn’t do anything for him. Went back to the lineup here. 1 minute forty. Soleko got priority and he’s going to go on this one. This looks like it maybe a nice wave. It might be lining up all the way to the inside. It’s a beautiful hang five there from Leko. Pulling it back in. He’s going to wait for it to line up here. Oh. It’s jams off the top there. The spray. High five. It’s impressive for how flat that section was, how he was able to get lay right into that turn. Just the use of the paddle as well. That’s switching up in directions. And a final little tap. And Benoit answering back here. What’s he gone? This is an important way for Benoit. Nice slash off the top. Back into the pocket for Benoit. So let’s get hazardly. Casually, he was looking. Oh, casual on the a little tender on the first turn. So, I felt like he was holding back just to be a little safe. Didn’t look like the normal Benoit like attacking it. I think he just wanted to make sure he made it. Um But let’s see. It’s a beautiful hang five there. Cross step into the nose. It’s 10 seconds. Gonna have to wait till the scores come in. You can tell he’s not like. His body language is? He’s what? He knew that wave was it wasn’t quite what it could’ve been, you know? I think he had the better of the waves of the two actually. It’d be interesting to see how that come through. Yeah, that was interesting ending actually because there was those last two waves. Leko probably not such a good wave but he probably surfed it a little little cleaner, little better. Benoit’s wave offered more potential but I I felt like he held back a little bit on it on those first two turns that where there was some some proper scoring potential. The judges are going to have a another final look at that wave from Benoit. Yeah, you can tell Benoit’s a little disappointed. Feels a bit disappointed. Yeah, but let’s see, you know, he might have, he might have stole it. It’s it was a bigger wave. Uh, that’s be interesting to see this. You see Leko’s wave here. Didn’t offer as much scoring potential but he definitely maximized it. That second turn there from Lekoi just relaying back into it. Yeah, not such a flat part of the wave. So, really making sure that he stays. He kind of reconnected into the power source. It allowed him to connect all the way to the inside here. It’s go right to the inside with that one Leco. And Benoit. It’s final wave. one of the judges. What are they going to give it? So it’s a beautiful turn there. The top. The first turn was good but you saw that second one. He was had in his mind to drive right back into it and he kind of went a little bit tenderly and was he didn’t quite connect with that lift but the first turn was good. So, it was a better wave than Lecos for sure. I would say. So, yeah, it’d be interesting to see where it stacks up against the other waves this heat. I think it’s going to be a tight finish here. See it’s a four. 9. Yeah, it’s it’s going to be tough. It’s going to be super close. Yeah, I think we got two scores coming too, right? Final. Who’s going to be crowned the longboard champ? for twenty twenty-2. You know, this is the first event of hopefully a long story here of longboard SUP Championships. Lekker looks pretty relaxed. Benoit looks maybe a little more a little bit more on edge. I like her swirling. Holly down there at the beach. Both competitors. There’s Chance of Benworth. Getting his thoughts on how the final went. Leko smiling. I just. I think he’s just. He’s not there. He’s had a great attitude all event. I think. He’s stoked to be in Grand Canary. I think so. You know, him and Zane had a good, you know, they hugged it out off the semi. Zane a little disappointed but you know, I think Leko if he had won, he was great. If he didn’t, you know, he still had a good time. So, but he looks happy. So, we’re just waiting for that final score to drop. Yeah. you see why you can see. Yeah, he’s frustrated. Uh just down at the beach there. I feel he’s reliving that. I think he’s he’s getting through it. That second turn definitely. He was that could’ve been if he had to come right back into it, it might have done it or if he had chosen another maneuver. Lego doesn’t seem phased at all. Smiling Ah. Oh, looks like it the result might be in. Leko looks like he’s he’s looking pretty happy. As we wait for the official word here but Just waiting on the scores is pretty tense. There’s a little punch there from there’s some celebrations. Zane coming down. Let’s see. So, we’re still hang on for the final scores here. So, Leko looking happy but I don’t think we still have the scores but I think he feels like he’s got it. He certainly got his his support camp on the beach. We’ve been cheering on every time he gets onto a wave. Every turn? every turn. Every hang five, they were, they were hooting him on. Absolutely. Well, I’m thinking back to two thousand twelve. He got into the final with Kyle Vaj and if Kyle beat him, he wouldn’t have won the title. Kyle did his first wave and then he wrapped himself in the Brazilian flag and basically handed it to his friend. Wow. It was quite a moment actually. It was it was pretty cool. It was a good sporting moment. Definitely. So, both athletes here, Benoit and Luckel. point point 87. Ah last play Perez for goal is five zero so. Ah it’s not enough. and second red. So your APP World Longboard 2022 champ. Leko Salazar. That’s it. You can see it. Leko had like the positive vibes coming out of the water and Benoit you could tell he left it in the tank and he was frustrated. Um but what a performance from Leko Salazar. Once again showing his background in longboarding and and water sports in general is paying off. He’s a great shoreboarder by the way too. I’ve seen him absolutely shred on a showboard so. The Brazilian Storm. Brazilian Storm still alive and well. Japan’s been taking a lot of the attention but. Day one, it was all, yeah. Yeah. Brazil’s still there. Ah congratulations Leko. An amazing performance out there in the final. Yeah a great moment and an exciting moment actually for the APP. You know we launched this as a you know a test concept in in New York a few years ago. Uh we’re happy to integrate it as an official division this year and looking forward to growing this. Certainly judging by the response online and the general chat. Everybody’s been pretty psyching about you know, the format and the performances and and the athletes, you know, Zane, I know, came out to me and said, this is really reinvigorated energy for him. He loves it. He thinks it’s a really great addition to the tour. So, yeah, it’s great to get this feedback and excited to grow this. Yup. Everyone I’ve been speaking to is just they’ve been amped on on the longboard Just seeing, seeing that progression, seeing the style. Yeah. Well, that was a great final. Difficult conditions. Wasn’t as good at conditions as we might have hoped for the final but the athletes certainly put on a great show and where the where the win from Leko. Congrats. Leko, we’re going to jump into a commercial and we’ll be back with the trials final. And we’re back. Las Patamus. An amazing final for the APP World Longboard. Championships. Now we got the men’s trials. the final. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. Here with Beau Nixon. Beau. How was that? Some action went down in that last final for the men’s longboard. As we see Caponov the list there. Relentless. He has been throwing that board above the lip. But just going back to that last final of the longboard. I had to watch that. As I was out of the booth just so sick. Watching the competitors. I was getting goosebumps. Just waiting for the results. I know. Exactly. Me too. I was nervous. Is that going to be enough? That’s right. You can see Lekker down there smiling. We’re going to jump into action here of the men’s final for the trials. This is Shion Machida from Japan in the yellow. Throwing it up on the white water there. And we’ll see. The only Frenchman in this final. Yeah Tedin. Just coming unstuck there but the rest of the competitors from Japan. Capono Fakuda. Junior winner from yesterday. In the red jersey. That was a nice turn but just couldn’t quite hold it. Also looking at Taka in a way. And Shion Machida. All of these surfers progressing through to the main event tomorrow. Got word from Tristan that we’re heading around the corner to Elarette. Yep. Amazing. and we’re going to be taking it to the beach with Holly who’s with Leko Salazar, the long board champion. Over to you Holly. Thank you guys. I am here with Sup longboard champion, Leko Salazar from Brazil. He’s a legend in the sport. It was a super, super close hit with Benoit Carpenter from France. Leko just taught me through your day, taught me through the finals. I’m so happy. Um. My my dad is legend. Brazil. I together. Wait. Many many events in Brazil. A long time. I trained so much. Longboard in Brazil. He’s far from my for my sponsor. Thank you so much everyone. Um good waves following board here. I like it. keep going to ou Esse é in the beach ah lega say, oh, maybe change the scores. I I don’t know, man. Was things good? It’s okay. Finish your work today. I’m so happy. Make a war, food. It’s like, it’s good. And how are you feeling about the competition going forward, the professional men’s competition? I’m feeling preparation for, for the contest. I like this wave. It’s a good it’s big waves, huh? So I was coming. I’m ready. And do you want to say something in Portuguese to everyone watching at home, to your family, your friends? Brazil humildade sempre caminhando devagarzinho e é isso aí quando é pra ser não tem jeito esse título é pra vocês aí pra toda a galera do Brasil. E That’s right. He is really ready as we see. Our competitor in yellow. Shion Machita. Ripping his way through this wave. Cutting back into the white water here. He saw a couple of wave ridden during that interview as well. So we’re going to be waiting for scores come through for all competitors. The Japanese typhoon. Oh, the typhoon. His strong hair. In Grand Canaria. Oh just leaning on the paddle there. Got a little bit unbalanced. prop yourself up now and again. Yeah, exactly. It’s not going to get penalized for that. No, not at all. It’s kind of the end of the ride. We did see a really nice wave actually from Antonin. Salveira during the here we go. He’s up now on the replay. Up into the lips. Lashing turn as he switches the paddle. Cutting back. into this wave. So I just want to just have a little another look at this wave. Another look at this wave. But some great turns on that one. And then looking at Shiam Machita’s wave again. Judges making sure that they’re going to put the right scores in. As they deliberate it on the long board scores to come in as well. hacks there. And just in the middle trying to just line himself back up into it. That’s Shane. Just waiting for some scores to drop in. I mean, day two, wouldn’t. Epic day. Crown is some junior champs for day one. so much action happening today with the an insane long board what’s up longboard final. From everyone around the world’s been enjoying it. Lot of comments coming through about the longboarding people. Loving watching the longboarding style. Right now, let’s go. As we see, a lot of those scores dropping through now for our competitors. Second position, yellow. Two guys away, five point and 3 points. Bringing those scores as they update now. And all of these finalists going through tomorrow? That’s right. So, we’ll see everybody in the main event. One, 7. Up against the world’s best. Wait, one point47. So, five position blue. So, currently, we do have the French surfer in the league with a four. 5 and a 6. 0. In second position. Shion Machida. Five point zero and a three point nine. Capone Facuda with a couple of ways where he’s just come unstuck on that backhand reentry. Two point three three and a 1. 17 and Takao. Just a small score. One point47. As we see first and second priority. Red. Holding him down first priority. Tucker in the white. Second priority out there in the water. these competitors. Pressure’s off. They’re through to the event tomorrow. Don’t think they’ll be taking it as a free surf though, will they? Yeah, that’s true. Definitely. This is the finals of the men’s trials. They’re going to want that kudos going into it tomorrow. That boosted confidence. That’s right and actually just buying for a maybe better seating into that event as well. So, competitors maybe thinking, well, maybe where they want to place in this in this to get a better position in the heat. Keep on having a look at this one. As we see the rocks underneath the competitors there. It’s Capono just. Wasn’t it? Think about tides drop out. Those rocks are going to start showing up. We do see Tucker paddling. He’s going to dead low. He’s almost about an hour. That’s right. Yup. Yeah, it’s getting a bit shallow on that bank there. Coming up to five o’clock in the afternoon here. Grand Canaria. Still nice and warm. Lovely and warm up here on the Wawa. Top of the bus. Top of the fun bus. We got notification that we would be going to be going the mobile. Exactly. This bus overnight. Around to the the corner. And Kapona what’s he up to Bo? Just getting some nice turns done. just shaking off those first couple of waves where he fell. Bit of a longer ride there from Capone. Let’s hope he got some bigger turns on the outside. Great to see all these competitors. The Japanese typhoon Now, let’s have a look. We’re going to look at the replay here. So, he did get a nice turn off the top at the back. Another slashing turn and he just works his way through. Clean style. Really clean style. Fast as well. In the area please. Competition. Gracias. It’s been told. There’s a couple of free servers. You can see in the corner there in the left. Assessor. Just been a bit of a wave machine. Just waves on tap. So many waves. Over here. Last couple of days. Yeah, he’s getting caught up there. In the bumps. The wind’s been off and on. Can we find out that one? He can really create a bit of bumps on the wave. Fattened out. You can see that step rail. Working to his advantage in some of these turns. Should be the same first. So score coming through for Capona Fakuda. He stays in that third position. He does have a five point three three though. So a higher score as we see Shion the replay. Just how he fell on this wave. Just put himself in like a little bump on the way. It’s a bump and then just fanned out for him. Yeah. Who’s going to be looking for that to get a bit steeper but not to be the case. It’s challenging conditions. It’s been for our competitors out here today. Really down to just seeing who’s been I guess picking the best waves off and maximizing that scoring potential. Antoine. the Frenchman out here in the lead just just chilling on the board at the moment. Having a bit of a breather. Seems like competitors are all kind of opting for that. sit down mode. Just waiting. Catching their breath. Waiting for some sense to march in. All competitors choosing to sit down to wait. His priority out there in the lineup so. don’t really need to fight for positioning. Huh? Got plenty of time too. You got a bit just over 11 minutes left on the clock. The men’s trials final. Up next will be the women’s trials final. Exciting to watch the women take to the water again. Just a final fest today. That’s right. It sure is. Three in a row. Grounding champions. And just looking out there. You see any any bumps on the horizon? That’s well. Yeah, it’s going to be starting to creep through the next the next twenty-four hours. See that period extending. A bit more power in the waves. Waves do look a bit bigger around the corner. He managed to have a peek around there too. Little peek, yeah, yeah. Had a little, went for a little walk, stretched legs. Nice. After in the booth and surfers out there yeah. Definitely. The Brazilians were all cheering on Leco Salazar in the long board heat but couple of free surfers opting to surf around the corner there. Some stand up? No no any stand ups out there currently. But definitely the wind looking a little better around there as well. Better direction. Here we’re kind of at the end of the bay where the wind can get into it. With that rock wall. Get a little bit of protection from that wind. Around the corner. Sort of ruffles up the faces a little bit. See Capone to stand up. Maybe seeing something come through. Sitting on the inside. You can see this little boil there just to the left of Capono. So the the three competitors sitting a little further out. I think he’s seen it. He’s he’s getting out of there. Yeah that’s right. Don’t want to be near that thing. Especially in the tides is getting lower and lower. That’s right. Have a look at this one. Red. Capona. See Capona. Tough riding. Can something on the inside possibly. He’s going to stand up for him here as he gets up into the lip. He holds that backhand reentry. It’s a nice little pop there on the bottom turn. Just getting ready. You know, he means business when he lines this up. Looking for the slash on the top. I’ve seen the waves, you know, in that three to four feet range last couple of days. Be sure to see how these competitors will fare as that swell builds. Around the corner. El Loret. That’s where I will see some of these competitors. Such as Shion here. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. That’s the. That’s that really shallow rock shelf just dropping out of that wave there. Dropping from the sky shield. How’s it? See how shallow’s there? Yeah really shallow. Some rocks poking through for sure. Competitors opting to sit right on that spot though. Maybe pushing themselves a little bit too deep. Capona we saw sitting ought to be all in. You gotta be in it. It’s a win. That’s right. Caprano City on the inside. Getting a those waves just a break on the inside of that rock shelf. 7 minutes forty-five on the clock. As we see the heat leader. Antoine. Cutting Cutting back on this one. Looks like it might even offer some good scoring potential here. As he bangs it off the lip. We did see. Send that tail free. Swim competing in the 2019 Grand Canary Pro Am. So he’s back here again. For Revenge. It’s great to have him back. The second position right now. We see him running this wave all the way through. Trying to link up with that reform on the inside He’s not going to be able to get it so. It’s a really bit of a game of strategy whether to surf all the way through. That way they wasted a lot of time. Yeah. Not much on the inside. He’s in the lead position though as we see Shion just getting way out into the deeper section of water. And whether they take that gamble. But you said I mean they they do then have to get back into the lineup. They lose priority. How further to paddle out as well. As we see Taka. He’s going to make his way across on this left. Try and get in front of that white water but he’s not going to make it in time for it to stand up. So he’s going to opt to go to the right. Opportunity. In the final. So far Tucker. No he hasn’t. Wave choice. No bother though. He’s through to the main event. Yeah. He’s going to be saving his energy for that. He’s stoked. Super stoked. now we are all together before we win. But yeah but as you said the seating you want to come come off as the the trials champ. And And go to Rich Marshal. Yeah, we’ll see the fourth place from the trials. Go into that first heat of the men’s. Which does feature the top seed Wellington Race. He won the event here in two thousand and 19. And he’s going to be The one to beat out here. On the outside here. Capono. Lovely style to stop surfing. Young surfer from Japan. Banging off the lip there. Another really nice turn. He’s going to cut back all the way into that white water. Again, having the read on this wave just to keep it going. It’s a phone climb there. trying to negotiate the flat section. Using the paddle. And then decided to opt out. It’s not going to rinse that one to the inside. No exactly but It’s a beautiful looking turns. First two turns from Capona there. He even needs a 5. 81 to head up into the lead. To be crowned the trials winner of the men. We’ll see Tucker. A replay on the inside here. Just carving around. We see Tucker really taking off right on the inside there. We’ll follow Tucker. As he surfs through. To the inside. It’s looking a little tired. Think he might just leaning over there catching a breath. Yeah exactly. red, turd, yellow. Certainly get all the way So look at this. This first turn. Rick up on him. Yeah. Into the lip. The second turn. He connects with it even better. Just here throwing a bit of spray at the back. Carving it back around. Just negotiating through the white water on that. Just before the second turn. That’s right. More face to play with. Yeah, exactly. Yellow. We do see. It’s comes out. Just jams it off the top there. You see our women finalists in the trials heading out. Shield Machida makes his way through. He’s going to bank it that one off the white water. Slide the tail a little bit there. Riding his infinity blur V two. Model. White. Two points. White. You stay in the full position. You’re too much weight. Four ball, two, three, and two points. Uh so three and a half minutes remaining. Not enough. That last wave from Taka. point ride. Move your last wave. Five point13. You are the leader. Two best place, six point and five point, one three. Yeah, onto one. It’s best two waves, a six and a 5. 13. He’s been patient during this heat but the waves he has caught. He’s really made the most of. Some of the highest scores in this heat so far. Caprono’s last wave coming in at a four point three. As we see. Diving off that one. Caperno. So Campono with a nice looking wave here. Extending that bottom turn. Waiting for that lift to present itself. As he slashed it into this one. He knows there’s another section for him. He’s going to cut back into that white water. Pop his legs through the flats. Incredible the speed. Amazing. Capone is generating through this flat section here. And it’s not going to do its morning thing. No it’s not. Definitely not in the low tide here. Need that higher tide for these reforms to be able to work their way through. So last. Victor Pono been out here at all the tides. Understanding what the waves do. second position. He needed a 5. 81 on that wave. We’ll take another look. See if he might have gotten the score. But he holds his bottom turn. Waits. Waits. Waits. Waits. And then unleashes at the top of the wave there. 6. 13. A little bit of a flat splatter section. Great timing there from Capona. Right you say good timing. He just waiting. Making sure he’s just going to get in the optimal point of the wave. And then just try and blow the back out of the thing. Exactly. So he did just see a score drop for Caperna Fakuda. It’s a 6. 13. So situation change. Capono up into the lead. With the lead. With a minute remaining. Took the win yesterday in the juniors. Take the win today. Possibly. The men’s trials. our surfboard. We’re going to find out shortly. We are going to find out shortly. Our surfer in blue now needs a 5point47. He’s battling it for this one. He’s going to use his priority. 45 seconds on the clock. He’s lost his priority there. Sheon now with a chance. So privacy for Sheon. Antonin. He’s going to go on this one. He’s looking at this. Walling up. Banks it off the top. Slides the tail. It’s beautiful. Slide off the top there. Antoine. See cuts back right around to the white water. Continuing to carve on this wave. Vita needs a five. No he’s he’s actually his his acquirements been raised. Six point nine innings. That’s right. Capoto another wave dropped to 6point77. as we see. Caperno. So on the buzzer ticking off. Taking this one through. He must be pretty happy with his performance today. That’s it. I’m just going to wait and see. Wait and see if Entering gets a score. He needed a six point nine. I think he knows. Component. Not quite sure if that last wave score will. It’s not going to be enough. Be enough. Um I don’t think it’s going to be enough. I think you need a little bit more on the outside. He got one really nice turn but couldn’t quite find another critical section. Where we’ve seen Capono gets some good high scores with two turns in the critical section of the wave. We are waiting for the score. from the surfer in blue. The only Frenchman up against the Japanese typhoon. who are Capono, Sheila, Tucker, Power Force. Exactly. Japanese. And the inner way. As well. Capodo. Wondering if he’s got the nerves. exciting finals. Coming down to the last minute. Judges deliberating on scores. But we do see. Yeah. It’s a Capono. Anthony got a three point eight. So here is the winner. Of the men’s trials. Capono Sakuda. What’s up? Our trials men’s champ, Capono, Sakura. Five, four, Stoked. So stoked. We’re going to go to a commercial and then we’ll be heading straight into the women’s trials final. See you then. Buenos tardes. And congratulations. to the men’s trials finalists. That was the winner. Screen there. From Japan. And we’re straight now. Into the women’s trials final. The Grand Canaria Pro Am. All the finalists are going to be going through. To tomorrow’s main event. Let’s try. We’ll see all these same names. Against the best in the world. We have Marina Laraza in the red. Sakura Inowe. Should be in the white. Marine Kurdue. She’ll be in the blue and Camille runner in the yellow. One seven. Yellow. As we see the women out there in the water. Couple of waves already ridden. Some small scores coming through. Wait for all those scores to drop. As we see some replays here of Camille. Carving through at that first turn. She’s going to get a bit of a opportunity here. Bangs it off the white water but that way just hitting a bit of deep water. And then we have Marine Code Drew. Roppingham. Bottom there. This is Marina actually surfing in there so she’s going to drop a score. With 2. 17 and here we are. This is Marie Codrew up and riding. We saw that she wanted to improve her surfing into the final of this event. Young surfer. She dropped the highest wave score of the so far. Winning the semis. That’s right. She’d be happy with that. She’s actually in a four. 5 for that ride. So leading this final of the women’s trials. Waiting for Surfer in white. Japanese Sakura Inawe. To open her account. Seen some great things from her. She was in the final of the junior girls yesterday. Got a second to her older sister Katie. But definitely showcasing some skills. What she’s going to be doing. In the main event. Hope everyone’s enjoying around the world. Let us know on our Facebook Live and YouTube live. APP channels. Where you’re watching from? Hope everyone’s as stoked as we are. Watching the the long board final. It’s an insane performance. From Leko Benoit. Uh some big support for Leko and Benoit. The Facebook, on the YouTube. Some hello from Cocoa Beach in Florida. People People saying what a great final that. Surfer from Coco. Uh just one of them. Mister mister Kelly Slater. There’s actually a number of surfers from Florida. 20 minutes. Not renowned for big waves but If you get the beach breaks around the close proximity to Central America, Caribbean, some serious juice over there. Yeah, quick trip to some great waves. And then then when they do gets, they do get waves. They get some serious waves in there. Yes sir they do. They get some serious waves here too. Ollie. We’re in. That’s Palmers. Good on Canario. The capital. The Grand Canaria. And we’re going to go over to Holly on the beach. With our winner of the men’s trials. Capono. Thank you guys. I am here with Capono Facuda who has had a clean sweep so far at the Grand Canary Pro Am. Yesterday, he was crowned junior champion. Today, he’s crowned champion of the men’s trials. Capono, how was it? Tell me about it. Uh getting low tide. Uh waves not coming. Uh I was waiting good waves. And how do you feel? I’m so happy. Well, congratulations kimono and we will see you in the main event tomorrow. Good luck. Um get some rest. Thank you. Uh mucho gracias. Muchos gracias. Back to you guys in the studio. That’s good. Well done. Epic. Cabono. Congratulations. Oh English, Spanish, Japanese? Mixing it up? Yeah. So our APP men junior champ and men’s trials winner. Yeah he’d be really stoked. Definitely going to get some rest after today’s effort. preparing. It’s exhausted. He did look exhausted. Yeah. For sure. But he’s got some work to do against the world’s best tomorrow. As that swell increases as well. We’re heading to a different wave. Be interesting to see if any of these surfers have actually been practicing out there. We have seen a couple of the Brazilian contingent riding their wave around the corner. Ella Rat. We will be there running the event tomorrow. As we see our surfer in white. Sakuda in away on her first wave. It’s just throwing the board up above the lip there. Can’t quite hold on. Yes. I was mentioning it’s getting a little trickier. The low. It’s going to out there. Be patient. That inside, right section. not. We saw it this morning. It’s kind of opening up. Maybe a few whackable wall sections. Serious. Low. Whackable wall sections. yeah this low tide just really offering that left out the back. As we see some of the competitors opting to bail on this one. And we see Blue trying to get on that one. Marina in register. Danielle kick out. Bale. Yep. The board there. See a left rolling through here. That’s a really nice wave. Let’s see if one of the competitors. She’s going to take off late on this wave. Just can’t quite hold it. It’s too late. Had the right idea though. That wave was a nice wave coming through. competitors need to get themselves on the best waves. We’re going to find the big scores. Like we saw Capona Faku to do in the previous heat. Final of the men’s trial. Notice it for the yellow. Beautiful. But we are watching the surfer in yellow. That can be unfortunately just went down there. Probably a little bit jet lagged. No overnight flight. Yeah. Coming in. Where was she flying from? That’s a good question because she’s a French surfer. But I guess maybe the it’s definitely direct flights from France. Maybe she’s coming from rural France. Getting a flight to Paris. Meeting. Transiting over to here. Is that Paris flight? It’s not only a couple of hours. 3 hours. Get over here. She might have been on a surf trip somewhere. Yeah. Made the right call to come over there. Definitely. In the final, the trials and she’s going to go through to the the women’s, the main event tomorrow. Yellow red. Here in Granken area. Los Palmas just around the corner. We’re going to be going mobile there. Be making it cool nice and early. Just I think around 738 tomorrow. Yeah, hopefully kicking off at 8 o’clock. with either the men’s or the women’s main event. Have to tune in to our live feed tomorrow morning as we see our surfer in blue opting for the right. as she bangs it off the top there. One of the biggest turns we’ve seen in this final so far. Offering up more. Exactly a heat leader currently. She’s going to extend that scoreline with that ride. Great to see some progression. From our women’s surfers. got some scores dropping in. Some scores. We’ll wait for that score from Blue but Sakura in a way. Dropped a 3. 33. As we see this Rupler replay. Run us through this boat. Oh up into the lip. Throwing that nose above the lip. Showing that Real critical section turn. So the judges like to see. Oh French rider. One turn. It’s going to score quite well. Just waiting for judges to lock it in. Actually hear them discussing that ride next to us. Get it in bit of inside. Exactly. They really like that that first turn. Obviously, not much happening after that. So, they have to take that into account. Just a single maneuver. But it’s going to come in pretty close to her first score. That was a four. five. She had a small score of a. five. And that third wave drops as a four. 3 three. So she’s now out in front with an 8. 83 heat total as we see. Cami Dubrana shredding in the pocket there. Nice slash there off the top from Camille. And again cutting back into that white water. On the French surfer. Just pulling out of that wave. So a couple of turns. Interesting to see how that stacks up against Marines. single turn. Up into the left. We do have 13 minutes remaining in this heat. Counting it down. In this final of the women’s trials event creating a trials champion today. Been a great day of action. Longboard events. The men’s trials, women’s trials, full day. Running from quarter past eight. This morning here. Canary time. So much action out of the water here. Los Palmas. Grand Canaria. the the first place that the full throne as ever. Gonna be interesting to see what we wake up to tomorrow. Yes. Is there going to be a rumbling? We can hear maybe. There’s going to be day three. It’s finishing off day two here though. Still live with the women’s trials final. Welcome everyone watching from around the world. Saffron red. Just losing her footing there. Marina. And Kemi just finding another left here. Think she got left. Sackly. Stick to what you’re good at. So we will see her previous ride coming to the three point eight three. He’s climbing up. Put her into second. She’ll probably drop another score for that ride. 100. One. I’m already in blue. Out in front. Red, warming. Stand up. As we do here, a warning being given to Red for paddling on her stomach. Been warning then? Well, yeah. That’s good. Like to see the more than five. Beach announcer, that’s right. Warning them. Giving you guys the insights into you do need to stand up when you are paddling out. So we see it just kick over that wave. And our current heat leader surfing this wave through. He’s trying to get through this flat section now. Looking for that reform on the inside. Oh, just gets stripped up with that white water there. As we’ll see some scores starting to come through. We’re still waiting for that last of yellows as well. Come here. On that left. Sakura in a way. Just with a single wave score of 3. 33 so far. She’s really waiting patiently waiting for a good wave. She knows she’s got the ability to get high scores and she’s going to really try win this final. her sister Katie. Can he be in the main event tomorrow? So 9 minutes, 44 seconds remaining. The women’s trials final. now it’s open up. White’s first Sakura in a way from Japan. He’s got priority. Your last wave, yellow, two point nine zero. People tuning in from Canada to watch the women’s final of the trials. Nice. Starting to get cold there in Canada at the moment. Good good waves though. Great waves Vancouver. In Vancouver Island. It’s awesome waves. Have you been there? Never. I really want to go to. Been watching that Netflix series. Called Sea Wolf. It’s about all about Vancouver Island. Yeah. It’s amazing. Yeah. Just of all about the wildlife there. Sick. But obviously some drone shots of the amazing scenery and some waves as well. Nice. So scores. Starting to drop. Luke just opting to crouch down on a board there. Yep. Just patiently waiting for the waves. See she’s got that low center of gravity with that squatting. He said that’s easier Boo. Uh good standing. Flexibility. Depending on the. I know I wouldn’t be able to pull that off. They cannot pull that off either. So, I’d be opting to sync the board but. Yeah, definitely squatting down lower center of gravity for the riders that can do that. So, if they’re going to help them. And you are still standing technically as well. Yeah. The kneeling that it’s not allowed. If they’re on both knees. It’s going to be penalized by the judges or a warning. Just let you know. So that last wave of coming into two point nine. It’s not going to be enough. Not enough. Marines last wave at two point four. Not enough to go into a top two. She’s still out in front. So seven and a half minutes left remaining on the final. The women’s trials. All four of the finalists. Competitors will be going through to the main event. and Looking for this one. Uh she’s got they’re in second priority. She’s going to catch this wave. Banks it off the top there. Lovely top turn. Cuts it back as well. Nice slash. back in. It’s going to wall up again. This inside. Staying, staying busy, staying patient. Yeah, doing the best she can with. What was on offer on that wave? As we saw, competitors opting not to take that next wave in the set. It did fizzle out. So, probably a good move especially from our surfer in white. Holding down the priority at the back. Some support coming in. They’re coming now From France They’ll be on high alert. Definitely. Looking strong on her feet and out the back like you said Ollie. Who’s going to take this one? Whoo. Who’s going to spin and go? Blue on the inside. Currently. Merida. She’s seen an opportunity. She’s going to take this one. She’s going. That wave though. Just hitting that. Oh. Deeper order. Bit of a bump there. It was a bit of a bump. Took off. That wind’s starting to pick up a little bit. Yeah. Expecting a bit of an afternoon glass off here in the Palmers but We can’t complain. Three to four foot all day long. Watching why. And Sakurom waits up. She’s finding out just this little one on the inside. Something’s going to stand up. She could definitely see something down the line. that she was going to just fade it in and then swing it back around to the left. Try for something pretty radical but couldn’t quite hold it on the top. I think she’s going for that. Bit of a foam climb. Not quite. I think she was in a bit of two minds of what to do whether to just bank off the white water or to really go progressive. Just under five minutes now left in this final. So, 4 minutes with 40 seconds remaining. This final heat. This will be final loss of the day. Yeah, we will be last action from day two. Small presentation after this for the long board champion. Trials winners. And Sakuda from Japan on the inside. What she’s seen here? Just started against it. Now, the situation affairs rules second general unit. Marina. Camille. Amarine. Outside. Red she’s got got priority. Excuse me. Looking for a six point six six. Jump up into the lead to win this final. The pressure’s off really. All these competitors. How do you think they’re feeling out there? I mean they know they’re going to be going into the. Exactly. Probably trying to bit of energy for tomorrow. We are at a different break tomorrow as well. So this not really playing into consideration of getting to know the breakout here. She’s in there holding back a bit. A little bit reserved. Do you think they will probably pick a little bit reserved? I mean they all want to win. Yeah. Definitely want to win. Showcase what they’ve got. And obviously like we said about the men that want to get in the right seat for the Heats. Against the best in world. It will be going straight into women on women heats tomorrow for the quarterfinals of the Grand Canaria Pro Am for the women. We’ll see you by a Moreno. 2018 world champion. And 2019 event winner here in Grand Canaria. She’ll be up in that first heat. The top seed. She’ll be wanting to retain her title out here. Her win in twenty 19. Got some tough competition though. Yeah. Japanese sisters. Cade, Sakuro. And having a few years off, everyone’s kind of been just honing their skills, haven’t they? Exactly. definitely having their skills. These Japanese kids riding a whole different range of boards. Yeah. Longboards, short boards, sups. And a buyer obviously Multiple Windsurf World Champion. And send a paddleboard. Multiple multiple win surfboard champion. Yes exactly. 28 time with her sister. 28 consecutive years. Leading the world in windsurfing. It’s just amazing. She’s from Grand Canaria. local knowledge here Going into the the rounds tomorrow. Yeah, definitely played a part last year. Winning. One, two, one, two. As we see yellow just falling off there. Blue. So a minute and a half remaining in the women’s trials final. Red. Found a nice little right hand on the inside off the top. Really aggressive top turn. Marina looking for that 6point66 to be able to take the lead that turn. Definitely going to be up there. High on that. See if anything else is going to come. Nothing else but she’s. One big maneuver. One big maneuver. Nice. Here we go. In a way. Showing what she’s got here. Nice. Beautiful slash back there from Sakuri. Just wait for this one to wall up on the inside. Switching the paddle opting for a little bit of a cut back but probably the wrong choice of manoeuvre there on that wave. But we are going to be counting down this final. Crowning our women’s trial champion. 40 seconds left. Very close. Between Camille and Marine. Loreen just in ahead with eight point eight three and Camille with a eight point 4. To countdown 20 seconds remaining then. That’s right. If a wave does come, Camille needing a 4. 26 to take the lead but these two girls happy that they’re through to the main event. Five, four, three, two. And counting this one out. There we go. That is the women’s final of the trials done. Marinka. Congratulations. Taking the win. Camille DeBryer in second. Sakuda in a way in third. I think we are just waiting for that last score actually of Marina. Cuz she had that really nice top turn. I don’t want her to jump the gun with the announcements. No exactly. Judges deliberating over that score. Really great top turn. Sakuru obviously had another little wave there. So waiting for her third score to come through. And just waiting from the judges. Up here. Top of the Walla. Double decker fun bus. See our competitors coming in. Marine Code Drew. She was out in the lead. Waiting for the last wave score of red on screen there Marina. judges. Still looking at the scores. Another another one the last minute. Ollie. Every final today. Been on the edge of my seat. Super exciting. Finish to all of these finals. Ah Marie’s nail fighting stuff. So, we’re just waiting anxiously for the final results here on the women’s trials. They’re all going to be stoked that they’re going through. To the big show tomorrow. All stoked. So we’re going to start getting some scores through. Sakuri in a way. She dropped a 2. 7. And last wave for Red at 3. 57. Doesn’t change the situation. So on screen blue. Marine Kurger taking the win. The women’s trials final. Gammy De Bruno in second. Takuda in away in third. Marina Liazza. In that fourth position but all competitors will be into the next professional event tomorrow. And congrats to our women’s trial winner. Marin. Hi guys. About this statement. As she smiles around, she’s still coming on the beach. It’s high fives. saying that Sakura she just got a third. That’s okay. Don’t worry. Payback tomorrow. We see Kemi. Pretty exhausted after that early flight this morning. We heard a pre post-heat interview earlier. She was feeling pretty tired on that board. I see. See competitors optic for the thruster. and we are going to head to some commercials before we come back to wrap up today’s action. Day number two, the APP World Tour Grand Canaria Pro Am. See? Señor. flor flor autóctona. que hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? o será por esto. porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar, mar mar y a campo campo. más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria. Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria, mucho por vivir. por here for day number two. We saw junior champion Capono Fakuda. Yesterday winning the men’s trials today so double champion. What an really action packed day we had. We had the long board out there as well. You were covering the longboard final along with Tristan Boxford. Tell us about what you saw out there. The progression of the longboard. The sub long board. It was just amazing. Uh after seeing, you know, like the the rounds, early, earlier on. Well, yesterday and then, obviously, the semis, the final, Benoit, Carpenter against Leco Salazar, Leco taking the win. And well, Brazilian Storm, just bring, bring it home the championship and yeah, the crowd was getting absolutely insane of him for Leko and the progression the turns. I’m just keeping that traditional style as well though. Yeah, definitely Leko Salazar throwing in some nose rides but really getting progressive with some vertical reentries I saw on his backhand out there as well. Benwire a little disappointed after his performance but he shouldn’t be because he’s brought on some stellar performances all day. Yeah. In the long boarding, some excellent scores. Nine point 6 as well from Benoit. The highest score of the day. So, that was a really amazing hit to watch and they should be both proud of themselves but yeah, Leko taking the win in that and then we finished up with the women’s finals there of the trial event. All competitors heading through to the main event tomorrow. Mm hmm. Some really progressive surfing that we saw. Yeah and the long boarders, I mean, they’re going to be in in the main event. Tomorrow as well. So, going to see some impressive things from from Benoit and from Leko and from our finalists in both the men’s and the women’s trials. So, yeah. We’re going to be making a call I think tomorrow. Probably about 730 and whether we’re going to decide to go ahead at about 8 AM. It’s going to be good times ahead and potentially wall. Speaking with with Tristan Bogsford, the APP CEO. He’s talking about the bus. Maybe the we’ve got the option of moving. We got that whole double decker mobility option of the wower. So, we can go across to El Loret. And we’ve got a rising swell. Saw the waves are kind of, you know, they they were going to be picking up, looking at the forecast and the period is going to be jumping to about 16 seconds maybe. Kinda coming into tomorrow. So, yeah, it’s going to be exciting times ahead And congratulations to all our competitors. Thanks for everyone watching around the world. And heading over now to to the beach. For some interviews with our winners and the finalists. Thank you guys. I am here with the winner of the women’s trial, Maureen Kadu from France. Maureen, just tell me how it was. How was your day? Uh it was complicated because this morning, it was really really hard. I didn’t find my ways and finally, I win the trials. So, yeah. And how are you feeling now going into the professional women’s event? Now, you’ve absolutely smashed this one. Oh, I feel very excited. Like, I can’t wait for tomorrow. The waves is really good. So, yeah I want a circuit so bad and being with the greatest women of the world is just awesome. Yeah and that was my next question. I mean, do you look up to these women? What’s it going to be like surfing with them? Oh, it’s going to be good. I met them mostly at the at the World Championships. So, it’s like great to see them again. Yeah, that’s that’s really really cool. Uh I don’t have any words to explain this. Well, congratulations Marine. We will see you tomorrow for the Presham event. Rest up, eat some food and. Oh yeah. Yeah. Back to you guys in the studio. Au revoir. Thanks Holly. Congratulations, Marine. What a an amazing performance. Winning the trials and heading straight in to the main event tomorrow. For the the women’s grand Canaria Pro Am. Beau, you excited? Oh, super excited. Especially if we get this bus around the corner to the point break over there. Like you said, I’ll leave that building as well. Gonna be exciting to watch the best men and the best women in the world. Take to the stage We will be crowning world champions for the sub surfing of this event for the Grand Credit Canaria Pro Am APP World Tour. Ollie, I’m so excited. I can’t wait. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep tonight. We maybe not be able to with that all the with the rising swell with the waves smashing on the roof. Well, thanks everyone from watching around the world. Hope you can join us bright and early tomorrow for the APP World Sup Championships. We’ll see you then. See? esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria. Mucho por vivir ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria, mucho por vivir.
Coming down to the last few heats for the SUP Longboard Championship and the trails event for the APP World Tour.


Gran Canaria Pro AM Day 2 Morning | Welcome to Day 3 of Gran Canaria Pro Am 2022 | By APP World Tour | y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. la playa? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. Cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me den, ¿Es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. más primeras veces. Más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir Buenos días. welcome to Gran Canaria we here en Las Palmas for the Gran Canaria the water already started out there today for day number three. We have the men’s pro division out there. Round one, heat number one. He’s our competitors there. We wanted to see some scores on the board as well, Ollie. Yellow, second one. That’s attackers. In the lead. Bit of a radical approach out there. We move locations from from day one and day two. Yesterday, we’re at La Sisa. Just a left beach break just about 200 meters around the corner and we’re in the the premium right-hand point of El Loret. In Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. Okay, your last. Gotta. Fully stacked day of surfing lined up for everybody. And here’s our twenty nineteen Grand Canary Prom Champ, Wellington Reece. They’re relying on those strong backhand turns to impress the judges on this wave. Getting vertically into that last section. Sailorette here. Ollie. Quite a few. Bit of a rock. Point break. Rock bottom. Quite a lot of rocks around. Competitors having to tackle on the back. Woo hoo. Vertical. Amazing vertical. Two top turns from Takada. and a third. He’s happy with that. And The Spaniard What’s he got here? Answering back? amazing conditions out here today though in El Loret. Las Panamas. I think all the competitors were pretty excited to get around the corner Into a bit more juice on the right-hand point. That is El Loret. Yeah, it looks really consistent out there today. Just saw a few waves there, surf back to back. We’ll bring you scores as they come through. Tucker, his first wave was 6. 83. So, he’s out in the lead. Let’s have a look at this replay. Wellington. Slashed off the top but that one a little bit better throwing loads of spray. For Wellington’s own bore on his backhand. And vertical up into the pocket there. And see those boils on the wave just in front of him. So quite shallow. Did you see ah competitor and white up as well? Carving back. This is Benzino. Is that Brazilian competitor as well? As we see Taco is this way. Amazing wave. This second turn here. Amazing. Vertical up into the lip. The way he can control that. Switching the paddle on that bottom turn. As he really tight turn in the pocket. Tucker finishing it off on the inside. Showing the judges that you like that wave. Giddy Am mo on the outside. Off the top. Ripping carb off the lift there as well as he’s going to finish this one off with a bit of a floater. Just holding at the end there. It’s maybe not as dynamic as some of the other waves have seen but Guillermo, he’s just got off a flight yesterday. This be his first serve. Grand Canaria. Straight into round one. Heat one. Go. At the men’s what’s up surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. but I mean, looking at at the conditions on offer for these surfers. And there’s going to be some critical moves going down. As we’ve already seen. Expecting some high scores today. So we’re running through the rounds. Going through the men’s and women’s. Early rounds. And the women’s quarters up later on. As we’ve just seen the leaderboard there. Change a little bit. Taco Nui dropping a nine point 43 on that last one Ollie. That is such a high excellent score. Could be the highest score of the the event so far. I think I think so. Did see 9. 6 from Ben White up on TA yesterday in the long board division. Ended up getting a second to the now APP World Tour Longboard Champion Leko Salazar from Brazil. an amazing performance by the with the longboarding. It blew my mind that the level of progression and the maneuvers at La Sesa they’re on offer. Pretty tricky conditions there with the left and the right. What do you think? Yeah. Water. It’s pumping out here Ollie. It is pumping. And it’s just going to be getting it’s going to be getting bigger. During the day. There’s two swells running at the moment, isn’t it? There is two swells. There’s a north west swell and then quite a north swell. Yeah. As well today. And then those two swells kind of line up a little bit better. As we move into tomorrow. Looking to finals day tomorrow. In some bigger surf. But today loads of waves on offer as we see Guillermo on the inside. Hitting off the top. White. Red. Let’s switch that nice looking ball there. Slashed by. Oh. Just ripping it off the top. Hangs it again. Foam climb. The end. As you say, you gotta be careful on the inside here. Oh, yeah. We’re, we’re, low tide is about 630 this morning. So, the waves will be, they’ll be improving. Be getting better as that as that tide fills in onto the reef. Let’s sort of see a few. Boils. Kind of yellow. We see Taka in a way. Taking off on this one. Our current heat leader. Cutting back on this one. slashing in the pocket. Is he going to go up into the lip? Oh, really? 6 minutes of 45 seconds. And Taka was surfing incredibly yesterday. The trials. He certainly was. He ended up with that fourth position which put him in the first heat here of the main event. Qualifying himself as we see our rider in blue. Guillermo from Spain. A European champion. Ripping one off the top there. Bit of a smaller wave but just offering a lot of turns. We did see Bazino. What’s out of from Brazil up and riding as well. Nice off the top. Oh. He’s happy with that one. Looks like he was happy. Maybe he wasn’t happy. Maybe he was like, oh, I took a close out. I thought he give it a thumbs up. Yeah, off there, mate. Tucker. Slashing and sliding but late to get to that lift. That looks a bit awkward there. 6 minutes. So yeah, here’s the the entry at El Loret. The competitors decided to just walk down. These rocks with the tide to actually move. So, it’s super slippery. Gotta negotiate going. Raw, really timing it with those waves and making just making sure you don’t want to get caught out on a set coming in. You can see a bit of green moss on a couple of rocks there. Competitors making sure to avoid those ones as they walk down. Back to action in the water. The black shiny ones and the green ones you gotta watch out for. Get him off the top. She’s going to bring it through. He’s currently in fourth position but trying to look to improve that scoreline. Nice Nice one. Wow. That was really progressive into the lip there to finish off. Throwing a tail. Last 5 minutes, 5 minutes So, just under 5 minutes remaining. The first heat, the men’s what’s up surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. Two point nine seven. And Wellington. And just signalling to the judges. We’re up here in the mobile, the Wawa, the the fun bus. stoked to be on the bus. Back again, round the corner, day three. It was for the bus drive last night. Move across to the event site today. Here at Elarat. Third position. Right now, blue, your last one. 7. We’re up here with the the judges. The perfect view over the brake. Oh, wide, wide. I think the view gets better The break just straight in front of our surface here Yeah, this camera angle coming to you from the top of the bus. So, the competitors literally straight out in front of us. They just waiting for those set waves. Just biting their time. Can’t actually sit on the board and they’ve, they have to be standing the whole time. This obviously, if they’re moving, then, they gotta be. Upright. Blue, your last wave. So the two Brazilians in the heat. The Storm having a bit of a chat out there. Yeah. So situation right now. What do you reckon they’re talking about though? Probably the strategy. Yeah, bit of strategy. I’d say they got first and second priority at the moment. So, maybe just chatting about which way if they want to take when it does come through next. We did see a little situation change there. Guillermo. In the blue, jumping up to third place. So, this is the this is the paddle out. So, competitor sort of. You want to be taking your time with this. Yeah, Tommy. Especially. See it jumping off the rocks here. Paddling out. Gonna navigate your way through. Leonardo Jimines in the white. Shallow rocks. See as that water drains out. All those rocks there. Oh, second heat stack though. We got Benoit Carpenter, the longboard. Champ. He’s putting on a style masterclass. Yesterday was Benoit. And then Moritzmash and Capono from Japan. Yeah all all these heats are stacked now as we see Bezino, Otero, In the white racing through trying to drive through. Can look at this. He’s going to section him. 2 minutes left. I think he’s going to make his way in. wanting to get up into that. Oh. Reversal seconds play. Beautiful slice there from Grandma. Off the top. Lovely two turn combo there. She just jumps off on the inside. Thank you. Is it going to be improving his score? Here, look at him. I mean, he needs a a 5. 1one. Just to advance there into second. Yeah, competitors. So, you do get third and fourth in the first round. Then, moving to round number two. And first and second, in these heats move through to round number three. So, competitors, this is a non-elimination round so they will have a second chance to be able to get back into that round number three. And they’ll be out there trying to suss out a lot. It’s a different conditions. We’re fairly different from yesterday. Thank you so much. Yeah, very different from yesterday. Yesterday was predominantly left. Today. surfing to the right. What a point break that steepens up a little bit. Packs a punch. I’m pretty excited. I think favorite wave in Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. Be quite a it’s a localized wave. A big thanks to the locals for letting us surf here. At their break. It’s only a couple of days of the year That will take over your break. I really do appreciate it. Yeah, big, big thanks to all our partners in the city of Las Palmas. The Grand Canaria. Your support for APP. Here’s Wellington Reese. Just really inverted there on that last turn. Super vertical on there on that one. Wow. Just one, just the one turn there on offer. But Wayneton making the most of it. He’s on a really little board. It’s Wellington Reese. He’s on a small board. See, all these competitors can actually put their arm around the whole board. So, you won’t see many handles in boards. As we’re going to go to a recap of this heat as we see Tucker. Suktaka was that first wave that we missed. As we’re getting things sort organised this morning and we see Tucker. This is his six point eight three. All in. Tucker on this this one as he gets for this is this big score. This is the nine Four three. So Tucker showcasing what it takes to get big scores out here in the pro division. What position He just reaches out. Everyone on the Paseo. Here’s the athlete’s area. This is our next heat in yellow Kapota Fakuda. Winning the men’s trials yesterday and the day before he won the Junior Boys. And Benoit. Tagging the top there. Trying to get round the section. Wish it wasn’t to be. While competitors straight into it. 25minute heats in round one. See our competitors in round number one. Heat two. The men’s sub surf. Grand Canary Pro Am. Red. Leonardo Jimenez. He’ll be in the white. Moritz Marsh. In the blue and Capona Fakuta in the yellow. Leonardo Surfing in the long board division. And Morrits as well. Was in the long boarding too? He was. So great to see all these competitors crossing over disciplines. They would have been surfing out here as well before the competition started. at La Sisa for day one and day two. As we see that glassy water out there Ollie. That wind. Dropping off from yesterday. There’s a bit more shelter around here, isn’t it? Yeah, we’ve got. On top of the double decker, fun bus. Yeah. We’ve seen that. Rockwall at least at last is the really blocks the wind for this break and Morris looking for this one. Yellow, two point eight three. We see the smaller wave. Let’s see what he can do here. Red, six, five This is going to kick out. Realizing it’s not going to offer him much scoring potential. Predators probably just finding out where to sit in the lineup as well. scores coming in His first waves. A six point 5 from Benoit. Two point eight three. Into second. And Leonardo Jimines with priority. So he’ll be looking to capitalise on that position. male and opposition of the white. Yeah, bear my opening as he can with a nice score. Pretty happy with that. Welcome everybody. Watching from around the world on APP World Tour. com. And on Facebook live, YouTube live. Let us know where you’re where you’re watching from. Hopefully going to be running all day. One, and Leo. Using his priority on a good looking set wave here. Lights this one up. Smashes off the top. He’d land. And he rides out of that one. Leo. That was critical climbing up there. It certainly was. You can see it was sitting right on top of that wave. Had to drop all the way down to the bottom to land that maneuver. He does it with control. Bit of a drop. Down the escalator. Those drops getting bigger throughout the day. Yep. As well. They will be. Swell increases. We see our competitors here. Yellow. Having a bit of a chat. I know. Line up. Looks like they were playing rock rock, paper, scissors. They had to see who was going to decide. Who’s going to get priority? And why maybe something on his face or something on his eye? and we think maybe a little bit, little bit of contact with the board or with the paddle. Yeah. Hopefully, Red’s okay. No. Last wave of white. Little bit of a contact there. Good sportsmanship there though. Coming over to check if he’s okay. Got some people tuning in from Japan. Tuning in. And supporting that teammates Capone Fakuda and Taco Nue who did win that last heat. really aggressive surfing from Capono yesterday. Okay. Okay. Red’s okay. Red. second position. So a bit of a contact out there. Wait. Ale. Jimines’ last wave with three point two 3. Just takes him up there above Capono. We got 19 minutes, 40 seconds left on this first heat. Plenty of time. As we see the sets will be on the horizon marching through. The boys just waiting out there. Yeah, if you are watching, the competitors are allowed to sit down to wait for their waves. This rule has implemented to be able to allow athletes to rest between waves. So when a wave does come they do have full fitness potential to be able to unleash their performance on the wave. But competitors not allowed to paddle around sitting down. Need to be standing up to be able to move. See Capona there. Standing up. Maybe seeing something. Might have seen something out of the back. Maybe seen something. He’s gotten back down. Moritz as well. Yeah looks like we do. And doing that crouching sort of waiting approach We’re talking about this yesterday. Yeah, a few different approaches to people how they stand on their boards. Yeah, the crouch down, squat down on the board, get that lower center of gravity Or sink the tail. Sink the nose. We’ve seen a lot of different approaches. How people do stand on their small boards. It is a book but we have As we see Moriteer having a look. He’s going to have to give way to second priority. Capono. What’s he going to do here Bo? Oh snap under the lip there. See a young Japanese surfer throwing it up. Vertical as he just can’t hold of that turn. 30, 17, 16 or 17, that’s right. one of the youngest competitors here in the main event. As we said he did win the Junior Boys division. World champion. Junior stand up paddleboard surfer. looking to see some big things. Coming from Capono into the future. And hopefully from this heat as well. He finds some better waves. Still a lot of time on the clock. He’s reading the waves really well in the trials and in the juniors, on the inside section, Lasisa. Spending quite a bit of time out in the water. Yeah, I wonder if you spend an equal amount of time out here, Molly. Cuz he, I think he’s put a lot of effort into qualifying for this main event and also for the juniors. Which he won both the trials and the juniors. So, seeing if just focusing on one break. I mean, you gotta, yeah, we’re we’re a mobile event here for for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. So, it’s going to be able to transfer those skills over here to Elarette to the point. So, players, red, sexual. Do see that. Was aggressive attacking. Surfing style. Yeah, really. Really fast as well. Fast as well, that’s right. Such a great style to watch. Yeah. And sharp on his rail. He be needing that out here. It starts to get a bit bigger. The waves will swirl up a little bit. Capano dropped a 3. 33 for that last score. So it’s a just a small score. Puts him up into second position. There’s a bit of lull in the action. This is the larger period swell that we are seeing starting to fill in. So we’ll see some lulls but when these sets come through we’re going to see some action. So. They just charge down the point here. It’s great to see that conditions have cleaned up. In a couple of days ago, it was a little bit windier. Leo looking for this wave. Riding on his backhand. He’s driving off the top there. Pick up your and again nice snap of the top. Just coming unglued at the end. that’s fully committed to those turns. We’re just playing a little bit too much weight on the front foot. Going over. He paddled wide for that one. So, maybe in a bit of deeper water, that wave just a bit softer than the more powerful waves here. You see line coming through. Go. As Morrit sees an opportunity here. As he goes off the top. A nice top turn. Switching the paddle over for a cut back. Looking down the line to add a bit more to his score as he cuts back into the white water again. Using that paddle. He’s going to finish off that wave. Bashes it off the top then. Liz’s bounce there. Yeah, getting pretty shallow on that inside there. Morrits maybe finding his feet on some rocks. Push off from. So we’re going to go to a replay of Leo’s wave. See him slashing that first turn. Changing the paddle again. Just getting up high on the lift but as he goes down that wave just bottomed out on him. So he lost his footing and Morris. Really nice first turn on this wave as he cuts back. Sets it up. Judges looking for turns in the critical section of the wave. This wave not offeringd up too much but here does get up into the lift but just can’t quite hold it. As As we see competitors getting ready. And the it’s going to be high tide about 1230 this afternoon. So, we’re going to see that wave change throughout the day, Bo. Yeah, we definitely will. And the swell coming in. You see Leo Nice wrapping turn off the top. She’s going to make his way through and he throws that board up to finish his wave. So three good turns on that one. Linking maneuvers. into the 23. two three and three boys. Let’s see what the judges are going to give. They have the best sub surfers in the world here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yellow. You need 3. 18. On screen. Benmark up on France. young competitor Capono. Finding one on the inside. Lining this one up as he bashes it. Just can’t quite hold it. As Benoit been waiting patiently for this one. For quite some time. See him go up into the lips. Slashing turn. Looking to go up again. Into the left and this right hand point break offering up some great scoring potential for Benoit. Finishing it off there. So smooth and stylish on that top 10 from Bemoir. I love the way he just compresses and he’s got a bit of style, a bit of flare. Bending those knees, kicking at the tail. It’s Morris behind him. Finishing off that wave on the inside. and while paddling. He’s keeping his composure out there and just waiting. Yeah, such a well-trained competitor, Benoit. Been competing for a long time. Both in stand up, surfing, longboard. Does it all? Foils now. He does? Yeah, he does. Kevin France, that’s right. From From the northwest of France, Brittany area. What’s Leo got here on this one? Oh. That was a sick top turn from Leo. Arching into that and again. As we see Leo just finishing off his wave on the inside. So last 11 minutes, 20 seconds, we are waiting the last escorts. There’s going to be some big scores coming in there from the last couple of waves. Yeah, well, they do drop through. Benoit and Leo getting good exchanges there. Get a replay if Bemoir’s wave. Yellow. That turns off the top. And again vertical up into the lip. Carves it back. He’s getting vert there on that second and not much downtime on this wave at all. Really finishing off. You see that style there of him kicking that back foot out as we see Moritz at the back. Gets vertical up into the lip on that one. So showing the judges that he’s surfing that critical section on this wave. He’s going to switch over that paddle and try and finish it off here on the inside with a nice one. And Leo as well as we watch him slashing off the top there. Again switching that pattern. Pushing hard. Throwing lots of spray. Okay. Cutting back. Finishing nicely as he just kicks out there. He didn’t want to get too close to those rocks. Second. So scores. Dropping through for that exchange. The Wolf says. Benoit Cup on Tierra. 7. 57, which pushes him further out into the lead. Leonardo Jimenez a 5 point27. Five point 61. The Bulls take on. Still waiting for a score from Morris. We’ve had seen him on a couple of waves. So four point 35 to go second. So recap There’s a lineup shot there of Eldoret. Back in the distance you got the this beautiful hills and national park. just off the city And the Surf City Las Palmas. Oh, Capono. Trying to hunt that one down. Yeah, unfortunately losing priority. And they can generate a bit of speed with the paddle. Yeah, you saw him getting right up onto the nose of that board to try and get down the face of that one but just couldn’t quite get over it. He’s only running a 610. Sonova. So, really needs to get that paddle moving to get that board moving. Yes. Through the water. If I had to. They’re more be happy. That last wave. How that went? Yeah very happy. Sitting at the back with priority as well. So choosing the best waves and getting priority as he paddles back out. Now he’s disappointed. Just missing out The long board. World Championship. Becoming runner up in the final. So that last wave. Morris Marsh coming in. Changing the situation. He dropped a 4. 5 so it puts him into the second position. Wide. Leonardo Jimenez. 18. He needs a three point eight3 to move up to the second. Yellow. Yellow. Component for Critter. We haven’t seen him on fire like he has been in the last couple of days. He’s looking for a 5. 77 to get into that advancing position. to squat down. You see how his boards fully submerged. Under the water So, we’re just coming up just above his ankles. He stops the sit down. Doesn’t like too much current out there today Ollie. No. Competitors being able to just sit and wait for their waves which is nice. Just keep that energy instead of feeling they have to constantly be paddling around, trying to get jostling back into position. Yeah, I think. Quite a tight take-off spot here at Ella Red as well. All competitors sitting next to each other. Here’s the Paseo. See those beautiful hills of Los Palmas and the the background. And the crew. Well, the, yeah, the competitors and the families and teams. Watching here. Yellow. As you can see, the tide’s still fairly low. It’s going to be coming up during the day. Along with that swell. We’re expecting the, yeah, the swell period to jump up into the afternoon. No, it’s a matter of time. but it feels super good to be back. Last time, the Grand Canaria Ram was in, well, we were, we crowned a champion in 20 19. Yeah, the event champion Wellington Reece. and the world champion in twenty nineteen. For the men. Izzy Gomez for the women. Securing her fifth world title. That was back in Barbados. But as we moved into Grand Canaria Bayer Moreno took the event win here. Those two a bit of a battle twenty eighteen. The stakes were flipped. We had Izzy winning the event here in Grand Canaria but Abaya securing her world title. Her first world title in the APP World Tour in twenty eighteen. We’ll see her coming up in the pro women’s event later today. She has been injured. Did I go down? She has been injured recently But we all know she’s been training hard. Recovering. To get a top top health for this event. It’s coming down to 5 minute mark in this heat. 5 minutes remaining. Competitors will start to paddle out shortly for the next heat. you know, previous event champ, Wellington Reese. He got a second in his, in the first heat of the day this morning. So, he’ll be going through to round three. and let us know where you’re watching from around the world. On Facebook Live and on the APP World Tour. com website. I did see another situation change. just as competitors were sitting down there. Looks like Leonardo Jimenez’s previous wave score just come through a 5. 5three. Puts him back up into second place. Morrits now looking for a six point two. And here we go. CC. Wayne’s going to set. Offer up. Betmore knows this is a good one. He’s going to use his priority to take it. Go up into the left. Just gets there a bit late. Has to be hit the eject button. You see him going for it. Just climbing up and then Yeah, they can kick that ball away from him because he had a bit of contact with it. Earlier in the heat. Was there anything behind it? Just a one-way set. Second way. Wayne you need also going to change the situation at all. So Benoit heading back out. Six point two. But comfortablely Benoit has. Competitors looking to get into that second spot for advancing position. 3 minutes. 30 seconds. So three and a half minutes left. Round one. He two. You see Capone Fukuda getting onto this one. Slashing. Nice. Slash top turn there from bashes again. Unfortunately comes unglued. And we’re not seeing Capono on his A game today. As we have been the last couple of days as we see Benoit just doing one big turn there. It’s a massive turn there from Benoit. Please Vicky. So Morris there just having a little look. He’ll paddle back out. Hoping to get a better wave. And the priority goes to Leo. on this beam. Just waiting for the bombs to come through. Yeah, it’s it’s a good position for him to be in that first priority there in second position. He’s going to be able to hold Moritz and Capono off the next best wave that comes through in this heat which could be this one. He’s having a little look. I think he’s going to have to go this one because Morrits is also looking on the inside. He’s gotta go. See Leo opting to go this way as he goes off the top. and hits it again. Oh, down the line. And rides out of that. It’s going to get around that little section there as well for some more turns down on the inside. Banks it off the top. Great wave here from Leonardo. That was sick surfing from Leo. He’s got using that floater to to get around the section. Yeah, really functional maneuver. It’ll get you up and over the white water section. Down the line. cannot to go around the white water. Down and around onto the flats and around or you can go up and over it under the floater. It’s so good to see the level of progression out here in El Loret and Las Palmas. Competitors really mixing it up between turns. Not just seeing the same same turn. Just trying to put a bit of variety in there. From hacks. He slashes on the wave. the floaters. Probably see some aerials later on today. What do you think bud? I hope so. Especially coming up in the next heat. We have a current ISA world champion Louise Denise. Known for his aerial acrobatics. He’ll be putting on the air game. From his backhand so we’ll see if he’ll be taken to the air in this heat. Yellow. As we’re just under the 1 minute mark. 50 seconds remaining. Capone Fakuda. Big score. He’s got a nice looking wall in front of him. Tags that section. He comes around. Snapping in the lip. Just gets hung up a little bit. And then we see that rock in front of him. The inside. It’s Morrits on the outside. Holtz a lovely top turn. 30 seconds. We’ll have to see if he got any more work done on the outside there or if that was just a one-turn wave but Moritz looking for a score. It’s been moved him up into that second position. Still waiting for scores coming in for Leonardo Jimenez’s wave. So lost 10 seconds. Remaining. Five, four, three, two, one. That is the one leader. Into the third round. But Morrison Capono, they’re going to get another chance to surf. Yes, indeed they will. Coming up round number 2. You see a recap of this heat. Bemoir’s best rides. We’ll see him get some great turns off the lip on this one. This was his first wave of six point five. And we’ll see this one here. His 7. 57. As he slashes that first turn. Goes up into the lip. That was a lovely turn. That’s where the majority of that score come from. Putting it all on the line there to get that board above the lip. And we’ll see Benoit finish it off this lovely carve. It’s a great surfing from Benoit. Advancing through in that first position in that. Really busy on that one Benoit. and we’re going to run to a commercial breaker and then we’ll be back with heat three round one. See? Bonjour madam. PAS. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. Buenos días. Welcome to Las Palmas. We he the Gran Canaria by Beau Nixon. Uh we’ll see heat number three, Louise Denise. Juan and Los Reyes in the white Saints. In the blue, Anthony He’ll be in the yellow. It’s 25 minutes. We saw Anthony yesterday. Get through the trials event to get a spot here in the main. Again, surfing really well in the trials. Really well in the trials. We’ll see you paddle from competitors here. So, no priority at the start of these hits. Competitors have any jostle for position. and who? From We saw him in the competing in the juniors. He got a third. In the junior division. Off the top. Lovely little slide tail as well on top of that wave. That’s what I press the eject button before that inside. Here’s three of Surfing really well on his backhand. So smooth. Reyes just on its head there. And ISA World Champion. Louise Denise. Going to his backhand turns. Vertical. You can see he’s fast on his feet. Oh. Can’t quite land that one but that was close. That’s one. Nice top turn there. So we’re going to open up for him. He’s keeping an eye on the top. Bashes into the session. Lands that one as well. Nice. Everyone getting on the board there at the start. Shaking off the nerves. We did see Anthony in 2019 here competing in the Grand Canaria Pro Am. He’s back in the main event for the pros. They got a replay of all these waves. Zane. The young Hawaiian. 17 years old. Girl, mean mustache, Zane. Certainly can. Loving it. Receive one. On this one. Snapping little turn in the pocket. I really like this turn here. This floater. Really nice control. Not a big wave. We see Louise. We got the best wave. Of this heat so far. First turn. Yeah. Round the section. Smashes it off top. gets gets tricky that inside it. Seeing a few of our competitors. Heat one or heat two. Gonna come in with crop have really got negotiate that that turn. Especially on this low tide. It’s sort of sucking off the rocks bit there. Yeah, someone Do you turn, land it, then get out of there pretty quick. Yeah, before you get too close to the rocks on the, on the shore. Don’t want to lose any fins. We see some scores coming through. Judges would have been having a look at the replay. So Zane’s first ride. Four. oh. at our time. At two point nine three. Yellow. Two point nine three. riding for the next game. And then just waiting for Luis Denis’s score. Juan Delos Reyes. They do have that time to kind of There’s like rest between these sets here at Ella at the point. La Sisa. and day one and day two of the competition. Just a bit. It’s a bit more busy. Lot of lot more water moving around. Pet has had to be on their toes. Be on guard. Yeah, really. Lot of strategy coming into play at that break as well, La Sisa. Bit of an outside break, inside break, reforms. But here, we just had a right-hand point break. Competitors opted to sit all together. Do you see Luis Denise out in front with a 5. 67 on that first ride? One, two, 7. We will see it when he gets slightly bigger. It can connect just on on the over there on the right there. Yeah, you’re right. Well, it does break a little bit further onto just to the right of screen where it’s a bit bigger. on some of these waves. Does link up down the line but the competitors are sitting on the peak. It can certainly section and close out though. So they can. That’s something they would. They won’t be interested in getting involved with. Says everyone’s kind of staying in this tight pack. right out in front of Elarette. Such a cool place to watch the comp as well. And the Paseo here, Nas Palmas. We’re right in front of Las Arenas. Um, Conor Fiales, biggest shopping center here. You can see the it’s the stunning green hills in the background. Right in front of Ellerette. It’s a wild long board champion Leko Salazar in the hat there. Checking conditions. He’ll be up. And what was he riding? He was a he had to have his own board. No he didn’t have his own long board championships. Had a chat with Leko after he won the long board event yesterday and he said that he just rented a board from the local surf shop here. Just going to mix it up. Just going to borrow one. That’s right but it wasn’t a what’s up longboard. Just a normal surf longboard. Been snapped three times in the middle. And here’s the damage on that thing. He certainly was. 50 So you take a look at the beach marshalling area. This is where competitors pick up their rash guards. You can see those rocks there in between the flags. You need 0. 2. You gotta be really careful negotiating that. Not just the entry but the exit. Getting in and out. You need one point. I love to see some angles. People getting out of the water as well. Just to see how tricky it Oh, we had some some moments in 2019 when swells large and the tie comes up. It kind of was backwashes off the rocks there. Rocks rumble, slide down into the lineup. Watch your ankles. His skatepark was checking this out this morning. Few little fun, fun ramps. Got a couple of fun boxes and there in the distance is the Plata the la Musica which is the concert hall. Through the other side of that now. Hm. We’ve had, we’re looking at the other side of that. Yesterday. Oh home for the last two days was the other side of the music hall as you can see. That was La Sisa. It’s the the left, the beach break right around the rocks in the in the distance there. Just a couple of hundred meters from where our surfers are. the great city of Las Palmas. In the background. Capital, Grand Canaria, Surf City. palm trees lined the promenade here. Sun’s out. Warm. Water’s warm. Competitors just chilling out. It’s been some great conditions. In the waters what? Say about 20 to 20 degrees Celsius. Temperature. I mean we’re coming close to December and it’s the early to from 21 to about 25. Twenty-six. Get up to here. It’s on the thermometer in town yesterday. 26 Celsius. Gonna be happy with that. Our competitors kind of some of them have been in boardies. Just a rashy. Like a thermal rashy. Some some people in spring suits. Couple opting for a three two. Depending if it’s that early morning. If you got the wind. Soon as that sun comes up though. Yeah. Over Las Panamas. They can start heating up. We see a paddle here from Zane in. First priority there at the back. We see a lovely set coming through. As Lewis Denise looking for this one. Zane trying to use his priority but can’t get on it. We are going to see someone else. He’s going to stick to turns on this wave as he bashes that first section. On his backhand and again ripping one off the top. Luis Denise. And again three big turns on that wave. The Brazilian Storm just cheering him on. loving that. Juan Delas Raz behind him. Head dropping out of that one. As he floats over that section. He loves to float and maneuvers. As he gets trying to get through to one more time. Paddles to get round. Is he going to smash this inside? Chase Brooks. Yeah. He’s like looking forward and then looking back and see what the world’s going to do and decides to kick out. Louise Denise. How was that? 3 minutes. Massive turns. Just huge hits there from Luis Denise. Let me see Anthony from France. On his backhand. Carving up into the lip as well. again. So if you goofy footers in this heat, Zane being the regular footer. is using those backhand hacks to their advantage. Yeah, we did see Goofy put a win here in two thousand and nineteen. That was Wellington Rice. Good to have him back. So Zayn out the back. Finding himself a nice looking wave. Goes up and over this section. Big float there from Zane. Carving back into the white water. Looking to finish off this wave down the line. She slides the tail there for that last maneuver. Didn’t quite connect with that first section as he would have liked to. No. scores. As we see Louise Denise waiting for a big score to drop for him. That’s right. Knife in them. They’re on rail. Luis Denise serves. Great short board surfer. Really brings across that progression innovation from shortboarding into stand up paddling. Seen some great edits of him doing some air reverses on centre paddle boards. Grab Railaires. Flips. He’s pretty pretty amazing. One zero. So Zain’s score came in. The 3. 10. Just waiting for a few more scores to drop in. We got 13 minutes. Heat three remaining. Round one. The first and second place and the Heat are going to advance into round three. And then third and fourth, we’ll go into round two. So, everyone gets another chance to surf. It’s good. not knocked out just yet. I see a replay of Zanes last wave. This was a 3. 1. Nice looking. Slash back in there. Nice pocket was nice. Oh wow. Slide it. You see that back foot moving. To enable him to land that maneuver. Waiting for scores though from our surfer in red. As we see another Saffron Red heading out. World Longboard champion. Lako Salazar. caused an upset here in twenty nineteen. It’s always smiling. Yeah. Just bring the Stoke wherever he goes. They last wide over red. Nine points. As we just hear that last score come through from Luis Denise. We see it on our screen. It’s a 9. 0. Oh. Amazing score from Louis Nees. Brazilians getting behind their fellow competitor Louise in this heat. For a nine point ride. We saw Taka drop a 9. 43 in the first heat of the day. In the round one and book number one of the men’s. Luis matching that with a nine point ride. Just a bit of waiting out there in the lineup. Wonder if there’s any chat I think there’s a bit of chat. Looks like Luis and Juan are having a little chat. I’ve seen those competitors out there surfing together the last couple of days. Looks like Zane’s going to have a look at that one but the next wave finds it. Offer something better. As we see one having a look at this one. What’s he got? He’s going to go for this one. Why? You need ten point. Call to Buffett. Off the top. More from one. Coming around that section. Just going to wait for things to stand up. As he gets back up into the lip. And hits that section on the end there. That’s nice. I love that down the line angle. You kind of see what they gotta negotiate with. And Beau, you were on tour competing in 14? 15? Yeah, did a couple of years on tour? It’s good fun. Travel to some amazing places. Competing against the world’s best. You see another one of our competitors coming up here. Shion Machita. He qualified yesterday from the trials event. We see our current leader just going down on that wave. Probably opting to kick out. As Antoine looking at that one. Yeah so Shield will be going up against Sebastian Gomez Zane Schweitzer. And Leko Salazar. Another stacked heat. The big heat as we see for some sets. On screen Ollie. Competitors paddling out. Some whistling from the Paseo. Anthony’s going to try first priority. He’s going to take the first wave of the set. He’s off on this one. Nice good size to these waves but just can’t quite hold it as he comes around that section. The second wave of the set. We’re going to see Zane. It’s a big one. Take it off on this one. Wow, this this swell’s really starting to build now as we see. What? The lip. Just come over Zane’s head. Closed out that wave. Thought he’s going to pull in there though. Me too. Luis Denise on number three. Wave of this set. Off the top. It just loses his footing. So not too much scoring potential happening on those set waves. I think competitors maybe a little bit out of position. which is a taste of what we’re seeing to come. There’s sets. Yeah, it’s really exciting to see that. The tie coming up and the swell coming in. Particular that wave that Zane got. the second, second wave of the set. Chunky. Yeah, really chunky. I mean, competitors trying to attack the lip onto that wave. They’re going to be rewarded with high scores if they do land it. Conditions looking similar what we had in 2019 as well. Mm. Ollie. That’s a really really good conditions. For both 2018 and 2019 for finals. Similar sort of situation where we were starting off the the event over at La Sisa. Just around the corner from here. Now, back. the main hotspot. In Surf City, that’s Bomas in Grand Canaria, Elleret. Sun beaming down on the surface. On the Wawa, on the fun bus. Yellow’s up. So yeah. He is getting some work done on a smaller wave. Trying to build his score. It’s come down about 7 minutes remaining in this heat. Hm. We are roasting up here on the top of the Wawa. The sun Beating down. Local tires. 10 past nine. Early in the morning. Good to see you. Shorts and T-shirt Weatherbow. Certainly is. We had the jeans on on the first day. Yeah. A bit of wind around. Cooled things down a bit. They were like how was it? Was it warm? I was like, yeah, it was a little bit, little bit warm though. I said, welcome to the Canaries. Vilcommon. welcome. It’s great to be here, Beau. And stoked to have the world’s best back in Grand Canaria. As we see, look at this one. A wave that looks almost double overhead. Yeah. For Zane. It’s a solid. Very solid. Couldn’t quite get around any of those sections. Luis on his backhand but just can’t quite hold that turn. You see the ball just dropping out a little bit. Angled a little bit. Anthony just going down. I mean Zane will be used to the the big stuff coming from Oahu. In Hawaii. In Zamara. Won’t be shying off. Not at all. Laying down the rails and some big turns. Insane taking on some barrels of backdoor. What’s he got here? Yeah just this timing out the first turn but he’s going to set something up here. Down the line as he carves and slides that tail. Slides the tail out of the top dirt there. Lovely. And again. He gets down the line and up into the left. Foam climbing to the inside and wanted just eject. that’s 5 minutes, 5 minutes. Yeah, 5 minutes of heat three remaining. The round one. All competitors will be going through. Top two competitors of the heat going for advancing to round three. And the third and fourth place in the heat. Round one will be will be joining us again in round two. Yeah, we’ll see these competitors have a second chance. as we just give you an update on the scores that have come through. It’s insane. He’s in the third position needing a five point 47 to move up into second position. And our surfer in fourth. Antonin. He needs a 5. 67 to move up into that advancing position. Louis Denise. Denise. One. De Los Reyes. They’re in that first and second at the moment. Louise comfortably out in front. One needing a 9. 47 to overtake the lead. In 3 minutes, 45 seconds remaining. Sip at a time. But unless he says, they gotta wait. They gotta be patient. Let’s see if they can. 3 minutes. Pick those waves. Almost potluck as well with how many how many waves we are going to be getting in With those bigger sets. Yeah, we’ve seen like one wave sets come through. One wave set, three wave sets. We have to start the day of competition. So, hopefully see that swell build a lot more as that tide comes in. Six, 7, second goal. Uh 3 minutes, 5 seconds. Petter’s having a chat out there on the water. So, yeah, when you were on tour, was there banter out there in the water when or was it everyone quite quiet during these weighing periods at the Lols? Yeah, it it depended really. I mean, surfing a a break like this where you’re all together. It’s hard not to chat. Especially you guys were you know basically all mates out there. Yep. You know what I mean? You’re not really mates in the water are you mates on land? It’s full competition mode when you’re out there. I try not to talk it to anyone. Sometimes you can’t help it. So everyone’s kind of just staying on their own. there in mind. Also depends on the wave. The waves are firing. Everyone’s hooting each other in and having a good time. Speaking of mine, was there was there mind games going on? Any any competitors? I think it’s tricky especially as it came down to the wire for world titles and things like that. There were definitely mind games going on. Like in surfing. Kelly. Yeah. Notorious for. For sure. Little tactics. Little mind game tricks. Definitely. I don’t know if Kyle Lenny was into that. I’m sure he was. I’m sure he’d say hello to some people before he eats. He was a grum. Talk to him. Look him in the eye. Shake their hand. Give him a cheeky smile. and then Jones thrash him. When he burst onto the scene, everyone was thinking, who’s this kid? Getting a wildcard. Ends up winning. Not only winning the event, winning the world title. five time Sup Surf World Champion. Yeah, dominating the sport. As we see, Zane having a look on the inside here at a smaller wave. Catch up to him. Finishing off with a floater. It’s a good looking float there at the end. coming down to about a minute remaining. And we can hear some whistling. You can hear some whistle blowers. That’s 1 minute. Down on the Paseo on the boardwalk. As on screen now is here. Couple of sets rolling through. Luis Denise seeking up to his waist. Look at this one coming in. For Juan the Los Reyes. Using first priority for this one. Gonna get around that section. Just race around the section. Still racing. Can’t quite find something to finish. Denise at the back. Cracks it off the top. Finding that wave that maybe has a bit better tempo, a bit better speed for him to be able to open up for a number of different turns. We saw one getting a bigger wave but just racing ahead of him. And Luis going for a bit of that innovation. 50 seconds. As we’re discounting this there at the end. He’s got so much flow and speed. Louise hasn’t he? Yeah certainly does. Amazing surf for Louise Denise. In the big waves in the small waves. Yep. Two. One. off. He’s not afraid of the juice. No, not at all. I don’t think Brazilians are afraid of anything. you know, land some of them into the the jiu jitsu. Yeah, not going to mess with the Brazilians. As we see a replay, Luis’s last wave. Like we’re saying, great tempo on this wave. He gets around that section, just gets bang. Oh, just bashed it over one. Uh this was his first wave of the heat. And then we’ll see the best waves. He goes up into the lip. This is the nine point ride. That we saw from Luis. These three turn combo. Big turns. That’s how he get a nine point ride. Second position. That’s C turn Troll. Unreal. Yellow. First red. There we go. Just knifing it off the top there. we’re going to run to a commercial break and we’ll be back with heat four. With the Bonjour madam. es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. Buenos días. Welcome to the Gran Canaria Pro Am Men’s of Sur Champs. Bo. Got round one heat four. A stacked heat. Stacked. What a heat indeed. Like a Salazar in the red. Dave Schweitzer in the white. Sebastian Gomez. He’ll be in the blue with Shiel Machita in the yellow. So Leko and Zane competing yesterday in the long board. And we see Shio Michit Shio Michita advancing through the trials. And he’s going to be paddling for this wave. So he’s had a first score of a two point ride as he catches his second wave of this heat. See Shion getting up into the lip there. Oh. Almost. You see he kind of let go of the paddle there. And wasn’t using it to keep himself balanced. So getting on his heel side a bit too much. Must be digging it in though. It’s on the float and just holding it into the. Yeah look like he kind of what is stabilizing? He lost his grips on the panel there. As we see Zane sitting a little bit wider than other competitors. Offing to take this ride. Start this heat off. We see Zane. getting up into the lip. And again he’s going to be hitting it off the white water Zane showing Just how good he is on his backhand. As he gets through to the inside. So a couple of nice turns there from good score there from Zain. two-time world waterman. Yeah, the ultimate waterman champion. Ultimate Waterman being an event. When they get the world’s best watermen together to compete against one another. In a variety of different disciplines, huh? Yeah, they’ve got what’s up, surfing, foiling, downwinding. As we see our 2019 Grunkenaria Pro Am Champion and 2018 world champion Ibaya Moreno gearing up for her first round heat. We’ll be going into women’s quarterfinals next. Seven seven. a world champion what’s up but multiple time windsurf world champion alongside her sister. Back to action in the water here. Sebastian Gomez from Peru. See him floating over this first section. Just opt in a kick out. Doesn’t see anything happening down the line. It’s a nice float there from Sebastian. There’s no takers for this one. Just letting it go by. Smashing opportunity for that kick over technique. We were talking about yesterday Ollie. Hm? pushed the board over the white water. He kind of pin dropped underneath that white water and then come up next to your board is the idea. But depends on how big that wave is. You’re going to decide how big it is. Yeah. blue, you persuade 2. 30. So, the situation right now? When it’s macking, I mean, you just want to be diving as deep as you possibly can. Yeah, it’s bailing. Hoping Elisha’s going to hold. Let’s just see some scores coming through. Saints, Whiteter. Four point83 on his first ride. Eight, one, eight. Shia Machida, two for his first score and a two point seven seven. Sebastian Gomez, 2. 3 on that floater. That was For the bicycles. Lego Salazar sits out the back with first priority. Waiting for him to open his account. Lekker has a mean backhand. Vertical on most of his turns. Hopefully see that coming into play here today. And his short board. Yellow. Stops arrived. And blue. Vin is an on his own equipment. Yep. That’s right. Is it out there on a rental board you said the longboard? Yes he was. Dominating. No, it went right down to the wire in the final against Benoit Carpenter. Really do. We had to wait for that score for quite a number of minutes after the hit it ended. To see who was going to be crowned the World Longboard Sup Champion. And Lekker was smiling either way. Just stoked to be here. But yeah yeah. Ended up being the crown the longboard world champ. Yesterday afternoon here in Las Palmas. You can celebrate but not too much. Knowing that he’s going to be getting up bright and early for today’s action. Lot of our competitors in the main main event. The men’s surfs up. We’re competing in the longboard. This is great to see the the versatility of our athletes. And mixing up between between longboarding, onboard slapping, some of them jumping on the hydrofoil. Wing foiling. Competitors do a lot of different disciplines. Some racing as well. On tour. championship. It’s producer Zane standing up paddling. Other competitors opting to sit down there just to wait for the waves. That is allowed here on the APP World Tour. If you are waiting for a wave. Yeah. You can sit down on your board. As long as you’re not moving when you are sitting down. And that is to allow just for recovery. And to really heighten the performance on the way from these athletes. You can see they’re all upstanding to move. As they paddle across. They will get warnings. They will get penalized. They do it too many times. Sitting down or paddling lying down and paddling. Zane moving back over to the peak. XPC. Zane’s up. Zane. up into the lip. He’s found a nice little wave down the line and as he just goes vertical on that section but just nose dives as he comes down. I have to get word if Zane’s boards have arrived as well. He’s on a starboard at the moment. He’s sponsored board rider but we’ll check to see if Zane’s there is Zane’s board. I have a feeling that he’d rather be on something else out there today. Mm hmm. What does Zane normally ride? Zane has got a starboard spice. I’ve seen in his quiver. That’s a six nine. Nice tiny board for Zane. He writes that when the waves are a little bit mushy. Mm hmm. And then he’s also got a Starboard Pro that he takes out when the waves probably looking like this. One, two, three. I think Zane might be on one of Benoit’s backup boards today. Their teammates. Yeah, both riding for starboard. That might be pretty pretty open with that. Is that no? You’re not going to get my board. No, they’re good friends. a good pair. I think Benoit’s step up forward as an 8 foot. See Leko paddling from the right of screen there over to the other competitors. He’s been waiting patiently in this heat. Almost for 10 minutes. Round of 15 minutes, 30 seconds remaining as he’s going to make his way for this wave. See Leko paddling. Opening up his account. The two thousand twelve world oh APP Tour Champion. Off the top and two nice turns as Leko comes through. Just can’t quite hold that one. See one in black. Really high on that top down that first one. Snaps it back around. Gets a lot of pop, a lot of height from his surfing. Is Is that a blackboard Ollie? That’s heat. I reckon that wax might melt on top of that. Yep. Don’t think he’s got a deck pad. Opting for the wax. Lot of the surfers going with the the full deck pattern. Yeah a lot of lot of production boards being made with the deck pad. And if you go custom obviously they don’t really come with the deck pads so yes. Canters having to buy a deck pad gets sponsored. By a deckpack company or opt for just getting some wax on their board. for the village and twenty second we are waiting the third is that wind’s really dying off here now Sun beaming down on the bus and on our surface. Out in the lineup. We’ve seen something here. Oh. Heading over. What’s this set going to do? Scion. Up into the lip vertical. Again, let’s go that paddle. He could really use that in the water I think to give him some more balance, but do you see Sebastian Gomez here? One of the favourites in this event, Sebastian, As he cranks one off the top. Releases the fins out. That’s a massive hit from Sebastian. Just a one maneuver on that wave but it was a biggie. Yeah, as we see Leko. Swipping this one around. We’ll see him get off the top nice and vertical for this last section here. Just banking it. And it’s behind it. See. Let’s see what’s Zane got here. Zane finding a good one up into the left. This one’s running a little bit more offering him some more turns than the other competitors. And Zane finishing off. He’s going to kick out before he gets onto that rocket hole. And just straight back out. Gonna paddle out the back as fast as he can to get first priority. Be a little paddle battle happening against the other competitors. Laying down there getting out of the impact zone. He’ll have to stand up. Gets really low and compressed saying doesn’t he? And his turn’s going to As we see Zane. How good is that angle? You see the islands in the background. That’s Paramas. And this beautiful point is lining up down the rocks. take away your bread, four point nine three, so. Yeah, Zain on screen there. Position. Right now, you’re in the leader. Shion. White. Then jump into priority there. Yeah, I think we had saw Sebastian out the back first. The first priority. Looks like Zane will get a second priority. Yellow. We see scores coming through now. Laco Salazar currently out front. We’re going to wait for that. Last wave of through. Yeah, five point three three and a four point nine three. Yeah, needing a 5. 43 to get into the lead there. Zane. Special knocked in a 3. 67 on his last ride. We’ll see what he does. Up here. On this one as he gets up into the floater. Nice turn. Really controlled. See him cruising on the line to finish off this wave with another floater. Great wave there from Sebastian. Surfers are ripping out there. Absolutely. So we saw Zane drop a 4. 33 for his last ride. Not enough. Still needs a 5. 43 to get up into that first position. But currently in advancing spot in second place. 4. point eight three and four point six. Sebastian Gomez. We will wait for that last wave score to come through. He only needed a 5. 49 to jump up. Three nice turns in that Ollie? Hm? We got a replay of Lego’s wave. He carves his way back around. bang up into the lip. and and Zane. He was up behind him. Zane finding these waves that offer a bit more potential for some turns. It’s got some quick sections. And a replay of Sebastian’s last one. So he floats over that first section. This second turn here. Lovely. Up into the lips. Snaps it. As he just waits to get around this one and he just gets to that section As that wave closes out. So three good turns. ended up locking in a 4. 63 for that last ride. So she’s still in third place. As we see Leko on the inside just in and out but Zayn getting the better of this exchange here. Using that paddle to keep him balanced up. Oh I just can’t quite hold it around. Last section just taking him down. saying it’s just been amped. All comp. Zane’s amped all the time. 27. Thirty-four seven. the waterman from Maui Hawaii. Yeah, there’s no there’s no slowing down Zane Sweitzer. As we’ll see a replay of his last wave as he goes up into the lip there. Really nice but just can’t quite hold it on this second turn and slips off. Even with that deck pad on the board. We’ll find out for you what board sand’s riding. See if his equipment did arrive in time. Yeah. Big support coming in for Leko Salazar in this heat on YouTube. Thanks for tuning in. Yeah, from Brazil. As we see our this year. Trials finalists from yesterday. Shia Machita. Just one of the Japanese typhoon. We saw Caperna Fakuda and Tucker in a way earlier in this event. This is all Japanese affair on day one here. Around the corner. At La Sisa. Yeah, the junior boys and junior girls winners. Caperna Fakuda, Kader Inowe. We’ll see KD coming up in the women’s event. Pro division. Should be, she was sitting up later today. Her younger sister, Sakura as well. She qualified for the main event. You’ll see her coming up. Definitely feel like, yeah, a lot of new blood on tour. I got one right now. Just awesome to see. And how’s this? What they’ve seen out the back. Has hit a whistling from the crowd and the team spectators out here in Os Palmas. Bastion going for the first wave. Just waiting for this one to stand up. I’ll see what I can do man. Bites his time. At the back. Small time. Just trying to get round the section. Bashes off top. Lays it back. Wow. And just pops that out of that again. Snap there on the top. Sebastian. showing how good he is and Lekker we just catch up with his last turn on that wave. Great backhand hit. We’re going to get a replay of Leko. Oh definitely. Lekko starting up his own brand in Brazil. Hm. Salazar clothing company. Full Waterman brand. That’s it. About to launch very soon. Salazar family Very very well known back in Brazil. Here you go. Replay here. Oh, I love this wave, Holly. this turn here. Coming up. Hang on. Pops it out. Slides it right up there. And again. Pops that tail out a little bit. Bit of release on the fins and Leko. As we see him go into a carp on that first turn. And then we caught up to this section here where he banked it off the white water. To finish off that rise. So two big turns. As we do see the women quarter. Final number one. That’s right. The Bayer Moreno and Marina Loyazza. She qualified through the trials yesterday Marina. Nice play. Two three points. Seven three. The girls having a chat. Which way, where, which way are we going to go? How do we navigate this? The buyer, you tell me you’re the local. The buyer will know this wave. Inside out. Yeah, from there. Southeast. Of the island. Grand Canaria. Multiple windsurfing world champion. 2019 Grand Canaria Pro Am Champ. She’s going to be looking to defend her title. Definitely. And with another world title here at this event. We’ll be creating world champions for both the men and the women. Possibly finishing with the women’s today creating a world champion Ollie. We’re going to be yeah assessing judges will be assessing situations to see they’re going to be running right through to the final of the women’s but we’re going to see. It’s exciting though. Yeah it’s very exciting Ollie. Crowning champs. Day one with the juniors. Longboard yesterday in the trials. And then today. Sup surf men’s and women’s Grand Canaria Pro Am. Welcome everyone. Around the world watching. Let us know where you’re coming in from. Got any questions? Hit us up on Facebook Live or on YouTube live if you’re watching there. You can also check out all the highlights and action that went down over the previous days. Day one and day two. On the APP World Tour. com. Over on the website. There’s Las Palmas. It’s in the distance. But Drone just give us that hover over. Aerial view shot. Guys in the lineup. Must have seen something. They’re kind of opting to sit on sit on their boards. Take it easy. Got Jetsy assist. Water patrol out there in the in the lineup. Good to know that they’re here. Yeah, being a bit of a sketchy right-hand point break. Having that ward patrol just offering a bit confidence and safety for our competitors. The big sections knowing that they can be helped if needed. Ah especially if they get caught inside and it starts getting bigger. to have that reassurance that they’re they’re there to get you out of the impact zone as quick as possible. Kinda see that a lot in the big wave spots. Greg Drone shot there of the Wawa. Yeah. That’s where we are. Double take a bus on the top. Alongside the judges from the beach commentator. So looking at some of the scores that have just been dropped through. Leko Salazar’s last wave is 6. 57. Saw those two big turns. Nice. Sebastian Gomez just rewarded with a 3. 73 for that. Little pop out the back of the way for those those turns. We are so grateful. when you come along then there’s no way of coming. So Sebastian needing a 4. 54 to move up into second position. Gio Machida needs a six point 39. Just one minute forty on the clock Ollie. Time’s counting down. Sebastian there. Squatting on his board. Standing up and moving his way around the lineup. Oh, they can be. He’s always keeping busy. He always is. Big advocate. Being on your feet. Yup. You just get much more vision. Height. It’s just that massive advantage being up. Able to look out to the horizon. See what’s coming in. We see something here. Especially the first Ferrari. Gonna have a look. See Sebastian. This wave kind of He likes it to flatten out a bit here. He’s going to offer the cut back. It’s a nice slide there. Up over the foam. They’re riding out. See Shion. Getting a little wave on the inside. Oh. Kicking that board up. I saw Shield on the left yesterday. Rippy. Just trying to find his feet on his backside here. We will see him in round number two though. in 20 seconds remaining in the heat. Is it going to be anything coming through? And one last ride for our surfers. In heat four. It looks like it maybe Leko and Zane advancing through to round three and Sebastian and Shion. Will be competing again in round two. Five, four, three. Oh no, actually Sebastian. On the score just come through. Zane. Zane. Now looking for a four point 4 to be able to progress through this heat. And that wave there could be. Could be. That’s on right on the cusp I’d say. Of that score. We have to wait for these scores to come in. Sebastian’s last wave. So the four point six. He needed a four point47. So he got the score. To change that situation. But Zane looking for that four point four. Have to wait for the judges. To bring that score to us. We’ll take a look at the recap of Leko Salazar. The heat winner. Of heat number four round one. Men’s pro. Two big hits there on his backhand. Yeah, these two hits as well. Carving maneuver. This was like a six 57 that he had. We see him Last wave away. With a lot of experience. Change of situation. Leko. Salazar. Winning the heat and Zane tried to into the second position of the heat. We’re going to head to a commercial break and we’ll be back with the women’s quarterfinals. Buenos dias. Welcome to Las Palmas Grand Canaria. We’re here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am APP Women’s Sup Surf Quarter Finals. We got the first quarters in the water. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. Beau, first quarters. First quarter, so psyched. It’s going to be super exciting. We have the two thousand and 19. Event champion by Moreno in the water. See paddling out there after a wave. So, of those scores as they come through. And Marino Loyazza. She’ll be in the white out there. We saw that last heat. Bit of exchange at the last minute there. We’ll just have a look at a buyer’s recap replay here from her first wave. Carving off the top you can see how she is the 2018 APP World Tour Champion. Looking to crown and secure another world champion. This year in 20 22. Local knowledge out here. And then off the top by a two toe combo. It’s going to score really well with the judges. for that last heat. Zane, he was looking for a four 4 to get back up into second place. He got a four point43, Ollie. Super close in that heat. So, Zane, he got into that second position to advance to round number three. Third and fourth though. Moving into round number two. You see Marina out the back there. Stopped him go over that one. Not going to not going to take it. And Abaya just give me a little unstuck on that. Take off there. She’s realises that she’s not going to get control enough in time to be able to do a maneuver on that wave so she kicks out the back. She’s just going to want to get back out. As soon as possible. Out the back. She had a little moment to herself there. It was just like, come on, Abaya. What are you doing? See Zane and Leko The winner on the left there Leko. Insane on the right. He got second in the last heat. He’s chatting about the LR rep. It’s pretty disgusting the heat. It’s our competitor area there. Beach marshalling. Zane just talking about the waves out there. Morning looking for maybe a steeper section. We do have a building swell out there today. So waves looking to get batter through all throughout the day. And the wind’s going to well hopefully yeah kind of hold off. During the day. A big Thanks to our partners. In the city. The Grand Canaria. And Turismo the Grand Canaria. for all your support stoked to be back. potentially crowning a champ today. Yeah, could be running all the way through the finals of the women today. That’s the word on the street, Ollie. Hm. Certainly be running through the quarters. Yep. Women on women quarter finals and they’ll be running like this all the way through. There is no second chance in the women’s here. So, only the winner will advance to the semi-finals. Mm hmm. As we going to go to a replay of a buyer’s first wave. This score came through at a 6 5 from the judges. So this two turn combination getting her a score in that good range as she banks it off the top there. Great control. Just showing that commitment and just riding it out of it. Clean. Since some of the stuff is getting hung up and eventually then just coming out of the white water but a buyer. Off the top. Crouching. And ran out. Also looking just a small 1. 17. That’s basically that 7. 67 on her scoreline on the screen. Marina still waiting to open up her account. She’s got first priority so next choice of the best wave that comes through. Maybe some of these competitors not really understanding how priority works. If it’s their first event. Mm hmm. excited, both insurance. insurance Marina was surfing really well in the trials. Get through to the main event. White slipping. We’ll see how to go on this one. Striking into this wave. Little foam climb there. And this wave not going to offer anything else. So she opts to kick out. As we see Abaya. Oh nice on this one. Just walling up for a way here. What she got and turn. Another one off the top. See she’s really going to that top turn. And you saw she had to kick out there. Definitely want to kick out. Because that rock just there. That. Behind Marina you can see. competitors. Surfers getting really close to the rocks. Yeah, maybe sitting a little bit deeper on the reef there. So, we see these waves. Oh, that board. Rita decided to turtle roll. Hope she’s popping out. So, Biden. Paddle. Opting to get away from that rock on the inside. And we’ll have to see how Marina Marina. Maybe she pops on the screen soon. By doing another two-tone combo on that wave prior. Gonna get a replay of Marina’s wave. We saw her just do this turn in the white water here. She goes up into that foam. And not much else happening. So she opts to kick out. But a lot of power in these waves. Pushing it back as we see a buyer. Stepping on that back foot. Throwing a bit of spray on that first turn. Oh he said that from. Kicked out. Not just because of Marina there. Cuz that rock just saw that massive rock in front of her. it. On the smaller ones, it kind of, oh, just hugs, hugs the point. Stays. Get pretty close to those rocks. Be a bit sketchy. Sketchy. See the rocks there? Sketchy is the right word. So, by locking in a five-point ride for that last wave. As we see Marin is getting ready. She’s going to go up against Caidy in a way. She won the trial. Saturday. Quarters. Yeah. She did really well. Ripping against all the other girls that qualified. I did it last year. We say Marina here looking. Can’t quite get onto that one. Yeah. Yeah. Goodbye. It stops you to sit down and wait. Portugal. So you got 15 minutes on the clock remaining. Plenty of time. It feels like they’ve gotta be super selective out there, Bo. What do you think? Yeah, definitely. Way to be selective. Wave selection really playing into their strategy in this heat. He didn’t get on the best waves. Those waves that are going to offer up more than just one turn. or or those really big waves that maybe offer up one turn but a really critical high-risk maneuver. Mm. Gonna score really highly with the judges. If you do see that building swell today. Longwells. When the waves do come. And that period jumps up to about 20 seconds tomorrow. Yeah by tomorrow we’re looking at couple of swells running next to each other. France. The number three Moreno. Looking to defend her win here from twenty nineteen. Riding a blackboard as well. Yeah that’s a a starboard. It’s like a navy blue. Looks black on the screen now. Yeah. Champions League. of the world Girls having a chat in the water. Marina up against probably one of her idols. Yeah. Sport. Nabaya. Trying to get some inside information. These girls all Hola. Friendly out of the water. Hanging out with each other. Chatting. You can’t see that water ruffling a little bit. The wind. Picking up tad maybe. Yeah, quite possibly. But Elarette does. The wave offers some shape. This position on the the North Shore here. Shelter behind the the pier. Rock Jetty there. It’s over to the right. What’s this? Gonna offer up. Thought maybe something might be on offer there but looks like the second wave of this set. The buyer. So the second one’s not normally been bit better. Yeah we’ve seen a couple of different number of waves in the set but a buyer paddling in. Getting up into the top of that wave. Beautiful bottom turn. Switching that paddle over for a cut back. So she’s got a bit more scoring potential down the line going to do another turn and hit off the end there as she gets close to the rocks on the inside. That was really shallow there. is the local favorite here. There he is. Some clapping from from the beach. For a buyer’s last wave. It’s been proven her score there. And here’s Marina. A great looking wave Ollie. Look at this. Up into the lip. She’s going to hold it. Really nice control going through that. Can’t get around that next session to find another turn though. So she kicks out. Just sectioned out on her though unfortunately. At the end. Was a great looking first maneuver. We’ll be waiting for some scores from Abaya’s last wave. And Marinas. See what the judges are going to going to say. Aussie’s online on Facebook. Michael Williams thanks for tuning in. He wants to bring the APP World Tour to Australia in 20twenty-four. Wee. I’m going to have a chat with Tristan about that. I think we need to get the vet down under. Get the long board division down there too. Let us know where. Noosa Heads wouldn’t be bad. Another Aussie. Cheryl Kader online. How you going Chez? She thinks we’re amazing commentators Ollie. Bring those comments more. Yeah. More of those. Look at this one. Play. From Abaya. That cut back. Put it all on rail. Using that paddle. He’s just stalling with the paddle there. This turn. Bashes it off the top. Off the top. She wanted to finish it off as well but got a bit shallow there so she decided to kick out. Bit of a gamble, isn’t it? That loss, that last section. It is. Mourinho looking like she just got to the lip a little bit early. Wanted that white water to push her board down. But she manages to hold that. As we do see the scores coming through for a buyer’s last wave. Came through with a 7. 33. Extends her lead but Marina now in a combination situation. In that thirteen point eight four. To be able to progress into the semi-finals. 9 minutes forty remaining on the clock. This first quarter finals. And it is a knockout situation. For the runner up in the quarters. They won’t be advancing. would be the the winner going straight into the semis. Just going to see when we’re going to hold the semis. Maybe have a break. You’re back to men’s round two. Yeah, I think they might be getting prepared for that round number two. We’ll see the third and fourth position from that first round. Heats go into that round number two. don’t know would I be, that was me out there. has been probably BJ trying to just get some some inside knowledge. Everyone would have been doing that the last couple of days though speaking to her. Definitely. I haven’t seen her around the event site too much though. No? No. Probably coming down to say hello. Probably surfing around here. Yeah so they’re out just with friends and family. And last evening Night before. Yeah getting some practice here. Such a good set up here in Las Palmers. So many cafes and restaurants. Smack bang a waterfront in front of the brakes. Where we are at El Laurette. kind of behind us on the fun bus. You got the the biggest shopping center on the island. I went in carry four the other day, Bo. Almost got lost in there was ginormous. I love a car of four. My favorite shop to remember going over to mainland Europe, France. Just walking in these massive going forwards and buying everything I could. Yeah this one especially big getting lost. One way in. One way out in that chopper. Yeah. You think you wouldn’t get lost? loads of cool little boutique shops. Plenty of surf stores around Los Palmers too. The rentals. and you have to bring a board or or a wetsuit if you don’t want to. Now, you rented a pretty good board the other day, Ollie. Yeah, super fun. Yeah. Yeah, he was like, yeah, do you want a wet suit and opted against it? Definitely, as soon as that sun’s out, you can kind of kind of get away with it. Just windy, maybe you want to be in a spring suit or three two. but coming from Portugal where you gotta wear a wetsuit pretty much the whole year round. Straight in the boardies. that Definitely one of the biggest advantages here in the Canaries is the amazing climate and the waves on offer of course. And the amount of activities that Grant Carrier offers too. Oh. So many things you can do here. So many. You know like all the incredible mountain biking around in the center of the island. Pretty good for hikes, for trail running. Tennis courts, golf. And of course all the water sports. Well, the free surf is out. Yesterday and there there will be around the corner the moment. Watching wide. And Marina. Just deciding against that one. We saw a bit of a section maybe. Kind of Oh. This one. This is a bomb set that’s coming through. It’s a buyer. where it floats over that first section. It’s going to line up for off the top on this one. This is why she won the event last year here in Grand Canaria. Finding the best waves. and the women Amazin Amazing surfing there from Abaya. How was that first? This just a massive climb there over that section. Covered like 15, 20 feet on that floater. Well, that’s speed down the line of this steeper wave here at Elarat. Just going to herself. I’m going to I’m going to gun this one. I just see a replay. Here we go. This thing. Big float. Overall that. What what a section and bang. Up into the lip. Speed. Power. Flow. And another turn there just to say you know what? Three good turns on that one. Thank you very much judges. Yep. I thought she’d throw the paddle in the air. Celebrate. Marina here. Live action. Just missing that wave. See a buyer there. Step on the gas to try and get out with priority. See with four minutes on the clock. In this first quarters. It’s Marina in a combined situation here. And Baez going to be is that score dropped? He’s strengthening her lead. Says so. She’s already got a 7point33 and a 6 point 5 in her scoreline. Could be up there. going to wait until the judges make a call on it. Yeah let us know where everyone’s coming in from. Watching around the world. We’re going to be running through the whole debut. Yeah, I got some great waves on offer as we just saw there from Abaya. So competitors greeted with some amazing conditions here for day number three. It’s Grand Canary Pro Am. Five kilos and 4-three. We are running with the men’s and women’s pro division. Grounding world champions at this event. That’s what we like to do here. We just like to crown world champs on the daily. The juniors on day one. The under eighteens, boys, and under 18s girls. Watch and in the trials and the longboard yesterday Marina. A nice looking wave here. Bit of a smaller one. But there’s some potentially open up a bit more. This one not to be. Now, looks like there’s a Few rocks there. Poking up. There’s rocks everywhere out there though. Yeah, there are rocks everywhere Few steps in the wave there. So, Marina navigating through the lineup. by just getting a big caught out there from a little bumper. She paddles out. As we see her scoreline improve Ride for that last one. So nudging the excellent range with an eight. And a seven. 33. Marino Marino. Just under 2 minutes left. She needs a combination. 15 point three four. Gonna take the lead. As we cracking wave. Her highest score of the heat. Eight. oh. going through the water please. Billy Envy. And thanks to all the all the local surfers. Thank you. Letting us ride your break here. The APP. Really do appreciate. He’s sharing the waves that’s here. and a minute remaining in this first quarter final. Some waves coming in. Do you see a buyer up again? Just getting some more practice on this way before her next heat and she. Oh, screams on off the top there. Wraps it up. Oh, just. Aggressive cup. Going for that slash. Uses that back foot. She’s put on a great performance in this heat. Should be coming in now. For that one. job done. Into the semis. Exactly. Aggressive to the semi-finals. One step closer. To the final. To retain that title. Wave as we see. The buyers carry so much speed. Yeah. Into the lip there. In this turn. Pushing hard with that back foot. But it just slips off. But she’s going to advance through with a win. Heat number one of the quarter finals of the women. four, three. Good performance from Marina though. Wow. Good experience on the world stage. Up against the world’s best. Seeing the level, the world’s best out there. As we see the incredible scenes. Let’s look at Abaez. Top waves. From that last heat because she put on an absolute clinic out there. Carving back. Beau run us through this next maneuver. I really like this next maneuver here. She’s going to snap it off the top. Pushing She goes in again. And again to finish it off. Just flirting with those rocks. She’d be I’m going to pull a float here and kick out. As you see a big float there. This was her eight point ride as she goes up into the lip and then there’s another turn here that she pushes hard with that back foot. Oh that’s the tail. There’s that tail slide. Amazing surfing from Abaya. That’s a power. We’ll be seeing her in the semis. But but before that we’re going to be running into commercials and then we be joined for the quarterfinals. Heat number two. See you then. Buenos dias. Welcome to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. Beau, we’ve got the second quarter finals, the women’s what’s up surf championships here. Yeah, in the water here in the white. up and running. This is Marine Kerdrew, winner of the trials yesterday. up against our young Japanese surfer in a way. The winner of the juniors. World junior champion. Sup surfing. From the APP World Tour here in Grand Canaria. As we see Caden. Caden looking at this one. Little carve off the top there. She’s looking for this wave to stand up a bit more. She kicks out of that as it gets pretty close to the rock. Quickly. What are we getting out of that Kenny? My competitors are negotiating that inside So deciding where they’re going to go for. So, offers up one last hit and they can kind of get in and out as quickly as they can. Back onto the lineup. as we see. Marine paddling for that one. Not going to quite get over the top of that wave. Amazing performance from Marine in the the trials yesterday. qualifying for the main. Yeah, lots of support coming in for her from France. And also for from Japan. Yeah. You can join us on Facebook Live. on YouTube Live, and also on the APP World Tour. com. Our site, we got all the highlights. Ezebaya. Alongside Juan, Delos Reyes. Having a chat about that last heat. Congratulating her on her win. Quarterfinal number one. Straight into the semis. The buyer looking strong. Get a breather. That local knowledge. Just chill now and then get ready to rock and roll in the semis. As we see Marie Kerdrew taking off on this. She’s going to kick out though. That wave closing out down the line. Good to see the waves sucking up there. Nice off the top there. From the young Japanese surfer. Oh Kick out. I think Ibarra were keeping a close eye on KD in this heat. See what she might be up against. Katie finds a wave that opens up. We’ll see her slashing some turns. Big appreciation I have for stand up. It’s just how quickly they’re able to move the paddle from one hand to the other depending on what what tenor maneuver they for. Yeah. How they want to position their body to try and hold themselves up. Paddle transition is amazing. From these competitors. They’re just switching over. Exactly. What? Just jumps over the back. Kick out. You’re not feeling the wind pick up here on top of the water bus. Top of the Wawa. Ollie. See that texture on the face out there? So competitors. Little bit of an onshore breeze. Cross shore. You can see that wind around in the bay and Leicester where we were yesterday and round to the right there. Yeah, you can just see it over the rocks there. And Illinois making his faces nice and clean as we see Marine. Kurdrew off the top. And she’s just coming unstuck there at the top. And behind her Katie. Opens the drone shot just down the line here. Into the lip and she’s going to go up again. Into the lip and she’ll land that one. Great two turns from Katie. That’ll be the best wave of the heat so far. That’s sick. Little bonus tap in you see a replay. Up into the lip. Would be nice to see her land that one but Katie up into the top here. This second turn a little bit better. Up into the white water. Wasn’t fully committed on that first one. Kind of. It’s almost like she was just, I don’t know, biting her time, waiting down the line, see what it was going to offer up. Bit of a stall turn. Wait. and then just laid it into the second one. Yeah some scores coming through for the first waves of the quarter final number two of the women’s pro. There is See. Live action. Out the back with Marin Kodru. Carving off the top there as she goes through and she’s going to kick out there because Cuddle you know what we’re going to say. There’s some rocks. Right there. So she’s not going to finish that wave. So those scores coming through. KD in a way’s last wave. Three point 77. She had a 3. 73 before that as well. Sorry guys. We’ll see her catching this wave at the back. Switching that paddle over for a calf turn on that first one. Right back into the white water. Unfortunately just getting on her heels a little bit too much and heading towards that rock. Cheeky rock there. She wants to avoid. Well everyone wants to avoid that one. This is Dingo. The way you look is where you go. Yep. I think she probably saw it in the corner of her eye and was like looking at it. And maybe heading toward it. Don’t look at it too long, exactly. I want to go that way. And we’ll see. Marine here. Replay. Nice turn off the top. It’s just decided to get out there. And count his replay. Really nice carp back into the white water. Probably brought around too much. Would’ve liked to because she’s gets all these heels and falls off. Trying to dig in the paddle. Try and prop herself back up but it’s not looking not to be talking quite a bit about that yesterday. Just the use of the paddle and right. What to do with your body positioning and I’m going to need to be getting some tips from you though. You have some some coaching, some trips. that’s right. In exotic places over the globe? Oh yeah. Always love heading to the warm water. Head to Maldives, Costa Rica. Heading to Mozambique soon as well. Offering up some newly announced. Newly announced. Those are big. Offering up some fantastic supping with Wales in Mozambique. Oh, yeah. So, how is that? So, they’re just literally right there with you. Yeah, they were partnered with a charity out there. As we’ll see live action here, Katie. progressive body tight up the top into the lip. That turn was amazing. We’re starting to see Katie’s. I thought she was going to like go. She almost like widens her stance on on top of the lip. And then just yeah. Retains it. Comes down clean. Yeah that’s just a one hit though. Just a one hit. But the footwork of these professional athletes. Balancing on the board. Keeping under control. Just dancing with the wave up there. Yeah. Yeah, it’s like the one here, yeah. And when you fall, you got the. Yeah, yeah, exactly They’re talking about the rocks here and the you know, the situation, how sketchy it is or isn’t. Some, it does look that it’s super shallow but there, there’s a bit of water under there as well. Okay. especially on the larger waves Outback. So it’s just breaking further off from the shelf and just lining all the way down. And interesting fact Bone. It’s a bit of a sick left here at El Loretto. That through previous competitions for previous years in twenty 18. Saw that working. I will see Marine here taking off. A good looking wave is going to carve again. I love that carve that Marine can do. Open up. It’s going to go to it again but pushes a little bit too hard. On the tail. As we go to a lovely green shot. So that left is I don’t know. I saw a photo of it. Thought it was pipeline. Oh really? It looked absolutely massive. And it gets it gets it can get good. It’s fantastic. But I don’t think depending on what the swell is going to be doing, they’re going to be firmly planted on the point here. Still looking over from the the drone footage. Things are lining up. Here we see Katie here. Getting it up into the lip and landing that. Oh. Oh coming unstuck. We’ll see if the judges deem that as a completed maneuver. Just going to go under that next bit of white water that comes through. At the back end. We wanted to see a rider out there with those. One, one, fifty, five, four, zero, three So we saw that. Our score come through from Katie. Not just that last one but the previous one she had those nice two turns. It was a 4. 73. A marina’s going to need a 5. 03 to advance into the lead. Take that positioned away from Katie. Still got 12 minutes and 40 seconds remaining. In the second quarter finals, the women’s what’s up Champs here in Las Palmers, Cranken area. Feels really good to be back. El Loret. the premium right point. Of Las Palmas. You see the city there in the background. I mean having these quality waves on your doorstep. Pretty lucky. Very lucky for everyone who lives here in this city. Quite a young population, university. Mm. City. The student town. Red. Okay. Red. That’s the population of Las Palmas. Just over 800, 000 live here. Yeah. Yeah. And the mains. Yeah, the the largest city in the Canaries. So much on offer here. Yeah. And talking about all the fun stuff you can get up to here, Bo. Yeah, we just saw Katie. Lift the paddle above her head there. She had a six-point ride for that last one. So, that’s why she was cheering. Here’s this outside section potentially looking at this when it does get bigger if that does link up. There’s sort of sections there where it is. Just in the corner of the screen. But the main event, the women’s and the men’s what’s up surf at Grand Canaria Lauret. maybe somewhere I guess. Yeah. Yes, tons of waves around here. Couple of waves we won’t speak about because we just know. We’re not going to speak about a few waves. How good they are? But yeah this potential everywhere, should we say though? Yes. We’ll leave it there. There’s a lot of good, good options, there’s slabs, there’s points, there’s beach breaks. There’s also there’s a lively There’s lively nightlife. It’s a city scene here in As Palmas. But also you want to get away from it. There’s some quiet spots too. You can go up into the mountains. Gonna chill out there. It was super scenic, stunning views going through through the hills in Grand Canaria. I love it with Eldoret just and from the surface, they, if they look up in into the the hills here, did you got the green cliffs? almost like a little bit of a cross between, I don’t know. A bit like Ireland. Little bit Tahiti maybe. Probably more Tahiti than Islanders Day. You won’t be going out in Bordes in Ireland, especially in winter. Oh, no. Definitely not. So a competitor coming up. Oh okay. And his wife’s got the blood. Just zoning out here. This is. 20 22. ISA World Champion. Lucia Cosoletto. From Argentina. Getting in the zone. Almost in a body. Meditative state. What do you say bro? The camera’s in front of her there. She’s just going. Definitely won’t be hearing us. No definitely won’t be hearing us. Glad. That would ruin the Zen mode. Ruin the Zen mode. That’s marine. She’s cutting back into the white water on this one. Looking for a big score. Up into the lip. Oh. Nice tap there at the top and just come and glue to the bottom. Yeah. Really needs to land those maneuvers to be able to get those high scores. Overtake Katie. And Beau how tricky is it that just that last section on these boards. I mean, it’s hard enough doing that on a tiny little surfboard. Let alone on the stand-up paddle. Yeah, exactly. Getting that big board up into the white water. All that turbulence can throw that board around. It’s going to really stay controlled. Use the paddle to balance. But on those closeout maneuvers as you as you come off the top there, you’ve still got that white water section coming in from behind you. So, white water coming from everywhere. Really need to project yourself out and pass that white water so you can land it. With and speed. Wait, wait, wait Marie just coming unstuck on that last one. We got the best surfers in the world out here. Just first time was nice. And carving. She sees this wave. Stand up and just Would you reckon with the paddle there when she came off? Just trying to dig it in to sort of recover herself a little bit but Yeah, we see that cross paddle cut back there. And this turn here, she goes up into the leap. You see that white water? Yeah. She’s getting hung up. Ladies, okay? You go to the water. Go to the water please. So, coming down to 7 minutes remaining, remaining in heat number two. The quarterfinals of the women’s pro sub surf. Kinda still out in the lead. 6. point0 for a last wave from Cody. Couple of bumps out there on the horizon we can see. Yeah. Big one coming through here for the girls. Here we go. Great to see the progression. Oh. Women’s up surfing. As we see Japanese competitor KD in a way. Cutting back on this first section. She’s going to make sure she holds that. Just laying on rail there on that turn to get back into the pocket. She gets up and over now. Wanna kick out. You know, when it closes out, you’re going to get into some shallow water. You want to get out of that? Get out of dodge. Next one. She gets out of the way. Few hairy situations getting out the back yesterday unless he sells it. Indeed. It’s the advantage with the point. Just gets the edge. Just gets the channel as quick as you can. Get out of there. Straight back to the lineup. Harry’s going to make sure you’re looking for those places where he can paddle out. A lot easier with the stand up paddleboard. Hm. Shortboard is able to duck dive these waves. Yep. Stand up out of borders. Happy to opt for finding a channel or kicking the board over. Oh that the little kick out we’ve been talking about. Yeah. Looks kind of fun. Can be fun. It can also not be fun. Depending on the size of the weight. And the power behind it as well. You’ve been competing out in in sunset when it’s been pretty heavy, haven’t you though? Uh Sunset Beach, one of my favorite waves in the world. Love the big, powerful waves. Feel my frame. Kind of fits a bit bigger wave. What sort of size ball will you be opting for over there? So actually over there when I was competing on the tour, I was riding a nine eight. No. Way back in the day. 2012, 2013, 2014. Just giving you that proper stability. Yeah, just especially when it was big, just opt for a bigger board. There’s a gun, real big pintail on the on the board. Oh, the Wawa, the fun bus. It’s been a home the last three days. So, we’re at the top there with the judges. If you’re in this Palmers, just come by. Check out the event. Come say hi. and let us know from where you’re watching around the world. What timing is there? Got people watching from all corners of the globe though. I’m going to be running running heats throughout the day. If you have any questions or comments, just drop em in. Drop em on the Facebook page. APP World Tour. Facebook, we’re live. When we’re on YouTube and on the APP World Tour. Website and catch all the highlights. It’s pretty sick. Highlights and clips from the last 2 days. Champs. He’s a bit of a champ first in the highlights from the the juniors on day one and then day two, crowning of the the longboard champion. Leko Salazar. Epic final against Benoit. Super close and both the trials and the long ball going down to the buzzer. Yeah, back to the end. Men’s and women’s trials. Waiting for scores coming in well after the heated finish. Gotta be trying to keep my mouth quiet. Don’t want to claim or say anyone’s won before that. Judges have come up a final. Yeah, it’s. Final decision. Trying to get the answers from the competitor’s faces. Yeah. Yeah. See you stoked. See you’s not stoked. This one’s smiling. This one isn’t. but of course all the trials finalists getting through to the main event here. Marine Kurdue. She was the winner of the women’s trials. She’s in this heat currently with Katie. She was surfing really well in trials yesterday. She was. She said she didn’t have a great first couple of hits before the final but she really found the great waves. They look pretty good to me. Yeah. She’s playing it down. She’s like you know. did okay. It’s like, well, you won the trials. You did one though, okay? And she was ripping out there. So, we see a paddle here from Katie. Using that priority. Maybe red. It’s going to get this one. She wants to extend that scoreline. Good size wave. It’s K day. She’s waiting for it to stand up. Just a Big turn from KD. That was sick. Just setting it off on the bump. No, no pump. That bomb turn. Amazing turn. Getting round, eyeing up the section and then just detonating the top of the wave. Pushing hard. Sliding those fins slightly as well. So, show the judges that she can put a bit of power into this. The judges are going to like that. Yeah, single turn but put all the commitment into it. As we see a set out the back and Marini’s on this one. Got a big section in front her. Let’s see what she does. Nice snap off. But just can’t quite get to that next one. She hops off. It’s tricky. Now there. Doesn’t look tricky. Well, he’s gotta make sure you’re on the right waves that are going for up some potential. Kitty just biting a toe on that one for one big turn. Abaya. Moreno in the first quarter finals. Definitely that local knowledge playing It’s it’s par helping. isn’t enabling her to read the waves and kind of using using that built-up knowledge over the years. Surfing out here. Free surfing as well as in competitions. I see Marine here coming in. So, 50 seconds to go but makes you feel like she can’t get back out there enough in time. to be able to get another score. So Marine getting good experience here. On the world stage. We’ll see Kenny in a way. Move on through to the semi-finals. Of the women’s pro event here for the Grand Canary Pro Am. And that’s our next heat in the water. So some happy people watching in from Japan seeing getting through. So, I got 5 seconds remaining. We’re going to see. Have a look at the replay. Of Varim’s last wave. Just can’t quite find that second section for a turn. And we’re going to see the replay. Look at this bomb turn up. Then just line it up. Getting that sliding tail slashing. That was such a great maneuver. From our young Japanese competitor in the pro event. So, we’re going to be jumping into a commercial break and we’ll be back with quarterfinals, heat three. See you in a sec. Must be made out of my face. Yeah campo. Más sonrisas a camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo. tiempo para perderse y volver a encontrarse? En definitiva, más momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , , mucho por vivir. Buenos días. Welcome to Las Palmas Gran Canaria. we he the heat three. And we have up and riding. Straight into it. Opening up her account out here. Just selecting a wave. Surfing really well in the trials yesterday. Just arrived in the morning. Yeah hopefully she’s got a good night’s sleep last night. We heard she had an overnight flight the night before. As we see Lutzia Cosoletto cutting back on this one. Lithia. Taking out a buyer at the ISA World Games earlier this year. She just goes down there on that last section. But great way to open her account. Lot of power to her surfing. Really enjoy watching this Argentinian surf. replay. Great control. That wave just bit flat. She looked to have a bit more of a critical section. She goes up into the lip. I love the stool with the paddle. Almost like an extension of her arm you know. When you stand up surfing, you’re kind of using your hand the whole time on turns. Just slow yourself down on the face. Little bit. Using the pedal. Just looks way more efficient. It is. Exactly. Way more efficient. You’re already up and standing catching the wave too. So, make it easier. So, can get a lot of speed with that paddle. Yeah. Your arms definitely don’t paddle that far. Definitely. No, exactly. So, you do need to slow yourself down at some points. Really trying to paddle hard to get to that first priority. He’s coming unstuck on the bumps there. We’re going to wait for some scores to come in. That first wave from Lucia. and only the the winner of the quarterfinals advancing. The runner up in the corners will be we knocked out the competition. fortunately, to say goodbye to them. Getting to the pointy end. Yeah, you gotta be on your A game here. To be able to win against the world’s best. not having the the APP since since 2019 in Grand Canaria was the last time that we had a sub surf. APP World Championship. right here in El Loret. And we’re back bro. Stoked to be here. And just see the level. Couple of years off competition. and all the surfers and they’ve been in their oh home country. He’s been travelling a little bit now that things have opened up. and they’re going to be Well, they’ve, well, they have been. They’ve been putting on absolute clinic masterclass out here this morning. It’s amazing to see all the up and coming juniors The new garden. is competing in the trials And of course the longboarding yesterday. This is just blown away by the style and the progression that was going down. Amazing surfing from all competitors in the long board. I just wanted a slow mo in every way just to see what their feet were up to. I’m like. It’s just moving so quickly. Just up and down the board. So nice to watch. And Ben Mike Carpenty and Leko Salazar making the final yesterday. Leko just getting the jump on Benoit though. Mhm. To be crowned the APP world to a long board suffer champion. That’s two world champions Leko has to his name. He had the two thousand and12 APP World Tour Sup champion and now the longboard sub championship. He was out here this morning. Surfing really well in this round. Going through. You see, Kemi here in the white. She’s riding a different board than she was riding yesterday. So, opting to change up her equipment. We were surfing left yesterday. Bit of a slower, mushier left. Yeah. Lasisa, moving across the corner here. Elarant, it’s a right hand point break. Be a bigger swell in the water today. Bigger swell, building tide throughout the day. It’s been a low this morning in about 6 thirty. It’s now 1040 here, local time in the Aries. That’s Parmas. And buenos dias. Welcome to everyone around the world watching. Let us know where you’re watching from. Check us your comments on Facebook Live. And if you missed any of the action yesterday, you can go to the APP World Tour YouTube channel. And our website APP World Tour. com. Check out the highlights. It’s pretty impressive rides yesterday, Bo. Yeah, amazing. I was blown away. Amazing surfing all day yesterday and the day before for the juniors as well. Did you have a question coming on Facebook? Mm hmm. From Suzuki in Japan. Hi there, Suzuki. Good to hear from you. She’s asking the top two athletes of the men’s round. From round number two, will they advance? Oh, Lucia. To round number three. Well, that’s that after we see live action. Oh. He’s just really going for that turn there at top ten. and Cami’s up. He’s managed to regain it. Going down through the section. And it’s a closing out on it there unfortunately. was the best of the questions. Yeah back to the question here. We had ah yeah Suzuki asked if the men’s round two which will be coming up after the women’s. Mm hmm. The top two athletes in round number two, will they advance to round number three? Uh I can confirm that they will be advancing to round number three. Third and fourth from those heats will be knocked out in the event. So, first and second, getting into round number three. Have another chance at securing their world title. As we see replays as it was Sears. Okay, your left leg. Just maybe just skid it out a little bit too much there. Caught that. The outside rail. Just jam those fins out. Throw it around but speak to me Yes, we’re just sort of looking at them. Different camera angles and the setups that we have here. Got the drone out and then we’re filming from the bus team. So, we’re on a double-decker bus. The fun bus, the wower, which is mobile, which gives us that option of kind of just moving the whole, the whole show from around the corner where we were yesterday and and the first day. Uh La Sisa and over to El Loret. But yeah from some of the angles from here it’s kind of tricky to see when the the sets are coming. probably the absolute massive bonus of being on a stand up is being able to see the waves. The amount of times I’ve been lying down and not seen the set combo. I’m just kidding. Just hammered on the inside. As we go to the water now. Lucia carving in that first turn. In a perfect section on the wave. Can’t find a backup turn. That was really nice. Nice first turn. Good from Lucia. You see the top seeds in these last couple of hits of the women really? Pushing the performance as a rock just sucks out there. From there because it’s just a cheeky one. One of his got a name. The locals definitely probably definitely got a name. Definitely Dangerous. Dangerous. So yes, so being on that standing up, looking out into the horizon, you still gotta pay attention. Oh, yeah. You’re never going to be turning your back on the ocean out there. No, that’s right. But you can also, as Camille’s choosing to do, have a little, let’s sit down. Some next competitor. Gabriela. just warming up. He’s getting ready for a heat. Should be able to paddle out about 5 minutes time. Just get into the lineup. Look at the the Red Bull party wagon down there. Such a mean vehicle. Everywhere you go around the world, you see these Red Bull vehicles. They’re all different. Just pumping out the tunes. Pumping out the local tunes. I’d like to get stuck into a bit of reggaeton now and again over. Definitely. When it’s on offer. Get the beats out here for everyone. Spectators or the athletes. Slacking them up. question Ollie how big do you think the waves are out there today? Are we talking Hawaiian? Or we could talk Hawaiian? Or we’re talking well. European? Good. Would you say I mean yesterday three to four? I reckon five four to five? Four to 5? Yeah we got a question coming from Jennifer. She’s watching from California. Hawaiian one. California style. Yeah. What do you reckon Bo? I’d say yeah four to 5 feet. On the on the sets we did see some big waves come through this morning. We saw the biggest sets we’ve seen event come through during the men’s round. Mm hmm. Maybe you could, you know, eight to ten-foot face on that one. I like to go with with like body parts. So, like I always say. Head high. Head high. If I’m standing on the wave. From upright, is it, you know, is it head high? Is it five, five, six foot? Double overhead, triple overhead? Ankle snappers. Come beat the longboard out for those ones. Yeah. We just saw Cami there. Just trying to navigate some bumps on the face as she fell off on that take off. Yeah, these waves. And also the the more notorious the spot, the meaner it is. The smaller the the predictions everyone seems to say, oh you know, in a couple of foot, whether you measure it from the back or. I think that all changed when people started surfing the oppo in Tahiti. Cuz when nothing doesn’t have a bag. So, it just Ever surfed out there? No way. I have. Yeah. That was that was a actually got some bad memories from Chopu. We on the stand up. I was on the stand up. Yeah, yeah. Actually went over there for a photo shoot. When was it? 2013. And Were they like you better be smiling when you’re in the barrel? Yeah. Try to hold your rail. Basically. Basically, the the movie was called The Barrel that came out and And I was, yeah, I flew over to get some barrel shots. And then we’ll stay in the end of the road there down to and pull it into barrels. It was pretty fun. And then it got big. And I didn’t get super big but it was still like enough to fit a stand up paddle board in a barrel. Which is a good size. Which is pretty good. But there’s one wave. Remember taking off and it was just a long stretched out wall. And probably not thinking straight. I straightened out. Oh. On the wave. And as I straightened out the lip landed on my leg. My back leg hit me square in the knee and pushed my leg against the board. I tore a ligament to my ankle. Oh man. Got washed over the reef. Thought I broken my leg. Had to get jet ski. Come around into the lagoon. Take me all the way back around. To get back to the boat. Have you been back there since? Nope. I’ve not been back there since. I think I’d like to give it away. You need to get, yeah, you just had a rematch. I do need to have a rematch, exactly. So yeah, a few months out of the water after that. Oh, rehab. watching wild. So yeah. Competitors not. Here we go. We got wide up Cami. Again just section. Finding it hard to navigate those bumps. Those close out section. See the power in the white water there. Dragging it back. And the seer. Having a look at the one behind Camis Wave. Not to be. It’s just going to cruise back to the back to the position of the lineup. Yes, not great memories from from Jobu for me. Jennifer on the Facebook. Love the reggaeton as well. Awesome Jennifer. Thanks for letting us As we see your ISA World Champion this year. Smashing one turn off the top. She can’t find a second section. Strictly be using different boards to what they were using Yesterday. Yeah, we see Kemi using a different board opting to change up her Her equipment for today. I think maybe slightly bigger waves. Mm hmm. Maybe a little bit more control on that backhand as well. On a definitely a bigger board than she has been riding. See a nice turn off the top there from Cami. Just ejecting. Right there on the inside. I mean there’s a few swallowtails out yesterday wasn’t there? Yep. There were a few. Kinda given that option to slide the tail around a little bit. Exactly. The Capono hit is on one. Absolutely destroying it on the inside at La Sisa. Yeah, whether they’ll be going for something with a bit more grip. Yeah, maybe changing up the fins more than the board. Hm. Maybe some bigger fins, bit more hold on this wave. Just see a replay. That top turn from Lutzia. It’s the drone follow cam. It’s just sick angle. It’s great turn here from Kemi as well. Really nice in the lip. Backhand. So, there’s the La Plata del Musica Concert Hall. And then just on the right there is La Sallenas. biggest shopping precinct or centre in Las Palmers, Grand Canaria. It’s the hive of activity around here on the front. Got a sick4 kilometer sort of walk. This is that trail hugs all the way across the city into the left to the mountains. You can get up there. Into the Hills National Park. Some sick trails up there. Had a little explore when we arrived. You ran up there. You bit of a run of yourself Ollie. Yeah. For a jog. I like a bit of running. Yep. like a bit of trail running. See the audience. Actually, it was because of these islands. Instead of running like up the up the volcano. Super fun. Maybe not so much fun running uphill. It’s more walking, hunting Argentina. Buenos dias. They’re cheering on Lucia. We’ll give you a scoring update in this heat so far. Last waves. Come through as a 4. 17. That one turn off the top. Cami the Bruno. A 2. 4 for her one turn on her backhand. Cami needing a 5. 77 to get into the lead into that advancing position. Into the semi-finals. Number one surfer move through to the next round. Still got some time on the clock. 6 minutes. 5 seconds remaining. and what’s coming in here. Arching in. Flags are signal of waves coming or. Yeah, maybe. Maybe they might be have a coach on the beach there. We see a big set come through here. Oh. One of the biggest waves we’ve seen of the day so far. A sick. Just get around the section here. You see eyeing up. Really well. Oh. Not quite. Making that one. That was some size. That was some big sizes. Six to 8 feet. Na wave. As we see, Kemi. Carving back here. Nice one. Self another section on the inside. She throws it up into the lip and she’s going to move on. She does really well. Big backhand float from Cavida. So she needed a 5. 77 to move up into first place and we had some claps. We had a few Alice. Yeah. Hello. Hello. The crowd loving that one. Last 5 minutes. From France. So 5 minutes left. I’ll have to wait and see what the judges want it. Yeah. Turn on. I don’t want to make a call on the vocal. Alright. Did see you. Those two turns though. Commitment. Risk. High risk maneuver. I mean Lucy was on a bomb as well at at the back first and then and then Cami. Yeah we saw her. Can we selecting that wave thinking maybe she wasn’t going to throw it up for that second section. I’m really glad she did. So 4 minutes, 20 seconds remaining. Well, Well, you can definitely see that there’s some swell around Got those big intervals, waiting periods, and then the sets come marching in. Hitting the Northyon. Here’s the replay. Beau runs through this one. Yeah, one of the biggest set waves of the day so far. We see coming here. Nice cut back for that first turn and then she’s eyeing up this section down the end. She’s thinking, am I going to hit it? Am I going to, yeah, they’re going to go for it. I’m going to go for it. I need a 5point77. She throws it up into the lip and lands He’s just laid back with the paddle. Sorry. Sick of that. Such great technique there. Laying back on the paddle. You can see it just changing her body weight. For that maneuver. Just going on the back foot. Try not to keep that nose right out and then just leaning into the bottom turn going right to the top. And then using the paddle. So it’s full advantage. As we see Cosuletto from Argentina. Riding this brilliant right hand point break. Oh it just skids out on that first turn. I’m curious about the flag now both. Was this going down? Was there an Aussie flag being flown up in the air when you were when the sets were coming? Definitely not. Is your entourage on the beach? Entourage probably my mom and dad. On the beach. The flag. Exactly. Blow up kangaroo. Yeah that’s it. That’s it. Everyone see that when it was being waved. Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of, I can remember in Brazil, a lot of whistling happening. Yeah. From the beach. Competitors knowing which way to go, where to go. So we saw that last wave come through of Camia. Four point 07. She only needs a 4. 11. She just did the exact same thing. She had the last one. Nice looking way of this. She got carves back in again. She’s going to get, she’s not going to get that second turn. So, Cami looking for those waves. Come down to just try to race it instead of going for that car, huh? Yeah, she could’ve opted for one big maneuver to try and get the score. We did see a paddle out within about a minute thirty. So, still a bit of time to get back out there. Mm. And get another wave before the end of this heat. Lucia definitely not feeling safe at all at the moment. No. ISA 2022 champ. Argentina. Lucia. Lucia wave here. She’s going to go. She’s going to go this one. She’d see something down the line that she likes. She’s going to carve back on this section. Really nice paddle transition there. She’s going to line it up for a inside hit off the white water. And she’s just going to throw that one away. Think just a bit of support there from Gonna be a bit wavy. What? Bit of encouragement. We’re going to see what the scores are. Vamos Am The scores come in. Just that one turn. A 2. 23. Still needs a 4. 11. One minute left on the clock. He’s battling a little bit wide here. Still a bit of time. Just to come across. You know 56 seconds remaining. There’s the water patrol. Just watching on. Seeing if there’s any mishaps on the inside. Yeah, keeping that tide coming in now. As we come on down to 30 seconds left on the clock. 30 seconds. See Kemi there paddling a bit wider so Lucia getting that inside track. Maybe getting priority. As we’re going to run the clock down on this heat. What’s the ocean going to do? Is it going to offer up? Another set. This heat. Doesn’t look 10 seconds. It’s not going like it’s going to be coming in. Five, four, three, two, one. So we will see. Lucy Akosia. Cosolejo, congratulations. Argentina into the semis. See that from the best waves of red. This is a good size looking wave here. We’ll see Lucy out. Has there. Switching that paddle over. Using that paddle to cut back to that section. Great turn. Nice cutty there. Just came right back into the pocket. Remember this one. She’s in the paddle. Into the lip. Doesn’t quite land this one but it would have been great to see her pull that vertical off. See her on another wave here. Slashing that one turn wave. She had a couple of four point rides as we’re going to go to a short commercial we’ll be back with the quarterfinal number four the women’s pro. take you way to Buenos dias. Welcome to Las Palmas. Grand Canaria. We’re here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Got the women’s what’s up surf. World’s best. Out here today. We’re in quarter final. Heat number four. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. I’m joined by Beau Nixon. How you feeling about this quarters? Oh. See some amazing quarters. Incredible action from the women out here today. All the top seeds progressing through so far. But this heat here. This is going to be super exciting. We have Gabriella Steinfarter in the red. And Sakura in away. In the white. Sakura’s been pretty active last couple of days. Surfing in lots of different divisions to do the longboard. The juniors. She was runner up miles. Runner up finalist in the juniors. The under 18. girls on day one. Surfing incredibly well. Just around the corner. From where we are at the moment. El Loret. and then putting on a show yesterday in the trials. advancing through into the main event. Uh For the women’s sub surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yeah, Sakara surfing quite similar to his sister Katie. We did make it through earlier today. In heat number two. So, we will see her take off on the first wave of this heat. This is Sakure in a way. Oh, just getting a little bit ahead of herself on that one. Trying to throw the board up into the lip but just getting there a little bit. Not afraid to put it on the line. Sakura, that’s what I noticed yesterday. She just charges. Same with her sister brother. proper aggression And then just super smiley. They get on the on the land. Oh, they’re all super smiley. Whole family, really happy to be here, Grand Canaria. We’re all happy to be here. We’re all here. We’re all happy to be here, Ollie. That’s so true. as we see Gabriella making her way out to meet this set. paddling quite a small board. Yeah. She’s going to try and get onto this one. And Gabriela. She does get over the top of that wave. Great first turn up into that white water. Bangs it off the top there again up into the float. Gonna ditch the board. That’s a out the back. What she got here? Wow. Nice slash off the top. Oh. Oh. A Pelegrosso Rocco? Yeah. Rocco Peligrosso. That inside sneaky one. You gotta watch it. Gonna press that eject button. Muy Esso. Eso. Uh here’s the set. That’s the one. Yeah. We’ve just got word from our Spanish direct, is it? Yeah. Our Spanish is a very very dangerous. Muy Pelegrosso. Now, you gotta keep your wits about you on that inside section. Oh, our competitors have kind of been and eject there. Sakura. Sakura, we just saw her bottom turn around that rock. Basically, on top of it, I think that’s what put her off on that second turn. That first turn, really nice. Gabriella’s turns on that wave as well. Yeah. Into the lip. Is that decision where they’re going to be laying on the line on that that last turn and then trying to land. Watch your fins. Starfish, just dive off your board and just go as flat as possible as soon as you get off. The starfish definitely do that a few times. Mm hmm. and out the back. Kinda cleaning up again. So, go through through moments here on the top of the fun bus. And that’s Palmas. Grand Canaria. There’s epic scenes here. You need to see the the lineup. The surfers view. That drone shot. Is it going to sneaks around the corner there? On the right of your screen. You see the mountains in the background? This is the north of Les Palmers. The north side of the island. Super exposed here though. Gets slammed. Get some proper waves. Red, second, wide. We kind of really consistent. Kinda north, northwest. Yeah. On the map we’re facing and we’ve got a north west swell filling in during the day. As we will see Sakura Paddling into this one. Gonna do a big hit off the top. A great really high risk maneuver. Did that with awesome hit by Sikura. So just going to show one of the trials competitors getting through to the main event. Mixing it up. We’re the best in the world. Some cheering down at the beach for that one. Rightly so. Her proud mama. I mean the judge is going to be rewarding. I think we were discussing it yesterday. He’s going to go all in here like Just bang. Smashes it off the top. Amazing. Instead of kind of you know being conservative, going for like a couple of smaller sort of little micro turns on the wave. Just lay it all on the line. Go for it. Depending on what the waves going to do and if it if it just offers out one section to hit. Gotta make an announcement. 1230 next spot. goal in. Hit it as hard as you can. Have to. Have to to get the big scores as we do see. Scores dropping now. For those waves. I would have been claiming just chucking the paddle right to the rocks. Don’t think she needed to. She had a lot of cheers coming from. Yeah exactly. So Sakura in a way. That one turn. A 5. 57. And then the wave previous a four. zero. As we see Gabriella opening her account with a 3 17. Yeah Gabriela’s going to six point four. He’s going to climb back into the lead from Sakura. But we got plenty of time here. 17 minutes. We want to be able to take advantage of it. Uh so stay close next door. As we see us little set wave coming here. For our competitors. Is she going to spin and go? Gabriela’s looking at this one. You got it. She can take off here. Take off in that white water. That’s really well to navigate that. As she goes off the bottom. into the lip. Great turn there. Just a single turn on the wave. Similar to what turn into the lip. See what the judges and how they differentiate those two turns. Great angle here from this gets really compressed. Use the paddle. The wave drop out a little bit. And she gets a board up into the lip. Always looks good. Vertical there from this angle. It’s getting quite ruffled. I mean you look like right at the bottom where her feet are. Just how the waves kind of was getting indented into the rocks. Yeah. Underneath. Maybe a bit of backwash from the rocks as well as that tide comes in. Those big waves washing over the rocks and then sucking back out to the ocean. As we wait for that last score. Gabriella’s wave. Oh. Getting a little bit excited for this wave coming through. She should be getting excited. Looks like a cracking wave coming in now. It does. It has been a charge as well. She’s going to get this one. What she got for us? Off the bottom. Into the lock. Again. Nothing cracking turn. Zegura. Fantastic wave. Unfortunately then it’s just yeah then that section. Breaks out in front of her. 5. point 18 to book fair. Yeah we just saw. She’s be just looking for that to kind of open up but just wasn’t to be. No, it wasn’t to be. She’d love to do that twice on a wave. Yeah. Three turn. Even three times. That’d be amazing. We did see Gabriella’s last wave come through at a four point four. Not enough to change the situation. Yeah, she’s going to need a 5point18. To get up into the lead. or we’ll have to wait until Sakura’s last wave score comes through Ollie because that was a big turn on the take a look at the replay. Big bottom turn almost lost it. But holds it to get that board up. Over the left. That was extension. Just fully uses the paddle there. Gets round. Fantastic wave there. my young Japanese competitor You know what, Ollie? Looks like she’s riding a slightly longer board. Did the nest there? Oh, no, no, just. Oh, just then Gabriella and it kind of maybe looks a little bit more exciting on the way. You’ve got more board above the lip. Mm hmm. As you’re doing the top turn. So, there’s judges seeing that maybe he’s pretty pretty fluoro as well the ball. Yeah, true. That’s right. I like that. Stand out. Definitely adding a bit of color. Gabriella’s got a pretty cool spray on the top of her board there. You remember Lekker was riding slightly longer boards when he does those backhand reentries. This board looks really high, really vertical. Gives that wow factor for the judges. That’s it. We’ll see a lot of board, a lot of spray. Yes. That’s exactly right. You can see the competitors just chilling out here. He got 13 and a half minutes remaining. It’s the last quarter final. Of the women’s what’s up surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. It’s going to be deciding. Off final semi finalist. Let’s see what Gabriela’s up. What she got with this one? Just kicks out of this one. Here’s that same same type of wave. Just offering that one section to just whack. See the waves maybe changing with the tide at the moment, Ollie? Yep. Just finding some one turn waves. As we see a replay here. Of this There’s waves he just decides to kick out. Sakura just went out the back patiently. in 12 minutes remaining. a bit time. Just be readjusting her leggy. A leash. making sure everything’s leggy. I haven’t had Leggy in a long time. Yeah. Yeah. I’m bringing it back. Yeah, you should. You should do. I love it. I like you. I used to call it leggy all the time. Then, started coaching. He was like, that’s a leash. Yeah. Where’s that group? Yeah, leggy. Yeah, depending on where you are in the world. Like sandals. When I first, when I moved over to Australia, I’m just calling them thongs. Yeah, yeah, thongs. Yeah, I’m always. That’s not a thing where I’m from. That’s so true. I call them double time. My daughter’s going to be grumpy. She’s going to know them as thongs. Or jandals. If you’re a candy, that’s right. Jandal’s in New Zealand. Let us know on Facebook Live, what you call them? Flip flops. Flip flops is British way. Yeah. Yeah. You got some scores coming? Just waiting. Scores. Just Sakuruda’s last wave. That was a 5. 5 that come through. So she’s extended her lead a little bit. Gabriella now looking for a six point 6 7. I think we’re still waiting for a couple of waves scores to come through. Mm hmm. Judge is still deliberating. You can certainly feel like when they’re waiting, there was no like, you just, the longer you’re waiting, it’s going to get bigger and bigger, isn’t it? It certainly is. especially here in the Canaries. It packs a punch. We’re in the middle of the Atlantic. Good couple of hundred meters away from the coast of Africa. It’s Morocco. It’s been the geographically probably the closest the continent to the Canaries. But getting away very easy to get over to Grant Canaria and Las Palmas. It’s two hours from Portugal. and three hours from from London from the UK. Gabriella up and riding. What she got here? up into the lift for that first turn and she’s going to find she’s not going to find another section but a great first turn. She’d be looking to link some maneuvers together. During this heat. Almost feel like they’re sitting a little bit too too wide maybe. It could be sitting a bit wide, maybe a bit too deep. I think that’s just that first section instead of you know like as we saw a little bit earlier on in the day. We’re just getting rounded just offering way more opportunities to hit the wall. See a replay. Gabriella’s last wave. We’ll see you up into the lip. Not sure if it’s going to quite be enough for her to get into that advancing position. She’s looking for a half and out there. 67. It’s 8 minutes, 45 seconds remaining in this final quarter final. As we see our current heat leader paddling into this one. Should be looking to get a good turn off the top and she’s going to try and back it up on the inside. She’s going to do another turn. And then she’s going to kick out of that way before ends up on the rocks. El Perry Grosso. Wow. that rock. That’s nice. Very nice. Perfect. Yeah. Great surfing. Just the just the composure that she has to be able to do a turn close to those rocks and pull out quick enough. So again up into the lip there. Just conservative on that one. Almost kind of use it to get through to the next section. Didn’t want to go all in. You can see her face there and then listen to the crocs. Get it out. Oh. Just glad to get her a shoulder in the paddle. Yay. Ay ay ay. One, three, red, ah so that wave of Gabriella’s that last one. A four point9three. That came through for Red. She’s certainly getting closer to Sakura here. Have to see what that last wave score of Sakura was. See if that extends her lead. Should a couple of scores in the five range of mid fives. As we said up. Gabriella at the back with a lot of speed. She’s going to go to a big carve. That was such a nice turn. And she’s going to but still that one double first term is a bit different. Good looking turn that one. Very nice looking turn. You can see competitors going up into the lip but Gabriella just using a rail game to be able to offer up a big carve on the open face. and the judges, they’re going to like seeing that the rail. It’s really kind of using using the board. Take it into the wave there. Ryan. They’re using the rail. Using the fins. Using the paddle to lean on. Talking to factor into the judges decision. So cool to last wave of four 33. Didn’t go into a top two. So Gabriela looking for a six point one four. that one turn On the rail. We’ll see if that gets up into that score that she needs. Judges taking a closer look at this wave because they want to make sure they get the scores right. Make sure the decisions are the right ones. As we see there’s some Sakura battling over. Juicy Williams coming in here though. Getting down the line on this one. She’s just going to kick out. Gabriella did lock in a 4. 77 for that rail calf. Still closing in on a still with a nine point seven. Still needs a 6. 14 though. She’s got that high wave score of a 4point93. Just over 5 minutes remaining. Sakura staying out there in the lead. sort of feel that it’s it’s growing out there, isn’t it? It really is. Definitely. And talking about the wave height. It’s sort of it’s going to head high and sets. Maybe a bit bigger that on some of the some of the larger waves. So, 5 minutes plus 5 minutes. So Sakura there just asking for the time. As we see a replay. See that spray on the rocks in front of the camera there. Just spraying up on a Paddy Crosso. In the camera’s face. What’s this one going to do? Gabriela. There’s one. Here we go. She’s going to do. nothing. Bonaton. This was a up into the limb. I think she got there a bit late so she just has to jump over this one. Don’t think there’s much there for her to offer doing the super Superwoman at the back of the wave. Definitely gets a bit sketchy that inside. You can see when they do the bottom turns, if you like, just look at the board. They want to be keeping focused on the top of the wave. They’re not going to be too. She preoccupied but they’ll be looking at the top, looking down the line, but then you gotta keep your wits about you in Kayserville, Pennycross and Rocca just pops up right in front of your board. That’s right. Gonna lose any fins? Ivan Rivera tuning in on Facebook. Ivan, great to hear from you. He says, good job speaking Spanish, guys. Keep it up. We’ll try and keep it up. Yeah, muchos gracias. Si. We’ll try. We will try. Mi españols. My Spanish isn’t the best though. I got a bit of a G accent. And Duluth. Muymal. White crayon. As we see. Gabriella. Gabriela. Another nice turn off the top. And can she get another little foam climb 3 minutes now. On the final quarter final Who’s going to advance into the semis? We have another word for flip flop as well. Mm hmm. Chunkless. Chunklas. Chunklas. Gonzales. SOS. Where do you Spanish word? Yeah. Chunklas. There we go. As we see that replay. Gabriella’s last wave. Just that Just that one turn. Still looking for a big score. Sucker away. Patiently with priority out there. Wants to use that on a good wave. We will be letting you know that we’ll be going for about a one hour break after this quarter final number four. Okay. Confirms. We’re going to take a has been confirmed. The event director is so going to go on hold for until 1230 PM local time. So that’s Western European time or GMT. We’re going to. Just to see if the conditions. Yeah, to improve a little bit. Yeah, we’re we’re hoping for that swell to to build over the next hour or so. We’re just going to be looking at that tide as well. We’ve seen a couple of one-turn waves from the ladies here. So, want to make sure we get the competitors in the best conditions there are. In about an hour, we’ll be coming up to high tide. And we’re going to have to see what’s on offer. Eldoret. by Musha Solas. Aqui. Buenos. We had some great days so far. Straight into competition on the the first day of the waiting period on Monday with the juniors and then yesterday for day two crowning our longboard world champ. Our trials winners. Sakura putting a bit of a clinic in the final against her sister. The junior comp and then she was out again. So yeah, it’s going to be Interesting to see now. We’ve got 40 seconds remaining. Yeah, with the, is the ocean going to do? Bosa going to offer anything up? Oh, we’re hoping. Waves coming. We are hoping so. Gabriela still looking for a 6point14. Just had a 2. 9 on that last ride for that one turn. She really needs to get a couple of big turns or at least one really critical maneuver on the wave. But I think the time’s going to run out, Ollie. I think so. This is the angle here from the top of the the fun bus, the double decker bus, the wower. Something. Three, two, one And that’s it. So Sakura in a way. Getting through that last quarter final number four of the women’s. Into the next round. We’ll see one of the trials competitors. And Sakura getting through. Gabriella unfortunately getting knocked out there. So we will see the event. Go and hold now for roughly an hour and we will be back. With more action later. So make sure you do stick around. Welcome. Had a lot of action there today. Already. So we started pretty early. We kicked off hitting things here for 8: 30 for the the men’s. Round one. And then we just had the the women’s quarterfinals. The Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan here with Beau Nixon. Beau do you enjoy that? Oh such a great morning of action here in Grand Canaria. We saw the men’s round one. Get out there in the water. It’s a great performances from the men. And then the women. I was really surprised at how the level is progressing. in the women’s subsurfing. We saw a buyer Moreno. Get some of the biggest hit scores of the day so far. And the last heat. Sakura anyway. Young Japanese surfer. Getting through into the semi-finals of the Pro Women. So it’s going to be exciting to see what’s coming up later on today. We’re we’re going to have a break now and we’ll be coming back here in about an hour. 1230. We’re going to make a call. And the judges are going to look at it and decide if we could then going to go straight in to round two of the men’s. Yeah some great action ahead. See you then. Er Australia. Australia See? Madam. PA Mass. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar mar. Y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. tiempo. tiempo para perderse y volver a encontrarse? En definitiva, más momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. to beach yeah oh A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. More whiffs of the salty sea and the countryside country. more smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. more flavors to discover. More being at a loss for words. more time Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. and this and this And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria so much to live for. See? nuestra flor autóctona. y mucho más. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar camada. más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. Más tiempo. tiempo para perderse y volver a encontrarse? En definitiva, más momentos como este. Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. to bitch. crack yeah oh And there is more A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. more first times more leaps into the unknown. more breakf more breakfast in bed. More whiffs of the salty sea and the countryside country. More smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. and join the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. More flavors to discover. more being at a loss for words. more time Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. of this and this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. See? Señor. flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. Más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo. en definitiva, más momentos como este. Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. to beach? Yeah is. This is our unique nature. Oh. And there is more A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. more first times. More leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. more whiffs of the salty sea and the country-fide country. More smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. More flavors to discover. more being at a loss for words. time. Time to lose yourself And find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. and this. And this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. See? y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento Dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. bitch? and there is more. a lot more Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfast in bed. more whiffs of the salty sea and the country-fide country. More smiles for the camera. more heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. more flavors to discover. being at a loss for words. more time. Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. And this. And this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. See? Bonjour madam. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? O será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento Dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. más sabores por descubrir. más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo. En definitiva, más momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué, sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. a APP will tour at APP World Tour. com. Hello and welcome to the APP World Tours Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m your host Holly Maudsley and here we are at day one of competition. Today, we are running round one of the junior and long board categories. Stay tuned all day for non-stop action. It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we have been here. casually thrown spray there. and the telephone turn turn it off, turn it In the blue, who she is right now? Surfing is the men. Really nice, stylish hang five. Nice, bright, cutting it back in. So quickly shuffling up the board, coming back. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. As Tucker Rizik up again at the back. Holding a long long hang five. This that was a super long nose dragon. So, Boris here up on the nose for a long hang five. Zane again just showing that powerful what he’s going to do. A headstand to finish. Got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top. And Capono Fakuda from Japan. Just waiting for it to. The belts are off the top. Just waiting for it to stand up. Really fast turn. Again, another one. Gonna go back to back. Oh. Wow. Fantastic maneuver off the left. And that is day one of the Grand Canaria Pro Am in the books. We crowned junior champions. We started the long board division and it has been spectacular. Tune in tomorrow as we do the finals of the long board and also the men’s and women’s trials. See you then. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown Sup Longboard champions as well as commence the trials while we watch 20 hopeful stand up paddlers fight it out to compete in a professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the lid here. Turn. up into the legs. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting on padding through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. with a nine point 27. Nice cross step over there from Lekker. Straight to the nose. Into the final. waiting to set up for this turn slashing as we see that wave stand up into the Oh, looks like it the result might be in. Leko looks like he’s looking pretty happy. A sublong board champion. Leko, how do you feel? Oh, I feel pretty good. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, guys. And that’s a wrap on day two of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Longboard Champions were crowned an eight new stand up paddlers secured their spot in the professional division. Leko Salazar proved he was still one of the best standard paddlers in the world and Capono Fakuda continued on his clean sweep of the week with another men’s trial title. For the women’s trial, Maureen could do won it but with her three more girls, we progressing into the professional division. Tune in tomorrow as the pros take to the water. The forecast is pumping. Our pros are ready. Do not miss a second. Join the APP World Tour as the world’s best stand-up paddle surfers get ready to compete at this year’s Grand Canaria Pro Am. Stay tuned to all our channels to see playing this year’s crown from the 19th to the 27th of November. seal this, and more at APP World Tour and AP World Tour. com. Hello and welcome to the APP World Tours Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m your host Holly Maudsley and here we are at day one of competition. Today, we are running round one of the junior and long board categories. Stay tuned all day for non-stop action. It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we haven’t been here. casually thrown spray there. and the television In the blue, who she is right now? Surfing against the men. Really nice, stylish hang five. nice, right, cutting it back into so quickly shuffling up the board, coming back. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. As Tucker Rizik up again at the back. Holding a long long hang five. That was a super long-nosed dragon. So, Boris here up on the nose for a long hang five. He’s saying again just showing that powerful what he’s going to do. A headstand to finish. He’s got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top. And Capono for Puda from Japan. Just waiting for it to belts it off the top. just waiting for it to stand up really fast turn. Again, another one. Gonna go back to back. Oh. Wow. Fantastic maneuver off the left. and that is day one of the Grand Canaria Pro Am in the books. We crowned junior champions. We started the long board division and it has been spectacular. Tune in tomorrow as we do the finals of the longboard and also the men’s and women’s trials. See you then. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown champions as well as commence the trials while we watch 20 hopeful stand up handlers fight it out to compete in the professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the lid. Turn. Offensively. Nice. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting and pounding through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. with a 9. 27. Nice cross step over there from Lekker. Straight to the nose. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown champions as well as commence the trials while we watch 20 hopeful stand up paddlers fight it out to compete in a professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the lid here. Turn. Up into the legs. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for the riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting and pounding through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. With a 9. 27 Nice cross step over there from Lekker. Straight to the nose. into the final. waiting to set up this slashing as we see that wave stand up into the Oh, it looks like it the result might be in. Leko looks like he’s looking pretty happy. A sublong board champion, Leko Hardy Field. Oh, I feel pretty good. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, guys. You. And that’s a wrap on day two of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Longboard champions were crowned an eight new stand-up paddlers secured their spot in the professional division. Leko Salazar proved he was still one of the best standard paddlers in the world and Capono Fakuda continued on his clean sweep of the week with another trial title. For the women’s trial, Maureen Kudrew won it but with her three more girls will be progressing into the professional division. Tune in tomorrow as the pros take to the water. The forecast is pumping, our pros are ready. Do not miss a second. Join the APP World Tour as the world’s best stand up paddle surfers get ready to compete at this year’s Grand Canaria Pro Am. Stay tuned to all our channels to see who plays this year’s crown from the 19th to the 27th of November. See all this and more at APP World Tour and APP World Tour. com. Hello and welcome to the APP World Tours Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m your host Holly Maudley and here we are at day one of competition. Today, we are running round one of the junior and long ball categories. Stay tuned all day for non-stop action. It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we haven’t been here. Smash her up. Casually throw and spray there. and let’s celebrate In the blue, who she is right now? Surfing is the man. Really nice, stylish hang five. Nice, bright, cutting it back in. So quickly shuffling up the board, coming back. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. As Tucker Rizik up again at the back. Holding a long long hang five. This. That was a super long nose dragon. So, Forrest here up on the nose for a long hang five. Zane again just showing that powerful what he’s going to do a headstand to finish. He’s got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top. And Capono Fakuda from Japan. Just waiting for it to. The belts are off the top. waiting for it to stand up. Really fast turn. Again, another one. Gonna go back to back. Wow. Fantastic maneuver off the left. And that is day one of the Grand Canaria Pro Am in the books. We crown junior champions. We started the longboard division and it has been spectacular. Tune in tomorrow as we do the finals of the long board and also the men’s and women’s trials. See you then. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw Team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown Sup Longboard champions as well as commence the trials while we will watch 20 hopeful stand up paddlers fight it out to compete in the professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the leg here. Turn. up into the legs. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting and pounding through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. with a nine 27. Nice cross step over there from Lekker. Straight to the nose. Into the final. waiting to set up for this tough turn slashing off. As we see that wave stand up into the Oh, it looks like it the result might be in. Lekko looks like he’s looking pretty happy. A sub longboard champion, Leko, how do you feel? Oh, I feel pretty good. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, guys. And that’s a wrap on day two of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Longboard Champions were crowned an eight new stand up paddlers secured their spot in the professional division. Leco Salazar proved he was still one of the best stand-up paddlers in the world and Capono Facuda continued on his clean sweep of the week with another men’s trial title. For the women’s trial, Maureen could do won it but with her three more girls, progressing into the professional division. Tune in tomorrow as the pros take to the water. The forecast is pumping, our pros are ready. Do not miss a second. with See? Bonjour madam. nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. de un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida, más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Y la plaga? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. Cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. Y la plaga? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro, o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me den, es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo, campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué, sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Y la plaga? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? ¿Es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más. Mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. y la plaga ¿Cuándo fue, Raúl? y la plaga ¿Cuándo fue la última ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro, o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Y la plaga? ¿Cuánd ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. O cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. Oh! y hay más mucho más. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. Y dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. ¿Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué, sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. ¿Y la plaga? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro, o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me den es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar, mar y a campo, campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. y y la plaga ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro, o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? ¿Es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo cubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. más olor a mar, mar y a campo, campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. this year’s crown from the 19th to the 27th of November. See all this and more at APP World Tour and APP World Tour. com. Hello and welcome to the APP World Tours Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m your host Holly Maudley and here we are at day one of the competition. Today, we are running round one of the junior and long board categories. Stay tuned all day for non-stop action. It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we have been here. casually thrown spray there. and I celebrate your in the blue. Here she is right now. Surfing against the men. Really nice stylish hang five. Nice, right, cutting it back into Royalda. So quickly shuffling up the board, coming back. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. As Pakarizic up again at the back. Holding a long long hang five. This. That was a super long nose dragon. So, Boris here up on the nose for a long hang five. Again, just showing that powerful what he’s going to do. A headstand to finish. He’s got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top. And Capono Fakuda from Japan. Just waiting for it to. The belts it off the top. just waiting for it to stand up really fast turn. And another one. Gonna go back to back. Oh. Wow. Fantastic maneuver off the lip. And that is day one of the Grand Canaria Pro Am in the books. We crowned junior champions. We started the longboard division and it has been spectacular. Tune in tomorrow as we do the finals of the long board and also the men’s and women’s trials. See you then. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw Team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown Suk Longboard champions as well as commence the trials while we watch 20 hopeful stand-up paddlers fight it out to compete in a professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the turn. Offensively. Nice. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting and paddling through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. with a 9. 27. Nice cross step over there from that guy. Straight to the nose. into the final. waiting to set up for this tough turn, slashing as we see that wave stand up into the oh. Oh, it looks like it the result might be in. Let go. It looks like he’s looking pretty happy. A sublong board, champion, Leko, how do you feel? Oh, I feel pretty good. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, guys. You. And that’s a wrap on day two of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Longboard champions were crowned an eight new stand up paddlers secured their spot in the professional division. Leco Salazar proved he was still one of the best standard paddlers in the world and Capone continued on his clean sweep of the week with another men’s trial title. For the women’s trial, won it but with her three more girls will be progressing into the professional division. Tune in tomorrow as the pros take to the water. The forecast is pumping, our pros are ready. Do not miss a second. See? usar la isla caminando. Claro. o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? Pues no me es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. Para comprar una Coca-Co otra flor autóctona. y hay más. Y mucho más. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. ¿Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. más olor a mar, mar y a campo, campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. plays this year’s crown from the 19th to the 27th of November. Seal this and more at APP World Tour at APP World Tour. com. Hello and welcome to the APP World Tour’s Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m your host Holly Maudsley and here we are at day one of competition. Today, we are running round one of the junior and long ball categories. Stay tuned all day for non-stop action. It’s amazing to be here. Amazing to be back. Three years since we haven’t been here. casually thrown spray there. and the television In the blue, who she is right now? Surfing against the men. Really nice, stylish hang five. Nice and bright. Cutting it back into so quickly shuffling up the board coming back. Here we go. He’s going to get to the nose. Lovely. As Tucker Rizik up again at the back. Holding a long long hang five. That was a super long-nosed dragon. So, Boris here up on the nose for a long hang five. Zane again just showing that powerful what he’s going to do a headstand to finish. He’s got another. Yeah, nice hit off the top. And Capono Fakuda from Japan. This is waiting for it to belts it off the top. waiting for it to stand up really fast turn. Again, another one. Gonna go back to back. Oh. Wow. Fantastic maneuver off the lip. And that is day one of the Grand Canaria Pro Am in the books. We crown junior champions. We started the longboard division and it has been spectacular. Tune in tomorrow as we do the finals of the long board and also the men’s and women’s trials. See you then. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yesterday, we saw Team Japan make a clean sweep as crowned junior world champions. Today, we will crown champions as well as commence the trials while we watch 20 hopeful stand up paddlers fight it out to compete in a professional division. Felipe’s first wave as he carves under the lid here. Turn. Offensively. Nice. Slides out the tail on that inside section. Up and over. Big turn. In the pocket of the waves such as that from Leko Salazar for riding at the moment. And these big turns is exactly what the judges are looking for. I’m just waiting and pounding through the section. Nice ball to crack it off the top. With a 9. 27. Nice cross step over there. Straight to the nose. Into the final. ready to set up for this slashing as we see that wave stand up into the Oh, it looks like it the result might be in. Let go. It looks like he’s looking pretty happy. A sublong Champion, Leko, how do you feel? Oh, I feel pretty good. I’m so happy. Thank you so much, guys. You. And that’s a wrap on day two of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Longboard champions were crowned an eight new stand up paddlers secured their spot in the professional division. Leco Salazar proved he was still one of the best standard paddlers in the world and Capone of Kakuda continued on his clean sweep of the week with another men’s trial title. For the women’s trial, won it but with her three more girls will be progressing into the professional division. Tune in tomorrow as the pros take to the water. The forecast is pumping. Our pros are ready. Do not miss a second. Mass. Masquereras Aguar Parte. más quedarse sin palabras. más tiempo. En definitiva, más momentos como este. ¿Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. to beach? Oh and there is more. a lot more Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfast in bed. more whiffs of the salty sea. and the countryside country. More smiles for the camera. more heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. More flavors to discover. being at a loss for words. more time. Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. And this. And this. And what if the answer was never really what? But where? Grand Canaria, so much to live for. See? tortura y hay más y mucho más ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más altos al vacío. más desayunos en la cama. más olor a mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a Camada. Más latidos por minuto. más disfrutar del camino. Más sueños casi cumplidos. Más amigos de repente. Más carreras a cualquier parte. Y este? Y este. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. to bitch. oh is more. A lot more. Could that be why we smile so much? Or is it because of this? Because everyday is a new discovery. Start your vital movement. Have you ever wondered why you always want more? More Mondays without the alarm. More first times, more leaps into the unknown. More breakfasts in bed. More whiffs of the salty sea And the countryside country. More smiles for the camera. More heartbeats per minute. More enjoying the journey. More dreams almost fulfilled. More unexpected friends. More races to anywhere. more flavors to discover. being at a loss for words. more time Time to lose yourself and find yourself again. In short, more moments like this. and this and this and what if the answer was never really what but where? Grand Canaria so much to live for. See? Thank you. es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más. Y mucho más. ¿Será por esto y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. buenas tardes. Welcome whear en Las Palmas Gran Canaria Craz be pack? Has amazing ways asporting and the toy times a bit. Yeah, we had that high tide come through at about midday. So, the waves slowing down a little bit. We were expecting that pulsing swell just starting to come through. We have seen some big sets over the last half an hour. So, action’s going to be on and the swell’s going to be throughout the afternoon So, as you can see there, the, we’re in the premium right-hand point of El Uret. right here in the capital Surf City, Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. Buenas tardes. welcome everyone watching around the world. This is the the round two he he won. Yeah, the men’s sub surf. Guillermo, Robello. He’ll be in the red. Mohitmash. He’s in the white. He’ll be in the blue and Capona Fakuda in the yellow. He’s competitors. They got the third and fourth place from that first round so they’ll be looking to get into round number three with a win or second place in this heat. As we see those tricky rocks there Competitors having to walk down over those rocks to jump in. pretty gnarly just getting in and out there. Walking down. Yeah. As that tide, you can kind of, the water just drags the rocks back in. So, you’ve really gotta time your paddle out. Here’s the scenes down here in Les Panamas. an element. and we are, well, we’re going to be starting about 5 minutes. 3 PM local time. Are you excited to see in this one though? Oh, I think there’s going to be a lot of people actually We got the media team there. On the camera. Yep. We’re on the the double decker fun bus here in Las Palmas. They’re bringing you all of this live webcast action. I’m really looking forward to seeing Morris Morris Marsh. He’s living in the Canary Islands at the moment. So, maybe a bit of local knowledge. I saw him go out for a free surf as the event was called off and yes. He was looking on point out there. Of The Japanese surfer. The winner of the juniors and of the trials yesterday. Capono Fakuda in the yellow. So we can see as we pan out here a first wave of this heat We are underway. Round 2. Heat number one. This is Morris. He’s up and riding. As we see a nice big turn but just can’t quite hold it. And Morris just putting it all on the line there. First wave of the heat and competitors will be hungry to get through into round three into knockout stages. Yeah Yeah especially as the surf gets better. Into tomorrow competitors really wanted to make it through this one. So, they get themselves a chance to surf in some of the some of the best waves we might see all event. We will be running the men’s round two and round number three. Getting it done this afternoon. and they’re potentially looking to go into a final stay. Mister kicking off tomorrow morning. but we will be getting up bright and early. judges assessing those conditions and making a call. and let us know where you’re watching around the world. You can watch us on APP World Tour the website. It’s on Facebook Live. APP Facebook page. Also streaming on APP YouTube channel. and yeah, check in your comments. Let us know who you’re rooting for. Come through. So many nationalities represented. Over here in Las Palmas. Grand Canary, the best in the world, Bo. Yeah, absolutely best stand-up paddleboard surfers. As we see a competitor there, getting ready for the next team. Look like our Frenchman entered in. Keep some stretching in. Limbering up. Bit of a break over that high tide. competitors opt to get some some rest in. It’s relaxed. Don’t want to get too sleepy though before you eat. No, that’s very cool. Just want to get psyched up. Yeah, ammo. Yeah, Guillermo in red. Streaking down the line here as he bashes it off the top. So, nice first turn there. Try and go into a almost like he sort of stalled on the top there. He’s throwing the tail around a bit. Is she on Machida? Getting ready for his heat upcoming next. He’ll be in that blue jersey. Checking the time. Getting psyched out there. And the athlete zone. Here in Las Palmas. No music for for she on there. No. No. Just opting for listening to the vibes and what’s happening down there. Taking it all in. Little bit of wind coming in now. On top of the the fun bus. It’s been a mobile event. So we had the round one. What? Day one and day two. Just just across the corner in La Sisa, the point break. Oh sorry, the beach break. And now El Loret. A premium right point here in Las Palmers. Carpono. Yeah, Capone winning the juniors and winning the men’s trials yesterday, getting himself a spot in the main event here. See some nice couple of turns that he just put together there. It’s a nice looking first turn there from Capone. Yeah, I really like the way Capono surfs. Gets down nice and low, pushes hard on the tail. Throws a bit of spray. And the young, 16 years old. It’s opting to paddle out. Impact zone. You want to get out of there quickly, don’t you Bo? We should be of some sketchy situations earlier this morning. Yeah, we sure have those rocks creep up on you very quickly especially as we’re closing in on the high tide. The women’s quarter finals. They were surfing very close to those rocks but the world’s best subsurfs didn’t face them at all. Hopping over them. Bottom turning around them. And kicking off just before that shore break. Just throwing caution to the wind. bashing the inside section there. And just kicking out just before the the boils of the the rocks. out on the shoreline. I’m going to see the women’s competitors semi-finals. Hopefully tomorrow. Now live. Round 2. Heat one. The men’s Sup Surf Grand Canaria Pro Am here in Las Palmas. Here we see some scores coming through. Capono’s last wave of 4. 33. He takes the lead with that single wave. Guillermo, a three-point ride and Morris, just a quick one-point ride. As we see the replay from Guillermo. He’s obviously going to just that one maneuver. Capono, slice, slashing on the tail there as he gets up into the lip with a better turn to finish off. So, two turns there. scoring him that four. 33. competitors starting to make a move in the lineup. is inho from Brazil in that first priority. He’s going to take a look at this wave here. as he gets into it. Up into the lip there. Bit of bump on this wave. Oh. Just times it wrong to get up again into that lift for the second turn. Leaving a little bit too late there to foam climb. He’s a black belt Brazilian jiu jitsu. Look like he tried a bit of jiu jitsu on that end section. I think the wave jiu jitsu at him. He’s a black belt though, doesn’t he? He’s a black belt, yes. So, we only have nice things to say about you, Pizzino. Only good things. Yeah, some tricky. Still tricky on that, that inside section there. And the tide’s going to be dropping back around about mid tide at the moment. So in 630 this afternoon, will be dead low. We saw, well, the conditions, what they were doing at low tide this morning. Kinda breaks a little bit further off the point. just more manageable. There’s lot more sections that sort of runs in to the bay. Elvaret. There’s that shot from the top of the the double decker. It’s the judges view. replay of the highest wave score in this heat so far from Capono Fakuda. It’s just on the turn just really sliding out, releasing it. Bending that back knee. And again, just getting that ball up and over the white water. You can see the white water pushing his board back down. Using that paddle as well on that turn. So, Capono doing well as we see live action here. Sliding the tail. Great turn there. And again up into the lip. Nice. It’s a great two-turn combination there from our surfer in blue. He’s had a quick 2. 17 for that first wave. It’s going to be a high score. And we see these waves breaking fairly close to the rocks. So Surfers trying to one big maneuver or trying to fit in a combination of two or possibly three turns. If we do see those sets marching, as we have been doing over the last hour or so, competitors maybe getting a few more. I see something here. All three competitors making their way out. We do see Moritzmarsh in first priority. He is going to paddle for this one. Take this one. What’s he going to do for him? See, good size wave coming here. For Moto switches the paddle over. He’s going to offer a really nice carve off the top. This is exactly what Morris was doing during that free session just earlier. Really flow. Lot of speed with that board as well but just can’t quite hold on to that last one. I really like that first turn Ollie. Super stylish there. First hand from Moritz. and four point zero7 See the view from the competitors area? Hello. one. 9one. And the tactics, I mean, getting that priority can really pay off. We saw that You know, early this morning with Zane trying to get caught a wave. And then just hammered it on the paddle, get back out to the lineup as quick as he possibly could. And he’s got priority. That’s right. Sitting there, first priority, man. She could take off from the the wave that you really want. You can make a decision. We’ve got some screaming down the beach. Bit of a Vaminos Pezino from Brazil. Nice bottom turn. Really nice. Slashing turn at the top and he’s going to come off the bottom again. What’s he got for us? Just a little little set up turn as he hits the lip. Oh. Can’t quite hold it at the end there. We do see Guillermo in red. It’s a swooping cut back top turn there from Gamma. Just a bit of backwash there. So he’s going to time it better off the top. Super nice. Cranks it off the top. Couple of great turns. And Capono up and riding. So these waves in the sets getting a lot more consistent as Capono. Again, just waiting patiently for this wave to set up. Cuts back as he’s going to finish off this wave with another slap. Beautiful slash turn there. safe to say the waves are back though. The waves are back. Great that we got underway as we see another one. Here from Moritz. Moritz one set to another. She takes off on this one. The face is cleaner on this wave. Big turner. He carves around again back into the white water. See this wave stand up on the inside as he does another turn off the top. He’s going to hold that and finish off in that deeper water. Wow Ollie. What an exchange of weight. See all competitors paddling back out. after those waves. All competitors getting some great turns in. Yeah. Really exciting exchange. I’m glad we got underway when we did. That’s it. It was really. We were waiting. We’re sort of looking every half an hour. So, we’ll start with Pizzinos. Wave. So, we’ll start with blue and he’s going to be quite a nice turn off the top and then just kind of a set up turn but couldn’t quite land that one. Bit of an airdrop at the end but there’s one. Oh. Great extension there. With the legs, with the paddle. And again, just a bit of backwash and he’s going to patiently wait as he hits it off the top that turn there, Ollie. Super nice. We’re going to cut to live action. With our surfer from Brazil. Current heat leader. Does he go here off the top again, Lad? Oh. Oh. tricky section. I think he was getting close to the rocks so yeah. Just to jump out. Press the eject button there. I think he’d press the eject button. See how that turn was was completed and he just jumped off at the end. Judges are going to be keeping a close eye on that. But He had some great waves in that exchange. The big set wave and then another set wave. We’re just taking two biggest waves of the set. Red Cryo. Back to back Morris. It’s Guillermo. He’s up and running now. We see him carving his way around. Getting some speed down the line. Switches that paddle. For a little slide tail. Puts him behind that section but he’s going to get himself in front. Another turn there before he has to kick out. Oh. Yeah, he’s right on the rock shelf there. Really love the way he was setting up for that. So, sort of. Couple of taps. Just getting ready. Front foot, Cranks it off the bottom. Relays into that slash on the top. Couple of sections there for him. Be happy. Yeah, very happy. 5. 6 euro. Still waiting on scores to drop. We’ll update you as soon as we have all of these scores dropping in. Ken say that Moritz He dropped 3. 83 and a five point 6 for those rides. We Caperno sitting there with a four point three three and a four point 27. Hm? And he’s a 5. 11 to jump into the lead. First and second moving through to round number three. So the surfers view of Las Palmas. And then here onto the El Paseo. In front of the El Loret in front of the break. El Loret. Love those beautiful green hills in the back. You can see the the pebble shoreline. Gotta negotiate. It’s going in and out. I was watching Zane do that. Kinda looked like a cat. Oh, just how fast he was getting in on the rocks. I couldn’t believe it. He came in from his free surf session. He literally just kind of washed up onto a rock, stood up and then just ran up to the where the bus is. Yeah. Just in without a seconds. I don’t know how he did it. We’ll see Zane coming up later. Big turn. and another. So, Guilty Armo Pushing hard. Super close at the moment. Yeah, we did to see. Point in between all those four surfaces here. Yeah, that’s exactly right. We still got 9 minutes, 22 seconds left. In this first heat of round two. It will only be the first two surfers going through. It will be. We’ll see if Guillermo can get up into that advancing position but. How’s this turn? Amazing. Pushing that tail. Lovely turn. And just using the paddle almost to push out over there huh? Exactly. So leaning back in that paddle. 9 minutes. Goes again. Placing that paddle in. Leaning back on it as he kicks his foot away. So nice So nice two turns. He’ll be happy with that. Should improve his situation. And a big thanks to our supporters. Garbido, the Grand Canaria And Torismo the Grand Canaria. The Grand Canaria, the host city. Thanks for having APP. In town. See some more. Amazing to be back here. Oh, so good to be back here. City of Las Palmas. Hello, Red. Some proper serious point style right handers on option. And yesterday and the day before, day one, day two, we’re at La Sisa. Just you can see in the back there, just around the corner. Closer to town. 4. 61 to boost. But not far. No. No five minute walk from here. Exactly. Not far at all. Or a one minute drive in the fun bus. white cryo. As we see all competitors paddling with it to our priority. with Mortz As we see him carving off the top there. He’s going to get around. He’s not quite going to get around around that section. We did see Capono as well surfing. Yeah. Further. Inside. Down the line. Yep. Was in the danger zone there. Oh yeah. Very much next to that. Muy Pelegoso Rock. Yeah. Get a bit shallow. Maybe. Now with the tide kind of dropping out. Pushing back. Definitely see it. It’s way more consistent. Than the last couple of hours which is great to see. This is our current heat leader Oh, big calf to bit of a slide at the top of the wave there. Try to push it a bit too much maybe. Bit too much. That wave not going to be improving his score line. However, he did drop a 5. 40 for his previous ride. So, that put him up into the lead. Guillermo. He dropped a 4. 47 for that Two way, two-tone combination on that wave. As we see the replay from Capono. Up into the lip. Right out of that one. Just one turn. Nowhere to go. Except toward the rocks. It’s Moritz. See him off the top there. just couldn’t quite get around that wave. That was the same wave that Capono was on. As you said, I’ll be all competitors. Very close in their scores. Gillimore only looking for a 4point61 to move into that second position. And Capono. He just dropped a 2. 5 for that last one turn wave. So he needs a 5. 11. To get up into advancing position. Way to Looks like some waves on the horizon Ollie. But it is head to Hoots and Hollers from the crew. Down the athlete zone. ah. Everyone moving out. First priority is with red. Second is with Capono. So we’ll see which surfer is going to go for this one. See which one is in the best position. We’re going to see. Thomas got priority. The ammo. Take off on this wave. A great looking set. As he goes up high on the way for his first turn. He’s going to wait. Let’s get around this. He dodges the water cameraman. Nice turn off the top. As we see Guillermo just navigating through the bumps with a big roundhouse cut back. And he holds that on the end there for jumping out. And we’re going to just behind him. Did hear some some yellows up. But Guillermo just trying to get him on the replay. Super nice wave there from Guillermo. Yeah, surfed it really well. Bit of bump on the face being the first wave of the set. Definitely one of the larger waves of the day. Definitely is but he got nice and high up into that wave. Just see just dodging the cameraman. Yeah, just the read he has on these waves as well. Up into the lip there. Nice turn and crosses the paddle over for this lovely roundhouse. Back up into the white water. Rebound. Lands that one. Jump off. And we see Capono. So that was just the wave right behind him. Oh. That board flipping over on. on Capono. He’s running a pretty light board isn’t he? He really is. It’s only six hand length. Capone riding a Sonova. Really lightweight. He’s only a lightweight rider too. Mm hmm. Small junior surfer. He was putting on a show last couple of days. Winning the boys. The under 16s. Under 18s. And that was on day one. And then the trials yesterday. As we see Moritz off the top there. He’s just holding on through the white water. He’d be a bit disappointed in that. As we see Capone having a look at a wave. He’s going to switch up a current heat leader. Azino. He’s up and riding as he switches that paddle. He’s going to make sure he finishes this wave. Try and increase that scoreline. Oh. Lovely turn right on the shoreline. Guillermo. Waiting for a score to drop from him. As he goes up into the lands. Great high risk maneuver but can’t quite make it for the next one. As we see a flurry of waves toward the end of this heat. Oh. Paranoid just not timing that turn very well. He’s coming on Glad. There’s something here behind him. You see Moritz. Morris. Just pulling out of that one out. Yeah. So we do have quite a few scores to be locked in. I think all our surfers got. Got a ride there. Yeah, they sure did. 1 minute, 30 seconds remaining. In this first heat of round two. Just going to see who’s going to advance into the knockout stages. Round three. Only the top two surfers. In the round two heats are going to advance. Into the third round. So close. Loads of scores to come in Bow. yeah tons of scores. We saw Guillermo have a really nice, committed, high-risk maneuver off the lip. We saw Bazino take off in a smaller one on the inside. Getting a few turns done. Just laying down the tails there, doesn’t he? He pushes the tail out on those top turns or he blast it through the sections. As we see Capono, he’s needing a score to move up into advancing position. So, he’s hoping that one of these waves here are going to be able to offer him up something. He got a bomb on his last wave. Just couldn’t couldn’t make it. No, he just timed it. Little bit wrong but he does have first priority. He’s going to paddle really hard for this one. You can see getting that board moving. Not going to quite get onto it. So, Morris. Morris will though. He’s going to try and make his scoreline a bit higher as he goes up over this little foam section. 50 seconds. He’s going to come in. And leave it to the judges as we see the oh. Bentley Grosso. Sneaky rock that one. Especially on the high tide. It was just sitting on just on the surface of the water. Three, two, one. I’m going to wait for our scores. Wait for the scores to come in. Let’s see who’s going to advance into knockout stages. Yeah, judges got a lot of waves to input there. We’ll see if that does change the situation. Vesino, it’s too close to predict. It is, it is really close to predict. He’s going to come in. And we’re going to go to this one. A replay. Guillermo’s wave. Great first turn. He’s throwing that board right up into Lepis. That just air drops out of it. Was his last wave. Capono. Just missed time then. Morrits Morrits kicking out of one but getting this last wave here as he turns. Goes up and over this white water section but that’s all he’s got for that last wave. Still waiting for those. Last scores to come in. With a six. 17. Yeah This moves up into the top and just wait for the remaining scores. But yeah, great score from Guillermo. Mensiho. Waving to his mates. He’s still got another score to come through as well for his last ride. Hit a couple of nice turns. Morrit’s waiting for his wave as well. Capono. Vicante that Capono unfortunately not going to be moving through. But what a great performance from the young Japanese surfer. Only 16. Coming up against for some of his some of his heroes here. Yeah, definitely. That’s a European champion, Guillermo. These are the best in the world. Stand up. It’s an absolute clinic yesterday. Cranny the longboard champ. Leko Salazar from Brazil. He’ll be coming up later on today. For what? Yeah, that’s right. We saw him win his first round heat this morning. So Robello. It’s getting congratulated there. Walking up on the rocks. be happy with that. Throwing shackers. In fact, the athlete zone, chill out now. Just take it easy, take it all in. Grab some water. So we are. We’re getting ready. Round three. That’s right. Getting ready. So, we are still waiting for scores to drop. is that is that aerial shot of Las Palmas. There’s the You can see us down there the party bus and then just round the corner, around the rock wall, getting into the city. I see some where we were. Yesterday and the day before. Had some cracking waves. Three, two, one. So we can let you know the full results. The confirmed results of that last hit. In the first place. And then we had Bezino Otero with a 4. 67 on his last wave. He gets through. Unfortunately Moritz Marsh and Capone Fakuda. Not making it through that second round. Up next we have round two. Heat number two. The men’s sub surf. Sebastian Gomez in the red. Zane signs. He’ll be in the white. Shield Machita in the blue and Anthony Insidera. He is in the as we see Sebastian. No, this is Zane. Zane. My apologies. Straight in. Bang up into the lip. Super radical. A young Hawaiian. Doesn’t mind the big stuff. He’d love it if it was double the size out there today I think. He’ll be wanting to get through. With news of that swell coming in. Surf’s going to be getting quite a bit bigger. And just the one point 2 three for that ride from Zane. 25minute heats. Around two. A plenty of time. I was pretty consistent that last heat, wouldn’t you say that? Very consistent, Ollie. Look at it. Yeah, like a couple of first couple of hours we were waiting, waiting. We’re like, we’re going to run it. and we’re going to go to Holly at the beach. Every Holly. Thank you guys. I’m here with who just won the Repercharge Men’s Heat number one. That was an insanely tight heat. What was it like out there, Glemo? Well, it was really hard. I made it in the last wave and they just lost the the last wave and it was the result is improving. The conditions are getting better and better and I I think it will be a really fun afternoon of surfing here. Yeah, me too, definitely. Well, thank you so much. Good luck in the next round and back to you guys in the studio. Thanks, Holly. Congrats, Gilmore. Into round three. Pretty stoked with that. Yeah, he’d be very stoked with that. Only a short break though. That’ll be coming up after this heat. I’m going to try and finish off round three on me today. So be running through round two. Straight into round three. And we’ll see those conditions improve. Hopefully with that tide dropping out. Yeah, we’ll definitely see that consistency improve as we saw in that last heat. Oh. Just bombs back to back. Back to back. as we see a replay of Zane. This happened during the interview. Getting away from the inside. Oh nice turn. As he finishes off this wave with a bit of a foam climb. Yeah, Laurette. You can see it now just firing down that point. Then, La Sisa, just out there in the distance, closer to the city. and Surf City. So many epic breaks around here. So much to do. The different water sports. There’s a lot of free surfers out. Across the city. Whether surfing, bodyboarding, stand up Oh, the surf is just going to having a break. They’re allowed to sit on the board as long as they’re not moving around. Yeah, that’s right. Competitors just taking a breather there but I think we see some lumps and bumps coming in. See, when you start hearing the churro from the beach, there’s no rest. That’s right. You gotta get straight up and out there. What do we got here, Bo? We got a bit of a paddle here. So, Zane obviously opting for those couple of waves at the start. So, other surfers without priority but we will see Sebastian Gomez making a start to open his account on this wave. He’s going to be fading back to the left as he’s going to go up into the lip. Very nice, smooth surfer from Peru. Sebastian was competing at the ISA World Games recently. Who would have liked to made it through a few more heats over there? Representing his country of Peru extremely well. As we see a good set wave coming through here. So Antoine yellow. Stroking in on his backhand. Switching that paddle over. Nice top turn on that wave. He’s going to set it up for another. Carving maneuver. Off the top. And a third. Oh. At the end of that wave. Rides out of it. Clean. Stoked with that. Yeah. Great finish there. For our surfer in the yellow. as we saw some scores drop there. For Zain’s second wave. He dropped a five point ride. There’s Leo Jimenez. Just getting ready. He’ll be up in the next heat. and we see Akifi for the Japanese surfer. Shion Machida. Just working it through this section here. Trying to get round the white water. Couldn’t quite get through it though Ollie. Trying to use the paddle. Just trying to negotiate around there. Digging it into the whiteboard but not to be. 3. 10. 80minute, 35 seconds. So we’ll see. Scores coming in. Sebastian Gomez. Dropped a 3. 1. For that wave. And we’ll wait to see what score was. We’ve been As we see pretty nice wall water coming in here. Sebastian. Looking like a. He’s going to have a look at this here. Yeah. He’s going to get So, Sebastian. Sebastian great body turn. Really great sliding tail in the pocket. And again up into the lip. Fantastic radical surfing. Huge phone climb there from Sebastian. We see Zane on a bigger wave as well. He’s going to go up into the two but he just can’t quite hold it. so close Think a bit of wind, a bit of bump, bit of chop. Just playing into account there. Zain. He looking to compose himself and get onto a another ride like that. Hopefully land a maneuver. But Sebastian Gomez in the red on that previous wave. Whoo. That was amazing performance. starting to turn on out here. It really is. The way he can fit that big board into those tight pockets of the wave. Really impressed with his surfing. Stretching it out. We saw Leo competing in the longboard division. He was also on Leko’s board that he was riding yesterday. Mm hmm. The rented surfboard here in Grand Canaria. It’s been snapped a few times. The GoPro mount on the nose. You need one, one, four, one, two, one. We do see Leko chilling out behind him. APP World Longboard Champion. He was crowned yesterday. Such a good setup here, isn’t it? Like, watching the crowd, the athletes, the zone. It’s right in front of the brakes. Brakes really close. Sometimes a little bit too close. The surfers will be keeping an eye on those inside sections, that’s for sure. Antoine, what’s he got here? We did see Anthony drop a six point ride for his first wave. So, see if he can back that up here. As he goes up high in the lip again. It’s a great start to this wave as he makes his way around this section. He’s going to take it through. See what the inside has to offer. Just going to cover back. Must look like he was stalling for something else on the inside but I think he’s getting pretty close to those rocks. So, just deciding that that wave not going to offer too much so he’ll kick out. Nineteen. How was that second turn? That was amazing. Amazing. Absolutely incredible. So Sebastian Gomez. We’ve just seen him jump. Skyrocket. Into first place with this wave here. Like I said just fitting that boy in to that point and oh. And again. Wow. That board almost inverted. Upside down. Eight point nine three. He was rewarded. Oh. With that ride. Right his third see? Just getting proper vert than just using the paddle there. Three. Almost keep him upright. Yeah. Exactly right. Using that paddle to balance himself. Using that core as well. Holding up on a turn like that. That’s the thing with the paddle. You can get inverted. But you’ve got this extension that you can just lean on. Keep yourself balanced on that board. As you bring it back underneath your feet. And the core strength of our surfers. I mean the the best stand up paddle boarders in the world. Yeah, just doing the actual sport. It’s end up paddling helps you core. Yep. But these surfers definitely training. A lot of muscle conditioning. As we see Zane. He’s going to go up into that lip of the wave. Again, just carving along. Another one of our junior competitors making it through. And Zain Looking to get back out the back. Wonder a set wave. Wave. See him go up into the pocket of this wave, Sierra. Places that turn right next to the white water. That’s a really critical section there. And again he’s going to look to position that turn. Up in the lip of the wave. As he pushes hard on that tail. Slides it a little bit. Pushes a bit of a spray. Back to live action here. Shio Machida. On his backhand. Oh. he just comes unstuck on that one. So riding a step rail board. Mm. From Infinity. We were looking at that in the break. We were taking a look at that. So the step rails just happening about starting a foot back from the probably finishing a foot up from the tail. And what are the advantages of that? Offering him a slightly thinner rail for carving. But we just did see there that as he was projecting himself out for that cut back. The whole rail dug in. So that is an issue with step rails. But sometimes the whole rail will dig in. And water will lap up over that step. as we’re looking at. Make it a bit tricky if it’s bumpy. Doggy there on the screen. Yeah. Buenos tardes pedal. They’re local. Yeah. Behind that pedal. That is it by Moreno. Should be looking to surf in the semi-finals of the women. Tomorrow. We saw her sister. Dana down here as well. World champion. Almost got confused. They look exactly the same. a lot of world championships. We’ve seen them. Yeah, that’s very true as we see. Antonin trying to paddle into this one and he’s not going to quite get into it. And we see Sebastian Gomez on another great looking wave here. He’s going to look recreate what he just did before as he goes up vertical. In that section and again through the lip. Switching that paddle over for a cut back into the white water. White white. This is great center paddleboard surfing if you are watching from home. Oh what a wave from Sebastian. Just going full send mode there. Yes. Sending it indeed. Sebastian surfing great as you did see Zane cruise past the camera there. Zane. Just zip past the camera in a million miles an hour. But we’ll get a replay. thank God. I think Sebastian’s going to extend his lead after that last wave. Fantastic surfing. Surfing from Sebastian. waiting for some scores to come in. Again, this heat offering up some great rides for the competitors. I mean, his last wave was at eight point nine three. And here we go. Let’s take a look at this replay. First turn. Bang. This is his second turn in the pocket. He switches that paddle over for a cut back. You know what? He’s going to finish it off with a big float. Zane, here we go. Maneuver every. Big turn from Zane as well at the back. As he goes into another splashing maneuver. Zane. Another turn on the inside. So, wait to see what the scores come through for that and we’ll go into live action with Shion Machita on his backhand. As he comes off the bottom, whips it up the top of this wave. He’s going to get around this section as well. What’s he got? Another top turn. And again, up into the lip. Shion Vegeta. Showcasing what he can do. Gonna stand up paddle board. There’s a smaller wave but definitely made the most of that one. Yeah, he sure did. Did I just take an end to account as well? See Sebastian on the bigger waves doing bigger turns. Shion still doing big turns but on the smaller wave. Risk. But Sebastian again. Bang. Into the lip. Sebastian. He’s just having fun out here now. How did he even come out? Looks like he’s going to get hung up for sure but nope. This is why the best, the best in the world. Putting on an absolute clinic out here. Exactly and Sebastian dropped an 8. 33 for that ride that we saw. Him going vertical twice with that cut back and a floater at the end. Three, three. It’s that four turn wave. Pushing his lead up to a seventeen. Two six. Three, four, five, five, zero, four, yellow, Under 10 minutes now. A second heat of round two. Still plenty of plenty of time. As we’ve seen those sets have been coming in now. Bit more regularly than earlier on at that higher tide. So it drops out. Think we’re going to see some bombs. I hope we do. Uh definitely we’re going to see some bombs. Especially after that heat prior to this one. Round two heat one. We saw some great consistency with the sets in that heat. So Moritz I think Maybe it was either in the same set waves. You caught the first wave of the set. Yeah. Then paddle back out in the last wave of the set. It was on two sets in a row. No time for a breather. No. Straight back out. And Sebastian there as well getting the best pick of the waves. Positioning himself in the best spots. Welcome everyone. Watching from around the world. you can find it out. I think it’s had these the afternoon now. Let us know where you’re watching from. If you come from the US, Europe. Ever in Asia? Australasia? Got some people tuning in from South Africa. Nice. Yeah. Oh. And a question for me. From Bryn. Any obvious trends in board design? Looks really varied he says. Keep up the good work to us. So thanks Bryn for writing in with that question. I’ll let you know that everyone’s basically riding a thruster setup out there with the fence. We had to look around the competitors area. Yesterday maybe huh? Yeah maybe one quad yesterday. We see Shion Machida in this heat with that step rail design. That’s the infinity blur. VT. V2. But mostly surfers opting just for that short board design, thinner rails in the tail. Most competitors on around that. 72, 7four in board size. Some of our competitors on some smaller boards. Yeah, exactly. We’ll see some of the bit of extended rocker. It is very varied between board designs. We see our competitor in yellow, Antonin here. Coming off the bottom. Up into the lip. Again. That wave stepped out with those rocks underneath there and Anthony ends up going down. Anthony on a square tail. Couple of competitors opting for a pintail. But yeah, very. Would you say there’s a would be the majority? Would it be like that rounded square tail? Yeah, rounded squaretail. Gives you good release but also good speed down the line and good stability as well. It can hold a bit of width. As we see Shion Machita He’s on a round tail See him getting up into the lid there and again. Hitting it up off the lip. So Shion getting those smaller ones on the inside with a number of turns on the wave. Most of these surfers are riding custom-shaped boards from their sponsors. Zane, he’s on a blue planet in this heat. Super small board under the water right now. Can’t even see it. No. It’s gone. It’s amazing the stability you do have. That’s amazing. Yeah, exactly. You can see you can use that paddle as well as you’re standing there to. Yeah. To keep balance. Just moving that ever so slightly. He’ll be in a slight surf there. Standing on a rock out. Usually could be. See Anthony paddling into another wave. He really needs to get up into that second spot to advance. Whoo. He had a great wave to start this heat. really found a good backup. As we see Zane signs. Nice looking one here. If you get around this section. He’s going to wait for it. Up in eject. It’s well negotiated around that section there. Yeah, it did well to time it. To be able to find a section to hit. Looking pretty bumpy that wave. Bit more wind, I think. Just coming in. It’s ripping up across the point. As we’re going to go to a replay. Of Antonin’s wife. is this going to kick out there but Zane you can see as he races around. Yeah just waiting, waiting, waiting. He finds that perfect moment to hit the leap. You see he gets on his back foot to keep that nose up. out of the waters. He’s going to hit the water. Straight back to live action as we see Sebastian Gomez off the top and again. Oh just comes unglued from his board. Sebastian blown it out again. Yeah. That’s right. He’s writing a quad actually, Sebastian. So, one of the only competitors out there. What’s this? Look at this. This is a great turn. Sliding Sliding the tail. No mercy on that turn. No. He’s just. Oh, he’s just eyeing it up. Pushing hard. This is a great section he had to work with but he just pushes that back foot a little too hard. You see and that board gets away from him. Yes, my score’s coming in. Ja. Two point eight three. Sebastian for that last one. As we see Shion on a bigger wave here. He’s going to put into practice those backhand whips and he does a great job there. As he bottom turns again up into the high section of this wave. Nice slashing turn. As he goes up into the lip again. Great turns from Sheon. Kinda let’s go with the paddle after every turn. What score is he looking for? Ollie. Say he needed a 7. 17. to advance but Still Don’t know if it’s going to be enough that one. Don’t think that one is going to be enough after we’ve seen Sebastian drop some eight point rides. Excellent range. Grandiola. See. Wave coming. Vamos over. Let’s see what’s going to happen here. As As we do see. Antonin stroking into one of the biggest waves of the day. So he’s got a smile on his face as he’s on this one. Yeah. Yeah. He’s going to get up into the lid. Great turn. It’s quite bumpy as he goes down the line. Big turn is he’s just not going to be able to hold it. We are going to see Zane behind him. Carving off the top there. On a foamy one. We will catch up to Zane down the line as he gets up into the lip again. Zane. Getting better and better throughout this heat. Finding better waves. Doing bigger turns. Really impressed with this young surfer from Hawaii. 45 seconds. Got a minute and 40 seconds remaining. Great to get a replay of Zanes waves. See exactly what turns he was doing on there. Think he might improve his score with this one. Sebastian left out the back all alone. What is this? He’s not going to get into it. That’s alright Sebastian. He’s comfortably in the lead. Basically comboed the whole field. Which means all surfers needing two scores. Brett that’s just a victory away for him. Yeah we’ll see Sebastian. Just showing exactly what he can do up into the lips. Sliding to the tail as we see. But it’s got priority. She on. With priority. Often to go this way. Three, two, one. Big hit off the top there. He’s going to be able to get another turn on the inside. For this wave. He’s up under the rocks. He does get one more turning. Nice. Yeah. To wait for that score to come in. As we see the fellow country sportswomen. The Inaway Sisters. That’s Sakura on the left. Katie on the right. You can see the Peruvian surfer. Sebastian Gomez a recap. Bang. Oh. And again Ollie. Letting it loose. Whoo. That radical turn there. It was fantastic. Just a two turn wave. Eight point eight three. This one here. Oh, just ripping it off the lip. Great committed surfing. This was the 8. 33. sick to see how quickly he repositions his feet after free falling off the lip there. Back down into the bottom turn into the flats and then up again. Attack mode. We’re going to run to a commercial and we’ll be back with round two. See you soon. See? Bonjour, madam. Di hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. Buenas tardes. Welcome. The Gran Canaria We here las las palmas Gran Canaria The mens supsoft Pro Am. We got round three heat one in the water. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. Joined by Beau Nixon. Some insane surfing to finish off round 2 Bo. Oh fantastic efforts from the Peruvian surface Sebastian Gomez. Absolutely on a tear in that heat. We’ll see coming up in this round. Number three. In the water. We have Takanue. He is in the red jersey. The United Jimenez in the white and Kiammo. In the blue but we’ll see the first wave here from Leo. Of Brazil. He’s ripping it off the top. Fantastic riding. Again on his backhand. Bang. Oh up into the left. Oh as he just falls onto his board. Wow. So, as we progress through these rounds, the surfing just getting better and better. Waves getting better. Waves getting wells picking up. Well, Surfers just laying on the line. We’re going to be running through round three. Yeah, probably looking to finish up after these four heats. Round number three. Two surfers will progress through each heat. Into the quarter finals of the men’s. As we see competitors limbering up and we do see Leo on another wave. He bangs his that board up into the lip and again. Big wrap off the top. As he’s surfing through this wave. He’s going to finish it off on the inside. and queer ammo, Robello behind him. just up and out on that one. They’re pedaling back out to the lineup. to join Tucker. It’s great to see the surf pick up. With that tide dropping out. and see over there. That’s Panamas. Here. Surfer in blue. Guillermo. Just waiting for a section to stand up in front of him. He goes down. Still plenty of time left in this heat. Bumpy there. Let’s take off some tapping the front of the board. Trying to get round that section. companies. Some you win, some you lose. It’s exactly right. Raised away from him. That’s right. Best surface though, Ollie. Selecting their waves. Making sure they’re on the best ones. Get the biggest scores. Just like Tucker here waiting patiently. He knows that he only takes two rights to get through a heat. Mm hmm. Two best scores. He’s had the highest wave goal of the day so far. In men’s round number one and nine point four three. Nice. He secured himself. Coming all the way through from the trial event. That we ran yesterday. Tucker. He’s waiting out there. on some scores coming in. Leo, Jimines, the 8. 07. Combines his last wave is a five point four. He’s adding to his first wave. A two. 67. He’s turning again. See Guillermo on the inside. Finding these smaller ones. Wanting to build a house as we’d say. Just staying really busy. Finding scores here and there and just getting into surfing dialed in. Yeah. almost holds it for the finish. A couple of nice turns on that wave. ah five point four zero bit of a weight out there now though. Yeah, so that it’s going to be patient Do you need to be patient? Patience is a virtue. Can be key especially with these long lulls between sets. You can choose to sit there and wait. That’s a strategy. Sit there and wait for the big waves. You know, you gotta get the high scores on. Would you say that would come with experience? It definitely would come with experience. Especially watching the break, knowing the break as well. We see Guil staying busy on the inside. Catching lots of waves. We’re going to go over to Holly on the beach with the winner of the lassie. Thank you guys. I’m here with Sebastian Gomez who just absolutely smashed the repercharge number two for the men with two scores over eight. That was amazing heat total. How was it out there? Uh it was really fun. Um very excited for surf these waves. And very excited for my next hit too. Um that’s it. And this morning it was super tight in heat number one. It’s been a tough day for you. But some good scores now. Are you excited for the rest of the competition? Yeah. Can I speak Spanish? Yeah. a todas las personas que me apoyaron para poder eh venir a competir aquí a Canarias y muy agradecido. increíble. yeah is so exciting, radical. Just electric. Put it on the rail. and those top turns. It’s going Vert. Yeah, really photoclopping the lip as we see Guillermo. Himself. Looking to go vertical. Up into the left. As we see that tap off the top. As he races through on this one. Nice turn off the top. Sliding that tail. Above the lip and again. makes his way through to the inside and he’s going to nice. Again. Turn on the end section before he kicks out. So Guillermo staying on his feet. Almost staying on his feet. After that wave. Pretty bumpy in there with the backwash. you see Tucker. We did see him up on a wave during the interview as well as he was doing something pretty similar to that. And again. Tucker Contorting his body there. Stretching out. That first turn was insane. Hopefully, we’ll get a replay. for the wave that he was riding during the interview. Yeah, speaking to Tristan Boxford earlier today, Ollie. And we were comparing Tucker surfing to Kyle Lenny’s. Obviously, Kyle Lenny. Absolute household name now in the surfing industry but before that, he was on the stand up world tour. Yeah. APP World Tour, five-time world champion. As we see. So, this is the one play. This is the one we saw during that interview. Oh, commitment. Look at that. Just the one turn on that wave as Tucker pin drops down. Oh, he’s he’s surfing very much like Kyle Lenny. The way he contorts his body. Slides the tail. Just always lands on his feet. He’s certainly saying. He slides the tail but it’s always a committed on-rail calf before then. So the judges really rewarding highly that scoring. We got 15 minutes remaining. The first heat of round three. Let’s see what score’s going to be coming in from that one from Taco. I mean it was only one maneuver but pretty big one. Massive earn. A big wave too. As we see Tucker now take first place. Run us through the scores Ollie. So you got 6. 23 for that last wave. So with his first wave of four point four. It’s combining up there. Ten point six three. Which means Leo. Jimines needs a a 5 point two four. Ngomo, Robello needs a four point two five. Yeah, let’s see. Guillermo, couple of small three-point rides in his scoreline. We see Guillermo taking off on the smaller waves. So, maybe reflecting in his scores as well as they are a bit smaller than his competitors. Guillermo and another small wave here. Bang. Up into the lip. Great two wave turn on that. So, Guillermo, looking to get back out there. This is a knockout stage. Only the first and second going through into the quarters. Gonna be jostling to get the priority. Looking to win this round. Yeah from the quarterfinals, it will be man on man. Heats. As we see three man heats for round number three. Potentially running that tomorrow in the morning. Yeah, that’s right. And some some big stuff. Big stuff. That’s right. Swell rapidly building tomorrow throughout the day. Tomorrow afternoon could be looking maxing out. Here in Grand Canaria. We have seen some footage of some recent storms hitting the northern coast of Spain. So that swell’s already already arriving on the continent. It’s around like San Sebastian, wasn’t it? In the North I know there’s been a lot of lot of chat about Nazare. Gonna be pumping over the weekend. Yeah, man. Here we are. Jess That one. Is that just snapping it right around there. Guillermore did drop a 4. 4 for his last ride. So that pushes him up into second place. And Leonardo Jimenez. We saw a couple of great ways from him at the start of this heat. Are you watching that paddle? is a five-stroke rule. Maybe maybe a warning sent out for him. Mm hmm. Willie, that’s the judges. Yeah, there’s a lot of lot of current and there’s rocks out there. You just want to get out the impact zone but let’s bro, run us through this. Yeah, slow mo, of that slashing turn. You see him moving his back foot. They bang up into the lip. It’s a great surfing from Guillermo from Spain. The current European champion. He won the European Championship ahead of Benoit Cup on TA earlier this year. That was held in Denmark. the region of Cold Hawaii. Mm. Great Danish. Casper Steinforth originating from there. Casper he’s just an amazing guy. All round great guy. Great competitor as well. won a number of world titles on the racing circuit. Accomplished surf for himself as well. And he’s got the new breed of Danish surfers underneath him. We saw a couple of them in the junior event. Speaking of the Coldwater Hawaii, they do call the Canary Islands. So it is the Hawaii of the Atlantic. Wow. When the first service came over here in the early sixties. Saw how good the setup was. How amazing the waves are here in Grand Canaria in Las Palmas. I don’t. I don’t think that that nickname pretty much stuck. This is the sixties. I’d have to wire the Atlantic and I mean, how true is that? Oh, absolutely. So true. I definitely agree with that. You got the trade wins here. I’m going to vouch for the weather too. Yep, definitely. I mean, there’s there’s Christmas trees up when I’m sitting here in shorts and T shirt. It is? Yeah. There we go. Hot Christmas. Yeah, that’s what I’m used to. Trip of the Bobby. Yeah, that’s it. Barbecues. Yeah, barbecues. Get the barbies out. I did like that in Australia. Yeah, right? Everyone’s like, it feels so weird. It should be cold. I was like, yeah, but you can go to the beach and surf in board shorts. It’s right. Right, exactly. Much more relaxed affair. Christmas in Australia as we see. Whoo. Yeah, we’re kicking out of that one. Yeah, let us know on the live what you’re thinking about Christmas. What you like to spend it? If you like, if you like it somewhere warm or somewhere cold. Maybe a cold Christmas, maybe a warm New Years. Yeah. I was listed in the UK. Okay. You, Christmas at home? Then, skip over somewhere new. Bit of Morocco, over to Sri Lanka, Canary’s. We’ve got here Leo. It’s a six-top turn. Another one. Extending that back foot. Throwing buckets of spray and again. Three great turns already. He’s going to rip another one off the top as he switches the paddle over. Looking to finish his wave off. And he does. So Leonardo. Great surfing there by Leo. Looking like he is going to progress. He’s going to be extending score. Definitely. Not on. Just waiting for some scores to drop. Liam. We like to make some big call on the webcard. Yeah, we did. We’re going to leave it to the judges to do all the hard work. one of the judges standing next to us. Giving us the evil eye as we try and. Yeah. We don’t make the calls though. No, we don’t. We can make calls. Tell us what you thought of that last wave from Leonardo before the scores come in because we think it was such a great way but Tucker on the outside. He’s been waiting patiently. Ripping that turn in the pocket. as he gets a lot of speed. Getting there in time for this turn and throws it up into the lift. The Cassucker. Gamble behind him. Sliding top 10 there from Gremlin. And again, slashing through the wave. What’s he going to do with the section? Bashes it for a third time. Oh yeah. The surfing is heating up. We’re getting excited up now. I got it so fired up here. The top of the double deck of Wawa. The fun bus. Just insane performance from our surfers. All three surfers. Leonardo Jimenez. He has jumped up into first place with that last wave. He did secure himself. A big score. Come through. Three points coming in by. We’ll just wait for it to update on our screens. There’s a 6. 43 on his previous ride. So he takes a lead but we are waiting for scores of both Tucker and Guillermov. Tucker Anua. That landing from Tugger was ridiculous. I mean, it was very that Sebastian. I was so messy. I was 95% sure he wasn’t going to land that and then it just just pops out the whiteboard. Exactly. Super inverted. As we see. Unbelievable. This out starting to pulse through here in Grand Canaria. Leo up. Riding at the back. On a nice settle set way but he carves that second turnaround. And again, off into the lip. You can see him. Extending that upper body and rotating for a bit more flare. Bit more power. Down to that turn. It’s cracking surfing from Leah. Just kicking out. not having anything to do with those rocks on the inside. No, definitely not. Still waiting on the scores to come in. Yeah, we are waiting for those scores. Again, from all surfers. You got some points in? We do have some points in. We saw the situation change there. Lots of Takara Nuwe. Two turn wave. Two
Welcome to Day 3 of Gran Canaria Pro Am 2022


Gran Canaria Pro Am 2022 - Finals Day | Welcome to Finals Day! Join us as we get ready to crown the 2022 Mens and Womens World Champions | By APP World Tour | ¿Y la plaga? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que probaste algo nuevo? ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro, o cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué ¿En qué puedo ayudarle, señor? Pues no me den, ¿Es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más Y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. ¿Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria. Mucho por vivir ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Unas sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. y la playa? ¿Cuándo fue la ¿Puedo hacer esto todos los días? Sí, puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. Cabalgando si quieres. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle señor? ¿Es posible cancelar mi vuelo? Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Unas sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. y la y la playa Sí ¿Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. Oh! Y hay más. Y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. Dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. Más olor a mar mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria. Mucho por vivir R ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Unas sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir. y la playa Sí. Puedo cruzar la isla caminando. Claro. O cabalgando si quiere Pues no me den muy bueno. Qué es esto? Esto es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más Y mucho más. ¿Será por ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? O ¿Será por esto? porque cada es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. buenos días welcome to finus day on the conditions today are absolutely firing. Oh, we’ve seen that swell fill in overnight. So, just going to be building throughout the day. Like you said, finals day going to be tons of action coming to you at home on the screen. So, make sure you stick around all day because it’s going to be action packed. We’re going to be starting off with the women’s semi-finals. Had some amazing heats for the quarterfinals. Uh the women’s yesterday, we finished off round two and three of the men’s. So, we’ll be going into the men’s quarters. Later on to today. In here in beautiful Las Palmas. Grand Canaria. Conditions are absolutely firing. Let’s have a little look at what went down yesterday On the day three highlights. Welcome back to the Grand Canaria Pro app. Yesterday, we wrapped up the trials and saw Lepo Salazar take the first ever SUP Longhorn world title. Today is a big one as we see our professional category get underway at the Eldoret Wave. A new spell is coming in. Preparing a battlefield for the best in the world to fight it out. Let the games begin. Go up into the list. Because you go up again. Go this way. Goes off the top. It’s going to stick to Terrence on this wave and he bashes that first section. getting up into the lip. You see him go into a calf on that first turn. By Moreno and Marina Loyazza. Speed, power, flow, and another term there just to say tail slashing. That was such a great maneuver. Argentina into the semis. He goes up into the lift. Float. Lands it. Great. Same go up into the pocket of this wave seal. He switches the paddle over. Looking to finish this wave off. Tucker on the outside. He’s been waiting patiently. Getting there in time for this turn and throws it up into the lift. Team Japan there. He’s going to drop down at the bottom of this. Off the wall. Wow. Oh. Vertical on the inside. Good to see him up on a wave before the end of this heat as we see him rip one off the top vertical. And here we go Louise Denise. See you Salazar. Day three of the Grand Canaria Pro Am saw an impressive and progressive day of stand up paddle surfing. Tomorrow, the world champions of stand up paddle surfing will be crowned at El Laurette for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. With an incoming swell and one of the best waves in the world, all to ourselves is going to be an epic day of action. Buenos dias. Welcome to Las Palmas. Grand Canaria Pro Am Finals day. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. It’s going to be an amazing day of waves. The swell. It’s been building in throughout the night. and it’s here in the Canary Islands for the Grand Canaria Pro Am We’ve got the first semi-final of the women’s what’s up Surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am Championships. Local legend, Ebaya Moreno. Against. The Japanese Kaida Inowe. Yeah, it’s going to be such an exciting semi-final. We did see Kader Inaway. She took out the junior division on day number one. Swells about tripled in size now so we’ll see how she fairs against the two thousand and nineteen Grand Canaria Pro Am Champion in the women’s Bayer Moreno. El Loretz. With that building swell, they did have some time to paddle out. About 10 minutes to get out there. He conditions at getting in and out of the water. So, competitors. So, opting to put on the rash vest and get out as as quickly as they can. Get out out into the lineup and we’re going to be starting in about a couple of minutes, 7: 30 AM, local time. Welcome everyone watching from around the world. Got an action-packed day and we will be crown ing champions Later on this afternoon. You have both the men and the women. Can’t believe we’re crown ing world champions today Ollie. That is so exciting. And we’ve seen some great sets coming through all morning here. Just getting light though. But we’ve been here in the dark. Checking out the conditions. Competitors slowly starting to arrive now. For the heats we see. That’s Wellington from Brazil. Getting in the zone. He’d be getting his sights up. There’ll be some tunes under the hoodie. Yeah, definitely. He’s tapping his feet away. Could be coming up in the quarter finals of the men’s. As we get a shot here. Off the point break where we are situated today for the finals day. Dead low tide at the moment. And with that building swell, the waves are breaking. Forming in. Coming into the north. So, we do have a paddle. So, the heat has started. The semi-final number one. Katie Inaway up and riding. It’s going to be great to see how she opens up her account as she rips one off the top. And up into the leg it just can’t quite hold that turn. So she’ll look to improve on that wave. And the waves have certainly grown from yesterday. Beautiful turn there. Top 10 from Katie. On that first section. I logged on to the live heats at last night Ollie and I was just checking who’s going to be up against each other today and every single heat today. We’re stacked. It’s going to stacked. Exactly. We are really stacked. Yeah. His competitors. I couldn’t I couldn’t pick it between anyone in each heat. These women the best stand up paddle boarders in the world. And just looking at the the second semi-final. We’ve got Katie’s sister, Sakura. She’s going to be going up against the Argentinian Lucia Consoletto. Can’t pick. So Can’t escape the best surfing in the world today. As we see a bit of a lull between the sets. Okay. why? You can see the the left over there. That was even breaking. Normally needs a bit of size to start working. Yeah, look for that. Morning. So So a bit of bump on the face. And on the texture of the surface of the water there. Just here by a just trying to navigate those bumps. Looks like there’s something maybe coming. Have you a bit of nerves for a buyer? You see, remember when I was on tour seeing competitors fall off, I mean, they’re a bit nervous. Yeah. Think she knows she’s up against a fierce competitor in the Japanese typhoon. Okay, it ain’t no way. And Kenny with that first wave, a two. 83. I’m going to be running 25minute heats for the semis by a She’s going to go for this one. And like I said I think just bit on the nerves to start this one off. She did the exact maneuver yesterday and landed it with control. So Abaya. She’s recovering from an injury Ollie as well so hopefully she’s going to be alright out there. do see competitor in white. KD. Streaming across a lot of the line on this one. As she does it bottom to up into the lip right next to the fire. She goes back up into the just second turn again. Katie. Loving that floater. Yeah, right. The first section, really close to buyer as well. It’s almost. She was going to. Yeah, clip out. Clip her ankles out there. Yeah, playing some mind games. Just showing a buyer that I’m here for business. Show and spray. Yeah. This is the first heat of the day. These competitors haven’t had a free surf. So, just finding their feet You can see that second score come in for KD as well. It’s going to put her up into the lead. They came through. With wave size. One seven. Substantially grown since yesterday. We are running the the women’s quarterfinals. See a replay of it by his way. If you see she’s goes up and over and just loses that front foot a little bit. See it slipped off. And Katie on the replay. His first turn right next to a biotroll. Clip the heels of a long. Super close there. Yeah like you said Olly. Great float on that first turn. Just a a 4. 17. Not just a 4. 17. But a 4. 17 for one turn. Just bring a upper total score to seven. 20 minutes. 25 seconds to go. Gonna see a lot of action. Being thrown down here both. Tons of action. It looks like pretty consistent as well. And we did. Only 5 minutes down in this heat. Okay ladies. You reckon Moreno will be used to these conditions Definitely. That local knowledge. Yeah, being a local, she’s she’s all over it. She knows exactly what to expect out here and any swell, any wind, any types of conditions as we see. One standing up out the back. Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. You can see why they call it the Hawaii of the Atlantic. Let’s have a look. What Kaden’s going to do on this one. See her on one of the biggest waves of the day so far. Switching that paddle over looking for this big car. The first section. But just having to navigate those bumps on the face. Katie, I think also a little bit nervous. By looking a little frustrated. She was out of position there for that big set. She is your twenty eighteen APP World Tour Sub Surf Champion on the women’s side. An event champion for twenty nineteen. Last time we were here at this very spot, El Loret. We see her paddling into this second wave of her semi-final. Coming off the bottom. Nice. Hop turn. She streaked down the line here. This is such a great point break. Opening up for Surfers. Again, little turn in the pocket there. Would like to maybe to a bit bigger turn but nice from a buyer. She’s going to get to the end of this wave and kick out. So, three turns on that way, Ollie. That was a cracking wave from Abaya. No way, just a. Really like how she stayed composed and just waited on that bottom turn. Kind of eased into it knowing that thing was going to line up Yeah, she was just being very patient on that wave. Not trying to do too much, just to get a score on the board. Mind having a look at the replay, I mean, you can check it out. Cicada in a way from Japan. Out there with priority. So, yeah, let’s have a look. Yeah by dropping in on this wave. Staying high. Getting that speed as he drops down. But his first hand was great in the pocket. Throws that tail a little bit. So good amount of spray. See she’s taking one of the the smaller waves there so that face offering a little bit smoother texture. A bit cleaner. She’s able to throw in some turns. And the buyer finishing off on the inside. Certainly using the paddle there to her full advantage. Not overly using it. Just kind of when needed. Now this is your solution. The waves today offering up quite a lot of juice. Too much power out there in the Atlantic. As we’ve seen across the whole of the whole of Europe. It’s massive. Pulsating swell. Kinda getting the Here’s Katie now. Yeah, great looking way from Kiery. She’s got a section in front of her. She’s going just to. Oh. Op to go around that section. Not tagging it. Probably not timed right to get up to the lips. So, be a good move from her but we did see a big score drop in from a buyer but her first wave. That was a 6. 33. Puts her up into the lead. 60 bids. Plenty of time still left on the clock. For our competitors to get a couple more scores. 3. 17 to book fans. I think if Katie if she connects. Land some of those bigger maneuvers on these waves. She’s she’s going for the sets. Definitely not shying back. 17 year old Japanese surfer. Not scared at all. We see a buyer. She’s paddling out. Looks like maybe this wave. She going to spin around on the last second. No, she’s going to decide to paddle over this one. Maybe she sees something It’s behind it. Let’s have a look. So, this is the view from the the judges, the judges bus. It’s where we are as well, Beau. Bring you all the action live here in As Palmas Grand Canaria. Taking a slight little slip there. It was just, you were saying whether you get a little bit sometimes in these fire. Finals and semis. nerves early on. Yeah, this is such an important heat, the semi-final. The competitors were straight into it. So, didn’t have enough time to practice this morning as we started at first light at 7thirty. 4. 1 There’s Lucia. Three point. Just 7 having a look. At the lineup. Getting ready. Should be paddling out soon. There’s 10 minutes to paddle out. Just keep it safe as we can for the competitors. So negotiate that paddle out on the the inside section here. Can get a little tricky. And Beau you’re out here yesterday. After the the comp finished. How was it? Yeah it was actually a lot of fun. I snuck in a surf out there with CEO of the APP World Tour Tristan Boxford. Just us two out. So not a bad crowd out there at all but walking down on the rocks was low tide. Navigating your way down through those rocks is really tricky. Every rock that’s not slippery, there’s about five or six around you that are slippery. So, you had to really crouch down. I’d use my hands and do a bit of a crab walk across the rocks. But once you’re out there as well, a lot of water moving, not as powerful as you think. and there are. See, see a few rocks out at the moment? Yeah, yeah. You’ll see some boils throughout the day here as the waves are breaking and there’s some shallow rocks out there in the lineup. So, underneath. So, Bayer Moreno. She’s looking at this one. Yeah, great size. Wave there. She’s not going to, not going to against it. Probably that one a bit bumpy so she’s going to let that one passes. Maybe there might be something else at the back. Maybe a little bit too too deep there do you think? Yeah, maybe she thought she was a bit deep. Should be looking to get a big turn on the first section of the wave. That high-risk maneuver commitment. It’s what the judges going to be scoring today. Getting up into the lip as well. Finishing those waves. We haven’t seen Katie finish her wave yet. As we see a strong paddle here from both competitors. We’ll see who’s going to maybe spin on this one. Looks like we have a buyer. She is in that first priority. She’s going to go. May you take off in the white water but just can’t quite hold it. Again, that wave just dropped out at the bottom there and she’s had a bit of a free fall in the white water. Really tricky To hold that paddleboard in. She’s trying to lean on the paddle. Couldn’t quite do it. You see Katie just having a little look at the small one here. I mean that’s not a small one. She’s going to decide against that one. As we see Abaya having to there. Kick out Ditch. and Katie. The smaller ones. Oh he’s hitting the reef a little bit better this morning. The bigger ones breaking a bit wide. Maybe a bit sloppy on the face. So the smaller ones here have a bit more that steeper section. Wrap it back in. He’s going to set it up for a second turn on this wave. Just waiting for it. Is she going to hit the lip up high? Is she going to land this really radical maneuver off the top. That’s what she was looking for. She’s needing the crowd there. Cheer from the crowd. She just need to land one. Now she’s got a bit more confidence to paddle out. That’s certainly going to pick up her score. See what the judges are going to give that as that comes in. She’s just paddling, getting out that impact zone as quick as possible. Yeah, there to be on their stomach in that impact zone. You see the power of the the swell here just putting it back in to the inside. She want to get out as soon as possible to join Abaya Moreno. Out the back. Katie’s going to be really happy with that. Oh, they should be, should be stoked with that score. It’s a smaller wave though. So, judges taking that into consideration. To see a buyer on a nice size wave on her high scoring ride. Six pointthree three. As we see Kelly’s sister Sakura in a way walking down. 14 years old. Taking on these big waves here. She’s not scared. As we do see that tricky rock walk. So this is that that inside section. We gotta Paddleau. And really gotta time that well. They want to come a cropper on the rugs. When the sets come. That’s why we’re giving competitors a bit of extra time. I think it was five minutes then to get out yesterday just during the men’s round two and three in the women’s quarters. But finals day given a bit more time to get out. With that. Building swell. Yes, jumping up in both size and period. We have that swell from yesterday still lingering around but there’s a new swell pulsing through but it’s going to overtake that one. and some massive waves on the mainland. Seeing some footage and some photos back home in Portugal. Spain, France, everywhere was just detonating. As you see by here, she’s looking to back up that score. She’s already got she hits it off the top there and Abaya just patiently waiting for this wave to offer up something on the inside as she crosses the paddle over for a cut back. So, yeah, she’s looking for a backup score. She hits it off the lip there. It’s a nice from a buyer. She’s going to finish off. So that way from Kere. Coming in Ollie. That was a 5. 80. So not overtaking a buyer’s highest scoring wave. Gonna have to wait and see what the judges are going to give a buyer’s last wave. That’s right. She just pointed to her. She wants to know. We all want to know. We all really do want to know. Jenny did move into that first position with that. He’s up riding again. Carving it off the top. Back to the white water. Again waiting for this wave to set up. Another turn off the top there. Gonna get some speed. Wave. Gets around the section here. What she got? Another card back into the pocket there. She’s going to wait and she’s going to a little foam climb at the end and then decide to kick out there. The buyer’s last wave came through at a 3. 57. So not changing the situation. Requiring requiring a 3. 64 to move up into. Getting close. But we’ll wait for last wave because that might change that situation. Make it a little bit more difficult for a buyer to get that score that she needs. Coming out of eight minutes on the clock here in the first semi-final of the women’s. Grand Canaria Pro Am. And Kate is last wave is a five. 8. He’s pushing her up into the lead. A 9. 97. As Lucias what we’re talking about with that. That entry. Those slippery rocks. Yeah really good at time at well. Tomorrow with the sets. And then also try and find that path down that’s not going to be too slippery. Do you see Taiko and his mum? That is the Inaway family. Cheering on their sister and daughter. Maybe watching sisters. Yep. Not just one sister. Two sisters. That’s right. Just battling it out in the semi-finals. Absolutely shredding out there. 7 minutes. Feels like Cody’s definitely got her confidence back now in this first semi-final. They’re falling on the. opening waves but now she’s kind of getting in flow out there. It’s pretty tricky when you don’t get to practice before. You know, every day offers up in different different situation out here. It’s always tough being in that first heat of the day. Don’t really get to watch other competitors out there. See what they’re doing. Especially when we start at first light here. So we are still waiting for scores coming in from last wave. She had a number of top turns. Yeah. Couple of cut backs. Nothing too critical. couple of nice slashes off the top there though from Katie. Yeah, she surfed so well. Very special. Love the way all these women surfed. Really pushing the sport of stand up paddling. and a buyer. Can he using that local knowledge drawing out those lines from these bigger waves? I mean, she’ll be used to the the juice of the Canarian waves. We’ll see. So. And we just see that score drop. Improved their situation slightly. A 4. 5 from KD. On her last ride. So Abaya now needing a 3point97. That is not a big score at all for a buyer. The second position. Especially with the the canvas to play without here at El Loret. Quite a lot of war to work with. We’re seeing yesterday with that tide changing. Wasn’t really offering up as much as it is today. Now with that biggest swell it kind of breaks further off the off the point here. Little bit further away from the rocks. And really just curves around into the bay. Coming down to five minutes now Ollie and Abias looking for a score. Small score so she’ll be up and standing trying to move around the lineup looking for that wave. We’ll see if any sets do come through. Looks like there’s a bit of action on the horizon. See what our competitors are going to do with this. Little set that comes through. So by maybe looking at this first wave. Bring up some score and potentially CK. They’re trying to lure her into that wave. Bayer takes him with priority. flying down the wall here. Leading a 3point97. Hasn’t opened up on a turn just yet. But she’ll just cut back. Up into the lips. That’s a better turner from Mabaya. She’s going to finish off with another turn on the inside. Can she hold this one? She can’t quite hold that last turn. So, she’s going to need to get out as we see Kay there. Really? Right behind her here, Katie. Oh, off the top again. And another turn, carving back into the white water. And she’s going to get back out there with priority. She wants to paddle hard. Is he tackle? Absolute scenes down here from Tacker. Screaming to assist. Tucker He’s got a lot. He’s absolutely pumped. He’s so pumped. He’s had a lot of experience in competitions competing on the World Longboard Circuit. Also here on the APP World Tour. So telling his younger sister, get back out there with priority. You need to. Get out. There’s some bombs coming. He knows that a buyer probably didn’t get the score that she needed. On that last one, we will wait for the judges to lock it in. But Kier, they’re definitely improving her score after that last one. This is what it’s all about, Ollie. Exciting times. The new innovative surfers coming into the tour. and because it’s been a few years I guess a lot of the legends on tour haven’t surfed competitively against some of these new surfers. That’s right. It’s been three years. So, three years ago. Katie, she was only 14 years old. So probably not on tour yet. So we see Bayer. Her last wave came in at a three point So not quite enough to change the situation. As we see her. Nice slash there off the top from Alaya. This turn. Would have seen that score possibly go up and then KD on the replay. Watch her wave. She slashes. Under that lip there. Switches the paddle navigates a little boil on the way there. She carves back again into the white water kicks out to get priority. She had a 4. 83 on that wave so extending her scoreline. The buyer now needs a four point 3 to get the lead to progress through to the final. Not the easiest negotiating the steps On a stand up out there? No. Exactly. But we do see a buyer with priority at the moment. So Katie. Maybe a buyer with a stronger paddle to get out there. and a minute and a half remaining now. In this first semi-final. Oh, 10th times, Ollie. I’m tensing up in here. Japan going up against the local Canarian. Kaida in a way. Moreno. Still a kind of seeing something on the horizon. Yeah I mean we hear some some screams from the beach. They can see some sets coming. A minute she’s trying hard to get herself under a wave to be able to score a 4point3 as she is going to take this wave. Can she get onto it? Can she get onto it? She can’t get onto it. So she loses priority. Hands priority. to Katie. I just, I, I can’t believe it. A buyer, such a seasoned competitor. Bit frustrated there with that one missing. Is he out slightly really trying to dig in the paddle to get onto it? She’s up and standing. She’s going to move onto the inside to try and get a smaller one. But time is against her right now. So now you see the clock ticking down. And here we go a wave. Caddy is going to use her priority. And we will see Katie Inaway moving through to the finals. Of the women. Whoo. Oh what? An upset. I mean, it’s not. Absolutely incredible surfing. Exactly. She’s been surfing incredible and That kind of surfing is going to get you to the final. Congratulations to we’re going to be going to a commercial break and then we’ll be back with the second semi-final. See? Señor. y hay más. Y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. Buenos días. Palmas. Gran The Gran Canaria Joined by Beau Nixon. what what what happened to that loss? Lost the words Devo. Exactly. Um it was insane. It was absolutely insane and we’re going to see semi-final number two. Hit the water now. You see Sakuda in a way. In the red. Lucia Cosoletto in the white. We did see Sakura Sisakeri securing her spot in the final. She won that semi-final against Abaya Moreno. 2019 Grand Canary Pro Am Champ And twenty 18 World champ. Yeah. Winning the tour that year. Amazing surfing from KNA. We saw the Japanese family in the Inaway family. Supporting her during that heat. Taka with a huge smile on his face. After that puzzle puzzle went and his sister securing that spot in the final. We’ll see if we can get another inaway sister in the final in here. But she does have some tough competition against the current ISA World Champion Subsurfing Women Lucia. She’s a great powerful surfer from Argentina. He’s surfing really well yesterday in the quarters. Smaller conditions yesterday. We’re out here for Finals Day. The swell has well and truly arrived in Las Paramas, Grand Canaria. We see Sakura here just opting and finding one on the inside. So she’s going to start off this heat. As we see her just waiting patiently up into the lip. Nice turn off the top. And she’s going to hit at the lip. Just can’t quite land that maneuver. fully committed there though. Yeah, you have to try. You have to try because they’re they’re the types of turns that are going to get you those big scores. See a replay of that wave right now. In slow mo. Not the slow mo. You can see exactly what they’re doing with their feet with the paddle. You see her. Place the paddle on the water there. Big bottom turn. Nice top turn high up on the wave. Sketchy bit of rail there. Those bumps on the face. Making a bit difficult. But she’s now eyeing up this section at the end. She’s going to get onto hose. Throw that board up into the lip. You can see she didn’t quite get that ball up and over the lip. Kind of caught her board there. See a board. Just need to get more of the board over the foam. And climb over it. As we see her. Easier said than done. Oh wait. Easier said than done. Sitting up here on top of the double decker weller. Yeah we can easily mind surf these waves all day long. Different story when you’re out there. I was surprised how much water was moving when I was out there. Hm. Yesterday afternoon for the free surf session. It was a bit smaller. The surf but still lots of water Pulling around. Yeah definitely a few carrots around. So competitors trying to find their position in the lineup here. Welcome everyone. Watching around the world. Let us know where you’re where you’re watching from. Lots of support from Japan coming through for and Sakura in this heat as well. I mean, yeah, 5PM. Over in Japan? Perfect time. Everyone, just finishing work. Maybe? Yeah. Tuning in. Over in Australia, people be watching as well. Yeah. Early evening. That’s right, yeah, 7 PM in the evening there. Watching this on. Put on your TV while you’re having dinner. If you put the kids to bed a bit later. Cuz the action is heating up here. This is semi-final number two of the women’s. We saw Sakura in a way get a first wave score of a two point five. And the competitors maybe just out of position a little bit for this wave. just getting up and over that one there. Sakura. Shaun tuning in from Gisborne in New Zealand. So a lot of people from around the world. Tuning in to watch. Let us know what you you think. Who you want to win? Yeah give us a We’re live on Facebook On the APP YouTube channel. Throw us your comments. and live Here’s Lucia. What’s she going to do on this wave? Yeah, we’ll see her drop into this way and then we’ll see what kind of mooch is in today. She’s in a carving mood. She carves one under the lip there. And again, she’s going to press hard on that cut back. So, great power in her surfing. Really matching the power and speed of these waves. Another turn off the top there. So, three nice turns so far. Just going to wrap it back into the white water. That was a nice wrap around there. Really nice here. So opening up her account with a great score. Wait for that to come through for the judges. And just before that section see the the boils and ruffles in the wave. It’s optioning to go just take a bit of a higher line. Get round it. Yeah we’ll get a replay of that wave. From Argentina. Taking off. Just waiting for the patiently. She turns up in the lead there. Great turn. Off the top and another one. Getting back white water. So remember the next year. Yeah, like you said, you see those little boils there? Little steps in the way for you. Couple of cheeky steps. Exactly. She kind of cracked. That was such a nice cut back. Switching the paddle over. It’s going to be a good score there for that one. Yeah, it’s amazing that you you can’t really see them. Those steps in the wave and boils until they’re right in front of you, right there because there’s so many rocks underneath on this wave that depending on the wave. It’s going to draw boils and little steps in the way from any those rocks. We see Sakura. Judges just and through that replay. Luthia’s last wave. See what’s going to come in. and just under 18 minutes remaining, semi-final number two, the women’s what’s up surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’re going to be crown ing champions today, Bo. Yes, we are world champions in both the men and the women. They’ll be joined by previous world champions, the juniors. That was Katie Ian away as well. And Caperna Fakuda for the boys. And Katie against her sister Sakura in the final. Of the juniors. under 18 girls. Is it going to be a repeat? Well, on Facebook, they said it’d be mad not to see. Final. It would be crazy scenes. The Inaway family and the beach. Let me break dancing with excitement down there. Tucker, seeing both his sisters in the final. But Lucia’s going to have to have something to say about that. Yeah she just dropped a 5. 17 for that first wave. So putting her in the lead. Judges wanting to make sure that they get that score right. Still plenty of time on the clock left. Sitting down, waiting. We also had Leco Salazar round the World Longboard Champion. Day number two of the action. So much style from him. Leko. Yeah and Ben Wire in that final as well. Both surfers putting on absolute great performance. So nice to watch. That was it’s been one of the highlights. I’ve been one of your favourites. Oh yeah definitely. But these women are pushing the limits of our sport as we see Lucy here looking for a backup wave. And we’ll just see a kick out. That wave closing out down the line. It’s a bit too deep there on that one this year. Maybe that building swag. We don’t want to spend too much time on that inside. Get caught out from some sets that do come through. Did you see those boils in the wave of where Lucia’s just paddling there? Both, yeah, Leko Salazar and Benoit Coventier ripping out here yesterday at Elleret. It’s amazing to see the versatility of these surfers going from the the what’s up longboard. Just switching it over to the point break where La Sisa for the first two two days of competition. the beach break offering some left and rights. But now with these pumping waves on offer, we decided to go around the corner to Elleret. There we see competitors here. Maybe trying to get Sakura to hand priority back over. But Sakura’s staying strong. She’s not going to take off in any waves that aren’t going to offer her some great scoring potential. No, so you don’t want to get out of position. You pedal for the wave and you miss it. You turn around and realize that there’s a point. Three or four monsters heading your way. Yeah, we saw in that last heat there. We saw a buyer. She was trying to paddle for a wave in the last minute. The heat but she couldn’t quite get on. It handed priority over to other competitor. But we do have Holly down on the beach with the winner of the last semi-final, Katie Inaway. Thanks guys. I am here with Kylie Inaway Beachside as she just knocked a bio merino out of the competition in the women’s semi-finals. Kylie, tell us how that heat was. The surf looked huge. Champion goes on to the final guys. Good luck, Heidi. We’ll see you in the next round and back to you guys in the studio. Thanks Holly. Congratulations, Cody. Our first finalist. Woo hoo. First finalist. Super excited to see. She put on a great performance in the last heat against the buyer. Abayer looked a bit nervous in that first semi-final. So even the best in the world do get nervous. If you think you have what it takes to take on the world’s best. Wanna try entering the next events? Yeah. On the Surf World Tour. Yeah you can get through to the main event via the trials event. As we saw. And we got some announcements coming later this year as well where we’re going to be heading for twenty twenty-three. try and pick locations. Some of the best waves in the world. Yeah, I want to put the best surfers in the best waves in the world as we see this year. Having a look here. No, it’s Akuro with her priority. She’s going to go this one. Go around this section. What she got on offer for us? A big first turn but just loses that back foot. Just drifted it a little bit too much there on that top turn. Sakura. Just thrown it out. It’s a beautiful aerial view. Las Parmas. As we see Lucia here. Great first turn on this wave. Opting for that smaller wave’s going to offer her some scoring potential as she carves nice turnarounds. Throwing loads of spray at the back of that one. Cutting it back into the white water. She’s looking really strong on her feet. Lucy and she really wants to make it to the final as she comes right into the the rocks here. She might be oh. That was really close into the shoreline. Is she coming in? Or is she going to back out? Beautiful. Opening top turns here. Let’s have another look. Yeah, great turn here. I really like this one where she throws lots of spray. Really pushes hard on that back foot. We see her cutting back here on this one. Whipping it off the white water. And she’s going to finish it off. She’s just going to finish this wave. Surf right through into that shallow shallow section there. It’s where competitors paddle out. Much Very dangerous there on the inside section. Just going to be starfishing when you come off. Go flat as a pancake. That’s right. Just use your fingers to paddle. Yep. Making sure the fins aren’t going to hit on those rocks. So she looked. What do you do with the paddle? You kind of just stick it in between between you. Yeah there’s quite a few different techniques that people do that you can kind of put the blade of the paddle on the top of the board there and then use your shoulder to press down the the paddle as you As you use your hands to paddle across. You see Katie look. So this is Sakura. She looks like she’s lost her paddle Ollie. We see her sister Katie. Coming down with another paddle. Is that a spare? That’s a spare one that she’s bringing down to her. Those rocks are slippery Katie but she’s making a really run for it. Let’s see if she hasn’t survived. Tucker. with the relay bet on pass. Sako, be careful there. We know those rocks are very, oh, I know those rocks are very slippery. Liberty conditions out here on the inside. Tackers going to try and get out there to his sister. You think he’s going to paddle out? She’s going to come in maybe? Is she going to try and come in? Tucker probably going to throw that paddle out to her as she does come in. Wanting to make sure that she doesn’t get too close to those rocks. 10 minutes. He’s got 10 minutes remaining here. We see a competitors pointing at the paddlers there. Maybe they’ve seen it just outside of the. I know exactly where the paddle is but Tucker, here we go. With the throw. The spirit. Great row from Tucker. Almost like Javelin Champions. Yeah, right? Exactly. He’s thrown it but it is in the water now. So, let’s hope that Sakura can get to that paddle. Oh, we’re going to see a wave hitter. That’s going to come in. See Tucker there. He’s going to try and grab that paddle again. He’s going to dive in for his sister. This is a legend. Amazing support. Going out there to help assist me out. Why not? He’s going to have to watch out for the rocks there. Yeah, luckily swim. He doesn’t have to board to worry about so. launches that paddle over to his sister. Well done, Tucker. He’s giving her some words of support. And she’s picked up the paddle. And she’ll be heading back out there as quick as she can. 9 minutes remaining. So, she’s still got time to increase her score. try and get back out there to this year. Exciting times bro out there. So exciting. It’s been amazing to see this this surfing and It’s correct. Big conditions and. Not wasting too much time there. We did see the last score from Lucia Cosoletto dropping at a 5 point 63 So she has extended her lead. Sakura now needs an eight point three. To get to that first place. She does have time to get a couple more waves. So maybe trying to bring that requirement down after another good wave. She looked to compose herself after that paddle loss. We saw Tucker there. Just committing to the swim. Jumping in for a sister. Must thought he was going to go all the way out the back to the lineup. May as well he’s in the next heat. Get ready. Yeah. We’ll see him come up against 2019 event champion Wellington Race from Brazil. That’s going to be another big showdown. 7 minute 45 seconds. Did go up against him in the quarters yesterday. You can go to the water. We can call it out. Think. Both surface Gonna be looking forward to getting out there. Bit of size on offer today. A final stay here in Las Palmers Grand Canaria. For the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Gonna be crown ing champions later on this afternoon. Welcome everyone watching from around the world. Let us know where you’re watching from. If you missed any of yesterday’s action, you can check it all out on APP World Tour, the highlights. Also on our YouTube channel. back to the live action here. Sakura fresh paddle. Yep. Ready to rock and roll? She sure is. She’s trying to get a small one on the way back out there. We did hear some screams from her support crew on the on the shoreline. Maybe telling her. This wave coming in. Scores but this is a big one standing up. Lucia paddling out. She’s just going to scrape. She is not going to want to get over that one. That’s a cool. By any means possible. He’s going to get caught on the inside here. So, she’s going to die. He’s going to build. See the power of that waves pulling it back into the inside. Yeah, hoping that leash is going to hold up on that one. Watch him. As we do see this. Opting for a ankleish. Battling for this one here. This wave. Let’s see what’s going to offer up. She does a nice big bottom turn. Big turn up into the left. Oh, fantastic turn. Commitment from Lucia. She’s just going to pull out of that one. One turn. That was an amazing turn there from Nissia. Turn. Fully committed. No half measures. Not just going in the middle of the webs. Straight up to the top there. Really laying it all on the line. Trying to extend her lead. and just try to get out of the way of that one. Yeah, we see some pretty gnarly conditions there. The predators having to paddle out through the white water. They can make their way over to the channel though to make it a bit easier to paddle out. We are coming down. 5 minute 20 seconds remaining in this heat as we watch a replay. This turn here. That was just after the turn. So, she pulls out of that. At one point, one seven. And then, opt in to just push that board over the white water. that helps sometimes. Does have a little bit. Just takes the pressure off the leash as well. As we see Red trying to paddle into this one. not going to be able to get that. So your hands priority over to Lucia. So yeah she’s only 14 years of age. A lot of experience to gain from this event. Care there. Hoping her sister can find a big score. She’s nervously watching ahead. Here we see Sakoda here paddling into this one trying to maybe get a couple of waves to catch this area. She goes one nice turn off the top. Cracking top turn there from the inside. Up into the lip. It’s great out. Turn there. And she’s going to ride through. She’s out. That was nice. She’ll definitely bring that requirement down. That she need it’s going to bring a score up. As we see some sets marching in Ollie. Oh, look at this one. This is. What’s he going to do? He just has to bail on. You gotta do it. Just go as deep as you can. Exactly. He opted for the swim down. Just crawling under the white water. Hoping you’ve got a big wave, Leishon. Yeah. the power in this well. It’s just going to be building throughout the day as well. As we see another smaller wave. We’ll see. We’ll see get over the top of this one. Always get that indicator section just further on the right closer to the city and this Palmers right here. You can see a replay here. So crew his way from the drone. That one. Nice. Little top turn there. She’s going to throw this one up into the lip. Nice. She holds that one. Good control. And clean landing there. 25 seconds. So certainly some size and building and building throughout the day. So So exciting. Waiting for the scores to drop? Yeah just waiting for scores to update on our screens. that last wave from Sakura. It’s definitely going to get a closer to Lucia. See our French competitors there? Benoit. Got hit by the paddle yesterday. Yeah, he did. That’s why you see that bandage on his head there. He’s in good spirits. He’s he said he can still see out of his eyes so. No problems there. I can see what’s going on. He’ll be coming up later on. Yeah he’ll be in the quarter finals of the men. As we see a paddle here from Lucia. She’s going to look to take this wave. She is going to take it. She’s going to drop down the pace of this one. Bottom turn. Good size way but she just can’t quite hold that top turn. Hands priority over. So we saw Sakura’s last wave come through at a 3. 73. She now needs a 7point07. To progress to that first place and secure her spot in the final alongside her sister. Katie Ina One minute forty remaining on the clock. He’s going to be looking for a Final wave here. Ideally, you can put a big score in. Four. six0. So, situation first, right? So, we see competitor here. Leonardo. Jimenez from Brazil. Warming up. We saw him yesterday. Have a mean backhand attack. He got a few great waves. He’ll be coming up in the the men’s quarter finals second quarter final. and will be going straight into the men’s quarters. with Tucker in a way and Wellington Reece After this. Still a bit of action though to go. Yeah, certainly is. At the women’s semi-finals. Seconds though. Time. Ticking away. Looks like there might be a little bump here for Sakura. She needs a 7. 07 in order to progress through this semi-final. She’s on the line here. Here we go. She gets a chance. See what she’s got for us. A nice calf off the top. She needs to back it up with something. Bit bigger than that as she does another turn. Needs to finish this wave off. She can’t quite get up into the lip. But she’s almost hanging on. Don’t think that’s going to be enough, Ollie. I don’t think so. So, and she knows, we will see. 10 seconds remaining. Maybe one. Lucia Cosmoleto. She’ll be moving through. To the final alongside. Three, two, one. And we do see her up just before the buzzer. So she will be scored on this wave. She drives around this section. Oh she’s going to buy SA twenty twenty-two. Champ. Into the finals. To the finals. So there we go. Women’s Finals are set now. Ollie we have Kater Inaway from Japan. Lucy Cosoletta from Argentina. Battling it out to crown the world champion. Sakuri here. Bit disappointed with that performance. She lost her paddle. Gotta feel for Sakura there. Losing the paddle. a lot of time in 5 minutes. Like we have said, only 14 years old, getting a lot of experience from this. Amazing. Making it through to the semi-finals. With the world’s best. As we see Lucia here. replay of her best waves in this heat. carving it off the top there. If that was me, I’d still go. She’s going to switch. Nice little cut back there. She switches the battle here. This cut back here was really nice. Right back into the white water. Whips it around. That turn. And then her second highest scoring wave here. So carving off the top. And then again off the top. As we she’ll make her way through the inside. Carving it around. This is where she does that end section hit. All the way into the rocks. So finishing it off with commitment there. So, congratulations to our second semi-finalist, Lucia Consoletto from Argentina. Heading through to the final. We’re going to be taking a break and then we’re straight into the men’s quarterfinals. See? Madam. día y más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto? Y sonreímos tanto? o será por esto. porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. buenos días. Welcome foresday. He en Las Palmas. Gran Canaria surfing for the women’s semi-finals and we’re straight into it with the men’s quarters. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. Here we go. 2019 event champion Wellington Rice on his backhand. Smacks it up into the white water there but can’t quite hold it. So Wellington in the white jersey. Taka Nue in the red was in The Inaway family in every heat so far of the day. Sister moved through to the final of the women. That was Katie. and then Sakura. Oh there’s our Our finalist, Lucia. Congratulations. Moving through. But Ollie we will actually see a buyer Moreno competing again alongside Sakura in a consolation final. They’ll be battling it out for third and fourth position. So we’ll see them come up later today as we see Taka Nue. Had some great surfing yesterday. In round number three as he’s Oh. Absolutely. Powers it off the top there. Goes vertical up into the white water and he’s. He’s going to land out this one. Trying right out of this one. He does. He does. He does. Remains composure. bounce getting bounced all over the place there. That first turn has incredible. So Tucker. putting on a absolute great performance here. So. Let’s see a replay. So, this first turn. Seems staying high on the wave. Generating speed. As he navigates some bumps there and he’s going to drop down around this section. And he can see this wave standing up. Using his paddle. Off the bottom here, he’s going to do a nice bottom turn and the way he kicks the tail out. And there’s top turn there. All the way to there. Just just throwing buckets. This kid surfs incredible. And then he was trying to get a vertical reentry in here. He got hung up a little bit in the white water so not going to score super highly. see. Just gets hung up here. He’s leaning on that paddle trying to hold it and that’s so hard to do in that turbulence there. How he stayed on there? Unbelievable. It’s really kind of trying to use the paddle, get his core, get his center his body over the board. Wellington’s first score. Just a one point four. We’ll be waiting from the judges. See what Taka’s first wave was. Wellington up again. Six seven. They’re Wellington. He’s got such a powerful backhand as he just does a great maneuver to start this wave. And again straight up into the lift. Fantastic surfing from Wellington. Two big turns already. Carves that board back around. We’re going to see him dive to Wellington. Certainly going to improve on his score. Putting a great score on the board for that wave. We saw Tucker drop a five point six. And he likes it. He absolutely belted that first turn. And the second one too. And the second. Wellington. Showing. Just how low he gets. The bottom turn. Yeah showing how he won this event back in twenty 19. He’d be looking to win this event again to be crown ed the world champion. But Taka Nue. Those two turns are 5point6seven. So it’s a good backup score to have in your. Certainly a respectable score. Yep. Ram. Going against the the former champ out here at the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Wellington Reece. Storm up against the Japanese typhoon. We’ll see a few more Brazilians coming up later today as well. So two new powerhouses. We’re down here at the beach supporting. Let us know where you’re watching from around the world. Really early over in Brazil, Bo. Yeah, but people not afraid to get up early to support their countrymen. At 530 in Rio, the Janeiro? Then over in Japan. Coming up to late afternoon now. Oh, 530 in the afternoon. Are you finishing work? Yeah. and give us a shout out. Let us know on Facebook Live where you coming from. Where you’re watching from around the world? Either finish work or just maybe skiving. Not going to go in today. It’s going to be too much action to be had here over in Les Patamas and Grand Canaria. And we’re live now. Readington Reece. Just drops down at the bottom of this wave. Bang. Up into the lip. His backhand surfing is incredible. Wellington dropped an 8. 33 for his previous ride. So getting up into the excellent range with two massive turns. Action. And then backing up. Wellington. Absolute fire out here. It’s on that last wave. Any that one section but just destroyed it. Absolutely destroyed it. Probably see that score match. Tucker’s first wave. That 5. 67. So I understand that Still plenty of time left in this first quarter finals. 16 minutes, 30 seconds remaining. Yeah, to get the men’s what’s up surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. Okay, they have to move. Okay, perfect. I just can’t believe how good the waves are out there though. It is. And it’s just building and getting bigger and bigger during the day. It’s literally firing out there today Ollie. That’s a really fun waves. The beginning of the comp. We were just over around the corner at La Sisa. Beach break. Some left and right options. But now and yesterday that El Laurette the premium right-hand point break. One of the best waves in Grand Canary in the Canarys. One of the best waves in Europe. on absolute fire out here. The backhand attack. Bang. Whoo. Again this second turn was amazing. Up into the lip. Blasts it. Through and then. Max out with a bit of a curve here. And they can’t find another section but This is his last wave. Look at his fins there on the bottom turn. It’s a one-turn wave. Getting up high into the lip. throwing buckets of spray. We see him air drop out. So much control coming down. and we’ll see Tucker paddle over a little set there. He’s going to let that one go. Wellington is going to turn on the inside. As he takes off on this one. It’s not a little set. Well he said bottom turning his own. Plenty of face for Wellington to play with here. What’s he going to do? Just going to pull out of this one that wave hitting that deeper water in the channel. Bit bumpy out. Just that last section. Bubbly. Yeah Wellington Reece with one turn. He scored a 6. 17. He’s waved previous to that. minutes. Judges rewarding those critical maneuvers even if it’s just that one section to smash You can guarantee that Wellington, he’s going to attack it and just put everything on the line. This is Leonardo Jimenez. Another surfer in the Brazilian Storm coming up. Surfing really well yesterday. in the early rounds. He’s going to be going up against Benoit. Carpenter. One of the legends on tour. finalist. Two days ago in the Sup Longboard Championships. Fortunately just losing out. Super close right on the buzzer against Leco Salazar from Brazil. Our longboard sub champion. That was amazing scenes. Great to watch. Yeah. Excitement levels. I’ve just been getting more and more excited every day though. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. This is the world’s been building. Especially with the swell building and moving around the corner here to Elarette. This wave, really fun, right-hand point break. The froth is certainly high here. Top of the bus. This is the view we’ve got from the judges. Judges area. Our cameraman up top of here. So competitors are allowed to sit down to wait for waves. We did just get work. Oh, Stan and just completely As Wellington here. Off the bottom into the top into that lip. Amazing surfing. That one turn wave before he kicked out. So critical. I think he was looking down the line. I think he wasn’t going to offer up much. Just lay it all out. 6. 17. He’d be looking to do that anyway whether he’s going to open up or not. He’s just out there to attack him. He sure is. So you need a. And by run me through this. So how he’s managing to balanced out there. That is that is some serious skill right there. Having that ball underwater. To be fair though. He can get some good stability with that board underwater. Just kind of working with your feet. Sinking the tail a little bit. Wellington was sinking up to his waist there. As we said before competitors are allowed to sit down to wait for waves. But they have to be standing up to move around the lineup. Wellington had a second warning there. He was lying down for a little bit longer. Then he should have so judges giving out warnings. There will be a penalty. If we do see Wellington lying down for too long or any other competitor for that fact. We’re going to be going over to Holly with the winner of the last heat. Hola. Oh, thanks guys. I’m here with Lucia Cosoletto who just knocked out Sakura in a way in the semi-finals. Lucci, the conditions look pumping. How was it out there? Yes, the conditions are really difficult and it was a hard hit but happy and what fun. The waves is good and so yes, talk to win the final. It’s a good race. A really good competitor. So, like her sister And now I’m going to compete with her sister. So, yeah, it’s good. And how are you feeling going into the final? Are these conditions you’re used to? Are these conditions you think that you can win in? Eh, I don’t know, you know, the surfing, you never know. And Ayesha’s want to catch good waves and surf good and have fun in the final. It’s my first final in the APP event. So, I’m really happy. Uh, yeah, just want to have fun. Well, congratulations Lichi and we will see you in the final. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks Holly. Congratulate. Congratulations. This year. Into the final. The ISA twenty twenty-two. champion. pretty stoked for the final. Can’t wait to see that. It’s going to be amazing to watch Those two women go up against each other to battle out for the world championship. We’ll be crown ing world champions today in both the men and the women. By equality. Let’s see the way she drew turns off the top of that wave. Power. Throwing lots of spray. That’s exactly what put her through to the final. Super consistent as well. Not not making hardly any mistakes at all out there. No, that’s right. We didn’t see a fall off too many waves. Okay. And how she was saying it was quite tricky conditions. Some of these waves be a bit bumpy. Okay. Was that interference just being called there? Yeah, we’ll have to get the official word on what’s just happened there. It’s a bit of a transfer of priority. So, Taka Inawe, Japan. Moves into the priority position. There’s still a bit of time on the clock. So, we got 9 minutes, 10 seconds remaining. Cloud, seagull, and Wellington, Reece. He’s got fourteen point five. and Taka. He needs an eight point 83 bow. That’s a to the lead. We saw Tucker dropping 9point4 three though. In his first heat of the men’s round. Very very capable of getting these kind of scores. In the excellent range. He’ll be wanting to go to town on his next wave. Yeah, definitely. So ja just getting worried about that interference call. We might have been there and we’ll be able to bring you an update shortly. As we get word from the head judge. Situation. I think it was something to do about the paddling out there. Second red. In the water making sure competitors are standing up. This is a stand up paddleboard contest. Standing floating up. We’re sinking. It’s amazing. When you’re standing still, like that, sinking the border, then when you are, you know, getting some speed, that ball comes up on a plane. It can sit above the surface of the water as we’ll see Wellington. I was just going to sit on the water. Do you see when Wellington paddles into waves? He’s bored. As he gets that speed up. Attacker just opting to sit down. You know, the longer we’re waiting bigger those waves are growing out the back. Swell periods increasing throughout the day. So, we’re expecting for conditions to get bigger and bigger. in Las Palmas Grand Canaria Thanksgiving over in the US today. It is. Happy Thanksgiving. We’re live from Les Palmers Grand Canaria And here on this inside Just see how tricky it is to get in and out of the water. That is exactly what I was doing. Using all fours to get out through that little rock area. And you still gotta cuddle your carrier paddle as well. That’s right. Yeah. Cuz you stick it in your mouth. Use both hands. But we don’t advise that. No, we don’t. I held the paddle in the handle of the board. So, holding onto it there. So, I had a hand free. So, I was walking down through there because those rocks are super slippery. You kind of gotta look for the crevices in there. Not too sure if there’s any urchins around. I didn’t find any yesterday but I’m sure there’s probably some sneaking around in there. They love the waters here of Grand Canaria Yeah, someone always said to me, when the water’s warm, never touch the bottom. You never know. Exactly. You should. I found out the hard way in Costa Rica with a stingray once. Oh, that is very unfortunate and it’s it’s true because Costa Rica have these cold currencies, upwellings that come in. Stingrays, they do love a bit of the colder water as well. So, they they hang around in a shallow water where it’s a bit warmer. As we see, Wellington Race paddling in. The here. Nice looking wave here. Then his scoreline. Big backhand to turn from Wellington. Great surfing. See him again up into the lip. Throws that tail loose. Not a turn in. Over with another turn. Well, he’s been staying pretty active in this heat. Yes. With that one. Fist pumps. The Brazilian Storm. Yeah. Leonardo. Electric surfing from Wellington Reese. His teammate. Tucker waiting patiently very patiently. You see how much speed he generates on that board. He’s trying to get out the back on Tucker. Riding. Bomb wave. He goes up into the lip. This is the exact wave he was looking for. As he cuts back here, he’s going to look to get up into the lip again to get another big turn. Vertical into lip as he hits a little. Oh, lump in the water there. You see that step out of the the rock. 30 seconds. Taka just losing his footing on the bottom turn. So, can’t quite hit the top but some great surfing on the outside there from Tucker. Red. We’ve got 4 minutes, 20 seconds. He’s certainly going to be improving his score here. Oh. Tucker’s probably going to need to get another wave. Because Wellington Rice has dropped 7. 10 for his last score. So Tucker now needing a pretty big score Ollie. He needs a nine point seven six. Let’s see what this wave’s going to come out. Some incredible turns. Start of the wave. First turn this way. Here we go. Look at the waves. Step down so. Bottom. He kind of lost it and he couldn’t quite get up into the for this turn so falling off on that wave unfortunately but the first turn on that wave was so impressive. really dynamic surfing. And the step on that inside just making making things super challenging. Tryna climb up over the foam. We believe 25 seconds. We are waiting the score of the last wave of red. And Tucker’s going to he’s definitely going to improve his score. Yeah, you have that 5. 67 for just one one big maneuver. He had a a vertical hit on that first wave but it wasn’t in that much control so not getting a bulk of the score from that. It was you see a replay here. Wellington. This is that big score he just dropped. Throwing lots of spray. Again, up into the lip. Very kind. Gabriel Medinaesque. Yeah. The way he surfs. Bit of pop in the surfing, sliding the tail on the top turns. Well, this pump. Cheer. Jubilation. As we see a drone shot. Tucker asking for some score. What’s going on? He wants to see what his score was. Judges still deliberating though. And 2 minutes, 30 seconds remaining in this first quarter final. Baby red. We see Tucker on the inside. Finding another wave. Tucker’s going in for this one. Another good size wave. See what he can do on this wave. He goes bang up into the lift. And drops tail. Oh he just can’t. Can’t get around it. Tucker another one turn wave. He’s going to run a sick turn from Tacker. Just dropping out the sky. Last 2 minutes. And two minutes left now. As we see, Wellington at the back on a bomb. Bottom turning up into the lip again. Great surfing. From Wellington again. Up and over that section. Oh. He’s happy with that one. Give me a good score. Just arms in the air. Chest out. Looking towards the double-decker bus. So, the judges. So, Tucker, he dropped a 7. 93. That way. Whoo. Previous to his last. 7. 51 to move first. So, Tucker needs a 7. fiveone. To take the lead over Wellington Reese. Tackle away. Out here. Come through. That last one turn wave. Still waiting on Wellington’s last score though. Exactly. Those two big turns. He’s got an 8. 33 and a 7. 1 in his scoreline. So, we’ll see if that does go up into his top two. He got those scores with some multiple big turns down the line. Last 30 seconds. Remaining now. Much out there. The heat. 25 seconds. What’s the ocean got? Well, it looks like there is something Taka. He is going. He’s going to want to take this spin and go. Go. Taka Nue, last chance. as we see him stroking to this one. Getting down to the bottom of this one. What’s he got for us? Bang. Vertical. Off the top. Tucker. It’s in there. Can he get into the next section? He does. Well, under pressure. Again, off the top. The way he composes himself. Five, four, three, two, one. Cut back into Tucker. Gonna throw his arms up to the judges. He’s going to claim couple of vertical turns up into the lift there. Judges are looking. Just to get onto that last wave there. I didn’t even think he was going to get on there. Scrambling to get on. It’s a really late drop. In the critical section. Cranking off the bottom. But that’s it for the Heat. going to be enough to take the win over Wellington Reece and move into the semi-finals. We’ll have to wait and see. Time will tell. See what the judges are going to reward it with. Tucker pretty happy. He should be really happy with his performance in that heat. However, it goes. He’s been surfing incredibly well. During this whole competition. As we enter. Take a look at the white’s top waves in this heat. We see a big top turn. We see another This backhand surfing from Wellington Really pleasing to the ice. So nice to watch. I love the way Wellington surfs. That was his first wave. We’re going to see. On a tear out here Wellington. Wellington. Wellington. Just thought tail. At the top of the wave. And again. Bang. Gets a bit of drift on that one. Again off the bottom. Changing the paddle over. Really well. happy with his and Tucker. A replay of his surfing. Let us know at home what you think of the differences and styles. Between these surfers. Taco throwing it up there. Quite vertical. Wellington you see surfing with a lot of power but Tucker. Just tactical. Little bit of finesse. Step there. How he negotiated this. Fell off this one. We The way he could hold that bottom turn. It’s amazing. So we see the surface coming in. Over those rocks. Is your former 2019 champ? Wellington Reece. He’s waiting for scores. So looking out over the bust It’s coming up the rocks here. Wellington Reece just waiting Wanting to know he’s going to be advancing into the semis. and Tucker Coming in. Both our competitors in the first quarter finals waiting anxiously to see what scores are going to drop for them. So we see Wellington Remember. Gesturing to his crew on the beach. Was kind of an interference mentioned. in that heat. So, we are going to try and find out exactly what went down. Tuck us as well. Just run a few. Wanting to know what the situation is. Judges deliberating for a long time. They want to make sure they get this. Score right because that’s their job. As we see Pezzino there with Wellington. Showing the support. Got the flag ready. always always proud countryman. Brazilian Storm So that last wave from Wellington 7. 67. Yeah, brings his heat total up to 16 points. So, Tucker needed an eight point zero eight. We just switched. Gonna wait. Gonna be right on there because he had those two massive vertical turns. and we can see The last score coming through from Tucker. A 7. 67. It’s not going to be enough. Wellington Reese. Stoked. Goes into the semi-finals. Congratulations, Wellington. And Tucker commiserations. Fortunately bowing out in the quarters here. Five, four, two. But incredible surfing nonetheless. Both are athletes in the first quarter finals putting on an absolute show for everyone watching around the world. We’re going to be taking a break and then heading into the next quarter finals. Buenos dias. Welcome to finals day here in Las Palmas for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’ve got the men’s sub surf quarterfinals. Second quarterfinals coming up. Benoit Carpenter and Leonardo Jiminis. Um Ollie Russell Cowan joined by Beau Nixon. Beau absolutely amazing first quarters. It is heating up out here. We saw Wellington Reece just sneak through that last quarter final heat. He’ll be moving through to the semi-finals. Throwing it on the line there in the last minute of that heat. He couldn’t quite get the score that he needed. So close. But just wasn’t enough. And Wellington advancing. Into the semi-finals. Yeah it keeps his hopes alive to become the world champion today. We’ll be crowning champions of both the men’s and the women’s division. Wellington won out here in 2019 the last time that we held a an APP sub surf event. And we’re back in Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. El Loret, the premium right-hand point break here. In Las Palmas. And live in the water now. In the second quarter finals. Frenchman Benoit. against Leonardo. Jimines. Yeah, another great quarter final match up. Come down to the pointy ending competition. All these heats are going to have the world’s best subsurfers in them. Just waiting for surfers to open their account in this heat. There’s some exciting times here this morning. It’s coming up to a 9 o’clock Local time here in the Canary Islands. Las Palmas Grand Canaria. Let us know from where you’re watching around the world. We’re live on Facebook. And of course on the APP World Tour. com. Now, we’re going to go over to Holly, Beachside with our winner from the last heat. Holly. Thank you, guys. I’m here beach side with Wellington Reece who just absolutely smashed quarterfinal number one for the men with the highest score of the day. Wellington, tell me how you’re feeling. Uh feel good. Um I’m super stoked. The wave is are very good. Uh thank you god for this moment in my life. Yeah, let to it. And in Portuguese? Uh casa eu coloquei na cabeça que eu ia dar o meu melhor e foi isso que aconteceu. Fiz bons scores, acabei trocando de prancha, a prancha está muito boa. Então eh estou vivo num jogo e é isso. Vamos vamos que hoje é o último dia eh quero agradecer a todos que me ajudaram a estar aqui e vamos vamos continuar fazendo o que eu sei treinei pra pra esse grande dia e é isso feliz Thank you. Thanks holly. Feliz gratulations wallents and race meving on lance the semi friends. Essa é a e o interference but what I think we misheard was that the judges were going to award an interference if the surfers were lying down paddling. So there were beach announcing to the competitors that if you’re not standing up you’re going to get penalised for that. So Wellington moving through. In the semi-finals. Giving kudos to his Japanese competitor there as well. Yep. Tucker. He knew it was a tough hit. As we see. our surfers. This is Benoit Cupontier. He’ll be looking to do a big turn off the lip here but just can’t quite hold it. See that white water? Throw his board back there. Yeah, big wave. Throwing some high risk. throwing caution to the wind, Benoit. Put it all along the line there. We’ve got people watching from Israel, Ollie. Welcome. Nice. Thanks for joining us on the live feeds. Hope everyone’s enjoying the action. The world’s best putting on a show out here in Los Palmers, Grand Canaria. and some proper proper waves on offer though. Yeah, certainly are for our competitors. Some great building swell throughout the day, every hour as we’ve been checking the forecast as well. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. We’ve got people tuning in from Australia. Crescent Head. A great right hand point break on the East Coast of Australia. Let’s get camping up there a lot. Ollie. There’s a couple of secret spots around the corner. There’s a few fishes there. Crescent Head. so. We’re not going to name them though though. Nope. But I’ve been camping there since I was six months old. Love love those back beaches. and thanks to our partners and supporters of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Grand Canaria, Tourismo the Grand Canaria, Instatuto Ensalada deportes, Covierno the Canaria s, Maspalomas, Costa Canaria, Ayu Tamiento the Las Palmas the Grand Canaria, Instituto, Municipal deportes, and of course the Wawa, the site, city sightseeing The Seven Island film, Domingo Alfonso Conviales, and Poema Del Mar. Canaria. There’s our athlete zone. I mean on a scale of 1 to 10, The Stoke level, what would you, would you say, Bo? Yeah, I’d say they’re pretty amping to get out there to surf. I’d say to be the level Ten out of 10. On the Stoke. See Zane Schweitzer. He has a drop between below 10 out of 10. That one is psych level. Always amped. Always ready. We see Sebastian Gomez preparing for battle. Out here we saw Sebastian surfing incredibly well yesterday. Some little aerials off the lip. See if he’s still opting to ride a quadpin setup today. Yeah, he’ll be heading up against Luis Denise. He was causing a few upsets out here in twenty nineteen. Eloise Denise the current ISA World champion. It’s going to be a great heat to watch. 1. 67. Just a small score coming through for Ben White’s first wave. A 1. 67. He’s getting unstuck there on that wave. but we do have plenty of time left In 15 minutes, 20 seconds remaining. In quarter final number two, the men’s what’s up surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. It’s the judge’s view. He’s got a good shot here of what the competitors see looking on the horizon. This game beach side. Got the Red Bull party wagon. Bringing in the tunes. Victor there on screen. He’s been helping run this event in Grand Canaria. One of the legendary organisers here. Is helping out, making things, make sure everything runs smoothly. They got a mobile event. We’re at La Sisa. The opening few days of the event, the competition. Some super fun waves. Now, Elarette, here’s Leonardo. What’s he up to? He’s on his backhand out here today. Ripping one off the top but he’s just going to be able to use the paddle to get himself down that wave. As he went up a little bit too high and again, just slashing a little turn. He’s to finish off on that white water section but Leonardo not connecting with the lip on that wave. All that well on his top turns. We saw him yesterday bashing out some amazing turns. So we know he’s got it in him to be able to do that. certainly more than capable. Putting on the highest level of surfing out here. Benoit just looking behind to see if there’s something better. Oh, he’s going to opt to kick out of this one. Thought he was just going to take the ledger off. Pull in. Just pull in. Crank it off the bottom and just. Yeah. Low it up. Out here. It’s ready for scores coming through for Leonardo Jimenez’s last wave. going to update you on the situation when that does drop. And Benoit’s got priority out here. There it is. A 3. 17. So, like we said, Ollie, just not connecting with the lip, not getting those high scores even though we did three turns on that wave. Judges saying, got up the game to be able to get the bigger scores as we saw from Wellington in the last heat. Bashing the lip on his backhand. Getting some scores in the excellent range. Just showing no mercy out here. Bemoir on the waves. Full attack mode. It’s definitely really composed for The stylish. But minutes. We’ll see a replay of this first wave. 3. 17. You see he kind of gets hung up at the top here. He’s to use his paddle a little bit jumpy on that turn. So not getting rewarded for that. And again just a tiny little set up turn. She looks to bank off the white roar. He actually doesn’t land this one. So that turn not really counting. Looks tricky. Some of these faces out there, Bo. Yeah, bit of bump on the face. Really going to navigate the shallow rocks as well, creating a bit of a step in the wave, bit of bump. As we see, competitors wishing Luis Denise luck as he heads out for his heat. He’s going to be ready. You can paddle out. We got 10 minutes to to paddle out. Before his heat starts. We did see Ben Moire paddling for a wave there with priority. So, he’s going to lose priority there. Yep. He’s going to hand Leonardo priority. Leo’s going to want to capitalize on that situation. Try and see if he can advance the score. We are waiting for a few more scores to drop in. Yeah, Louise, Denise. The ISA World Champion this year. He’ll be looking to secure another world championship in twenty twenty-two. Oh, we’re super happy. Just be throwing shackers. At the ready. He’s an amazing paddleboarder throwing airs. He’s got a great backhand attack as well. Pretty pushing the progression of the sport, wouldn’t you say Bo? Definitely, he is pushing the progression. But as he can do, grab rail. Inverted airs. He’s got a big bag of tricks. Massive bag of tricks. Saw him yesterday. Ops to go to turns. Doing some really tight snaps in the pocket. Out here at Elarat. Just so good to have these surfers back in competition mode. A couple of years off since 2019. They’ve all been at home. Obviously getting ready, practicing, They’re mixing up between, yeah, between surfing, longboarding. The hydrophobic, bit winged. Oh, wing foil. Bit of everything. Yeah. Watermen and women out here. Competing in this event as we see Leo taking off quite deep on this wave. He’ll his way around the section. Big turn off the top there. That’s a much better connection with the top of that wave. But this wave just closing out for him. Heavy. So just a one turn as we see Benoit paddling. He’s going to look at this one. The swell increasing for our competitors. Full commitment there for Benoit. Bottom turn. A bit of a calf just under the lip there. Didn’t want to attack that white water section. As he goes really high up into the leopard. Great turn. He’s going to finish this wave off. Another carve as well. And he’s going to get into the white water but just throws that ball away. It’s hollowed out there on the inside. Getting powerful out there today. And down to 9 minutes remaining. It’s a cracking waves there from Leo Memoir. And Leo one big turn. The Benoir series of carving maneuvers down the line. It’s amazing to read that these surfers have on this wave. Penmoi opting to do some carves under the lip. But getting three or four good turns on that wave. Can it just look like he was super late but lining things up. Always looking down the line. Just glancing. Checking across. Almost seemed like before is going to lay his bottom turn. Surfers already thinking about what they’re going to do. Where are they going to hit that wave? How’s it going to form? Are they going to use it? They’re going to try and have to float over a section or are they just going to crank it and just blast out the back of it? Yeah, this wave offers up tons of different sections. And this heat been a bit slow at the start but now starting to get a bit more consistent. And the judges want they want to see that as well. Like what what a what the best in the world are capable of out here? Whites turning. Trying to get on this one but Ben Wire’s going to sneak under priority. He’s going to get another score here. Is he going to go off the top? Oh Benoit. The tail there a little bit on that turn which is really nice. He carves it around again. So, Ben White’s looking to back up that last score that he dropped. Really committed Cut back there. White standing. Great carp on the inside there as well, Penoir. It’s going to look off the end section. Doesn’t want to get too close rocks as we see Leonardo on a big wave at the back. Great first turn from him and again. Leonardo this wave standing up now so he does a nice backhand snap in the pocket. Another turn as well. He’s going to try and finish this one off as well. Banks it off the white water there. We see strong finish there from Leo. Yeah we see these waves starting to connect up with the left on the other side. So the swell increasing. Then why? Jumping in the channel there. Getting a little lift out with the rip. He almost said conditions are getting better. I mean tide’s filling in. We had a low tide at 730 this morning. And with that bigger swell, it’s breaking a bit further off the back. Those last two waves, bro. Unbelievable surfing. From Benoir and Leo. Out here in the second quarter finals. The men’s sub surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. This is the view in the lineup. The surface is seeing. The green hills of Las Palmas in the background. as we’ll see a replay here at Benoit. His fancy footwork. See how brings his front foot forward for the bottom turn and then as he goes up the wave, he’ll step that back foot back on the tail pad. For that carve that was under the lip there. So this wave came in at a five point 57 for Benoit. See him. That’s a great top turn there for Benoit. Holding that paddle in the water. Leaning on it. Benoit taking this wave all the way down the point to the end. He’s going to slide out that tail for that turn. Just style there from Memoir sliding out on the bottom. So 5 minutes remaining in the second quarter finals. Waitin Waiting for some points to drop. This is Benoit’s last wave. Still waiting for sports to come through folks. Such a great first turn he had. Drawing it back into the pocket there. Benoit carving around again. This wave just comes through with a five point nine. As we watch the replay of Benoit finishing off here. Is this a 5 point nine? He slides that tail at the end there. Just comes unstuck. Just waiting for Leo’s wave to come in. I mean as he sits, he needs an eight point three To sneak into the lead from Benoit. was a good-looking wave. Great-looking wave. Don’t know if he’s going to get up into the excellence. Is it going to be enough? He had some great turns on the inside though. As we will head to a replay of that wave. It’s how low he gets. That backhand attack. and they’re just fully commit. So that turn there, just kind of cutting that turn short a little bit. Seem lose. Paddle a little bit. But he really connects well with these next sections. So Finn hopping out of the water. Cutting back around here. I love this next turn Ollie where he goes up into the lip. See this wave starting to steepen up. Switches the paddle around. Just eyeing it up. You see that wave standing On the bottom. And then bang. Boom blasting it off the top. Great surfing there. From Leonardo. Finishes it off with another turn as well. He’s not done. No, not at all. We’ll go to live action paddlers. Some sick surfing there. And one. From our quarter finalists. Yeah great surfing. With priority. Going to let Leonardo have a paddle at this one. As we’re coming down ah just under 3 minutes. Benoit looking for a situation update. Athlete zone. Bemoir’s partner. Watching nervously. Zane’s partner. That was Kim. Okay, let’s go to forty-six point eight three. She’s here to support. Fellow starboard competitor Benoit. So we saw Leonardo’s last wave. Liaz. 3. 17. He’s throwing the paddle up. To the judges. So Leonardo dropped a six point eight three. For his last wave. It is the highest wave score of the heat so far. Just bringing that bringing it closer. And Leon like looking for a four point six four. The competitor in white. Four point 64 to jump into the lead to progress through to the semi-finals. They’re going to meet Wellington Race ah 2019 event champion here in Grand Canaria. One minute forty-five left on the clock. In this second quarter final. With the men’s what’s up surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. Benoit. He’s got priorities so he’s not going to let Leo catch a wave. No. Last one minute thirty. He’s going to hold his position out there. Making sure that he gets the best wave. We’re going to be looking to get the best one of the set. It’s going to be marching through. Yeah, we’ll see if. We do have a small set come through toward the end of this heat. and the swell is just building and building throughout the day. As we see a paddle here from Leonardo. Helen’s going to get this one. This is not going to not going to do much. in Las Palmas. Capital of Grand Canaria out there in the back. You can see the the hills, the national park. They’re towering over the city. That’s some pretty good weather. Good conditions. Every day on offer here, Bo. Yeah, the weather’s warm all year round. We see our competitors. Something on the way. Yeah. 25 seconds remaining. Theo Jimenez is paddling over. But Benoit is in position with priority. He’s going to take this wave. Uh huh. They are hoping there’s something behind it. Okay, Mark going to try and extend his score line. Up into the lip. Great turn from Benoit. He’s going to scoot around this section but get a bit caught hide. But did well to keep Leo off that wave. We’ll see. Looks like Benoit’s pretty that will be the last wave of the heat from Benoit. second gate of choir finance Never mind navigating the rocks in there. So much excitement going down here in the corners. See a replay of Benoit’s wave. So, Benoir making it through to the semi finals. This was his in his highest scoring waves of the ride. Great turns for Benoit. Using the paddle carving himself around. He gets it pretty steep there but can’t finish that wave off but on this one. Off the top. Great carp. Air drop at the tail. Having it around again. Loving the way Beno SFs. So much style. Really a lot of style. Brings it all the way back around to the white water. Memoir crossing the paddle over for a cut back there. Just making it look easy. Putting on a clinic out here Benoit. Four drops out from underneath him. Great turn. Just a massive slashing top turn there. And again. It’s four, five point nine. Benoit. What a bit of smaller wave. Still tearing it to pieces. On a tear. And we’re going to be heading to a commercial break and then back with quarterfinals heat three. Buenos dias. Welcome to Las Palmas. Grand Canaria. We’re here for the Grand Canaria Pro Am Finals Day. Men’s Sup Surf Quarter Finals. Absolutely insane waves on offer. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. Here with Beau Nixon. things have been pumping out here though. Absolutely and we’re just getting started with the swell. It’s building throughout the day. We will see Louise Denise and Sebastian Gomez go head to head in quarter final heat number three of the men’s sub serve here at the Grand Canary Pro Am. Louise Denise, current ISA World Champion against Sebastian Gomez. The Peruvian champion. We’re out here at El Loret In Las Palmas, the capital of Grand Canaria. The waves are cooking. They’re cooking. We saw the women’s semi-finals earlier. And then straight into the men’s quarters. It’s a paddle battle here. Yeah. So, Christian Gomez quite getting on it. So, Sebastian. Bang. Up into the big ejects button there. Just fully full commitment there from Sebastian. Absolutely. Getting the board up into the lip. Senor Sinderson just going straight up into the top. The judges can be just wanting to see that that commitment. And Sebastian thought she just coming up unglued. Let’s have another little look at it. So Sebastian. We’ll see him opting for that quad setup again. As he gets up into the lip nice and high. But that board just gets away from him. And he pin drops down. Couldn’t get over on the drop. And she’s going down the escalator there. It looks like a sore paddle from Louisa needs to get onto a wave so he hands priority back over to Sebastian Gomez. He just dropped the 1. 33 for that. Committed high risk turn. Unfortunately just come unglued on his feet. As we see Sebastian Gomez having a look at another wave here. Sebastian putting the power down now. He’s not going to be able to get this one. So Louise Denise opting this. Denise is going to get in. Onto this one. It’s a little bit unbalanced there but oh that first turn. Laying it down. Again, just setting this wave up. Nice. Wrap into the pocket there. Louis Denise. Another little turn on the inside as he decides to kick out. So a great opening maneuver on that wave. 25 seconds. Louise. Right to the end. Right to the inside of that section. Yeah. We saw a tiny board. We’re going to struggle to stand and paddle in those bumps there. What’s he riding? I haven’t been able to look at his board. He’s been keeping a bit of secret. Got it in a little cover down there. Yeah. Keeping it in the ball bag and the athlete zone. Been trying to sneak up. I mean, game enough to open up the board back. I didn’t see you looking around. I was like. Yeah, yeah. I suppose going to open this bag See what goodies we got in there? Exactly. See the replay there. Backhand attack. Bang. Louise Denise surfing great. So that’d be a Good opening score for Louise. The judges having a look at the replay. Yeah, that score’s going to drop. For Louise. Welcome everyone watching from around the world. Let us know where you’re watching from. If you have any questions, give us a shout on Facebook Live or on our APP YouTube channel. We will be crown ing champions today. Both the men’s and the women’s. We’re going to be jumping over to Holly at the beach with our heat winner. the So just a little bit of an issue there with the technical. So we’re just going to go back to live action in the water with Sebastian Gomez paddling out. Luis Denis just dropped in a score for his first right wave. 7. 0. Yeah. So Louise. He means business out here Bob. Oh he certainly does. It’s a world title on the line today. For all of our competitors. Yeah. And the world’s best. Out here. Challenging pumping conditions. In Les Palmas, Grand Canaria And there’s a set on the way. Oh Luis. Louis. Taking off. Big backhand turn under the lip there. Not wanting to get too close to that lip. Lot of power in these waves. As the swirl builds. Luis Denise. Backing up that first wave score. As he finishes off there on the inside. And the claim. That was very very close to the rocks. Hit a bit of whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. From top of the bus. You got a little And speaking of woah woah, You want to be. Whoa, whoa. You want to be a pressing that jet button? Yeah. And the horizon just darkens out on Sebastian Gomez as he kicks over his board. It’s the best way to do it. Yeah, it certainly is. But that big wave cleaning up the face. Possibly this way for Sebastian. You see, as the wave breaks through, it smoothens up the face of the next one. Definitely feels like it’s getting a bit bigger out there. Yeah, it really does. We are going to be running the women’s fight consolation final coming up. After the the quarters. After the quarters. We’re going to be going straight in. than this swell building throughout the day. It’s going to be some absolute bombs. Coming through into the bay. But In Las Palmas. And Sebastian Gomez having a look here. Sebastian. Not going to take this one. Just having a little cheeky look. Seeing what it’s going to do. And we’re going to go over to Holly, beach side. Thanks guys. I’m here at Beachside with Benoit Carpenter who just won the last quarter final for the men. Benoit, talk us through that heat. Yeah, really slow heat. Obviously, this guy having a blast right now with many sets coming. Uh our eat was really slow. Uh made some mistake as well with the priority. So, it was a scary one for me. Managed to get to six ish something. So, making it through, really happy. Uh I’ll be on in the top so my best result on the tour is I think fourth so I might try to do better now and yeah, really happy to advance and yeah, sending sending good vibes to all my friends back home, family and yeah. We’re going to go. And just on the atmosphere, could you hear the people cheering for you? I have such a big air problem living in Brittany, you know, like my ears got like water stuck in like all the time even if I use plugs. Uh so, I didn’t really hear as the wave are pretty big today and I decided to not put earplug because I couldn’t hear anything obviously but no, I didn’t hear much but I know how how it is on the beach at every eat. I know everyone’s cheering. It’s such a good vibe so. Yeah. It’s nice, you know, to push each other. Yeah, you had some good support up here on the beach. Well, thank you Benoit. We’ll see you in the semi-finals. Back to you guys in the studio. Holly. Congratulations, Benoit. Getting through to the final four. We’re seeing you in the semis. There was some definitely some cheers going on. From the crew, beach side. And around the world. From our French supporters. Cheering on Benoit. Yeah a lot of people tuning in from France to watch the action. Support Benoit. There might have been a huge support for the young sub-surface of France as well. Both boys and the girls. a legend on tour. being competing for. Legend of 28 years old. Yeah. Not even not even in his 30s and. That’s right. and we see a score drop for Louise Denise’s last wave. A 7. 67 so he extends his lead. Sebastian hasn’t really been on the board yet with a good score. He’s going to wait patiently. We saw Taka Nue doing the same thing. Just waiting patiently for the best waves to come through. As you can see, the waves here Las Las Palmas Grand Canaria. We’re in the north of the island. Really exposed to those Atlantic swells marching in. We’re in the Hawaii of the Atlantic Canary Islands. Surfers first came here in the early sixties. And here’s our our longboard champ. Leco Salazar. Getting getting ready. You got Brazilians in every heat of the quarterfinals. Ollie. Storm. The Brazilian Storm in full effect out here today. The finals. Yeah we saw Wellington Reece in the first heat. He made it through to the semi-finals. So Leonardo Jimenez just lose out in the quarter finals in that last heat. Luis Denise in this heat on Leco Salazar. He’s going to be up against Zane Schweitzer. Mhm. So we’re waiting for some scores to drop. We’ve got 11 minutes. 48 seconds remaining. In quarter final. Heat three. Wonder who’s going to be advancing into the semis. So close. Every heat out here. Finals day. The world’s best. putting on absolutely incredible performance And here we go. Some bumps coming through for our competitors. Sebastian Gomez. Deeper at the back here. Let’s have a look. are allowed to chill, sit on the board, catch the breath. I hear a replay of Louise Denise’s wave, last wave. We see him. Oh, this was his first one. Smashing it in the lip. This was a seven point ride that Louis locked in. He goes up into the lip again. Carving it around. finish you off this wave. From the inside. Straight in. And we see the seven point six seven. From Louise. Good looking wave. Ah. Under the lip. Great turn. From Louise as he carves his way back round into the white water. See him switching the paddle. Another turn here. And this is where we saw Ollie get right on the inside. Up into the lip. He’s going to finish behind the rocks. Pretty close to the rocks there. But he wants to claim it before he just claim. Kicks out. Gotta get the claim in before he kick out. Got people watching from USA. Nice. Thanks for tuning in. Brazilians obviously cheering on the Brazilian Storm. They watch the paddle. as we see a set wave. Sebastian Gomez. Sebastian’s got priority. Priority. He’s going to he’s going to take it. He’s not going to get off of it. See Sebastian. So close. He make a bit of an digging in with a paddle there. Yeah. Trying to claw his way into the wave. If Aaron judgement taking that one. So Sebastian will look to paddle out. Which one? Women And then that’s final. Then Just in case it starts matching we So just getting the update of the running schedule. We got confirmation. Tristan Boxford. Um is letting us know that we will be running the Women’s final. Up after the men’s quarters. So this is they’ll be going into the men’s semi-finals. Then running the women’s consolation final. After the consolation final is for third and fourth place. And then back into the men’s final. So 8 minute, 32 seconds Situation is the same, first, rest. 8 minutes, 25 seconds remaining. Sebastian being probably too patient in this heat. He. Gave his priority away to Luis Denis after paddling for that wave. he’d be a little bit annoyed at himself. Very much an error in judgement from him. So he’ll look to try and create a bit of space between himself and Louise. Try and get some waves on the inside to build his scoreline. As we see a wave. Louisiana let it go but Sebastian. Sebastian. He’s going to get this one. Sebastian such a great surfer from Peru. Drawn out bottom turn. Snaps it in the lip. Great first turn there from Sebastian. He’s not going to get around that one on his feet. Just come. Thought he was going to sneak around that section. Yeah, just clipped him at the end. Power in the wave starting to show. Just even a little bit of white water tapping your board. He’s going to push it away from you. Let’s have a look at the replay. How composed he stays on this bottom. Yeah, he holds his bottom turn for a long time. As he comes up to the top of the wave, places the paddle down, pushes that back foot. Unleashes. Pushing back on that tail pad. So Sebastian dropped a 4. 33 on this ride Ollie. That’s not enough to get him out of the combination situation. Couldn’t quite ride out of it here. He thought he had it but he just had to move his feet. And then just too much weight on the front foot. Yeah he couldn’t get his balance correct. Minute. So Sebastian Gomez still looking for it. 14. 68 heat total. To progress Needs two wave scores. It’s Louise Denise holding priority at the back. Another 16 minutes, 15 seconds on the clock. Yeah, Luis is going to be wanting to see if he can improve on his first wave which was a seven point oh. is Zaim getting ready He’ll be going up against Leko Salazar from Brazil. in the fourth quarter final. Yeah Zain. Yeah there’s five minutes 50 on the clock. But you do have a 10 minute paddle out today. So Zane maybe thinking he can get down there. Remember he’s a cat. I forgot. He’s a cat on the rocks. He’s going to run along those rocks. Jump straight out in the water. He’ll be out. You know. Before the heat begins. Never seen it anything like it. Zane just. running across these slippery rocks on his tippy toes just straight out the back. Zane is on a borrowed board as well. His equipment not arriving at this event. So we do hope that Zane does get his board soon. See great drone angle of our competitors. See Louise Denise sinking that board underwater. Looks pretty clean out there. It does from this drone angle. Definitely looks nice and clean. Too many bumps on the face of that. No white caps anyway. We’re here for Finals Day. Gonna be crown ing a champion, Beau. Two champions. Two champions. Oh, that’s 5 minutes. 5 minutes. The women’s sub-surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am Final Coming up shortly. See Sebastian Gomez trying to get himself out of a combination situation. This is going to be big turn up in the lip. He’s not going to be able to ride out of that one. There’s Sebastian going down. And thanks to our supporting partners, Calbido the Grand Canaria, Torismo the Grand Canaria, Institute, the Canarias. Maspalomas, Costa Canaria the Grand Canaria, Instituto, Municipal deportes. Big thanks to the city of Los Palmers, Grand Canaria For welcoming us back for the APP Grand Canaria Pro Am. Second one. Amazing scenes already this morning. Five, three, four. Can’t believe the level of surfing and the progression. It’s been three years since we’ve been here Last time was in twenty nineteen. Last major APP event. Here in Grand Canaria for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. So Wellington Reece. Winning the event. And we’re going to be seeing him coming up. Yeah he’s through to the semi-finals. Wellington and Benoit going up against each other. That’s going to be a great semi-final heat. We will see who will go through from this one at the moment. It’s looking like Luis Denise will be moving through. Sebastian Gomez still looking for a combination of scores. Only two and a half minutes left on the clock. So Sebastian really up against the clock on this one. Especially with those long lulls between the sets. We have seen some great set waves come through in this heat. And Luis has been on both of them. Sebastian just out of position. Or without priority not being able to get the scores wants on the big waves. And let us know where you’re watching from. Around the world. You’re coming in from Brazil. Early morning over there. 2 minutes. Last 2 minutes. Maybe getting ready for a surf. Bit of breakfast. or or getting ready for work. may be strongly advised to keep an eye out as we will be running into the semis and the final. So, if you gotta head to work, make sure you get that get that screen on in the corner. The computer and the laptop. It’s going to be a lot of action. And some pumping waves coming in. Just getting. Red. Bigger and bigger throughout the day. And here’s Luis. See Luis Denise. His positioning has been spot on during this heat. Be able to find some great waves coming through. Seems sliding the tail there. Setting up for this maneuver. Oh. Just kicks the tail loose. He’s going to come in because it’s only a minute left on the clock. Leaves Sebastian Gomez out there. Let’s hope we can see Sebastian on one more wave. Just to showcase what he has. Great surfer from Peru. He was competing at the ISA World Sup Games recently as well. He’s going to need a big score here. 45 seconds remaining. in this in this third quarter final. Luis Denise out in front. Winning by an 8. 91 margin. So is there anything coming in? Here on the horizon for Sebastian. It’s going to be read Not quite sure if he’s going to be able to get two of this wave in time. 10 seconds on the clock here. He’s going to go for a paddle though. Let’s see Sebastian. What’s he got here on this one? Dropping in. Two. One. Bang off the lips. Sebastian not going to be able to make that one. So, unfortunately, we’re going to see Sebastian Gomez knocked out a competition and on screen. The quarter final heat number three winner, Louise Denise. Moving through to the semi-finals, the men’s pro sub surf here at the Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’re going to take look at the recap from Louise’s right. Almost lost it there. Almost lost it but this was a good score. Seven point ride coming through for Louise Denise. This evening. Arving off the top here. It bashes it off the top. Staying busy. Another. as we see. Louise Denise. This was the 7. 67 that he had. slash under the lip and then a carving comeback there. He sets up for another top turn. and he hits it off the lid there. Surfing this wave all the way into the rocks. Putting it all on the line there. As we see Bazino and Wellington cheering on their fellow competitor from Brazil Louise Denise. Into the semis. Be stoked with that. As we see the lineup for quarterfinal heat number four of the men’s Balazar and Zane Schweitzer. Like our fellow Brazilians Zane Schweitzer from Hawaii. Both of these competitors. He’s been on tour for a long time now. Leco and Zane, the originals. You see Zane Schweitzer getting a paddle in here. He’s up and riding. Let’s go. What’s he got? Down the line. Staying high on this way. Generate. Lots of speed to get around this section. He’s using his body to pump around the section. Oh. Couldn’t quite get around it. Very close between the both competitors there. That’s Sebastian Gomez in the last heat. We do see their boards. Tripped up. Let us know if you’re watching from Hawaii. Stand up late. Yeah. Almost midnight out there. That’s right. Competitors are a bit tangled up there. We saw. You see a replay of this saying just staying high on this wave. They’re just generating speed. Had to drop down around this one. just got a little bit caught there. Can’t quite get around it. We saw Zane just get mixed up with Sebastian. So Zane just getting his feet in the wax on that board. Just gets out there so quickly, doesn’t he? Ah, so far saying. Big advocate of standing up. Always when you are paddling. Now, stand up paddleboard. Nice to ride boards at a little bit bigger, bit more volume so you can stay standing. Give you that vision. Get a lot more speed as well when you are standing up and paddling rather than lying down. We see Lekko leaving this wave. He’s going to wait for a big wave to come through. He wants to get those big scores. Wait again. Is he Zane on the inside? Staying busy. bashing it off the lip. And coming around the corner and again. Cranking a nice top turn. He’s going to get back up into the lift for another turn. And Zane coming all the way through to the inside. Carving it around. He’s going to kick out. Great wave there from Zane. and I say world champion in two thousand and 17 He’ll be looking to add another world title to his name. But Leko Salazar. He’s a two time world champion now. In the what’s up As we see him flying over that really insane floater from Leko Salazar. Just a one turn wave but the biggest turn of this heat so far. Massive. Both competitors Goofy Foot. So it’s the back attack. Backhand attack show. Out here Bo. Certainly is. for the final quarter final. Gonna be going into the semis. Stand up. But plenty of time left on this one. 21 minutes. But the camera’s out. Yeah. Best competitors in the world. Such a great place to take photos Right here. Beachside. They can see where we are right now on screen. The Back to Live action in the water. Leko Salazar. Big bottom turn. Little whip in the pocket there. He’s going to continue down the line. He’s going to kick out. He was sort of waiting for the wave to stand up. He didn’t really. didn’t really offer much. decided to kick out the We’ll be waiting for some scores to drop in. Yeah, Zane dropped 4. 33 on his last wave. Live. Zane. Dropping in now on a big wave at the back. Bang up high on that wave. Great first turn from Zane. Love the commitment. And again. Oh. Oh high. She drops down. Zane not afraid of the big waves coming from Hawaii. Big cut back into the white water. Good rebound. The switch to paddle. One more turn there. So Zane Schwatzer staying busy in this heat. Getting lots of good waves. That was sick surfing from Zane. We hear the baby. He’ll be stoked. Big round of applause from Beachside here. Zane paddling back out. Very stoked after that last wave. As we see a couple of scores trickling through from Leko Salazar. His first wave of five point two three. Need to have another score to come through as well. We can see the swell pulsing in now. Sort of getting bigger with that tide filling in. We had a low early here at six thirty. and we’re going to be going over to Holly Beachside. Thanks guys. I’m here with Louise Denise who just knocked out Peru’s Sebastian Gomez in the men’s quarter finals. Louise, talk us through that heat. Yeah, I’m so happy for my last hit. I enter in the water and broke my one board and change board and there starts to in heat. I take two good waves Eh next year I I stay relaxed in the both side for taking three waves and yeah. I so happy my my my performance here. I I stay good. Yeah, thank God for new opportunities. We will see you in the semi-finals. Yeah. Rest up. Rest up. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks, Holly. Congrats. Getting through into the semis. Stoked. Yeah, very stoked. Luis and he’s breaking his board there. Maybe on the paddle out at the start of the heat having to come in and change boards. So, Louise. Season competitor. He’s got backup boards here. You gotta have the backups. Especially on days like today. Swell is big. We see Leko Salazar stroking into this one. Off the top. Absolute tearing it off the top there, Lekker. Again. Big turn and throws it up there and lift for another one. So, three turns back to back. Sierra linked those movers together, Ollie. You just kept that board on rail the whole time from one turn to another. That’s all part of the judging criteria. That’s what they’re going to be wanting to see. how fluid an aggressive Yeah. Attacking these monster waves out here in Las Palmas. Yeah, monster waves indeed. Lekker was needing a 6. 68 on that wave. That’s because Zane Schwartz has dropped a 7point five7. Four, four, eight, three, three, and seven point. So Zane sitting out in the lead but we’ll see if Leko’s last wave. I’m going to say it’s going to come in for the score. Let go. PC together. Great wave. It’s going to be a biggie. As we see the best wave of Leko. So far. Bang. That. Was insane. He was insane. and we see Zane. Slow mo. Into the lip. Airdropping his way down this wave. Bottom turns. Sangera. Scores coming in now. Great slow mo there. Just gets that wave steepens up. You see Zane getting on the back foot to keep that nose up out of the water. West gets super low. Super low on the backside. Crossing the paddle over. Opening up that chest for some rotation to be able to get back up into the lip. And I’m going to eat my words. Leko’s last wave score. 6. 57 so not enough. He needed 6. 67. He’s going to have to improve on his first wave. He needs a 5. 34. His first wave is a 5point2 three. So it’s certainly doable. We got still quite a bit of time left. The final quarter final here. 15 minutes remaining. So close, Bo. bread into his way. Hey, five point. There’s the getting ready for the women’s Sup Surf Grand Canaria Pro Am Final. It’s going to be coming up next after the quarters. For the men’s. On the line. Lots of people tuning in from around the world here Ollie. Oh someone tune in from Poland in the Baltic Sea. Nice. Great to have you with us joining us here watching all the action. Hello from Barcelona. Buenos dias. Buenos dias indeed. They got some nice waves there. Yeah. In the city. Yeah. They do have do you have surf in the city? Couple of spots. Especially around winter time and turn on in the med. Kevin tuning in from Hawaii. He’s working the night shift. Yeah. So great to great to have you joining us. be cheering on Zane. People from the UK as well tuning in. So lot of support from around the world. Supporting the sport of stand up paddling. We see Leko and Zane. These guys are friends. They’re having a little chat. What did you do with that last wave Zane? Oh you know it just just ripped the back out of it. What about you? I tried to rip it out but I only got a six. Japanese competitor there. Just watching on. And the waves still marching in. like minutes, 45 seconds. 12 minutes, 40 seconds remaining. In this final quarter final of the men’s what’s up surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. Suzanne, he’s always been a little bit unlucky in contests. He said quite a few event wins but never secured himself a world title in the APP World Tour. As we see him up and riding here. He’s on fire today. saying getting around this bit of white water. Gonna set up for a turn on the inside. Just going to decide to kick. Oh is that the top turn there and then just looking the didn’t go right down into the bottom of the wave of the knee. He could see the almost had to highlight it. So doing the top staying pretty high and compressed on the wave. Just this intuition of being able to read waves. all-round waterman that he is. It’s like he’s got some kind of crazy six heads that just knew what was going to be happening down the line there. Yeah, sometimes he can really switch it on in heat. There’s our finalist. from Japan. out there with her brother Tekka. It’s a proud nation. Leko Salazar. Just as a kind of a mid-face bottom turn. On this one. As he gets himself down the line. Carving in the pocket there. Leko trying to get a good turn there on the wave. And again. Oh. Up in the lip. It just can’t quite right out of that one. So Leko just trying to find the pace on that wave. Good size wave there from Leko. Leko. He was looking for a 5. 34 to be able to move up into that first position. Zane just dropped a small score of a 3. 43 for his last ride. Coming out to 10 minutes. 10 seconds on the clock. Cody. Do get a 10 minute paddle out. She’ll be stoked that she’s in the final. Absolutely. She got ahead of her by Morena this morning in the semi-finals as we see Zane Schweitzer. Absolute bomb here. One knee for red. One knee. We see a big car from Zane. Another top turn. Fantastic. Zane putting on a clinic out here on his backhand. Blasting out there. Switching the paddle. Another great turn and it’s got more to offer. He does have a little cut back here as he heads out before the rocks. Zain Schweitzer. It’s his wife Kim there. She’s pumped. Yeah. She already know her husband. Super exciting stuff. Bunny, They’re all looking at the life heat scores. You can follow those schools online too. Live Heats. com. Search for APP World Tour. Be ready for some scores to drop. Six point fiveseven and five points. Yeah like I was Salazar. Drop to 5. 93 for his last ride. Wayne. So puts him up into the lead Ollie. 4. point nine three. Good fair. See what that last score of Zanes is going to be? Yeah he he was looking for a four point nine three. Safe to say that that score’s going to drop through. Above that. as we’ll see the replay. Take us through this Bo. So, Leko, just cutting that bottom turn a little bit short to get off the top there and again, just cut it short. We see him coming around this section. Carving. This wave not offering up really steep sections for Leko. So, I’m having to find the right position on the wave to time his turns. goes up and over that. As we see Zane, the replay carving back in. Bottom turn back up. Ashes it off the top there. Great turn. He’s going to set up again for another turn. Off the lip. Remember he needed a 4. 93 for this wave. A series of maneuvers down the line. So the last wave. 7. Come through. It’s a 6. 17. Changes. Situation. Yeah he’s back up into the lead. Five, 7. Leko Salazar now needs a seven point18 Regain his lead. 7 minutes, 40 seconds remaining. Exciting stuff. It’s so exciting. Love watching when he like this. So close between our competitors. Was it was there an interference call earlier on? I think from from Red. Maybe it was a penalty maybe from paddling out. Not sure. Yeah, I think that’s, yeah, I think we we heard them give a warning out to Salazar. paddling down on his stomach. competitors just going to make sure they can only have five strokes when they’re lying down on the board paddling out. Just get out of the impact zone. Danger zone. Especially today. You want to get out of the danger zone as quick as possible. You certainly do. Don’t want to spend too much time in the impact zone. No. All too close to those Rocks on the inside. Yeah. Your paddlers having to paddle out and come back in over those rocks. Can be sketchy. Yesterday evening I had a session out there. Come in almost just before dark. I thought I need to get a wave in here before it gets too dark. I’m not going to be able to see the rocks. I just get. You wouldn’t want to be doing that in the dark. No, definitely not want to be doing that in the dark. They are just smooth rocks though. No barnacles or anything on them. Slippery. Very slippery though. Very slippery. And with these big waves. Pretty sketchy. Entry and exit at this break. Such an amazing setup here at Elarette. As we see here live. Red’s got priority. Lekker. Deciding to take this way. He’s going to go. Looking for that seven pointone eight as he’s going to bang up over that section. He’s going to hold on. Oh. He gets it again. Up vertical into that. Just going burnt. Lego. Not going to be able to ride out of that one. He’ll be disappointed with that but two. Incredible. Just two monster turns. Zane. Two big turns. Can be enough to get you the score. As we see Zane wanting to improve his situation. He knows Lekker got a good wave then. Off the bottom. Bang. Oh. As well. The goofy footers. Really showcasing how good they are out here on this right hander. Zane. Waiting for this wave to stand up again and he’s just going to kick out. A super nice surfing there from Zane. But Leko’s wave. Lego’s those first two turns. He held it through that white water as he was coming down off that big reentry. And then went vertical in the pocket. They tried to get in a third turn but just went down. He’s just going full send mode out there. It was. You gotta send it. This is the quarterfinals? Yep. We’ll be crowning a world champion today in the men’s division. You know what Ollie? We’ll be crown ing a world champion in the women’s division. The women’s. Half an hour. Sup surf final. From Grand Canaria coming up next. See. Humped. Lucy across the letter out there. She’s amped. Ready to go. Any position. She’ll be up against Japanese catering away. She’s been super consistent. In her quarter finals and semi-final. Especially coming off that winner, the ISA in Puerto Rico. Couple of weeks back. but should be confident should be pretty confident. Good experience. Competition. We are still waiting for scores to come through for both Zane and Leko after that last exchange. Time’s ticking down. Three minutes thirty on the clock. Not long to go. We do see the Argentinian support on the beach. For Lucia on the next heat. That will be the final of the women’s. I’m excited to see what score’s going to drop for Leko. Whoo. I have a feeling it’s going to be a pretty big number. Could be a big one. And 3 minutes remaining. Let’s have a look at this replay from Zane. So Zane. His first turn was nice. Pushing hard on that back foot. up high on the wave. He’s going to make sure he finishes. Staying low on his feet. Setting up for that next turn. As we do see scores trickling through. We’ll give you an update as we head back to live action. But we’ll see Zane here. Little replay. Banking it off the white water. So scores. Ollie. Leko Salazar has taken the lead. No. Get a 7. 8 on his last wave. Zane Schweitzer. He needs a 6. 81. But we are waiting for one more score of Zane. That last wave that we just saw. 6. 81. Two minutes remaining now. Quarterfinal number four. Those whites? I know. Waits. So, Ted’s up here. It really is. The double decker bus. Watching the world’s best. Who is going to advance into the semis? And we had Zane Lock in a seven point five seven earlier in the Heat and a 6point17. We’ll see if that wave it improves his situation but not enough. Zane Schweitzer a 6. 4 drops in. So he needs a 6pointeightone. Wow. To be able to take the lead back from Leko Saka Salazar. One minute twenty on the clock. Zane with second priority out there. So Leko. He’s got choice of the wave that comes through. Zane’s been on fire in this heat but Leko just finding the wave of consequence to change the situation. Love to see a replay of Lekko’s wave after this heat finishes. 55 seconds remaining now. in the last quarter final. The men’s sub surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. What’s this going to do, Bo? Well, Look at this wave. He’s going to have to take this wave to keep Zane off it. So, let go. Just wants to kick it. It’s up and out. I think there was a bit of a close out there. So, like I just wanted to keep Zane off it. Just to keep him out. some tactics there from just do something crazy to get a score. So in a very innovative and progressive surfer from Hawaii. Kinda one of the early guys doing aerials. This is going to be his last chance here. 10 seconds remaining. He’s got a paddle on though. Can the wave get to him in time? Five. Don’t think it is going to get there in time. So Zane swipes unfortunately. Going down to Leko side. Leko moving through to the Amy Swanson. See, Zane, see what he’s got for us. Cars, let’s see what if he, if he could’ve got the score, this wave will not count toward the scoreline. Of Zane Schweitzer. 12 minutes. A There is the heat winner. Leko Salazar. He’ll be going up against fellow Brazilian, Luis Denis in the semi-finals. As we see the replay here. Let’s have a look at this. So, this is one of Leko’s earlier waves. just slashing, carving. Big maneuvers off the top. Great looking wave there. And we see Leko. This was the big score. Seven pointeight. And this turn here. Bang. Vertical into the lip. Unfortunately he can’t ride out of this one. But Leco Salazar doing enough to make it through to the semi-finals. But Ollie we’re heading straight into action. The women’s what’s up surf final of the Grand Canaria Pro Am. The APP World Tour. Live action. Straight up. Big Bigto from Argentina. Massive first turn from her. So we’ll see her trying to back that turn up with a big hit on the inside. Oh just coming unglued there on that float on the inside section. Exciting start to this heat. Ollie. Just straight into it Lucia with a monster wave in the final. Of the women’s what’s up surf Grand Canaria Pro Am here in Las Palmas. El Loret. In Kaide. Yeah. Anyway, some cheering beach side. Trying to get her amped. Decided against that one. Got a 30-minute final on our hands. Gonna be crown ing a champion for the women’s sub-surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. Vamos Aver, Este Hola. Let’s have a little look at this wave. What’s it got? Okay, anyway. Just going to opt to pull out of that one. Doesn’t see much scoring potential down the line. She’s going to get back out the back. Hopefully, to regain priority. Lucia’s first wave. that big first turn. Ollie, I’m loving that turn. That’s exactly what the judges want to see as well. Power. So much style just ripping into the top of the wave there. And this is first wave coming through a 6point17. That’s how you want to start a final. A solid wave score under your belt. Looking to improve on that one. She will be throughout this final. Welcome Everyone around the world. This is It’s finals day. It’s the main show. The APP Grand Canaria Pro Am. I’m Ollie Russell Cowan. Joined by Beau Nixon. It’s electric out here, Beau. Oh, really. Absolutely on fire. You know what’s happening after this heat, Ollie? We’ll be crowning a women’s world champion. On the APP World Tour for the Grand Canaria Pro Am. You’ll have an event winner and a world champion at the end of this heat. It’s going to be one of these two girls in the water. Who’s your money on? I can’t say now. I’m on the edge of my seat on every wave here. So good to be back. Three years since we last crown ed a world champ. Out here. In Grand Canaria. pumping conditions. 2019 as well. so consistent this wave in winter time. In the Canary Islands. And that’s Palmas putting on an absolute show for us. Let us know where you’re watching from around the world. Facebook Live, YouTube Live. or if you’re joining us on the APP World Tour website. Guys, Leko Salazar. He won the Happy Man. Moving through to the semis. Got a smile on his face. He knows he surfed really well. Hydrating for his next battle against fellow Brazilian Luis Denise. not much rest for him though. We back out in the semis. Really going straight into the semi-finals after the women’s final? This will see conditions out there Ollie. Looking glassy. big and clean It’s tricky conditions out there. Yeah. Cheeky little steps on the wave. Yeah, a lot of water moving as well. Obviously, after those big sets, all that water’s going to rush back out. So, lot of water moving across the reef. We get a glimpse of the lineup here as we see. Having a little look at that one. She’s she’s going to just make her way around the lineup and have a look for some waves as we see another bump coming through. With first priority. Looking to open up her account with a high scoring ride. She’s going to have a look at this one. Have a look at this. She’s stroking in. She gets around that first section there. Nice little turn in the pocket. See what she can do down the line here. She’s going to get a lot of speed. She’s pushing on that board. Nice turn. Racing down that section. Across the face. What she got here? Bangs it into the lip. Can’t quite hold it. For the end there. Sakiri just finding her feet plenty of time left in this final. Twenty-four minutes. Canning down on the clock. Junior champion as well for this event. She was crowned the Junior World champ. She was. Earlier on. Yeah she was already seated into the main event so. She’s made her way to the final. rightly so. She’s going to be forced to be reckoned with. Yeah, he’s going to watch a replay of that wave. She makes her around this first section and just a little snap there. Staying really tight there in the pocket. Yes, definitely. Racing around this bit. return and then this turn here getting more high-risk commit. Fortunately. Coming off. Love it how she attacks that last section. No way. You see a paddle there from Lucia. Cosuleto from Argentina. Trying to get into that wave. She’s going to paddle back out because there is another set marching through. So there is waves everywhere around the area here. Grand Canaria. Lot of spots. And this one being a standout spot. Red’s turning So big thanks to the locals for allowing us to have this wave as we see She’s going to scream down this wave. Nice turn there from Katie. Got the leash caught in the paddle there so she looked to get that freed. We see a banking off the white water at the end there. So a few nice turns there. Always seemed like a little bit of a conservative approach, do you think? Some of the, some of the top turns? Yeah, I’d agree with you there because we did see, saw it wall up there, so she was probably, it’s biting a time, seeing what sections were on offer down the line of the wave. Yeah, because Lucia’s only had that one wave score of a 6. 17. She’s had a single turn on that wave. A big, powerful hack. On the opening section and then tried to throw it up into the lip, down toward the end, but just come unstuck. Scores dropping for 3. 17 beforehand and a 4. 0 now so. She jumps into the lead. As we see a replay of this last wave. Up over the top there. She pulls out. So that was that four point right. You need one point to vote. All judges locking in a four there to average out. And Lucia out there with priority. That is your 2019 Grand Canaria Pro Am Champion for the men Wellington Race is coming up against Benoitier in the semi-final number one of the men. That’s going to be a close, close semi, that first one. Two absolute powerhouses on tour. But 20 minutes remaining The women’s what’s up surf. final. Grand Canaria Pro Am. He’s kind of feeling the tension out there in the lineup. As they wait for the set waves to come in. You can see Les Palmas over there in the background. Surf City. putting on an absolute show for us. Here at El Loret for Finals Day. Just been getting better and bigger and more radical every day though. Yeah, you see that white water panning the reef on the outside of those that national park there with the hills. So, we should be seeing some sets coming through. Some waves around there. We’re not going to talk about those ones. So this swell creeping up overnight from the previous few days. We will see it get into the pretty extra large size by the afternoon. Hoping to wrap up Supersize. Yeah supersize. Having to wrap up the competition before that happens. Yeah, there’s been talk of triple overhead. Marching in later on this afternoon. this evening. We will see. You do never quite know whether it would be Maxing. There’s been talk of that If it doesn’t get too big, sometimes it just closes out the bay. I’ve seen a couple of photos of it holding really big on the left hander across in the bay here as we see our competitors maneuvering themselves to be able to get closer. Well, this wave as we see Lucy here with priority. Opting to go this one. She’s going to do a nice carve. This first section as she drops down. Swave standing up steep for her but just closing out front of a one there. Another one turn wave. She then into the small score. One point right to get in front. Off Care there so that one she’s going to jump into the lead with. So, we’re coming down to 18 minutes remaining in the women’s final. The crown, the world champion. As we get a replay. Great drain angle here. She comes off the right. Really nice turn there from. Yeah, really nice. Yeah. Lots of support coming in for her on Facebook. and on YouTube. And of course lots of support for our Japanese surfer KD as well. She’s looking to take a he’s going to use her priority here. Gonna charge into this one. On this wave. She’s going to just find her feet set up for a wait for a good section. This high line’s looking for this lip. Bang. Up high on that one. She’s claiming. Absolutely insane. Anyway, with one turn wave but the biggest turn we’ve seen of the women so far in this whole event. Monster. She is stoked with that one. Look at those legs going. I thought she was just going to javelin launch that paddle. After that, just. How do you like me now? Yeah, exactly. Boom. Wow. So, we did see a score come through there. Fall this here on that last one. Just a small score of a 2 point nine seven for one turn but the one turn away from KA. That’s going to come through as a big score. We’ll have to wait what the judges are going to drop for that one. here. Up and over the white water there. Bow conditions are firing for the final. It is properly going off out here in Les Palmers, Grand Canaria. And last score for Quiet. A 7. 33. Whoo. crowd is loving. Replay of that wave. Down on the beach side. Let’s have a look at this. Just lines it up. Just wait. You can see that section coming to water. Bang. Off the top. Floats over it and rang. Massive. 5. 1. Huge. This is the future of women’s subsurfing. These big turns off the top. We’ve still got another 15 and a half minutes of action in this heat. So we’re not even halfway through it. We’ve got some great scores coming through for all our competitors. So great to have you joining us from around the world to watch the women’s final. We just saw Katie drop a massive seven point three three for a big off the top. Be going nuts in Japan. We see her paddling back out there. You can see the rip just behind her. Should you have a left across the bay and the right and all those waves that break in. Finds that deeper water to funnel all the water back out through. So Kenny opted to paddle out next to that rip. She’s pretty stoked. That last wave. Saw a throw claim to the judges as well. That was definitely deserved. Deserved a big claim. Why she held that? Through the white water. This white water is very powerful. It’s like an A for drop. Just riding over the foam. It’s mental. it. Right inside. Let’s see some hoots here. See another wave here. She going to do this. Yeah. Bit of an air drop. As we see her lining it up for again in the lift. Oh. That boy just getting away from her feet there. You see the wave faces sucking up there. Fully committed. She’s going to shake that one off. Paddle away from the next step. It’s going to come through. the dominion authority. So, Lucia looking for a 5. 17 now to be crown ed the world champion As we see a replay. Of Quierde’s wave. and and See what happened here Oible. He throws it up there high. Looks like just gets a bit of air under a board there. Oh. So it just comes unglued from her. And catching the edge of the board. Flipping it over. La Sola Son Muigrade. La Palma Grand Canaria. Incredible scenes. Just going off here, bro. Yeah, absolutely going off. Pumping. So you want exactly what we want to see for the finals. The women’s sub surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. You see it just. Dunno how they’re remaining. Little Axe down there. No, she’s just trying to calm the nerves. to be wanting to take some deep breaths between sets. then you just hear the the crew on the beach whistling. Better get up on your board. Paddle with the horizon. We see. We don’t hate to sit around. There’s some absolutely epic waves on offer. See, Lucy, I think just had a position for these waves. Whoo. So, KD, going to be. Thinking about taking that wave. I think she opted not to take that one. As we see some more waves stacking up. see what this wave has to offer. What have we got here? find out Got some shout outs coming through online. We have Randy Harris. He surfed in the New York contest. Nice. Cheering on the girls here. As we see. Ah Lucia. Lucia Cosoletto from Argentina. Oh wow. Big first turn. Incredible. To see how maneuver that board. Tighten the pocket. That was a sick turn there from Nasir. Can’t quite get around that section but that one turn. Really powerful. So a 5. 17 to move up into the lead. She has got a 6. 17 in her scoreline from one turn as well. So we’ll see what the judges think of that compared to her previous one turn wave. I liked it. I thought it was a great turn. Oh. Just seeing the level. Bow. The final here. Absolutely amazing surfing. From and Kaide. In the women’s what’s up surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. So we have had a situation change Ollie. Whoo. We’ll see you Cosuleto. Last wave is six. 5. What? Takes her back up into first place. 10 minutes remaining on the clock. KD now looking for a 5. 34. To be able to take the world championship. Just under 10 minutes remaining. Plenty of waves on the way, bro. Here we go. Back with action. Get it. She’s battling into this one. What she got in store for us, Ollie? He’s going to be looking to smash the lip. And just heads back in. A climb there. Off the top. slicing back in, looking for this inside section. What’s he going to offer up? Bashes it off the top there. Nice, great. Surfing from Kader there. Four turns, five turns on that wave. So family nervously looking on. Yeah, they’ll be waiting for that score to drop. I think definitely refreshing the live heat. Refresh. Refresh. What score’s going to drop through? our judges we wanted to get a replay of that. Yeah, I want to make sure they hand out the right score. Quite a number of turns in that wave though. Each turn getting better, getting stronger. I mean, her second scoring highest wave was a four point oh. The first wave of 7 pointthree three, see? Yeah, she’s going to be needing a 5. 34 to get up into the lead. I think it was terrible with that wave though. Gonna put it out there. You okay? Throw it out there, Ollie. Go for it. Let us know what you think at home. Watching around the world. Give us a thumbs up if you think it’s going to get into the Five point two three. So we will see the last score come through for Kenny. How close? 5. 23 Ollie. It’s not enough. It’s not enough. Not enough to get hurt. Whiskers away. Ah. 8 minutes The eight minutes remaining on the final. So Lucia here on the replay. Just arching into this one. This is a great and bashes it off the top there. Just lays back into the paddle. Amazing. and again, crouching super low on the bottom turn. I want to make sure she landed as we see a replay. Okay, it is last wave. Super close. So, she needed a 5point34. This comes in at a five point two three. We had some judges going above the score that she needed. Some judges going below and averages out at just below. So taking that average score. The judges There’s Katie. Here we go. He’s going to charge this one. bit of a long take off there from Katie. It’s just slightly too late. Couldn’t get round it. Coming off there. So get it. Paddling back out there. She’s going to look to hopefully get herself that 5. 34 she needs. Ollie we are crown ing a world champion. In this heat. This final of the whipping on the line. We do see competitors throwing everything on the line as well. 6 minutes to go. Okay, they’re still going to need a improve on a second wave score. five and a half minutes remaining. Can she get that five point three four? Lucia is going to be out there looking to get a booster on her. Heat lead. I have a feeling we’re going to see another set come through before as well. So exciting. Here we are. See Katie. She needs that score. It’s a bit up high under the lip. Slow down. Right out of it. Just that one turn. Wasn’t as dynamic as maybe her last one turn. Wave but we will wait to see what the judges put in for that score. It’s a good looking floater. Great looking floater. Great to see the progression in the women’s subsurfing. Given a fist bump at the end. Oh I’m so excited to watch these women surf. Makes me want to get out there and surf. Yeah. Great to have. Just out there with one other. Surfer. How amazing is that? So good. Oh and see a light takeaway. At the back. We see her. The wave here. Getting bigger. Getting meaner. We are not afraid at all. Toppled her up there that one though. Loving watching the action here. Just dropping from the sky there. That take off. Insane. For viewers at home. That was a big. So you’re cool with some more worms coming. Just answered that. Four metres left in this final. There’s another one too. That’d be nice. So get his last wave. I want to see a replay of that. Oh. Just sneak that one up. Yeah, he’s waved. Four point fivezero of that last one. Not enough to change the situation. As we said, Ollie, that that first turn, one turn, not as dynamic as her big hiring, high scoring wave. Lucia’s going to get out the back as fast as she can. But let’s take a look at this draw. Ready? Onto the lip. She holds that so well. And then here, Ollie. This wave stands up steep. Wow. She holds the high line and it barrels over her. goes down. She was trying to look to see if she could pop out the doggy door there. Yeah. Fortunately not to be. trapped in the cave there. Three minutes on the clock. Lucia Costa currently in the lead. Exciting times here in the final. The women’s Sup Surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. Okay, they’re still looking for a 5. 34 to take the win. to be to be crowned ed event champion and world champion on the women’s subsurfing world tour. Here with the APP. APPPP? How many peas am I saying? APP. Very you excited? Are you buzzing? I’m buzzing. Loads of action. Up here on top of the bus. 6. 17. The judges area. Yeah, Bo and I. We’re just frothing out. Absolutely. Absolutely. Two minutes on the clock. I have a feeling there’s a bumps out there. Let’s see it checking the time. I’d love to see another exchange happen at the end of this heat. Gonna be something coming. Still. 1 minute, 45 seconds remaining on the clock here. The final As we see. A wave coming through here toward the end of this heat. Can he just giving their priority? What priority was with Lucia? We did hear that there was a warning for White. We did see her paddling on her stomach on screen so there was a warning given out for that. Three chances. She should be losing priority. As we said in a way with priority here. My hands on my head. I’m watching. There’s a 5. 34. big turn up into the lift. Smashes it. Is he going to get around? Round the section. He’s got another chance here at a turn. Let’s see what she can throw at us. Up into the white water. Big float there. Nice. Finishes on her feet right next to the roller. Right into the inside. Can see her right on top of the rocks there. I’m tensed up already. Is it going to be a no sound? Insane. 30 seconds left. Three, four. This is to crown the women’s world sub surfing champion here on the APP World Tour. Bro, Em. Oh, it’s going to be. Got his last wave there. Yeah, Tucci is not going to get back out in time. Say, 10 seconds remaining. Is Lucia. She going to try and. What do you think Ollie? Maybe a little bit of priority error there at the end. Oh one. Giving priority to Katie. Giving it the opportunity to get that last wave. He’s going to go down to the wire with the judges scores. Oh my goodness. We are waiting. I am on the edge of my seat here, Bo. I can’t believe it. Absolute scenes out here. Very nervous for the Canaries. How are you guys feeling at home? Guys and girls watching. You’ve been hiding behind the sofa? Sitting on the edge. Just peeking around the couch. If you’re at work, how are you not content your excitement right now? It’d just be, I’d be hopping up and down in the office. I’m hopping up and down on some of the double-decker bus right here. and we’re going to be waiting for that final wave to come in. judges, some screams and cheers down beach side with our competitors. Chargers still. So tricky. Just getting out there. Like, Cody’s just dodging bombs on the inside. We see the situation change in the last 30 seconds of the heat. Getting it away. Crowned your 2022 APP World Tour World Women’s Sub Champion. Congratulations to the youngster. Katie in a way. Two. Women’s what’s up surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am Champion at World Women’s Sup Champion. You see the replay here. A recap of the best way. That was a 7. 33. Unbelievable here. In less Palmas, Grand Canaria. And then this last wave, a 5point4, which took her to secure the win. on you. Chambo. the commitment there on that last turn right into the rocks. She needed to throw everything she had at that wave. runner up Lucia Cosoletto. She’ll be stoked. With her so much style from Nasir. Really impressed. She was absolutely ripping out there in the final today. Fortunately, wasn’t to be. Kader taking the win in the seconds. She’s a dual world champion in twenty twenty-2. She won the junior division earlier in this event and now, she’s taken out. The pro women’s division. Just going to be trophy up on the flight home. Just sitting there. Cashed up as well. Just cashed up. Yeah. Trophy in each hand. No biggie. Just two world titles. Get it in. Pretty good week. Great week. She is frightening. It’s so so much stoke here. Unbelievable. great half an hour of action there for the women’s final. Every I don’t think my heart consecutive order this action bro. Yeah. I was confidence of my surfing here but you know the surfing can change in the last second and she did really well. I paddled away that it was not good and she take the other one so yeah. Well done for her. And how are you feeling? Super happy. Well congratulations Lucci. Second in the APP World Tour Grand Canary Program. Congrats. Thank you. Well, congratulations. Lucia. The Argentinian runner up. in the women’s Sup Surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. Amazing super stylish surfing from Nasir. Getting silver. She could be stoked with that. Yeah. Super stoked but oh. All that excitement. We still got more action to come. Silver action. Final number one. Into the semis. Of the men. Wellington Rice in the red. Benoit Carpenter in the white. You heard to see that. Said she made a mistake toward the end of the heat. Handing priority back to Keeti. As we see Benoit. Just having a quick look at that one. Not interested at I thought it was going to fade into it. I mean, we couldn’t ask for a better finals day out here, Bo. Absolutely not. The surf is getting better. The wind is dropping. The action is heating up. We will be crowning another world champion today in the men’s division. Absolutely tingling there. With that final, check the comments that have come in. I’m sure that a lot of people. The internet is going to be blowing up, bro. send it viral. Can you believe it? 17 year old Kader Inowe. Taking the championship here in Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. doing a home country Japan proud. The absolute roar down here beachside. from the family. Also a massive congratulations to Lucier. And there’s our women’s Sup World Chav. Kater Edward. sitting on top of her brother’s shoulders. Getting the traditional You’d be carried up the beach. This is a photo opportunity right there. The Inway family Epic. Massive congratulations to Cade. Well worth the travel over from Japan for this family. our women’s Sup champion. 2022. I think that Stoke Ometer has just hit eleven. I was just busted out from the ten and it’s just rised up. I think it has at home too. Lots of comments coming in from everyone. Thanks so much for tuning in. It was a super high level in that heat. Definitely. Japan rocks. In a way family on fire. Some of the best progressive stand up surfing. We’ve seen. 00%. Ollie. Absolute incredible surfing. from the women. We’ve got the man in the water at the moment. Semi-finals. Heat number one. Wellington Reece twenty nineteen Grand Canary Pro Champion up against Ben White Carpenter. He’s going to want to advance into the final. As we heard from Benoit, his best result on an event is fourth place. So, he really wants to better that. Yup. He’s going to be super hungry for this one. how that he went. Uh and tell us the ways are huge, Kaidie. Tell us how it was. Uh And yeah but I think I see very well. He has read it more than I expected. I’m very happy. Okay. Congratulations. Congratulations. Thank you. Gracias. Congratulations. Women’s World Champion. We’re just we’re speechless, Out of breath here. Amazing scenes in Les Palmers, Grand Canaria. Proud mom too. Proud Mo. Proud of her daughter. She’s speechless too. She is speechless. She said beyond description. Beyond description. There’s no words to describe how she’s feeling. Is we’re going to go to a replay of what happened during the interview with Gator. Benoit. Beau run us through this. Big turns from Benoits. We see him drop down. Bang up into the lip. Drops out of that one. Comes around this section. You know what? He’s just going to do it again. Yeah. Straight up into it. He’s pumped. Oka Benoit. The excitement level Yes. Loves that wave. Be two big turns. You know he needs to put it on the line against Wellington. Who’s got a pretty incredible backhand attack out here. It’s two massive turns there. Back to back. He’s like you know what? I’ve done it. I’ve done it first time. Didn’t do it again. As we see Wellington up and riding. Big turn off the top there. Great start to this wave. He’s just going to carve it around. And we see Wellington up into the lip. pulls out of that one. As you see on screen, Ben Mark Carpenter, Escor is locked in, Ollie. Want to come in as? It was a 9point77. When that was all going on and I saw it happening, I was just giving the tens. One judge gave it a ten. Whoo. Tell you that. Another judge of 9. 5 and a 9. eight to average out and a nine point seven seven. Wow. Benoit, he really wants to make this final. Just madness out here, Bo. Absolutely. Still 15 minutes, 10 seconds remaining. So, Benoit’s got plenty of time to back up that really high wave score that he is locked in. So, we’re waiting for scores to drop for Wellington’s first wave And we know Wellington super capable of scoring massive results here. What’s he going to answer back with? It’s going to be something big. I’m going to say Ollie. That first turn. Wellington. Wave kind of slowed down a little bit after that. So Probably not a huge score. There we go. The score has locked in. It’s a seven point ride. Still a great score to open up your account in the semi-final. Berniere sitting out there with Priority and the lead currently. So Wellington 7. 0 on that wave. competitors to get a second wave score and start to set the scene for what this heat might hold. But you just can’t tell Ollie. You can’t. You can’t tell. Went down to the wire in the women’s final that last heat. I’m still recovering. Yeah, right. I am too. Can’t imagine how they’re feeling down there. beach side. That’s right. So, we’re going to see a replay. Slow mo. Benoit’s 9. 77. This is how he got it. Just look at this. Up into the left. The commitment, the he was just pushed out. By that left. As we see a comparison to Wellington’s top turn. See how Verts he get on? Is he climbing up to the top? Air drops. You can see the. Those turns quite similar between the two. Wellington not getting second turn. As critical as Benoit’s second. which is why Benoit was rewarded with that high score of a 9 point77. Betmore just waiting out the back. Still 13 minutes remaining. In this first semi-final of the men’s Sup Surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. We’re going to be crown ing another champion. Later on today. Welcome everyone. Around the world. Watching all the action. How you feeling? Oh. I beside myself come down from that final. The women’s final. So exciting. It’s so sick. So much of the watching the world’s best out here. Yeah, these competitors. are going for a world title. Whoever wins this event will be crown ed the world champion. As we get a kayak up on the screen there. Yeah. Thanks kayak. Some of the things you can do in Grand Canaria. So many things you can do here. It’s the a water sports mecca. That is Grand Canaria. But we’re here to watch the stand up. I don’t think you want to be watching anything else. You don’t want to be getting in your kayak now. You want to be glued to Elarat and all the action in Las Palmas. Grand Canaria. Let me just how they’re staying chilled now. We see. I’m hearing some whistling down at beach side. Yep. We see a little peak over there. What’s that looming on the horizon? So there is a bit of a right hander up there. Does connect up with this wave. It’s almost that indicator. See Wellington paddling. He’s going to stroke into this one. Wellington, what’s he got? He’s going to wait for this way. Bang. invert inverted on that turn. Wellington. Don’t put him up. This is always going horizontal there on that one though. Yeah, he just popped up. I think he was he’s a bit flustered after that one. Oh, Whitewater hit him pretty hard. Yeah. Benoit. Up into the lip again. Oh. Wellington just comes off. Surfers are out there. They seem like they’re right. We’re going to catch a replay of that from Benoit. Looking to that section to flow. Gets taps it off the top there. Just can’t quite get the nose up though. You can see he just ditches it. Looked a bit awkward. Yeah, felt quite awkwardly there. I felt that one. Yeah. Benoit. Back out there with priority. So no harm. Done in that exchange. Wellin Wellington just dropped a small score in there. but nothing to really take note of. He’s still looking for a score to overtake Benoit. Yeah just a 1. 67 from Wellington. That second wave there. So a red. And then Benoit just arching ahead a little bit with a one point four. Let’s have a little look at that replay. Wellington. Let’s see what happens. Last wave. He’s getting it right up into the lip. There’s a lot of power in this white water section. Just look. Ward. That looks pretty awkward. Who thought he was going to bust out the cursey flip there? Right. He was a crop flip going on. That would have been sick. Just cheeky nose pick. But not to be As we see Louise Denise on screen. He’ll be up in the next semi-final against Leko Salazar. He’d be straight into that after this semi. But still eight and a half minutes left. The first semi. Benoit the highest scoring wave of a 9 point 7 7. Wellington had a seven point ride. There we go. Is that anticipation? Yeah. He’s waiting out there for those sets to come. What’s he going to dish up? Just Never quite know. Since they go for that take off, it’s not super predictable what the waves going to do down the line. No, that’s not true. Kind of sections it’s going to offer up. You know, some ways kind of got that. formulaic approach where you you know what they’re going to do. Surfers have got it sussed. Put enough time in. It’s not the case out here. sometimes be a bit of a bit of a lucky draw. What the waves going to offer up. Makes it super exciting to watch. You can see this one out the back. Yeah, this one is just rifling down the reef here. Got priority. Wellington. Sunny against it. Wellington’s up. Bang. Oh. Big turn. Bit bang. Oh. The backwash coming into play now as well. Just knife set but can’t. It’s got. Bounced off there. As we see behind Benoit. Love it. Here we go. Benoit up into the over that section. He’s just going to hop off. So one turn there. One turn. Benoit foam climb. Yes. Very controlled. Here’s the French. Yeah. Loving it here on the beach. can see the double decker fun bus, the wower. It’s where the judges are. It’s where we are though. It’s where we’re sitting on top of. That’s right. Call in the action. Not a bad spot for the week. No. Our home. Got some sunshine out here. Sun’s coming out. Shorts and T-shirt. Finals day. The best in the world. Doesn’t get much better than this? Not at all. As we wait to see what scores are going to drop through for both competitors last waves. Not quite sure. What do you think? The with Wellington completed that turn. We’ll have to see what the judges are going to reward him. He had just over five and a half minutes remaining in this first semi-final. The men’s what’s up surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. Benoit, Carpenter from France. Up against the Brazilian powerhouse, Wellington Reece. It’s great to see the two different styles of surfing out here. Is he getting it to a replay of Wellington’s last wave. So we’ll see exactly you went up. This turn was a so amazing. But the backwash is closed. Just catching him out. And Benoit going up and over. A bit of a float. Massive float. From Benoit. Then hitting the eject button before again. Don’t want to come a cropper on the inside section there. Definitely not. El Peli Grosso rocks. See. Whatever you said then. You gotta be really careful. It’s a little bit dangerous here at El Loretbo. Let us know where you’re watching from around the world. Made from Spain from the continent. Ever in South America. Buenos dias. Buenos dias. Buenas noches. Just depending on where you are around the world. But yeah. 1111 AM here. In Las Palmas, Grand Can area. Tide’s coming up. Still waiting for scores to drop. Charges. Wanting to make sure they get the right score. So, Wellington, you only get the 2. 1. So, I don’t think the judges rewarding that. As a completed ride. One minute 45 seconds remaining. Drop to 2. 97. Oh. So, Wellington, he now needs a 5. 75. Two point nine seven. To take the lead. And secure himself a spot in the final of the men’s sub surf. Not just just yet. There’s something coming. Wellington just balancing out there. He’ll be waiting for a bomb. Yeah, he’ll be looking to stay standing a lot during the heat. Yeah, doesn’t want to get any. No more warnings. 3 minutes left. Woo hoo. Come on, let’s get another set. We love seeing the action here. Coming to you live from Grand Canaria. It’s compelling. What’s coming in, bro? I don’t know, something. Can’t even watch sometimes. Look away. Exactly. We’re not even out there. If I was sitting on couch, I’d definitely be hiding behind it. Just peek it over. 2 minutes. 15 seconds remaining. Benoit. He’s out in the lead. He’s winning by three point 6 four. Wellington Reece needs a five point seven To advance into the lead and into the final. The men’s sub surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am. I feel like this would be Benoit’s first final on the APP World Tour. If he does, like he was saying, I mean, he’s, his fourth position’s been one of the highest. Remember back in the day we did have four man finals. Stand up world tour. As it was known back then. Tristan rebranding to the APP World Tour. Absolutely electric times here at the APP World Tour. It’s almost like it’s getting a bit of a tradition here in Grand Canaria for twenty eighteen and 2019 and now 2022 pumping conditions for the final. Yeah we had great action in 2019 as well. And in 2018 some great surfing on hand. And again like you said Ollie twenty twenty-two An off former event champ Wellington Reece. Is he going to advance into another final here in Grand Canaria? He needs a 5. 7five. We’ve only got 45 seconds left and we’ve got Benoit in first priority. Both of them sniffing around with this one. Yes. And Benoit letting Wellington go. On this way He needs a 5. 7five. We know Wellington has it in to get the scores like that. It was a nice top turn there from Wellington. And again As we see. Oh, he cannot spin off. So, that score. We have to wait and see his bed. Come on. Waiting. Slicing. Just dicing, carving. Up into the lip again. Is he going to come out of this one? Land it. Both competitors. Oh my god. Coming a cropper there. Oh. Three, two, One. Benoit. Priority but I think it was a good move because that wave that Benoit was on looking much better. But still Wellington with two turns. He could have finished that with a landing that last one and I’d say he would have got the score but we are now going to have to leave it in the judges hands. I’m not calling anything but I’m not going to go call anything either. Big turn from Benoit. Super smooth. He just gets jumping on this one. Can’t quite land it. Well hopefully get some scores coming to you very soon. Be good to see Wellington’s last ride. See what he managed to do on that last one. It’s Ben White needs to navigate the rocks. Is he going to let his board go as he gets close? Oh. There’s that board getting close. Simon Letter get too close. No. He may be needing it for the final. Yeah. Three. It’s a matter of time. Just how tricky this entry and end exit is. Gonna wait for the judges call on. There’s lost. That last wave exchange. Oh. So, even though it’s just one turn on Benoit’s wave, I’m going to have a dig at what’s going to happen here. I’d say he might have better his situation. So, Wellington probably needing a slightly higher score than that 5point75 that we spoke about earlier. I think so. Maybe in the sixth range. I’d say just in about the around the sixth. We’ll have We’ll have to see. Benoit coming in now. He’ll be waiting anxiously for the results down at the beach. Yeah. Our judges on top of the bus. Ben Mile’s last score was a 4. 0. So he so Wellington. Extends the lead. Wellington needed a six point78. Is it going to be enough? Two turns. We’re going to wait. He needs a six point 7 eight To advance into the final. Wellington come through at a 5 point eight 3. It’s not enough. Benoit Carpentier moves through to the finals of the men’s sub surfing. We lose out 2019 champion Wellington Reece. Massive upset here. But huge congratulations to Benoit Carpenter. The Frenchman into the final. Three, two, of the men’s sub surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. Oh. Oh my god. It’s just non-stop action up here. It really is non-stop action. I’m so nervous for all these competitors. **** in your massage after this or something. This is the 9. 77 that he dropped during that heat to the board. Disconnecting from his feet. The air drops. And this. This was his last wave of lash there. He better than landing this maneuver but he just went down. Benoit. Moving through Finals. and we’re going to be straight into it. Buenos dias. Welcome to the Grand Canary Pro Am. Next stop, second semi-final. All Brazilian affair, Leco Salazar, Louise Denise. Only one of these surfers will progress through to the final. Like a Salazar, two-time world sub champion. He won his first one in 2012 and then he just won an another one here in the long board. Couple of days ago So he’s a longboard what’s up world champion. Louis Denise a world champion himself. Two time world champion. He won the ISA this year. But also again he won in China. And who’s going to be going up against Benoit? In the final. Ah I’m not going to pull it right now. I’m not going to say anything. I don’t want to jinx anything. Exactly. Last time your final went down to the wire. Both Surfers getting waves in the last 30 seconds again. I love it. I love it. I haven’t got any nails left. I mean, have a little look. Just they’re they’ve got. Absolutely nothing. Gone. It’s just an absolute nail biter for the final and for the first semi-final of the men’s Sup Surf, Grand Canaria Pro Am. Run to the ocean with my clothes on after this. I think. Just can’t believe what I’m seeing. Right. is to cool down The heat is certainly on here in Les Palmers, Grand Canaria and out in the water. Second semi-finals. 2 absolute Brazilian powerhouses. Leco Salazar, the longboard longboard champ. Luis Denise. Former champ. As you said, Bo. Can’t call it. No. Cannot call it. Let us know. What you think at home? Give us a shout out where you’re watching. On Facebook Live, YouTube Live. Plenty of comments coming in. From around the world. Yeah, there’s something here. So, what have we got? Well, congratulations coming around from Benoit all around the world. We’ll see the Brazilians definitely tuning in for this heat. Nice. Good morning viewing. Over in Brazil. Bondia. See the western So Louise there paddling. He fell off there. Struggled to get onto his feet. He really wanted to get that one. And we’re going to go over to Holly Beachside. With the winner. The last semi-finals. Thanks guys. I’m here with Ben Moore Carpenter who has just stormed through the semi-finals for the men. Knocking out 2019 champion Wellington Reese. Ben what how do you feel? Feel great. Uh in the final. First final man on man on the APP and a good season. So many final and yes just super happy to get that first good exchange and get a nine point seven which is I think the highest score I ever got. I think since I’m on tour. I’m on tour. I’m on tour pretty much so Super happy. Just like that one. I got a little bit cold on the first turn. I was like and I and I just barely make it and I was like no way and then after it just got excited and got this finishing turn. Uh I couldn’t hear my second score actually. So, I fought already out of five. So, I went big on the last wave because I I thought I I needed to get better like that exactly that five point that two that was two point nine actually. So, yeah, it been bad because the Wellington just got a wave at the end and fell. So, got lucky at some point and yeah, I’m really happy to be in the final. I’m visiting France and my friends, family. I don’t think that comes into a Benoit. You’ve been shredding today and in the water now, who would you rather come up with? The second semi-finals underway? Uh it’s a tough one. You know, they both reaping actually. Leco just won the wrong ball against me and Luis won obviously the world title against me in a in the ISA. So, they are both great guys and I don’t know. We’ll see what comes up but it’s kind of tricky now with the higher tide. It’s like really bumpy in the waves. Maybe something you cannot see in life. But it’s actually really hard to manage to do bottom turn and like top turn because it’s so bumpy and moving. So yeah you need to be ready and strong on your leg. Well see you in the final Benoit. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks Holly. Congratulations Benoit. Into the final. Going big. In the semis To advance. Into the finals. and we had a few waves ridden. Oh yeah. Yeah. Bit of a Just during the interview. Bit of a controversial first wave exchange. I’d say. Both surfers taking the same wave. We’ll see what happens there. But Benoit a bit of insight into what’s happening out there. Bit bumpy. Yeah. He said we’ll be noticing those bumps throughout the day. And something yeah as he was saying you don’t don’t see on screen. Just how tricky the conditions can be. Out here. That’s so true. Coming up to that high tide. We’re just seeing the froth pumping. Oh. Waves coming through as Louise Denise. Is up and riding. On his second wave bit of backwash to contend with there. Presses into this turn. We see him go up into the lip to finish off nicely. He had a great wave through that interview so look to bring you a replay of that. No way. Solid surfing there from Luis. Yeah, so some amazing surfing going down today. We’re going to wait for those scores to come through. Lekker also had a ride during that interview with Benoit. and we’ll go to a replay of Luis’s wave. As he goes up for a turn. This was the last wave that he caught. And again up into the lip. A ten point ride. What? From Luis Denise’s first weigh in. What happened? absolutely massive. Shoot. Perfect. Perfect way. Perfect. Louis Denise. Get a replay up of that way. Let’s get a replay of Luis’s Denise ten point ride. Absolute perfect surfing. We saw Benoit dropping ninepoint77. First ten of the event. Yep. It is. First 10 point ride. Perfect 10 as well. All judges awarding a 10 point yard. To our surfer. And we see the way. Yes, Punta’s around. Yes, Puntos. We see him getting a six point ride for that wave that we saw as well. So as we’re going sixteen To the replay of the start of this heat. This is the ten point ride. Bang. Up into the lip. Great turn and again. Finds another section that he goes high up into the lip with. And again and third one. Air dropping out of that one. Louise Denise. Three turns. The judges just want to look to see how when he’s landing. When he’s coming off those top turns. You say and just his feet’s completely in the right position after every single one of those turns. Glued to that board for sure. Wasn’t no fumbling around. You’re not going to get the ten points if you’re fumbling. Definitely not. It’s the reason you got that ten point rider because that wave offered him up. Critical sections. And he went to the lip every time turning in the pocket. Using the paddle. Great backhand surfing from Louise Denise. Can’t believe what I’m seeing out here. There it is. And Leko has combined. in comboed. What are we? Four point five. What is the day? Leko stroking to get over this one. Is he? Through that wave. The danger zone there. Luis as well tapping to dive onto that one. That’s well is beginning to pulse now. As predicted. Marching in. It just seems to be getting bigger and bigger with that. Tide coming in, the swells coming in with it at the same time. and just hitting the point here and detonating Uh El Loret, Las Parmas, Grand Canaria. No nails. Trembling up here. Watching all the action. Live. As we see. Replay. Slow motion. Of Louise’s 10 point ride. How he got there. See how he gets up into the top turning right at the top of that wave. Wow. Throwing the tail. The air dropping. Right? Down through and then again, he’s going to set himself up. Just so well positioned there on that bottom tail. This wave stood up so well for Luis to be able to do some critical surfing. As he turns in the wave there. So, judges rewarding Louise with a perfect wave score. He’s just looking to unleash on every single turn. He now knows what he needs to get another ten-point ride. So, he’ll be looking to get the same wave. pretty happy out there I think. Yeah. Definitely that strategy will go into it. He knows what he can do and assessing these situations. Just seeing if there’s going to be any, yeah, any sort of similar waves. They’re going to offer up some whackable sections. They can go to town on. Little bit cross shore wind coming in but keeping it clean there as you can see with that drone angle. Crossing over. That’s Palmas. There’s the shot from the the bus. It’s where we are. Maybe lower down actually. Our cameraman on the beach? Yeah. Bit lower down. That’s right. It’s a drone angle. We can see. Our competitors. You are watching semi-final heat number two. The men’s sub surf. Will be crown ing a world champion in the men’s division. We saw the women’s world champion crown ed earlier today. Kada Inaway. She against Lucia Cosoletto from Argentina. Both women putting on an amazing performance in that final. Down to the wire. Was down to the wire. There’s so much action on the way though. Love it. I hope everyone’s enjoying watching from around the world. Keep those comments coming in. We love to love to hear hear the chat, the banter. Facebook Live and on YouTube Live. And of course, you can watch on APP World Tour. There’s some scenes down at the beach. Some hoots and hollers. and certainly see that tide coming in now. And you know when you hear the screams, Bo, something building out the back. Oh, there’s something big on the way. When you hear those screams and hollows from the beach. Holler. just The crowd’s been building throughout the event. And the crew down here, the athlete area. If you’ve just tuned in, you missed a ten-point ride from Louise. He missed the biggie if you just tuned in. We’ll be showing some highlights. Of course, we will. We’ll be showing highlights of the finals day. after everything’s wrapped up. So this is our young Japanese competitor Sakura Inaway. They’re heading out for a consolation final. Should be with Abaya Moreno. Now that is to secure third and fourth position on tour. As we see a paddle here. Live action in the water this is. Louise Denise. Oh he shit’s a bumps. That weird. Yeah. That wind maybe going offshore. Holding him up. Top of the wave. It’s blew him right off there. Yeah, we see Great waves. Coming through for our competitors. 10 minutes remaining now. The second semi-final. The men’s what’s up surf Grand Canaria Pro Am. Yeah, Leko’s going to need. We see Louise. Taking off on a big wave. Absolute bomb here. Big Big bottom turn. Up to that top turn. We’re going to see him get into a critical section here. Oh. He carves it around. Making sure he lands that one. Brings it around again. So Louise finding the best waves of this heat so far. He does. Oh. Just a little air out of it. Expression. engraveland. Just incredible Progressive performance surfing from Luis. As we finally see Leko here opening up his account on a good one. Let’s hope this wave opens up for Leko. We see him bottom turning. Up into the top here. He’s going to wait for this wave to stand up. He cranks one off the top as well. As this wave sets up on the inside. Another hit there. try and jump out of the back of that one. He does make it over the back. Always a bit sketchy jumping off backside. Leko. How was that cheeky air from Luis? Oh yeah. Section there. He could just make something out of nothing Luis. He’s a great Brazilian surfer. He’s like, you know what? I’m not done. I’m going to give that thing a hit. He’s both good on the wave and in the air. So, Luis Denise showcasing that progression that he brings to what’s up surfing. He’s an incredible shortboard surfer. He brings across that style. He says, as we see in the background there, someone taking off on the left. That was a free surfer. On the other side of the contest site. I was warning about this yesterday that when it does start to swells start marching in. You see the the left could be absolutely firing as well. And we see. Barrels out there on offer. We just saw Luis Denise’s scoreline jump up there. An eight point 83. Louise locked in for that last wave. So he has a ten and an eight point eight three. They are two excellent scoring waves. Leko. Any total of 18. 84. Gonna wait for Leko’s final score to come in but he’s going to have his work cut out for him. I don’t think he’s going to go up into the excellent range with that one. So, He’s looking for some big scores and we know Leko has scored ten point rides before in the past. On the APP World Tour. Not afraid to go big. Definitely not afraid to go big. If he can get a wave that showcases his backhand riding. He got some big scores in his quarter final hit earlier today where he was going vertical. Up into the lip over sections. but Louise Denise Judges scoring waves out of ten. 10 being perfect and Louise getting one of those waves. A perfect ride earlier in this heat. He lifted an eight point eight three. waiver the event. So far, higher score And the first person, only 10. A replay of the 8. 83 from Louise on one of the biggest waves we’ve seen so far. Up into the lip. He’s going to carve around. And again, we’re going to hit the the button there. We’re going to see Louise ripping it off the top. It’s the reason he got eight point three three was just he was placing his board in those high risk settings. Up at the top. You love that little chopper. I love it. Just looking in a high six. For his score. There’s a six point 4. Leko’s last wave. So he improves his score. But he and he’s still going to need Need to improve both of his waves. To get up there. Yeah, he’s going to need to get waste a ten and an eight. 8 4. Couple of high nines. Big asks from any competitor to get two excellent waves in the heat. It’s only five and a half minutes remaining as well. Leko. He won’t give up until the end. He knows Luis Denise is very comfortably out in front right now. It’s not over until the horn bow. Definitely not over until the horn. Our competitors just waiting patiently Some of these bombs that we’ve been seeing earlier on in the day. Absolutely macking waves during the the women’s final. Women’s Consolation Final coming up next as well. Whoo. Yeah. By Moreno, we heard that she was amped to get out there. She wants to ride these big waves. She loves it. Bring it on. Bring it on. Let’s go. Vamos. The local Abaya Moreno. He’s been looking to get that third spot. Third in the world. He’s got a nice ring to it too. Certainly does. So prize money up for grabs at this event. Yep. , 000 prize purse. Split between the winners and runner ups. filtering down to about fifth place. And 4 minutes remaining now. In semi-final number two. who is going to be joining Benoit. Carpenter in the final. Ben Mar put on a such a good performance in that last semi-final heat. Throwing down a 9. 77. I’ll have to say it’s Louise that is at this point. Flicking that way. Time against him. He does need two wave scores. And the time running out. Luis is in priority as well. So he has choice. The next wave that comes through. Do you see a bit of a bump? Be lying down. Be wanting to sit up a minute. I would agree with that. doesn’t want to give away any last minute penalties. Unless he’s just going to be cheeky and ride it in on his belly all the way to the inside. But there it, no, there is still time left. 2 minutes and 50 seconds remaining. As we see competitors stroking out. There is something behind this one. we see on screen. Something’s standing up at the back. Is Lekker going to try and get this one? He’s going to have to the Hawaii of the Atlantic. It’s looking like it right now, Ollie. Tell you that. Fully awake. And there’s some serious bombers on the way. I got this one. our competitors. They always opting for that way. They just went through them. Maybe just a little bit too far out. Too deep. And a big thanks to our supporting partners. Grand Canaria, Turismo the Grand Canaria. Go Bierno, the Canaria s, Instituto in Cellar, te deportes. and city sightseeing. Seven Island film, Domingo, Alonso, Conmertiales, and Poema Del Mar. Watch him. The heat is on. In the semis. 25 seconds Yeah, 1 minute, 20 seconds on the clock. Time, pretty much run out for Leko to get two waves. So, looking likely we will see Luis Denise Match up with Benoit Car Pontier in the final. Final Luis Denis. Contra. The Frenchman. Benoit. And just looking how much time they got the clock. Yeah I think they’re having a chat up. They’re going to save their energy. Look, it’s going to be, it’s going to be disappointed. Yeah, but we’ll see. They’re going to be happy for his countrymen. It’s going to be obviously going to be ruining him on in the final. We’ll see Leko and Wellington. Possibly the constellation final later today. Yep. Depending in the, if this swell. Jacks up even more. and then, yeah, we’re going to be moving into the Consolation final. the first heat with a Bayer Moreno. And Sakura in a way. We closed out that heat there. So Luis Denise moving through to the final of the men’s pro sub surf. I’m going to take a quick recap of the heat. Luis Denise in the slow mo. Love the slow mo. around this section. Driving hard. Just clinical. Turn there. Bashes right over the top. How he gets super low. Just eyes it up. Slight stall there with the paddle. And then bashes it again. Unleashing. Absolutely. This was his 10 point ride in this heat. Perfect score from the judges. Love the slow mo vision. Here he backed it up with an eight point eight three. Really liking the way Luis Denise serves these waves. Up into the lip. Bottom turns again. Bang. Oh. Brings that forward right away back around. Another turn there as well. Up into the lip. As he opts for a big chop up at the end. Cheeky chop up. Love to see it. There we are on screen there Louise. Thought he was going for another one there. and will head to a commercial break and be back We’re going to go straight into it. consolation final. The women. Does say men on the screen but this is the women Abaya Moreno and Sakura in a way. and as we see our women out there. Really impressive surfing from Abaya Moreno and Sakura in the semis. super close They’re going to be stoked to be out there in the big stuff. Seeing who’s going to get that third position. The World Championships. Yeah, this will crown who is third and fourth. On the rankings. and I will help their seed going into twenty twenty-three as well. So, surfers, as we see Bayer Moreno paddling, she’s going to hand priority over to Sakaroa with that one. She paddled for the wave and missed it. So priority moving across. Definitely getting tricky on that The tide coming up is going to be high tide in about 2 hours. hour and a half. And we’ve already seen that backwash come into play as well. As we see a run from the Up the rocks. You don’t want to be getting soaked back. Soak back out when you’re trying to negotiate the the boulders. Got someone in online. Ivan. He’s saying you’re speaking Spanish really well. We’ve had a bit of practice though. I’ve been warming up each day. Muchas gracias. Muytas gracias. As we see Abayer looking I’ve got a bit more of a relaxed Spanish way of talking I feel. Learning my Spanish in Costa Rica. Mm. You like your Spanish. I picked mine up in Andaluthia. in the South of Spain. studying there at university. Quite a while ago now, Beau. Amazing place. Not too many waves but some good snowboarding, good skiing in Sierra Nevada. Yeah, amazing. I spent about five months in a row just heading to the Sierras. Trying to do a bit of mountain surfing out there. Snowboard, ski, snowboard, snowboarding. We’ve got a mind blown comment as well coming on YouTube. I think our minds have been blown. Every heat, every pretty early on too. Yeah. from the day the start of the day from heat. First heat of the day. We had the women’s semi-finals in the water. It feels like a long time ago now. Lots happened since then. Lot has happened since. If you’re joining us. Here we crown the the women’s what’s up surf world champion. As we see a couple of waves coming through. Sakura. Thinking maybe she’s going to take that one. Nebaya. Opting to paddle over it. Oh. These waves getting bigger and bigger. See that thing just standing up at the end. Just deciding not to spin and go. Just get over the back of it. Oh, it’s Damasaki. In Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. Canarias. and ola increíble. Y muy impresionante. And we’re going to go over to Holly Beachside. Thanks guys. I’m here with Louise Denise who has just secured a spot in the men’s final. Louise, you just scored the first and only perfect ten of the contest. How does that feel? Oh, yeah. Thank god for the this. I’m making my first day if you were to. I so happy for for this I’m focus on next hitch. Next hit get on the the big final. Yes, I really good. I take home always. Let’s go. And how do you feel about coming up against Benoit Carpintier. Yeah, let’s go. My, I stay, I magic boards, I so happy, I make a good maneuvers, I make a big maneuvers, I so like it, I like it, this conditioners, yes, he have a good ways. Thank you so much and good luck in the final. Thank you. Back to you guys in the studio. You. Thanks, Holly. Massive congratulations, Louise. First Perfect ten. Yeah. Amazing wave. Luis that he’s putting together some great backhand attack. Three big turns in the critical section. And he’ll go up against Benoit Carpontier in the final as Holly mentioned. that will be coming out. After this. Not long for Louise to rest. I think he can take a little bit more of a break if you’d like to. But he’ll be looking to get straight back out there. To keep that roll going. And we’ll be letting everybody know. It’s before we start the final. As we are still waiting for the first wave of this heat to be ridden. Had a couple of paddles for waves. That was definitely a paddle for the waves. So priority will go to Sakura. And as Frenchman Benoit Carpendier was saying in his post heat interview that the condition’s pretty tricky. The tie coming up. Might not seem it but as soon as it gets too high. It sort of bounces but backwash off the wall here. Yeah, it’s off the bowlers. Those waves have a bit of backwash to them. We saw Wellington on one of his waves. Get caught up by the backwash as he was landing a big high-risk maneuver. 50 seconds. This just acted as a step. Think sort of bottomed out and then backwashed into him. As we see Moreno. Let’s go. Into this one. She’s going to get onto this. So priority wasn’t made. So Ibaya. She’s going to go for this one. Turn off the top. And another great turn there from Abaya. Just cracking off the top there, Bayer. Great start to the heat from her. She’s your 2018 AVP World Tour Champion, 2019 Grand Canaria Pro Women’s Event Champion, multiple Winsurf World Champ Absolute local legend out here by Amorel. Attacker. Okay there. In a little bit. Psych it up as sister. Sister to go go but she’s not going to get out. Get out. Charge this one. Some bombs coming. He’s been surfing a surfing incredibly well out here. Sakura. Having a paddle there. You wait for those scores to come in. Yeah, by his first wave. I love to get a better angle of that. Be great to see that second turn from her. Looks like she put it all on rail. Come down to 15 minutes remaining in this consolation final. If you are wondering what a consolation final is. This is third and fourth to be crowned Third and fourth place of the world championship. The world. The world. Exactly. So these two surfers they did lose their semi-final but they would have another chance to end up getting third in the world. Now, as you were saying though, gives their, good for their ranking for twenty twenty-three. Yeah, try to exceed. Yep. It’s obviously the highest seed you are. You go against the kind of lower seed competitors. Giving you a slight advantage but I don’t think there’s any advantage these days. Whichever seed you’re in because everybody is. Everyone is ripping as we’ve been seen. Well, every day. Out here in the Canaries. We stood out. Because of the So we’re hearing nuts. I have a feeling that. This is that warmth. On the top of the wave with the backwash. Absolutely. Incredible. Insane scenes here. Insane. So we’re hearing that cheers from the beach. I have a feeling Ollie that Sakura this is probably the biggest surf she’s been out in. And her family and competitors on the beach cheering her on for her to get out there. She’s been charging. Absolutely charging. 14 years old from Japan. She got second in the junior division early as we see a replay here. We’ll watch this second turn. Wow. Big turn. Cracks it off the top. We see that wave. Well, she did so well to get through that. A nice turn from Sakura there. She kicks out. She’s going to want to get back out there as quick as she can. Bit freaky that backwash now. That that was just crazy what we saw. So, just competitors really need to choose ways that aren’t going to have that backwash in them to be able to get the high scores because just gets those steps in there. Yeah, steps and jacks up and backs off. As we see, Sakura spinning. On the inside here, she’s not going to take this one. Not going to go for that one. Abaya’s first scoring. Five point four oh. And then Sakura’s last wave of just one point nine three. We still got 12 minutes remaining. Plenty of heats. The waves to come in. This one. We hear a lot of cheering from the beach. We we think there’s probably a big set coming through. As we see the horizon. Almost disappear. As this wave comes through. Sakura stroking hard to get over this one. Gonna get out the way and gets over the top of it. Top of it. what’s behind. We see a buyer having a look at this one. For our competitors here. She’s taking a stroke. Looking at this one. Not afraid it’s a big wave. Oh she goes over the falls on that one. Should be okay. She’s handled some big wipeouts before. You see that? Ford being poured. Yeah. Power in the way. Falls there. It’s getting incredibly powerful out there now. Getting larger. Gonna have to duck onto that one as well. Just hear the ooze and ahs coming from beach side. With those monsters rolling. I’m just checking if Bayer Morenos. Okay out there. Which she pops up on screen. Did have to take another wave on the head here. We’ll see exactly where we have it. So we see push the board over that wave. That wave grabbing the board. Pulling it. I hope that leash didn’t break. We’ll have to see. If the buyer’s okay. We need to update our browser. That’s okay. We are listening to Sakura’s mum. Hi. She’s on the microphone here but he’s on the mic. Tell her. You gotta get her in the booth. I think they’re telling that that they do have jet ski assists in this heat. So if the girls so wanted to they are able to call upon the jet ski. Just checking she’s okay. She’s absolutely fine. Huddling back out. As those conditions certainly getting more challenging out there both. They really are. They swell building throughout. As we saw yesterday we had to go and hold over the high tide. But that’s well big enough now to be able to break over that high tide period. As we are seeing the girls stroke toward the horizon. This is a big wave coming through. This one. For the women. A buyer. Getting it on the head as well. You see how she stood up on the board there. Trying. Just almost jump in the air onto her feet and just penetrate through. And then we wanted to get under the white water and just get out the way. As we see another set wave. Sakura’s going to make it over that one. So one big wave coming through in that set. Abaya. Can she get over this one? She’s not going to be able to. She’s going to have to go under it. He’s going to ditch there. So ladies get a little bit caught out. Yeah, it’s massive out there. It’s getting caught out. Yeah. Out of position for those sets. We’ll see them make their way back to the lineup. sneaks over that little one. As we see the power of that wave over the rock. Where you don’t want to get caught on? No. Can be tricky for competitors to get back in. Over these rocks as well. Maybe we’ll see the jet ski drag them around into the bay. As we see Maybe telling her sister to come in. Come on girls. Please. We got a lot of support from the beach down here. Cheering on the girls in this consolation final. There’s some big waves coming through Ollie. It’s it’s absolutely macking. 7 minutes, 30 seconds remaining. We’re trying to take everything in. There’s lots of cheering going on. Lots of lots of lots of talk. Cheering. Everybody up here on the bus. competitors watching on. and you’re at home. And the tide is still coming up. Bringing in that waves. Bringing in these big sets. Yeah let us know. Your thoughts back home. Yeah, would you pay? Would you be out there charging? Would you be out there? Would you be out there Ollie? Not sure. Not sure. He’s shaking his head. I’d like to watch it on the channel. Let’s get into jet ski. Yeah, right? That’d be a bit of fun. Have a little look. Looks really difficult out there. Conditions. Getting pretty big. We do have the men’s final coming up after this. See what the call’s going to be? Yeah and when we’re going to be running it. potentially going to maybe hold off for a little bit. Wait for the tide to drop out or if they’re going to run straight into it. But we’ll find out from the head judge. Yeah they’re discussing it just now. So, we will see. Sakura there just checking the time, wanting to make sure that she got 6 minutes. It’s enough time for her to catch another one. Big bomb. She’s getting some and we see Tucker. I think Tucker’s going to go and help Saku to come in over the rocks. Zacharia looking for 4. 5 to secure her third position. On the world tour. Currently sitting in that third spot is Abaya Moreno. Winning this consolation final at the moment. She had a single wave score. of a five point four. Sakura. She’s going to let it go on this one. Sakura here paddling in. stroking in. Can she get over it? She’s going to pull off. Because I think those waves are getting close to the rocks now on the higher tide. Super close. 5 minutes left. Really want to be. Choosing your waves carefully out there now. Definitely, definitely. As you see her. Trying to see if this one’s going to do it. She’s going to go over the top. So we are Getting word here that Tucker is going to be heading in to grab his sister’s board. And maybe these competitors getting a jet ski assist. Is that caught up? Now what she got on this one. Great looking wave here. She’s going to go up and onto the lip. Can’t quite hold it in that section but throwing it all at it. I love the commitment from this young Japanese surfer here. doing a great job as we see our men’s finalists paddling out. There’s the there. They have 4 minutes remaining. Abaya Moreno in the lead with a 5point97. read by Boyd 19. So looking likely that Abaya will. Take the third position. In the world. The women’s what’s up surfing. Not a bad result at all. Not a bad result. At all indeed. He’s been surfing really well earlier on today. to see. Disappointed that she didn’t make it through to the final. Very disappointed but she got her chance here. To showcase what she’s got as she takes off. Oh just pulls out of that one. The backwash. Standing up that wave. Looking mean. Backwash out there Bo. Do you fancy out there? I don’t know. I’d like to get a good look of it. Live down here. As we see This one. Great looking wave. She’s going to get her speed. Hold it. Oh can’t quite hold on that bumpy section. It’s so much more bumpy than it looks on screen. The buyer just getting out there. Okay, Emmanuel. So, beach announcer letting the girls know that they can head to the jet ski. They can get in. As we see. Sakuro. That’s all we had it here for. Yeah. He gets a bit heavy and this one. Oh. Sakura not opting to go that one. Yeah, it does get heavy in Ali. There is a little tiny harbor around the corner. So, maybe the jet ski taking their competitors there. See if they can sneak in through that white water. This just around on the right of the screen there. Just gives them that reassurance. Calms the nerves a bit. Now, we have got water patrol out here for a reason. 1 minute, 45 seconds. And some of these sports and wind conditions do get fairly large. Just definitely increases the or the challenges and the difficulty out here. The dangers So out there in the elements. Where’s the harbour boats? Just out the back? Yeah, just around the corner. So, you can kind of see where the white water’s breaking the distance there and the and the white water closer to screen. Just that deeper water there. Kinda got a little bit of an entry into the harbor. jet ski needs to time it well to get through. You can jump on the ski when you’re ready. But Sakura’s had no way. I’ve got a minute left. I want to be able to showcase what I’ve got in these waves. And here she goes. Great looking wave for Sakura. She wants to get third. Nice turn. She then needs a small score. Do another turn. As she goes through. One. That wave. Just committing to it there on the inside. Absolutely love it. So she need a 5. 15 as we see a buyer. Standing up on a nice wave here. Carving back. This wave hitting of deep water. Sticking with it. just loses that foot in there as it drops out again with that backwash. So, really getting tricky. Gonna be hard. The men’s final as well. Just coming up next. 5 seconds remaining. We’ll wait for those scores to come through. We will see how that consolation final finishes As we’ll take a quick look at the recap of this heat. By his first wave. A great looking wave here Ollie. This turn. Ah. Whopper. That was a five 4 from a buyer. Best wave of the heat. So the beach announces saying that they can use the jet ski to get in if they want. Yeah, we seek and not paddling in toward the rocks but out toward the jet ski. That’s because the surf is getting bigger and bigger. As we see Tucker. Up and away free surfing. and the men’s final coming up Ollie. in the water. Are we going to go consolation final? I think I saw Louise Denise and Benoir out there. So, I think the final’s going to be on. Oh, I know right. How exciting. It’s going to be a great final of action and here we go. We are moving into the men’s sub surf Grand Canary Pro Am Final. Benoit Carpontier in the red and Louis and he’s in the white. Can I ask who’s your money on? I can’t pick. They both absolutely rip. Something amazingly in the semis. Yeah, let let us know what you think at home. Yeah, definitely. If you’ve got a glimpse into the future of who might be able to win this final and be crowned the World champion for 2022 men’s what’s up surf. Let us know. It’d be massive contingent of French and Brazilian fans. Watching from all over the world. Definitely. Good time for everyone to be tuning in as well. Bonjour. Bon dia. Buenos dia Welcome. I’m Ollie Russell Cowell. I’m here with Beau Nixon. and out in the water, we’ve got the men’s what’s up surf Grand Canaria Pro Am Finals I’m having great fun here today. So good. This is amazing. So we will get those final scores coming through for that last consolation final of the women. We’ll be able to let you know the final scores. So was it by Moreno? She’s going to be crown number three in the world. Sakuda in a way. Number four in the world. Consolation final. Chance for those competitors to get third and fourth. As we saw our women competitors Katie Inaway crown ed the world champion in the women. And Lucia Cosoletto number two in the world. but right now, men’s action. in the water. We saw Louise Denise drop a 10 point ride in his semi-final and nine point 7 seven. So So this final is going to be close between the two surfers. As the athlete zone. There’s the the double decker bus. Fun bus. in our home for the week. Up here with the judges. As we see live action. He’s going to be looking to throw it all up there into the left and goes high in the lip. He lands that turn. Great maneuver from Benoit. Massive turn. Just clocks the landing perfectly. Great roundhouse as well from Benoit. And again finishing off with a nice turn. So he’s happy with that ride. Navigating negotiating that backwash. Brilliant. Opening wave there from Benoit. Maybe white. As we got a paddle out the back here Louise. Denise. He’s going to paddle in. Opting for a slightly smaller wave. And we have seen coming through. As he just gets some speed down the line. Switches to paddle up. He’s going to do a carve in the pocket there. Waiting for this wave to stand up again as he goes. Bang. Ashes in a lift. Great maneuver there. And again. Up into the lips. So both surface three turns on their opening wave. Is this going to close. Yeah, very, very close. the backhand attack Against the forehand. Mastery. Who’s going to be champ? I saw you watch the replay here. Benoit. On a bigger wave than Luis’s wave. As you see him get up into the lip. Critical. Hangs onto that wave. As he just waits for this again to stand up and I love this cut back here. Drills all the way back around. And then has another off the lip here at the end. So nice little turn. Top. From Benoit. As we see Louise screaming down the line on this one. Waiting for the his first turn. Little bit soft there on the top but this second one. Position it really nicely off the lip. And Louise coming through. Another top turn there as well. So quite similar. Beautiful surfing from both our finalists. Out here in the Grand Canaria Pro Am. Welcome everyone around the world. If you’re joining us. Finals day This is the final. And what a show. The swell is pumping here in S Palmer, Scranton area. It’s been building throughout the day. Surfers have been just been shredding. Absolutely ripping. Every heat that we’ve had so far today. The surf is really matching the swell as well. Getting better and better in their performances. The surf getting bigger and bigger. as we are starting to see the first glimpses of school starting to come through on our screen. we’ll be able to bring you those soon as they drop and Benoit come at the end. 8. 17. To start. Here’s a count. Wow. So, into the excellent range, Benoit happy with that first wave score as we see him taking off on another wave. Staying high, getting around this first section. Oh, it’s a quite going big section there, Whitewater. He’s not going to get around it. Oh, he had to jump out of that one. Benoit wanting to Really hit the lead. Still underwater. Just popping up now. At least being stretched out. And we will wait for Louise Denisa’s first wave score to come through. I want to say it’s going to be around that. Oh no. There we go. It’s dropped in now. Six point eight three. Six point eight three. Nice. Judges rewarding that first turn in the critical section to Benoit. Luis Denise getting rewarding. So we’re going to head down the beach now with Holly. She’s got a she’s got a standing by. Hi, guys. I’m here with the Bio Marino Beachside as she just did the consolation final. Abaya, people watching on the live stream could see how big and scary those waves are but tell us from your perspective what were the conditions like? Yeah, conditions were really challenging with the high tide, really bumpy. I mean, I’m used to big waves but today, the extra of the the shallow, the shallow, the backwash against the water, the waves, it was really hard and it’s hard to stand on your border. see the boys also having a bad time. But I tried it and I was happy to see the little girl in the water as well. I was trying to you know that she I couldn’t speak much with her because she doesn’t speak English but yeah I was trying to make it feel comfortable in these waves and I think she went out and she did a job so I was happy to take a third place here at home. It wasn’t the result that I was looking for but that’s competition and really happy for the other Japanese winning and Lucci second. And at third place eh at home. It’s a good podium as well. So, yeah, really happy and looking forward for next year already. Well, congratulations Abaya and let’s tune in to the men’s final. It’s back to you guys in the studio. Thanks, Holly. Congratulations, Abaya. Back to the action, the men’s final. Oh, Louise. Ripping one off the top. And again, carving his way around to the pocket. He’s going to get up again into the lip. That one not. Just bumpy out there. Yeah. Said the backwash. The backwash so tricky. We hear some hollers from Beachside and Benoit. Benoit. Great looking wave. Oh big turn off the top and it’s going to land it as well. As he goes up into the lip, up over that section. Benoit looking really strong in this fine line again. Oh. Do another turn. He Full commitment there from Benoit. He is absolutely pumped. I’m going to say another excellent score there from him. And that was. Surfer had to be in the excellent range there. 21 minutes. The Brazilians not too keen. Benoit’s last score. They’ll be cheering on Luis Denis in this heat. But everyone else on the beach. Just going bananas. Absolutely going crazy. Benoit Carpenter looking for his first World Championship title. We’ve seen Louis Denise take two at the ISA. Benoit got a second to him this year. He’d be looking for payback. This contest. Really nice wave there from Benoit. and wait for those scores to drop. Really well. So, if that first turn on rail carving, I thought he’s going to lose it at the bottom there because that there’s big boards in the subs. You know, the rail can easily catch when you are at the bottom of the wave. And just the the difficulty of doing that on these boards, on the stand ups. And that’s, I mean, that’s one thing that’s just stood out to me. The whole event. Pretty much from day one. From the first couple of hits, it just, the level of commitment, and the control, The the world’s best stand up paddle boarders have out here. It’s insane. Absolutely, Ollie. Yeah. Window on the head there. control, the use of the paddle innovative surfing that everyone every competitors brought to the table. It’s been so exciting to watch. But we are watching the men’s final. The winner will be crown ed a world champion. And right now Benoit Carpenter is going to be at the lead as we see this turn. See you just dropping down here. And that rail just got a little bit caught as he goes vertical. Up into the lip here. And this wave came through Ollie at a nine point four three. Benoit extending his lead. Two excellent scoring runs. You’re right about that excellent range. Just smashing it out there Benoit. He took his way at 8. 17 and 9. 43. So you are in the second position. Luis Denis is he’s in combo land. Six seven. He needs a combination of scores. He needs a 17 point 61. To be able to win. And take a World Championship. Benoit Carpenter. He’s been waiting for this moment for a long long time. He’s not going to go again. And he’s on again. What a big wave at the back. We see a bottom turn. Bang up in the lead. Oh. Hold that one. as we see. Benoit and the board go over the foals. They must still under the water. Wow. There he is popped up now. He lost that let go of his paddle because he was under for so long. Hope he’s okay. As we will watch the replay. Oh, what happened here? Gotta got caught there and then. Not hung up with again. Always hurts when you fall off from the height and then gets sucked over again. Bit of a double whammy. Yep. but but no hold downs. He’s managed to pop up. gets back out the back here. Conditions really cleaned up. Oh. It’s gone offshore. The wind has pulsed offshore now. So. Tide is still coming in. with still 18 minutes of action left in this heat Ollie. Plenty of time. Luis Denise is he’s going to be answering back. Oh yeah, we saw him with an 18. 84 heat total in the semi-final. So we know he has what it takes to overtake Benoit but not finding the waves just yet in this heat. You see him up and standing, paddling out. Looks like he’s going to have a look at a wave coming through now. go over that one. Go over the tool. Lot of spray from the wind there you can see. Gets in the eyes of the competitors. Can’t really see what the next wave has until that spray clears. Remember that from Hawaii. So a few big waves there. The spray. You can’t see a thing. Out of sunset. Yeah out of sunset. One of the original spots on the world tour. We were looking to go there in early 20 23 but I think that event has been postponed as we are crown ing world champions here. for the twenty twenty-two. APP World Tour. Both servers looking for this. Yeah, we saw Luis Denise make a effort to paddle for that wave. He’s got priority. That’s why the Prote switch there Ollie as he made a effort. Yep. Four footed priority. That’s right. Ben Wyre now has but that does not going to matter because Luis is going to take off on this one. Late take off in the Whitewaters. He comes around this section. Not going to try and get up against the lip but not going to manage it. That backwash. Playing apart. In his feet coming unstuck there. That inside’s getting really chunky now. Mm. Even on the high tide. and my waiting for another set wave. He’s out in the lead at the moment. Looking for a combination of scores. To take the win. gotta be so selective. as we see in the background there. The swell coming through. At the point there, the national park. What’s an indicator? See right at the back. It’s a swirl lines coming in. Bemoirs. We noticed that. Yeah, definitely. Get out of Dodge. Head to the horizon. Still see those waves pulsing through the distances. We see Benoit having a paddle on this one. He’s going to opt to take this wave. This is going to line up. This is a big wave. Great looking wave. round the section here. Cranks it off the top. Great surfing in the pocket from Ben Wise. He wraps another one into the pocket. He’s going to look to kick out of this one. Get himself out back into position for those sets that we’re going to be sneaking through in the next 5 minutes or so. Love that about Bemoir surfing. Just when he takes off. Looks so relaxed. Almost abides his time. Fades out a little bit. Gets around the section and then just unleashes. Off the way Benoit sets up all of his turns. During his turn as well. Just applying style and speed, power. The way he kind of kicks in that back knee. Pushes the tail out. Yeah. Great surfing from Benoit. And it’s that type of surfing that’s going to win you a world title Ollie. As we see. Oh. Live action. Luis Denis. Ponce back here on a bomb. Thought he was going to get up in the loop there but he’s going to wait for it. That wave. Hitting the backwash. It’s kind of wobbling. There he is. Gonna negotiate the section. Into the lashes it off the top. Really well done there. Well controlled. Got one more for us on the end there. This is going to kick out of that one. That was solid. These waves really hard to ride. Even the best in the world. Struggling a little bit. Bemoir’s crew. Crossing their fingers. There’s still plenty of time. 13 minutes, Bo. See if Luis Denise can get some much needed points and that increases first wave score which was a well it’s a 5point67. Don’t think it is. No, not. 5. 37. The situation is. So, it didn’t improve his score. So, he’s going to keep on that 12. 5 for now. Seven and nine point four three. And he’s still in combo land. Needing a in two waves to get through. Five point 6 seven. Improve on both scores. And second, why? 12. five zero. Good bidding. Louise. Needing a 17. 61. Overtake Benoit. You see how clean it is now with the offshores. looking out into the distance The capital of Grand Canaria, Los Palmas. absolute surf mecca here. It’s just seeing things lighting up. at Ella Rat. The point break we’re at today. Long right hander. These competitors. Had some great surfing all day long. All week long Ollie. All week. Second wave. Away. Giving a nomination for and we kicked off things on Monday. One. And it’s been so consistent. We only had a small stop yesterday that were pause in action for a couple of hours. Just waiting for that tide to change. At Ellerett. And then waiting for that swell to march in. It’s fair to say it’s well and truly arrived, Beau. Definitely has arrived. We’re going to see it coming even more as well throughout the day. By this afternoon, expecting sets to be triple overhead. So we’re trying to get competition done before it gets too crazy for our competitors. We’ve heard that it can max out the bay here. So, was making it unridable and then just getting in and out. for the Hellman and women. But the world’s best Can’t believe what I’ve what I’ve seen today and past couple of days. It’s progression and the level. It’s been through the roof. Yeah we crowned Junior World Champions at the start of the event. Day number one. Crown the longboard champion on day number two. Bemoir was in the final. That’s right. Benoit. He’s a runner up. And then today crown ing your men and women. Champion on the APP World Tour. We saw Katie in a way take the women’s world champion. Up against Lucia Cosleto from Argentina. We We see Benoit Carpenter sitting in first position at the moment. Can he take and secure his first ever stand up world title? Just under 10 minutes remaining now. competitors patiently waiting. We all know what that means. The longer the wait, the bigger the bombs. That’s exciting times in Grand Canaria. Let’s palm us. the capital Surf City. Welcome everyone around the world. Hope you’ve been enjoying this final as much as we have. Whoo. Just let us know where you’re dining in from. Lot of people with support for Louise. in this final. and also a lot of support for Benoit. He’s on fire. Yes, he is. Surfing amazingly. In this In this final. fine quality seven so. Is the win really. it’s a grooming lineup out there now. One. That certainly is. So we’re coming down to eight minutes and 10 seconds on the clock. competitors. Maybe starting to see something coming through as there’s a paddle out the back. You just know when they when they head, start motoring. It’s getting out the way of these ones. Need to make sure that. Luis get under them. Hopefully. Go under that. No, he did. So, he’s going to need to make sure that he’s standing up when he’s. We saw Louise there lying down. He just got a warning. Slap on the wrist. Three warnings and you’re out. No, you’re not out. You do get penalized. Get penalized with the same as you would do an interference call. and just for the paddling. The judges looking to see the competitors. He’s standing. I believe that interference is half of your second highest wave score. Second highest wave score is halved. As we see Luis Denise taking off here. It’s a combination of scores as he goes up into the lip. and carving around. Nice slash turn. He’s going to look to try and get into the lip on that one but one final hit out. Gonna do a bit of an aerial at the back. As he stays standing on his feet. Signature move. Louise’s favorite move to do. just busting out that end section. Really nice looking turns there from Luis Nees. His first two just jamming off the top. So you really need to 7. 61 to get himself out of that combination situation. That way he can get a perfect ten which we did see him get in the semi-finals of this event. He scored a perfect 10 point ride. All the judges gave him a ten. And all the competitors here looking and we do have some scores in from Luis Denise’s last wave. It’s a 7pointoh. 61. So still not enough for him to break combination. Certainly has to get an excellent range for both waves. As we see, what do we have? Sets of the day. Whoo. Jet ski having to move out of the way. Benoit on the inside there. He was just left of screen. As we will see, you know, things get heavy when the jet ski’s gotta get out of the way, Bo. Exactly. the set. We think might be even closing out the bay on this one. And it has Ollie. Max the bay. That one maxed out the whole bay. As we see breaking into bomb. He’s not going to couldn’t get onto it. As we see a great camera shot of that wave and what would happen down the line? 5 minutes, 5 minutes. Five minutes remaining and the final of the men’s sub surf. Grand Canaria Pro Am We’re going to be crown ing world champion here, Bo. Yes, we are. As we see Louise Denise on the inside. Paddling in. He can’t quite get. Oh. Just going to try. Going down on that one. He couldn’t get into it early enough. Small ball really holding him back. Would have like to see Louise on a bit bigger board out there today. Just for that stability paddling but also to get him into some waves as you see him. The backwash. We’ll see what it starts to this way. Easy backwash. Benoit. Obviously not to take that. That would have just ejected him right onto the beach. I reckon that one. Yeah. Very much. Would have just bounced right on top of the fun bus. say 3 minutes, 50 seconds. Benoit Looking likely. He will stay in that first position. Not going to call it just yet. Louise Denise. We we can’t call it just yet. I’d locked in a couple of high wave scores in his semi-final. Within about 5 minutes. But we are in the three and a half minutes remaining though. Yeah the clock is against Luis and he’s at this point. Benoit probably getting pretty excited sitting out there. No celebrations just yet until that horn goes. Absolutely not. Benoit sitting out there. Staying composed. So 3 minutes left. Luis Denise. Counter. Two wave scores. situation that Louise probably hasn’t found himself in in a long time. It’s a combination He’s usually the one comboing the rest of the field. Yep. Bemoir’s just been looking super so comfortable out there, hasn’t he? He certainly has. Still Luis putting some good scores on the board. He scored a seven point ride. But Benoit. Nine point four three. In the final. Alongside an 8. 17. For the 17. 6 hit score total. and Benoit. Two minutes on the clock. I don’t think Ruiz has a chance to get two waves in 2 minutes. Especially with the Lols we’ve seen. The Lols. That’s the thing isn’t it? It’s sort of it was more consistent maybe. Have a chance? So looking very very likely that Ben Mark Carpenter will be crown ed. The APP World Champion on the men’s side. His first world title. So 1 minute, 30 seconds remaining In the final. Will there be a victory lap? I hope that I want to see a victory lap camera. See him. Here we are. This victory lap right now. On a big wave. What’s he got for us? Yeah. The paddle over. Big carb off the top. is going to get up into the limb. He’s just going to send it. This ball’s off the back of that wave end. We’re going to be counting down this one. This heat. This final. The men’s sub surfing. 45 seconds. I think we can call it. Safe to say. I think so. So congratulations. Carpenter. our Grand Canaria Pro Am Champion An APP World Sup Surf Champion Benoit Carpenter. Amazing. Benoit Carpenter waiting his whole career for this moment. 2022 World Sup Surf Champion. He is going to be a very very happy boy. And we will see Ben Mark. Countdown. That’s it. Just see the crowd on the beach. From France. There he is. Ben Mark up into the event champion. World Champion. incredible scenes here. Absolutely amazing Just can’t believe what we’re down. I mean, take a look at this. Honestly. Both. These waves. This is next level. This is How chill he looks on this Benoit. as he just sets this turn up here. This is how he won. This event, the world title. Surfing like this committed. His way back around. I love this turn. And the last turn as well, he got up into the lift on this wave. Banking it off the white water. This is how well term champion surfs everyone at home. So, take notes. We see Benoit carving off the top there. are going to go off the top again. Benoit. Off the top again. That wave score. Nine point six. Smash there. Just all on the line. World title. Vertical in the white water. Bit of pop over that section as well. Loving all these clips from Benoit. Great surfing. He throws that board up. That last section. Laying it on that top turn there Bemoir. Compressing. Using the paddle to its full advantage. Look at that. Just racing around the section. Smashing on the top. roundhouse. back into the power of the wave. Up and out. Yeah and he’s just getting back Luis Denis for the RSA result. So Benoit on screen. Men’s Sup Surfing World Champion for twenty twenty-two. The APB World Tour. And also the Grand Canaria Pro Am Event Champion Benoit. Stoked. Absolutely stoked. Happy. With that performance. See him coming in. It’s best ever result. Best ever. He can’t beat it. Can’t beat a world champion. Zane. Zaid. Rider buddy. Benoit gives him a hug. Oh, as we see the waves coming through there. Zane, not falling over. Not at all, falling over. We see Benoit. It’s emotional scenes. Down to the beach. Your world champion, Benoit. Carpenter from France. Oi. Alex. As we’re going to see him get chaired up the beach. incredible scenes here from Las Palmas in Grand Canaria. Denmark Carpenter crown ed your world champion for twenty twenty-two. Absolutely mocking conditions out here. Huge. It’s been pumping. In Las Palmas. And here is your twenty twenty-two World Champion World Cup. spectators. Congratulating Benoit. There’ll be some sore heads tonight though. Oh yeah. Definitely. You see the proud French flag being flown. Hello to everyone in France watching. Thanks for tuning in. See your fellow countrymen Benoit Carpenter Secure his first world title. Stand up paddle surfing. As he’s standing up there. Good job, Benoit. Zane Zwata, the world champ. It’s on. Great support there from Zane. And all the other competitors as well. Crowning around. Steve Benoit. We’re going to be going down to the beach shortly. Just just that shot. You can see the tide now. Coming completely and we have crowned our world champions for today Ollie. ah men’s and women’s what’s up surfing world champions. You saw Ben White Carpenter take the win there in the men’s and KD Inowe from Japan taking the win in the women’s. Both competitors showcasing of some amazing surfing. It was good, huh? It’s on my first leg. I knew the recover. Thanks on that. Okay. World Champion Carpenter Benoit taught me through that heat. Yes, we’re feeling crazy. Uh I do that. I guess the perfect final kind of opening with a nice score. I almost fell on the first wave but managed to to make it. And just keep going after and got a super nice 9. 44 so, which made it make me like in a in a good spot just and I just had to to play with the priority after to get all the way to the the end of the the heat so yeah super happy, crazy. Uh that’s I’ve been on tour since a long time now and I never won any contest. So I guess it’s a good year to do it as there is only one. So straight up the World Championship title and only have the ISA yet. So, you know, that’s both of my goal that a year so I’m just proud and I’m I’m thankful for my sponsor, for my family, for everyone. and for us on the beach, it looks so scary and on the live stream as well. How did it feel out there? Were you scared? Tell me your feelings. Yeah, it was definitely a challenge especially with this backwash. The backwash is just nuts. It’s crazy. So, it was definitely a challenge even to get out and in. If it’s crazy, I I feel like so much like respect for the the young girls that that went like just before because it was it’s it’s crazy to to go out there actually right now with the fishing swells and so it was a challenge but you know all the sunset training paid off, obviously And I hope but we’re going to be back at Sunset in February for great tour. And yeah just happy. Beautiful. And some of your feelings for me Benoit? Sorry. Sum up your feelings. My feelings. Feeling. How do you feel? Yeah I feel about the moon. Like the my friends here, my brother, I don’t know it’s just crazy you know. I don’t believe it yet. So it’s it’s it’s crazy. What what champion you know? It’s like crazy. Like round of applause for them. Whoo. amazing scenes down there at the beach. Congratulations, the new world champion, Benoit Coventier. He looks pretty happy, Ollie. He looks pretty happy. Really, really stoked. Still a little bit of shock. Maybe it hasn’t sunken in yet properly. I mean, what an unbelievable finals day here in Grand Canaria for the Grand Canaria Pro Am crown ing two champions. Yeah. Men’s and women’s. We had Cana Inaway secure the women’s world title in the sub surf. She was up against Argentinian. Lucia Cosmoleto who did take the win in the ISAs but this time, get it. Taking the win there and then in that last final of the oh it’s Benmark Carpenter putting all the line up into the lip to secure his first world title as a stand-up paddleboard surfer. Absolutely unbelievable, amazing to be here, witness it, and everyone watching around the world, the two new world champions. Absolutely unbelievable scenes, pumping conditions here today, Bo. Oh my gosh, the waves just got better and better and better throughout the day. Competitors having to deal with that backwash as we heard in the last couple of finals. But throughout the day, the wind dropped off, the swell got bigger, the performances got even better. It was a great day of action. Yeah. Progression was through the roof. I think that’s going to must be it for twenty twenty-two. So excited and stoked to see what’s going to happen in twenty twenty-three. And hope everyone can be joining us. Yeah for next year. next season. Thanks everyone for watching. See you next year. See? es nuestra flor autóctona. y hay más y mucho más. ¿Será por esto que sonreímos tanto? ¿O será por esto? porque cada día es un nuevo descubrimiento. dale un giro a tu vida. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas. Más primeras veces. más olor a mar, mar y a campo campo. Más sonrisas a cámara. Más amigos de repente. Más reírte de la vida. Más disfrutar del camino. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria . . . Mucho por vivir. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué siempre quieres más? Más lunes sin alarmas, más olor a mar, mar y a campo, campo. Unas sonrisas a cámara. Y si la respuesta nunca ha estado en el qué? Sino en el dónde. Gran Canaria , , mucho por vivir.
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